Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag {2016}

So apparently 2016 is halfway over and EXCUSE ME HOW DID THIS HAPPEN I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS. Shouldn’t it be like February still? Or at least March? Or NOT JULY??
Since 2016 is being all rude and halfway over now (actually halfway plus a little over a week over but DETAILS), I’m joining in on the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag. Because BOOKS. And MID-YEAR. AND FREAKING OUT.
Humongous thanks to my girl Deborah @ The Page Dreamer for passing this my way. Basically the point of this is to answer questions about the books you’ve read during the first half of the year. Just another excuse for me to flail about books! LIKE I DO.
From January 1st to June 30th I’ve officially read 20 books. Whiiiiich isn’t a whole lot, to be honest. Turns out when you get older you have RESPONSIBILITIES and can’t stay up to 3 a.m. reading. (Not that I did that when I was young, noooo.) Also I’ve read a fair amount of larger books this year, so we can blame that as well. Yes? Yes. (Or I’ve just been watching a lot of Doctor Who during the times I could be reading BUT YA KNOW.)

And, if you’re feeling especially nosy, you can check out my 2016 READS SHELF on GoodReads to see them all listed and with my ratings and all that fun stuff.
(All links and book covers lead to their respective GoodReads pages.)
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2016
CRESS. I mean, I adored the whole Lunar Chronicles (SO MUCH ADORE) but Cress was hands down my favoritest of them all.

It was so feelsy and hilarious and has my newest favorite baby children (*pets Cress and Thorne*) and so much was happening. And just GAH. I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
But almost ALL the books I’ve read so far have been marvelous. 2106 is proving to be a good reading year!
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2016
Erm. . . I haven’t actually read a sequel, per se. I’ve read a couple of series though. So would the second book of a series count as the “sequel”?? (I DON’T KNOW THINGS.) In which case I’ll go with Scarlet. Which was the second book in the Lunar Chronicles, and, to be honest, my least favorite of the series. But it was still fantastic! The others were just even BETTER.

3. New release you haven’t read yet but want to
*falls over* SO MANY HALP.
Okay, so I’m bad and not always up to date on what’s releasing when or not. But I do know there are like a hundred thousand books out there I want to read, and many of them are new. The first one that pops to mind is King’s Folly by Jill Williamson, who happens to be one of my top favorite authors. And King’s Folly takes place in the same world as my favorite series by her, the Blood of King’s trilogy. SO YES I NEED THIS NOW.

OH. And I also desperately need A Branch of Silver, a Branch of Gold by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. Another author I’m completely in love with. And this story is a loose retelling of the TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES, which happens to be my second favorite fairytale (after Beauty and the Beast) and just WHY HAVE I NOT READ THIS BOOK YET???
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year
Like I said, my ability to actually pay attention to dates is severely lacking. But I am super de duper looking forward to the Five Magic Spindles collection, which releases fairly soonish I think. . .? But I LOVED Rooglewood Press’s first two fairytale collections, and this one sounds. . .different. I’m extremely curious about it!
And this cover may be the greatest thing my
eyeballs have ever seen. O_O
5. Biggest disappointment
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey. With all the hype, I was expecting it to be really good but. . .meh. I didn’t really like it. At all. I felt nothing for the characters, the plot never seemed to be going anywhere, not to mention the language that should have not been there. Blergh. It was just disappointing all around.

6. Biggest surprise
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Not only was I shocked how addicted I got to it (this coming from the girl who barely ever reads contemporaries), it was also just SURPRISING. Dat ending. *falls over* I’ll never recover!

(Although, I can’t say I recommend it because it, too, had language everywhere that completely ruined what otherwise was an amazing book. WHY must these secular authors put language eeeverywhere for impressionable teens? I ASK YOU. I keep wanting to read secular books but realize I don’t need to because LANGUAGE. EVERYWHERE But, erm, let us not get into that rant. *cough*)
7. Favorite new author
New as in an author that has debuted this year, or new as in new to me? I’m going to have to go with the latter, either way, because I haven’t actually read any books by an author who debuted this year yet. . .
But let’s say Rick Riordan. Yes, I only just read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series for the first time this year and WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG? That series was golden! Hilarious and fun and full of totally squishable character and just CALL ME A NEW MEMBER OF CAMP HALF-BLOOD.

