You Know You’re a Fantasy Writer When…

All your character names are so long and confusing it takes a college professor to decipher how to sound them out correctly. Your main character is referred to as “The Chosen One” more than their actual name. Usage of the words left or right are forbidden, it’s always “to the west” or “eastwards”. All your landmarks are enormous. The idea of a “small forest” is absurd. Every single one of your world’s historical characters have at least one song written about them. Your main character’s best friend happens to be a talking animal. Rodents are no smaller than a St.…

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Beautiful People: April Edition

It is May, indeed. BP came a little bit late in the month plus I had all my blogger troubles (you can read about in my last post), thus I’m not getting to this until now. Also, it has occurred to me Beautiful People seems to be about the only thing I do on this here blog, with just the occasional post in between them. This cannot continue. I am determined to be a better blogger. I know I keep saying that, but I mean it this time. Ideas are slowly forming in my head and with the new look,…

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Beautiful People: March Edition

Here I am, doing Beautiful People once more, a thing put on by bloggers Georgie and Sky for learning more about your story characters. This month’s questions can be found here or here. This time though is special, because it’s apparently BP’s 1 year anniversary! For this edition, everyone is answering the first ten questions about two different characters who have a relationship of some form (siblings, friends, enemies, romantic, etc.) with an extra five set of questions at the end about their specific relationship. Trying to decide on a single character for this is hard enough, but now two…well…not…

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Beautiful People: February Edition

Oh, it’s March you say? Oh my, how did that happen? I’m a terrible blogger. I really must post more. I cannot believe it is already a new edition of Beautiful People and I’ve only made one post since the last one. Plus, I am posting this most late. Whoops… Anyways, Beautiful People is put on by bloggers Sky and Georgie where you answer questions about your story characters. You can find this month’s questions here or here. It’s so hard deciding which character to use for these. I decided this go round I should use one of the characters…

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Beautiful People: January Edition

It is once again time for another round of Beautiful People put on by bloggers Sky and Georgie. If you have no idea what I am talking about you can see my quick explanation of it here or check out their blogs. You can find the questions here or here and an FAQ. Onwards! I was having a really hard time deciding which character to actually do for this. I thought since I am going to be starting a new story soon I should use one of those characters, but I fear I do not know them well enough yet…

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It’s Alive! …For now.

Wow. What a terrible blogger I am. I haven’t posted anything since Christmas? Shameful, I know. I am alive though! My ideas for posts have just run completely dry lately; but I need to post something thus I’ve decided to update on…stuff. This post is very random, you are warned. First of all, Happy New Year! To me, 2012 is an awesome number. Why? *shrugs* I have no clue. I just like it. I also like new beginnings and the start of a New Year in general. It’s enjoyable having a fresh start and new goals to reach for. As…

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Green with Env…er…Excitement!

Ecstatic!!! That is how I’ve felt today since 4 PM. Utterly ecstatic. Why? Because NaNoWriMo is officially OVER! Ending this month at 100,050 words and I am finished with NaNoWriMo 2011. Remember how I said I was going to try to write at least 2k words absolutely every single day this month? Well, I did it! I’ve never written every single day for 30 days in a row before. I am quite excited. On the NaNo site they have little word count widgets you can put on your website or forums signature or wherever you want to show off your…

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Working Muse, Excitement, Flowing Writing…

…I don’t understand. Just suddenly, a few days ago, my writing became easy and I’m having so much fun doing it. What is happening? I’ve made a promise to myself to write 2k words every single day this month. To make myself actually do it I always write 2k before I let myself even touch the internet. This is hard…very hard. But it gets the 2k written every time. Unfortunately, I am usually just trying to get those words finished as fast as possible and get on with my life (a.k.a spending the rest of the day on the internet,…

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Spinning Merrily in the Winner’s Circle

As of today I am an official NaNoWriMo 2011 winner. My thoughts? Yep. This afternoon I hit 50k words and, to be quite honest, am most ecstatic. I still plan on writing all month. My goal was to write at least 2k words every day this month, and I plan on sticking to that. Maybe I can just be slightly more relaxed now. Though I’ve been a bit more stressed out than last year’s NaNo, this one thus far has been quite enjoyable. I’ve hit the part in my story that I’ve been waiting for and I think it might be…

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Halfway There and Going Strong

Side Note: I’ve decided I am going to try and update my NaNo progress here on my blog regularly and bore you all with it. Maybe it will help me actually post on this poor, very often neglected blog of mine, and it is initiative to keep writing. Plus, I am never really thinking about much else in November, so I don’t know what other things I can blog about. So you shall be bored with pointless updates this month! Yay! Despite promising myself I would not go as crazy and spend so, so much of my time writing this…

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