Why I Believe Cinderella is a Good Heroine


Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own, who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world.

-Cinderella (Charles Perrault)

In this day and age of “strong female characters” and “girl power” and “being one of the boys”, characters like Cinderella get a lot of shame and hate.

After all, Cinderella was a pushover. She was weak, cowardly, never stood up for herself. Not someone little girls of this age should ever look up to or strive to be. Right?

I’m about to be a bit controversial. Are you ready? Here we go…

Cinderella is one of my favorite heroines.

“Say what now?” you’re probably exclaiming. “CINDERELLA? That weak little mouse? Why would you look up to her?” I’m glad you asked! *smile, smile* I’m here to tell you allll the reasons why I have, in fact, always saw Cinderella as a wonderful role model. *cracks knuckles*

It’s true, Cinderella is not your usual protagonist. She didn’t stand at the front lines and charge into battle to save a kingdom. She didn’t rescue a planet or bring down a corrupt government or battle a kraken or any of those things most female protagonists do these days. On the surface, it appeared as if all she did was let people push her around and then put on a pretty dress and got married. When you look at the story from that mindset, I can totally understand why people think it’s poison for their little girls.

But the story of Cinderella is SO much more.

So let’s debunk some of these problems people have with our girl Cinderella…


At first, Cinderella does seem like a pushover. I mean, she let these three crazy women come into her home and turn her into a scullery maid. But what other choice did she have? The stepmother ruled the house. And what was Cinderella going to do? Leave her home and go live on the streets? Poison her new stepmother and sisters? That certainly wouldn’t be very heroic. (Though I could see that happening with the protagonists we often get now, especially with TV shows…)

Let’s be real, most of us in that situation would be angry and bitter. I know *I* would. I’d be furious. I’d have turned into a bitter raincloud.

But what did Cinderella do? She didn’t stomp around and gripe about those horrible stepsisters and wicked stepmother. She didn’t seek revenge. She didn’t let anger fester and fester into her heart until she became a bitter, harsh woman.

No, sweet Cinderella did as her dying mother told her in Grimm’s version.

“Dear child, remain pious and good.”

Or Disney’s spin on it, if you’d rather.

Cinderella remained good.

Because that’s what Cinderella is. She’s good. Bitterness hardens the heart into something ugly and selfish and cruel. And so many of us could have fallen into that in that situation. But Cinderella chose goodness.

Even after all she had been through, and she married into the royal family and had all the power in the world, she did not seek revenge. In Perrault’s version of the tale, she forgave her stepsisters and showed them kindness.

Cinderella, who was no less good than beautiful, gave her two sisters lodgings in the palace, and that very same day matched them with two great lords of the court.

And Disney nailed it at the end of their live action movie, when Cinderella told her stepmother she forgave her. That was one of the most powerful, poignant scenes I’ve seen in a movie in a long, long time.
Chills. It gets me every. single. time.

Cinderella chose to love over hate. And you know what?

That is strength.

Can you imagine the kind of strength it took to choose to love that stepmother and those stepsisters? To forgive them? To refuse to give way to bitterness and harden her heart?

Cinderella is strong. Just because she had a broom in her hand instead of a sword doesn’t mean she’s weak. She is one of the strongest female protagonists I have ever known.

Speaking of brooms…

Cinderella? You mean the girl who slept in ashes every night and wore rags? No, I most certainly do not think she was too obsessed with pretty things.

Cinderella was not afraid to get her hands dirty. And she worked hard. In most of the movies, all the servants were let go, leaving Cinderella to take care of EVERYTHING. By herself. And she did. She kept that household going and didn’t give up when it got too hard. She didn’t whine about a broken nail or getting dirt on her skirts. She did what she had to do. No matter how horrible things became.

Yes, she liked pretty dresses. But who on earth wouldn’t be excited about getting dressed up nice for one night (or three, depending on which version we’re talkin’ here) after being in rags day after day after day?

I love Cinderella’s femininity. I love that she wasn’t afraid to get dirty but also enjoyed pretty things. You should never, ever, ever be ashamed of being girly.

My favorite color is pink. (It wasn’t that long ago that my blog theme was pink. You guys remember that?) And a lot of people would blanch at that. Apparently pink these days is an evil, forbidden color and is destroying girls everywhere???? Yeah, no, I don’t understand it either. God made pink, people. It’s a gorgeous color! And you think I’m going to be shamed in liking it? Do you think it’s wrong to enjoy dressing up pretty and being girly? Noooo. God made females to be feminine. He wants us to embrace that.

And hey, I can wear a frilly pink skirt and watch a Marvel movie at the same time. So there.

And yes, I know I was talking about Cinderella here. I am actually getting to a point! And it is this: People are hating on Cinderella and the whole “princess culture” in general because I guess liking sparkly ball gowns is wrong?

Being feminine is not wrong.

And guess what? Princesses aren’t all about sparkly ball gowns. (In fact, Hayden Wand did a spectacular post on this very subject of the “princess mentality” and you should all go read it.) The majority of Cinderella isn’t centered around the glitz and glamor.  Its true focus is on the grit and grime, the cruelty of humans, and the strength to rise above it and choose goodness.