I absolutely plan on reading more Rick Riordan in the future!
8. Newest fictional crush/ship
I’ve been screaming their names any chance I get since reading the Lunar Chronicles, so you can probably guess by now, BUT DON’T THINK I WON’T SAY IT AGAIN.
Cress is the most precious, awkward, hopeless little romantic in all the galaxies. While Thorne is that ever loveable cocky, sarcastic rogue with a heart of gold deep down and JUST LET ME SQUEEZE THEM.
Totally adorable fanart of my bbys.
But also Percy and Annabeth from the Percy Jackson books. The shipping was hard people. Very hard. They were both so awkward and I was giggling alllll the way through. #percabethforever
Okay, let’s be real here. . .
Way more accurate interpretation.
Percy all confused, Annabeth annoyed. Yes.
9. Newest favorite character
Erm. . . Cress. (SURPRISED?) But also Thorne. Like I can choose between them. I DON’T THINK SO.
But let it be known I also totally and completely adored Winter from that series as well.
10. Book that made you cry

And, now that I think of it, Japhet and Franz, the two main characters from this book, also go on my list of newest favorite characters. MY PRECIOUS BOYS.
11. Book that made you happy
Paper Crowns by Mirriam Neal. It’s sunshine rolled into a book and never ceases to make me smile.

12. Favorite book to film adaption you saw this year
Does Alice Through the Looking Glass count? Even though it’s not the actual book but a sequel to the books. BUT JUST LET ME FLAIL BECAUSE THAT MOVIE WAS PERFECTION. A lot of people seem to say it dishonored the original stories. . .? I totally disagree. ME. The girl unhealthily obsessed with Alice in Wonderland! I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON THE SUBJECT. Buuuut, that’s a discussion for another time. *grins*
I also saw The Jungle Book and quite enjoyed it. Though. . .I’ve never actually read the original book. Oops?
And I want to see The 5th Wave movie because I’ve heard some people say it made up for the book’s meh-ness. But I sadly haven’t yet.
13. Favorite post you have done so far this year
Oh, wow. Um. . . *glances at list of posts*
Well, here’s a few I rather like:
Thank You (A personal thank you to Jesus for that Ultimate Sacrifice He gave.)
The Circle of Creativity (A look into a way to refill our creative barrels.)
7 Elements I Love to Write (My favoritest things to write!)
14. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year
*writhes on floor moaning* SO MANY PRETTY THIIINGS.
Prooobably either Illusionarium, Winter, or Paper Crowns. JUST ALL THE GORGEOUSNESS.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of this year
No, like, all. of. them.
You know at this point I think I own more books I haven’t read than have? NOT KIDDING. Between a humongous library sale in April and bookstores and thrifting and such, I AM DROWNING IN BOOKS. (And not complaining a wee little bit.) So. . .I don’t even know. There’s probably hundreds I need to read!

Some I’d like to get to soonish possibly maybe would be. . .
The Ilyon Chronicles by Jaye L. Knight. It’s a tragedy I have not read those yet! I’d also really like to finish The Safe Lands trilogy by Jill Williamson. I’ve read the first one but not the other two, even though they’re literally sitting on my shelves. What is wrong with me?? The Book Thief is also one I very shamefully haven’t read yet and want to quite soon! Yet another just sitting there on my shelf, staring at me, demanding I read it! AND the Divergent series. Yet again, I OWN THEM ALL. But have I read them? NOPE.
I could literally sit here for hours listing books I should read soon (and will probably continue putting off for absolutely no reason for another million years or so), but we’ll leave it at that.
~ ~ ~
Whew! That was long I know, but once you get me talking about books there is no end. *cackles*
Now it’s time to pass this lovely thing on. . .
Katie Grace @ A Writer’s Faith | Skye @ Ink Castles
| Lisa @ Pickle’s Pen and Trinkets | Jameson @ Lovely Whatsoevers |
Victoria @ Wanderer’s Pen + ANYONE else who wants to join!
Obviously no obligation at all to participate, especially since the mid-year mark is getting away from us. *glares at Time and its hastiness*
OKAY. Are you totally in shock that the year is
HALFWAY OVER? *dies* How is reading going this year?
What is your FAVORITE book you’ve read so far??
Come, gush about books with meeee!

