NaNoWriMo ‘18 Week One: Involving Surprises from Characters, Nutcrackers, and 911

OH HI THERE. How are you? I’m fine. Just sitting over here, ya know, SCREAMING BECAUSE IT’S NANOWRIMO AND HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN??? Ahem. Yep. Perfectly calm. But seriously, guys, IT’S NANO. And just WUT? I think I’m still in shock that it’s actually here and we’re a few days in and nearing the end of the first week. It came fast and hard! Screaming aside, it is in fact Monday, which means I should be posting a blog post, but during NaNo I usually just explode my blog with totally incoherent writing updates (we’re gonna pretend that’s not…

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Know the Novel Part 1: Introducing Kings Bleed Gold

Look at me actually joining in on my own linkup and telling you guys about my NaNoWriMo novel. And only 3 days before NaNo. I’m always so on top of things! Okay, in my defense I didn’t really know all that much about my novel until now. But I’ve been feverishly outlining it and digging into my characters and doing tons of worldbuilding and I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON NOW. Woot, woot! Or, well, we’ll pretend I do. Ahem. ANYWAYS. Today I’m going to be answering the questions for my Know the Novel linkup, which you can find info…

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5 Reasons Why I’m Still Doing NaNoWriMo

So…NaNoWriMo will be upon us in a little over a week. *wailing and gnashing of teeth* And I’m feeling a bit of shock/denial/what-the-even-WUT because this will be my NINTH year participating. NINE YEARS??? Do I value my sanity at all? (Not really no…) Why on earth have a brought this torture upon myself for 8 years and am about to do it again??? WELL. That’s what I want to talk about today! Because that’s the thing. NaNo is such a stressful time. I mean, who chooses to write 50k or more words in 30 days during one of the busiest…

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The Language of Worlds – Korinna

Hello, my elflings! I am all the excited, because today not only am I gonna tell you what I’ll be writing for NaNoWriMo (oooh yes!), buuut you’ll be meeting one of the characters. *DANCES* The ever-fabulous Liv K. Fisher has posted the set of questions for her bimonthly character linkup, The Language of Worlds—a linkup that asks us ten questions about any one of our characters of our choosing. I think this one runs until the end of October or thereabout, so if you want to join, check out the details and find the questions HERE. (But seriously, it’s so…

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Know the Novel Part 1 – Introductory {A New Writing Linkup!}

Last week I promised I had something super fun for you all coming. Well, here it is. A writing linkup!!! And my first EVER linkup to create. I AM ALL THE EXCITED. So a bunch of you probably remember during NaNoWriMo season Sky @ Further Up and Further In and Cait @ Paperfury always did a special novel edition of their Beautiful People linkup called Beautiful Books. It was a great linkup for introducing our novels and talking about our writing in celebration of NaNoWriMo. Buuut since they had to close their Beautiful People/Books linkups for now due to that…

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Burning Thorns: Snippets + A Call for Beta-Readers [Closed]

Happy October!!! Am I the only one in shock it’s already October? Because like…WUT??? But, at the same time, I’M SO EXCITED. The last three months of the year are my faaaave. Between the weather cooling down, NaNoWriMo approaching, and holidays upon us, there is so much excitement to be had during October/November/December. I am in fact getting geared up to start doing some serious NaNo plotting, and will be talking about all that soon (seriously, get ready, it’s getting that time of year where all the talk around here is NaNo #sorrynotsorry). BUT, I’m also still doing some finishing…

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Five Things I Learned From Lord of the Rings

You may have noticed the influx of Tolkien appreciation sweeping the internets lately. That’s because September 22nd was Hobbit Day a.k.a Bilbo’s and Frodo’s birthday! And we Tolkienites always look for an excuse to celebrate our beloved author. Obviously, I couldn’t let this Tolkien-ish time pass without doing some of my own fangirling. I mean, OF COURSE. There is so, so much I can talk about when it comes to Lord of the Rings and Tolkien in general. Buuuut being the list-lover I am, I thought I’d list five specific things I learned from those beloved books (and movies of…

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For the Love of Writing

A strange thing happens when you get older. The things you love to do suddenly become chores. This is a weird occurrence I’ve noticed within myself, as the years have gone on, and it’s getting worse and worse. I love to write. That’s nooot exactly a secret. *grins* Fewer things make me happier than coming up with new stories, meeting new characters as they appear in my head and introduce themselves (because, really, that’s how it always goes, it’s so rare I “create” a character, they’re just…there, ready to take over my life and drive me crazy), creating new worlds…

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The Language of Worlds Linkup + My New WIP!

A new thing has entered the blogosphere and I AM ALL THE EXCITED. The precious, brilliant Liv. K. Fisher has recently started a new linkup, and it’s all about CHARACTERS. Only my favorite topic ever. With the ever beloved Beautiful People linkup closed (*sniff, sniff*), Liv arose like a superhero and started a new one much in the same vein, in which she asks ten questions for us to answer about any one of our characters we choose. But this one is bimonthly and is tailored for Christian Speculative Fiction. But of course anyone is welcome to join. It actually…

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How to Write a Character Arc

Today we’re talking CHARACTERS ARCS. Fiiinally. You guys knew this post was coming. I’ve been teasing it for ages. And I believe it was J.L. Guyer who specifically asked if I’d do a post on character arcs sometime. I am so sorry it’s taking me this long! But we’re here now and I’m excited. If you’re not super familiar with what character arcs are, basically: It’s the inner journey and growth your character goes on. We all grow and change in some form or fashion through life, and characters especially do since we’re usually sending them off to fight monsters…

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