Favorite Screen Characters Tag

My very dear internet/writer/blogger buddy Tracey Dyck tagged me! She is one of the most loveliest, talented people I know. Every sentence she writes is like poetry. Seriously. Go follow her blog. Like, now. You won’t regret it, I promise! She’s awe-inspiring. Sooo technically she tagged me like a month ago. *coughity cough* I’m so behind on tags, it’s shameful. But this one I HAVE to do because it’s about screen characters. CHARACTERS, GUYS. If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time I’m sure you’ve gathered that talking about characters, any and every kind, is my favorite thing.…

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“Not All Those Who Wander are Lost” {Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Tag}

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” My sweet blogging friend Arwen (whose blog is private, so no links I fear) has put together an absolutely brilliant Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit tag and passed it my way. I may have squeed with excitement a teeny bit. Naturally. Thank you so much, Arwen! Off we go then, to roads unknown and adventures grand! Erm. . .I mean to the tag. Yes. ~Rules~ -Link back to the…

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Beautiful People – It’s a Writer’s Life for Me {January 2015}

Greetings and salutations! (Wait, aren’t those the same things?) For a little over a week I’ve been off at lands afar, partaking in grand adventures. And by that I mean I’ve been out of town staying with my bestie, but it is always an adventure when we’re together. But all good things must come to an end; goodbyes were said and I have returned. Though the comfort of home is never unwelcome. But I digress. Now that I am back and settling into things once more, I’m excitedly (or excitedingly like I accidentally first typed up. . .I think I…

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Naps, Roses, and Hobbitses

I’ve been staring at the screen for several minutes trying to think of a clever way to open up this post, but my brain’s all, “Haha, nope. Go take a nap or something.” I tend to ignore my brain, but a nap sounds awfully nice. So Thursday my throat started feeling like murder, and then as the day progressed I slowly seeped into a state of death. Then over the weekend it all came in full force—fever, a throat that felt like a dragon was lodged inside trying to claw and burn its way out, a headache akin to a…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part One}

I fail at blogging quite often. It’s true. For example, if some sweet blogger passes an award my way, it may take me months to get to it, if I ever do. Which is silly, because I adore tags and am always so thrilled and honored to have one given to me. Being as how I’ve spent the majority of the year so far writing, I’ve been setting aside all the wonderful awards passed my way for a time. And now, finally, I’m getting to some! There are four (yes four, I told you I’m horrible) so I’ll post two…

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Christine’s Writing Life – The Writing Process Tour

One of my bestest besties Celti/Deborah from The Road of a Writer passed a tag my way, which I am quite ecstatic about. I’ve seen this tag floating around and thought it looked spectacular. I’m so excited I’ve been given the opportunity to participate. Thank you, Celti dear, you’re the best! <3 Also, everyone go to her blog. Yes, now. She is a delightful human being and basically the best. So go, enjoy her charm. Now then. This tag, as its name suggests, basically focuses on the life of us crazy writers and how we go about *le gasp* writing!…

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This Post Involves Lots of Books

You know what makes me happy? BOOOOKS!!! Just a couple of days ago I finished reading By Darkness Hid, by Jill Williamson. Can I just say: Loooooove! I’ve been wanting to read this one for a good while now. It was so GOOD! I had already ordered the next one, To Darkness Fled, before I had even finished the first one, and now I greatly anticipate it arriving. But, fortunately, while I wait I have some other reads to pass the time. In addition to acquiring By Darkness Hid and ordering To Darkness Fled, I also recently visited a local…

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Of Hobbits, Books, and Fix-its

Thursday evening, Dad came home with this— Much squeeing and bouncing and hugging ensued on my part.   Also on Thursday, I joined GoodReads. Now, most of you probably know what it is, but I’m going to blog about it anyway. *wicked grin* Ahem. Mainly I’m blogging about it because it seems to have taken over my life and is my new favorite thing. I’ve known about this magical place called GoodReads for about a year now and I’ve been meaning to join it for…about a year now. But, me being my silly self, I never got to it. Then…

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Happy Hobbit Feels

Okay, no spoilers or anything but… I SAW THE HOBBIT YESTERDAY AND IT WAS AMAZING AND EVERYONE SHOULD SEE IT AND JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies from overexcitement* Um. Ahem. Yes. I saw The Hobbit movie. And it was wonderful. I have a few complaints, but they followed the book a lot better than I expected, and it was just…beautiful. Absolutely and completely beautiful. The scenery and the music and the actors and just EVERYTHING. I loved it so much, there are no words. HOBBIT. FEELS. EVERYWHERE. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all.

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A Very Hobbit-y Birthday

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”  -Bilbo Baggins Today, on September 22nd, marks the birthday anniversary of two of the most beloved fictional characters created. Our dear Bilbo Baggins-   And, of course, Frodo Baggins-   I thank Tolkien for these dearly loved, inspiring heroes, and want to wish them both a very merry (and hobbit-y) birthday! Happy birthday, Bilbo and Frodo!

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