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Emily Drown
July 11, 2016 7:00 PM


July 11, 2016 7:04 PM

A Branch of Silver, a Branch of Gold has such a gorgeous cover! I want to read it just looking at it.
I may have to do this tag! It looks like a lot of fun 🙂

Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

July 11, 2016 8:12 PM

Oh I'm planning on reading Cress this month so I'm super excited and happy that it was your favourite books of the series. Seriously, I've heard so many good things about the third book I really need to read it.
Rick Riordan is amazing author!!! I've read Percy Jackson a long time ago, but recently I've read his new series Magnus Chace and Sword of Summer (I hope it's the right title) and it was absolutely hilarious and awesome so if you'd like another book from riordan, I recommend that one. 🙂
My favourite book of this year was Map of Fates by Maggie Hall… it's about secret organization and spies and there's so much going on and it's amazing gaaah I could talk for ages about it. 🙂

Jameson C. Smith
July 11, 2016 9:39 PM

I was just thinking I needed to do a "recently read" blog post the other day, and so when I got to the bottom and saw you'd tagged me for this, I couldn't help laughing. Perfect timing! 🙂 I can't wait to do this one!

CRESS AND THORNE. *heart eyes* All the TLC couples are adorable but those two are my favorites! Too. Much. Cute.

I haven't seen "Through the Looking Glass" yet, but I'd like to. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews but still want to see how it turned out…

Kiri Liz
July 12, 2016 2:18 PM

Once again, amazing pictures, m'dear. Not just the covers, of course, but your own as well. I don't know if it's because of the books or if you have like the most absolutely wonderful eye for photographing them… BUT THEY ARE AMAZING! And I think I'm drooling over here. *runs to grab a rag* But seriously…. I need more book-ish pictures from you. So, please… take and post as many as you want.

THE LUNAR CHRONICLES! All the fairy tales, please! 😀 I'm in the middle of Winter right now, actually. Wow. I never thought that I'd be stuck on this series, but I AM STUCK on this series! I don't know what it is, really. I want to see Marissa Meyer do more with more fairy tales. I mean, c'mon! Can't you see her twisting Rumplestiltskin or Sleeping Beauty or Princess and the Pea or something???

Yes, yes, Thorne and Cress are wonderful. Even though I harbor a special spot for Kai and Cinder. They've been through so much… I can't help it. I seriously don't know which is my favorite. ALSO… I require your advice on something. I have not yet read Stars Above or Fairest. Tell me if I need to read them as well to complete the Lunar universe. I'm concerned about the amount of time I have this summer for reading, so I'm trying (emphasis on "trying") to be smart about my reading this summer.

KING'S FOLLY WAS SO GOOD!! That book took me completely by surprise! I NEED the next one SO BADLY!! AHHHH!! Wait… wait, wait, wait!! IT'S IN THE SAME WORLD AS BLOOD OF KINGS???? How did I miss this????!??! It's been such a long time since I read that trilogy. *pouts* Why is there never enough time for all the books? *sigh*

Percy Jackson. *happy sigh* These books are the bestest.

YOU HAVEN'T READ THE ILYON CHRONICLES YET?!?!?!? SUFFERIN' CATS, those books are amazing!!!! YOU NEED TO READ THEM! You will not regret it, believe me. I'm going nuts right now because the third book is out and I DON'T HAVE IT YET! Also, I have a review scheduled of The King's Scrolls for KiriBeth soon, and it's pretty much the first book report that I wrote with lots of caps lock on. It just… all the feels, Christine. All the feels. I can't even. Just read them.

