My FicFrenzy Plans

FicFrenzy starts in TWO DAYS. I cannot believe it's been a full year since I launched this writing challenge. I am so excited to settle in with my FicFriends again and get some good writing in. But this year's FicFrenzy and in general fall writing for me may look a tad different. Before I launched the Fiction Frenzy Writing Challenge last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo every single year for 12 years straight. I got a smidge...obsessed. BUT. The joy of NaNoWriMo and then FicFrenzy is that it pushed me to get a full book drafted in one go. I…

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FicFrenzy’s Summer Event is Coming!

Hello, my friends! I have some exciting news to share today with all my fellow writers. I hope this spring has been filled to the brim with loveliness for you all. It's hard to believe we are on the cusp of summer (though the temperatures in my neck of the woods have decided summer is already here, no matter the date). I must admit, summer is not exactly my favorite season, BUT there is an excitement encompassing the season that cannot help but draw me in. Sunsets on long evenings, the sound of fireworks, pool days, the smell of hamburgers…

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Announcement: FicFrenzy Spring Event + Newsletter!

Calling all writers! I have some very exciting things to share with you today! If you were around during the fall of last year, you may remember I launched a brand new writing challenge that took place from October 15 - November 15 called the Fall Fiction Frenzy Writing Challenge, or simply FallFic. For a glorious word-filled fall, a great number of us convened in an exclusive Discord group where we cheered each other on as we made progress on our various WIPs and just had a grand time gathering with fellow writers. That first event was, more or less,…

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A Shift of NaNoWriMo Plans + An Invitation

A few months ago, I made a hard choice. Over time this difficult decision solidified and grew and turned into something exciting. And I realized it's okay to let go of things, GOOD even, because often letting go makes way for new, better things. If you've known me for any time at all, you probably know I've been obsessed with NaNoWriMo for many, many years. NaNo a.k.a. National Novel Writing Month, is a challenge that takes place every November to write a 50k word novel within 30 days. Absolutely crazy, yes. Exhausting, definitely yes. Worth it? 100% The first time…

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