My Stories Like to Explode On Me

In the world of writing I’m what they call a “pantser”. A pantser is someone who writes by “the seat of their pants” with no planning or plotting in sight. Those who do plot are, naturally, called plotters. Now, you see, I’ve always found it odd that I’m a pantser. I’m one who loves to stay organized. Making lists is one of my most favorite things to do. Keeping track of things, having it all straight, making plans ahead of time, that’s what makes me happy. That’s how I function in life. I am a perfectionist after all. But when it comes to writing, it’s as if I’m a totally different person. With writing that caution gets tossed, or more liked hurled, away in the wind, and my natural planning self right along with it. When I start writing I usually have a plot figured out and know who my characters are, but that’s it. All the details, big and small, reveal themselves to me as I’m writing. I write my novels as if I’m a first time reader whose only knowledge of the story is the back cover blurb (and sometimes I don’t even have enough plot to know that much). When a plot twist takes place or the villain makes an unexpected appearance or a character suddenly dies (eep) it’s just as a surprise to me as it would be a new reader. I’ve tried plotting. I still try plotting. For every NaNoWriMo I make a full outline for my novel because the idea of trying to pants a novel during such a challenge terrifies me. I make bios for my characters with full descriptions of their personalities and backgrounds and all. I’ve planned out entire fantasy worlds. I’ve made full out maps. I’m even right now attempting to make in-depth timelines for the characters in a particular book. But then when I actually start writing the story all my plans and plotting explode. Whenever I outline a book things happen that I totally did not expect. And said things often want to change the story entirely and just throw the outline in the trash. As I write about already planned out characters they reveal something of their past that totally blows my measly little plans for them out of the water. While exploring a fantasy world during the writing process I discover the places I thought I had planned are entirely different. In fact, I really did have to scrap one of my maps and completely remake it one time. And just this week I was exploring one of my main character’s background in more detail, I had his timeline written out and everything, but as I wrote a scene from his past an important, painstaking part of the timeline I spent much thought on turned out to be utterly wrong. The character looked at the timeline, shook his head, and told me clearly that was not how the events took place. So rewrite some of his timeline I did (and that was not the first time I had to change events of his past). So this is what happens when I try to plan, it all goes in the recycle bin while my stories and characters are laughing at my expense at all the surprises they throw at me. …And I kind of like it. It confuses me that I rather enjoy being a pantser over a plotter. I like having plans and organization in place, remember? But with writing I’m a different person. Even though I do plan some things and it can be helpful (you know, until my characters inform me it’s all wrong), I really love nothing more than staring at a blank word document with a world of discovery ahead of me. We all love reading books for the first time, right? Sure, it’s always fun rereading and visiting the people and places we know and love, but there’s something magical about that first time, that anticipation of the unknown. That’s how it is with writing for me. When I plan, it takes away the excitement of discovering new things. I think plotting’s great, and I very much admire all those plotters out there, sometimes I even envy them, but when a character jumps out at me with a completely unexpected, exciting surprise, I realize pantsing will always be my own personal favorite way to write. I rather like being a reckless writer. It’s fun to throw away the rules and go on a wild ride. Being surprised at every turn is the very thing that keeps my fingers clacking on those keys. I mean, what’s better than making new discoveries every day? Being a writer is pretty great. Even when your stories explode.
Something Wonderful

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Kiri Liz
July 30, 2013 9:16 PM

Hear! Hear! My thoughts exactly!!

My first NaNo novel was entirely by the seat of my pants. Fortunately, I was too naive at that point to realize what I was getting into, so I didn't have a moment of panic beforehand. I knew what you knew: the back blurb, and I wrote to find out what would happen. I finished the entire book pretty much the same way, continuing writing to find out what happened, and then I started writing the second book, the sequel, after making three or four pages of detailed notes on the plot. And then I lost inspiration, and my writing slowed way down. Ahem. Yeah. That story was Children of a Legend.

But you're absolutely right. Being a writer is pretty great. REALLY great.

August 1, 2013 7:05 PM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

That sounds like my exact process right there! Although I do outline my NaNos, and it helps to not get writer's block and all, but I like pantsing SO much more.

It certainly is!

August 7, 2013 9:59 PM

Reading this was like looking at my own writing. I am exactly the same way. I plan, they change. I have ideas, they have other ones. I've finally just given up and let them tell the story. (Even if they die, which they like to do when I don't want them to. A few took me by complete surprise.)

August 7, 2013 10:24 PM
Reply to  Jack

Yep, yep. Most definitely! Aren't characters silly things? But they're ideas always seem to be the best ones…as hard as it is to admit. So I guess it is best that we give them the reins, as reckless as they are sometimes. 😉

Ugh, it's so horrible when a character informs you they're going to die…or they just randomly do it unexpectedly. Not okay.