Deborah O'Carroll
July 12, 2016 9:42 PM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

*creeps into conversation* Yes, King's Folly is in the same WORLD but not the same CONTINENT as Blood of Kings, and is also like ages beforehand. So either way, it's easy to not see a connection. 😛

Deborah O'Carroll
July 12, 2016 6:47 PM

Yayyy you did the tag! THIS POOOOST!!!! <3 *huggles it* I adored this. 😀

*pauses and collapses while staring at the first pic* AAAAHHHHH LAURIIIIII. I AM DEAD HOW DO YOU TAKE SUCH GORGEOUS PICS. *drools over pwetty watch etc.* Aaaand while I'm on the subject, I also can't handle the gorgeousness of that pic with all the books you've read this year. ACK I ADORE IT! *flails and stares for a year and a day* I love how all the books you've read are in the pic together. IT'S AWESOME. It also means you've been reading physical books that you own… Eheh. My books of the year couldn't all fit together because a lot of them are ebooks or borrowed from libraries. XD (And that was random. *cough*)

Oh, don't worry, I ALWAYS feel especially nosy and look at your 2016 reads shelf. XD I like seeing what mah Lauri's reading. *nods*

Moral of this post:APPARENTLY I NEED TO READ CRESS! O_O Ahem. I plan to read the entire series sometime… it's just unfortunate that the first one is the one I'm least-interested in so it of COURSE has to come first. XD

"SO MANY HALP." That is me too. XD So many new releases! *flail* YUS KING'S FOLLY.

Ugh I'm sorry The 5th Wave was such a disappointment. That's the worst when things let you down. :-/

It's so funny when I get addicted to a contemporary too, because we like never read them so it's surprising when they're good. XD Or… at least semi-good. 😛

I must admit I never considered reading Percy Jackson until I saw you enjoying them… now I'm sliiiightly curious… Hmm.

Cress and Thorne! Okay then! XD (Also I laughed so hard over the Percabeth pics even though I don't know them–it was still funny. :D)

ALL THE PAPER CROWNS HAPPY. IT'S SO EPIC AND PERFECT AND I LOVE IT AND YESSS. <3 It's never a bad time to fangirl over Paper Crowns. 😉

I'm soooo glad you liked Alice Through the Looking Glass since you're such a fan! I haven't seen it but it's splendid you liked it. 😀


I'm drowning in books too and also not complaining, but yes, so much to read. XD I do need to get to Ilyon as well…


Ilse the Imaginer
July 13, 2016 9:21 AM

I literally just finished Cress this morning, after reading it for four hours in the past twelve. (10 pm to midnight, 8 am to 10.) Obviously I LOVED IT. And Iko got an escort droid body! And the Cinder + Kai ship FINALLY. SAILED. And Kai now is among the revolutionaries and knows Cinder is Princess Selene! And I met Winter! (I loved. This. Book. Possibly more than Cinder. Yes, more than Cinder. And I agree, Scarlet I didn't love quite as much.) Of course, there were bad things, too. Like death. And Scarlet being on the moon. But still. (I think I am just using this as an excuse to fangirl. #ifeelnoshame)

Victoria Grace Howell
July 13, 2016 4:53 PM

Thanks for tagging me! I probably won't do this tag till August, but who cares? I'm actually kind of happy this year is halfway over since it hasn't been a very good year for me. I'm looking forward to fall and cool weather, because I always feel a sense of renewal during that time. I love Percy Jackson. That series rocks. I need to read more Rick Riordan and I also need to read more Lunar Chronicles. XD It's on my to-read list. I'm making a point to read a lot of popular books this year, so I can get back in with the crowds haha. Happy reading!


Victoria Grace Howell
July 14, 2016 1:41 AM

Ditto. I can't stand this 90 degrees crap. XD

July 13, 2016 9:10 PM

READ THE ILYON CHRONICLES. Do it. Now. And then go read the Divergent series.

Ahem. Now that I am done shouting at you… I've seen nothing but good things about The Lunar Chronicles, yet I'm still wary of them because I'm not a huge fan of fairy tale retellings (I also didn't like the super-hyped Tales of Goldstone Wood, so…). It sounds like maybe I should give them a chance, though. I also haven't read the Percy Jackson series, but my husband adores those books, and I liked the movies, so I need to read them, too! Even though I don't typically read middle grade anymore. Apparently I need to stop shouting at people and go jump out of my comfort zone. 🙂

Also, congratulations on reading 20 books — it may not seem like a lot to you, but it is! I've read 25, and that feels like an enormous amount to me! Especially considering that most people don't read that many in an entire year (or even three…).

