How to Have a Successful NaNoWriMo (Bonus: Without Dying)

ANOTHER NANO POST. AREN’T YOU SURPRISED???? But this one has true purpose! Last week I had a dear soul seeking advice on how to venture into the NaNo waters, and I’ve had multiple people ask me similar questions throughout the years. Thus I decided to finally just write a whole post with some tips and tricks on how to have a successful NaNoWriMo. ALSO. Most of these apply to just writing a novel in general. So even if you’re not participating in NaNo, this may still be beneficial. (I PROMISE I LOVE ALL OF YOU.) Naturally everyone’s NaNo experiences and…

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7 Tips For Choosing Your Next Novel To Write

IT’S OCTOBER. OCTOBER!!!!!!!!!!!! Which also means it’s officially… NANOWRIMO PREPPING MONTH. (Are you freaking out? Because I’m totally freaking out.) (Also, I warned you NaNoWriMo will be like my only posting subject for a while. #Sorrynotsorry) SO. Last week I basically took a whole post to yell at you all to just write the story you want to write and not let fear stop you! Buuuut some of you may be thinking, “That was all well and good, Christine, but I still don’t know what story I want to write for NaNoWriMo.” I mean, out of the 2938398434 plot bunnies…

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{Guest Posting} 4 Tips For Breaking The “Strong Female Character” Trope

Heeeey, guys! Just popping in all quicky like to let you know I'M GUEST POSTING OVER AT SCATTERED SCRIBBLINGS TODAY! And I’m excited! I was so honored when my dear Savannah asked me to guest post on her frabjous blog. My post features 4 tips for breaking that “Strong Female Character” trope that’s running rampant in fiction these days, particularly YA novels. You know, the “action girl” type that basically has as much personality and warmth as an ice sculpture. If you’re like me and sick of that trope and want to create actual strong females, head on over to…

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Smite That Fear and WRITE THE STORY

  In just one week NaNo Plotting Month (a.k.a October) begins… *PANICS AND FREAKS OUT* Ahem. Just had to get that out of the way. No clue what on this blue earth I’m talkin’ about? (“Blue earth” makes so much more sense to me than “green earth”. Hello? The earth is 70% water and only like…20-40% grass. So why is the expression “what on this green earth?” hmmmm??? #Tangent) “NaNo” is short for “NaNoWriMo” which, in turn, is short of “National Novel Writing Month”. NaNo takes place every November and is an event where writers all around the world try…

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The Writer’s Brain Disease

There are many different types of writers. Some write on occasion as a hobby, others make it their career, while many write all the time simply because they love it. We all have different goals and dreams and reasons why we write. But whether it’s a hobby or your full-time career, I’m afraid I have terrible news. Once you’ve started on that writing path, your brain forever changes. Writing is like a plague. The moment you begin dabbling into it, it creeps into your brain and spreads and spreads and spreads. Then, next thing you know, it’s happened. You have…

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Beautiful People – All About ME!!! *cue scary music* {July 2017}

Well, guys, for once I’m going to do a Beautiful People post not using one of my characters from Burning Thorns. I KNOW, RIGHT??? IT’S BEEN AGES. So who am I going to feature today? *pause for dramatic effect* MEEEEE!!!!!!! Now before you think I’ve turned into a complete narcissist, I’m only doing this because the Beautiful People questions for this month are centered around the author. So see? It’s not even my choice. (But really now, over half this blog is me talking about my writing. Oops?)   Visit Sky @ Further Up and Further In or Cait @…

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The Job of “Writer”: There is No Clocking Out

Remember those dreams of grandeur during your first happy days as a writer? Those imaginings that your life would be full of lounging in a quaint coffee shop and clacking contentedly on your keyboard whenever you felt like it? The realization that you’d be paid to merely daydream and create? Talk about a life! After all, the writer’s life is the easiest gig, right? Our job description is quite literally “make stuff up”. The majority of the time our work outfit is our pajamas, and our work space is the comfiest chair in the house. We make our own hours.…

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The Steadfast Pen Blog Launch + Interview feat. Josiah Dyck

I’m suuuper excited to share something with you guys today! A good friend of mine and fellow writer/reader/lover-of-all-things-geeky just launched his blog!!! I first got to know Josiah Dyck via Tracey Dyck (because yes, they’re siblings…if it isn’t obvious *grins*) and we clicked via our mutual interests in writing and geeky things. Well, now Josiah has a blog himself, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I have no doubt he’s going to fill the blogosphere with epic and hilarious posts. But enough of my babbling. You probably want to know how to get to said awesome new blog. Ahem. Introducing……

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EXTROVERTED WRITER: The Struggle is Real (and so are we)

According to #Society, I’m a unicorn. I mean, I’ve never confirmed nor denied this claim. I could be a majestic, magical creature that rides on rainbows. *smile, smile* But in this particular case, I’m talking about the fact that I DON’T EXIST. (Which, again, could be true. Maaaybe I’m a figment of all your imaginations. *wriggles fingers in the air making scary ghost noises* Whoooo.) Because, you see, I am in fact an… EXTROVERTED WRITER. *collected gasp* But but but. That’s not POSSIBLE. Those don’t exist! Should we sell it to science to be studied? Should we protect it before…

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The Making of Shadowed Eden – Guest Post by Katie Clark

I have something fun for you guys today! Remember that book I reviewed a couple of weeks ago, Shadowed Eden? Well, today I have the author, Katie Clark, herself sharing with us her inspiration for the story! I, for one, absolutely love getting an inside peek at how each novel is made. It’s fascinating how one spark of an idea turns into a whole world, characters, an entire story we love. And how we all get ideas differently! So, without further ado, I shall hand the reins over to Katie herself! ___________________________________________   The Making of Shadowed Eden Have you…

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