Joy, Love, and Giveaways

It happens from the very beginning. We gather our dolls and stuffed animals, dressing them all up for the big "wedding" of Mr. and (soon to be) Mrs. Bear. We borrow Mother’s dresses and have a make-believe ceremony under the tree in the backyard. As we get older we get even more serious about it. We hear a song that would be perfect for the big day. We make pinterest boards to plan out our entire wedding. (Yes, I have one of those.) We wonder how many kids we’ll have and already start naming them, middle names included. (I already have some of those too.) From the time we even know what marriage really is, we begin dreaming about our own, yearning for it, even sometimes obsessing over the idea. . . God has really been teaching me to spend these precious single years glorifying His Kingdom, not sitting around waiting for “the one”. Sweet Kiri over at Lianne Taimenlore allowed me to share how I’m learning to be Joyful Now, Not "One Day" on her blog today as part of her Dear Love party. Joyful Now
The party is still going on all the way to Friday. There have already been many absolutely beautiful and uplifting posts by just as beautiful, godly young ladies, and more to come, so please head on over there and join in on the fun!
Dear Love Collage
And don’t forget about the giveaway!!! A beautiful infinity love necklace and a “How Deep the Father’s Love” art print are being given away. These things are GORGEOUS. The winners will be announced on the 14th, so hurry on over and get yourself ENTERED! Hope you all truly do have a beautiful Valentine’s Day! “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8: 38-39 The One Who Made It

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February 13, 2014 7:50 PM

I think that is a lesson all girls need. Wanting to be married and have kids is wonderful, it is something all girls should desire I think. To raise their own little family. But some aren't called to it, and some spend too much time wanting it and not using the time they have right in front of them. Sometimes it gets hard, waiting, wondering if it will ever come, but in those days we need to trust God that it is all in His plan

February 13, 2014 8:43 PM
Reply to  Jack

Amen! That's exactly right! I think we should plan for our futures and prepare to be good wives and mothers, but we shouldn't make it an idol. And the best way to plan is to be doing just what God wants us to do right NOW. It does get hard, but God always has a beautiful plan for our lives, so we do need to just trust Him and find the joy in where He has us at this time in life.

Thank you for sharing, I absolutely agree!

Sarah Elizabeth
February 17, 2014 7:51 PM

Beautiful post!

By the way, I've awarded you at my blog!

February 17, 2014 9:31 PM

Awww, thanks! ^_^

You have? Oh my, I'm so honored! Thank you so much!! <3