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Shantelle & Books
July 15, 2016 2:30 AM

Ah, The Lunar Chronicles was so good! And King's Folly … AMAZING! I love that book! ^_^

EEP! I really, really want to watch Alice Through the Looking Glass!! The first movie was just so strange and delightful and I really enjoyed it!

Paper Crowns is just so pretty, and I really, really need to read it! 🙂 Such lovely book covers & pictures, all! *flails*

But anyway, wanted to stop by and say that I tagged you for the By the Book Tag! If you want to do it, the please do! 🙂 If not, no worries. http://shantellemaryh.blogspot.com/2016/07/by-book-tag.html

Blessings! <3

July 15, 2016 10:53 AM

I have this bad habit of faithfully reading a blog for months but NEVER commenting! I think this is the first comment I've ever made on your blog BUT I've enjoyed reading your posts for some time now (found you through my friend Sarah, from Sarah, Plain and Average).
Anyway, THE LUNAR CHRONICLES!!!!! They are my favorites! Throne is the best but I think my favorite heroine is Winter. I'm going to read the whole series again before I finish with "Stars Above". You know that she's publishing a new book set in Wonderland, right? I'm counting down the days till it comes out.
Wonderland + Marissa Meyer!!!! Can't wait!
….and yes, Alice Through the Looking Glass is the best! My sister just had a birthday and got the little pop character Time, which I'm tempted to steal from her =)
Enjoy reading your blog!

Skye Hoffert
July 16, 2016 9:57 PM

All of these gorgeous books, I know what you mean Christine. I never find time to read any more, it`s sad.
I loved Through the Looking Glass too, it was stunning!

Thanks for tagging me!

Savannah Perran
July 18, 2016 1:33 PM

ACK I thought I already commented on this post! SOWWY.

*dies because Christine's book pictures are so PRETTY*

I NEED TO READ THE LUNAR CHRONICLES SO BAD. Like, Cinder is sitting right next to me (literally; right next to my computer, looking all beautiful and delicious) AND I STILL HAVEN"T GOTTEN TO IT. I MUST FIX THIS.

The Percy and Annabeth pictures made me laugh XD. Have you watched the Percy Jackson movies yet (I think there are two)? I haven't and I can't decide if I should because it doesn't look like they'll do the books justice by a long run …


C.B. Cook
July 18, 2016 1:59 PM

Hmm… I wonder if you like the Lunar Chronicles… YES THORNE AND CRESS ARE THE BEST AND CRESS WAS THE BEST BOOK. And I agree, Scarlet was my least favorite, although it was still good. I got Winter for Christmas and was finished with it three days later. XD

I must read the Percy Jackson series! My bookish friends keep telling me I should… I just haven't got any of them yet.

Katie Grace
July 19, 2016 5:15 PM

AHH. Thank you for tagging me! These questions are evil. Like, "favorite read of the year?" HOW COULD I CHOOSE ONE THAT'S TOO MUCH.

I read Paper Crowns a loooonng time ago when it was still yet unpublished, but I can hardly remember it and really want to read it again, now. 😛 It's such a pretty cover. ^.^

July 24, 2016 3:54 PM

I might be getting mixed up with another book but I think my friend said that The Book Thief has a lot of language in it. As I said before I might be getting mixed up with another book.


Tracey Dyck
August 1, 2016 7:10 PM

*runs in late and glomples book post* AHHHH THIS WAS SO GREAT. I've read a similar number of books too. (I'm so behind on my 52-book goal… Oh well.) There are seasons, I guess, of reading lots and reading…*sniffle*…less.

CRESS. I can't wait to read it! Because Thorne, obviously. (Also, how's the future? 2106? XD Sorrrrrry, I couldn't resist making a joke.)

I very much need ABOSABOG and FMS as well. Speaking of which, I recently bought Five Enchanted Roses!!!

Oh! I recently heard from Emily @ Ink, Inc. that We Were Liars was quite good. Now that you enjoyed it as well, I definitely want to read it. (Though the language is unfortunate.)


I'm really curious to see what you think of the Divergent trilogy! I keep waffling on my opinion of it, but for the most part I really enjoyed the books. (The movies, on the other hand… *cough* Okay, I loved Divergent, Insurgent was 'meh,' and I've heard even worse about Allegiant.)

By the way, your pictures are GORGEOUS. All the beautiful books!!!