The stepsisters were too obsessed with pretty gowns and the shallow things in life. Cinderella was not.

Which brings me to…

Is that the message of Cinderella? Because, after all, she arrived at the ball all decked out and beautiful, caught the Prince’s eye, and lived happily ever after. So the message is you only get things you want if you’re gorgeous?

In Grimm’s version, it states the stepsisters were very beautiful girls. But Cinderella got the Prince, not them. Because, sure, Cinderella was beautiful on the outside, but she was even more beautiful because of her beauty within. (I know that’s cliché, but it’s true.)

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, the Prince’s character needed development…a lot. (Another thing Disney fixed so wonderfully in their live action movie. Kit was perfection.) But fairytales aren’t big on details. They’re very short stories after all. But still, I personally believe what really drew the Prince to Cinderella was the goodness shining out of her. She wasn’t like the other girls. She was different. Not focused on the glitz and glamor. Not shallow and conceited.

The very core of the Cinderella story is that true beauty is found through kindness, goodness. Through gentleness, patience, love.

No, Cinderella’s dreams did not come true because she happened to have a pretty face. Think about it, I highly doubt a fairy godmother would have helped a girl who sought to poison her stepfamily. And would the Prince have been drawn to her if she had chosen anger and bitterness, and harshness oozed from her being?

It was because Cinderella chose love over hate that she got her happy ending. The story of Cinderella is much like the Christian walk should be. Where we choose to reflect Christ-like behavior, and though it’s not easy, and there is much suffering through the journey, it’s so worth it. Because, in the end, as Cinderella got her Prince, we receive our Prince of Peace.

I’m not saying the Cinderella story is perfect. The plot holes. Oooh, the plot holes. (Why did the glass slippers not disappear at midnight when everything else did?) And in the Grimm’s version the stepsisters cut off their toes and heels to try to fit the glass slipper on their feet. (I personally like Perrault’s version much better.) Fairytales can be messed up, guys! They’re too short and illogical and seriously morbid a lot of the time. But they also have hidden gems of wisdom within their words. Because that’s the original point of fairytales, to teach children lessons about life. To teach wisdom and truth and good vs. evil.

To me, the character of Cinderella reflects all the qualities we are called to be in Ephesians 4:1-3:

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, 2 with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

I have admired Cinderella since I was very, very young. Because I am prone to anger, I can get bitter. I speak my mind during times when I really, really should have just stayed quiet. And I can be horribly selfish and shallow. And so I always looked up to Cinderella’s patience, gentleness, and grace. Because of her I strive to be a better person. And isn’t that what all our heroes and heroines should accomplish?

I was so, so proud of Disney for choosing to keep the gentle essence that has always been Cinderella instead of turning her into this tough girl female protagonist that is typical for modern day media. Her quiet strength is refreshing.

Now, don’t get me wrong, female warriors are perfectly fine. And I love the feisty ones. I literally just a few weeks ago talked about my favorite types of characters and listed the feisty girls as one of my top favorites.

BUT. I really, really don’t like how the sweet, gentle characters are disappearing. How femininity is looked down upon, and how kindness is considered “weak”. Hating someone is easy, but choosing to love…that’s where true strength comes in.

I want more characters like Cinderella. I want characters who inspire me to rise up and live in “gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.”

And that’s why I believe Cinderella is a good heroine.

~ ~ ~

ALL RIGHT, GUYS. This was probably my most opinionated post to date. (I hope you didn’t mind. But Cinderella and this issue has been on mind since I was like…5 or something, so. This post was bound to explode out of me eventually.) Which means I’m now dying to hear YOUR opinion. (I don’t bite, I promise.) What do you think about Cinderella and heroines and this day and age of not having Cinderella-like protagonists anymore? I WANT TO HEAR ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. (Also, important here, who else thought the live action Cinderella movie was complete and utter perfection???)

P.S. If you did actually like this post, back in April I did a post about my thoughts on the Beauty and the Beast story. Who knows? Maybe I’ll turn this into a whole Christine’s-opinions-on-fairytales blog series. Because…I really love fairytales and have a lot of opinions apparently.

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Florid Sword
August 7, 2017 4:31 PM

YES. I agree with everything you say in this post and can find no wrong in it.

I thought the same thing when I was watching the new live action Cinderella. It was the most beautiful movie I've seen so far this year, and the characters were the best part of it.

I love the way Perrault ends his version. The Grimm one is…. so creepy and morbid. O_o

But yes femininity. So important. And I miss having heroines like that. *pulls out pencil*

August 7, 2017 4:45 PM

*gasps* Thanx a bunch!

August 8, 2017 12:36 AM
Reply to  GJE

P.s. I LOVED the newest Disney version! I've never watched the original, tho.

August 8, 2017 5:46 PM
Reply to  GJE

XD *squeals*
I knowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! (o'-'o) <3
It is! Ive watched it so many times…. XD
I really should. XD (teehee)

Madeline J. Rose
August 7, 2017 5:11 PM

THIS POOOOST, CHRISTINE! *hugs it forever*

I agree to literally everything you said!! Why are all the sweet, gentle female protagonists disappearing? It's atrocious, I tell you.

AND YES. I got chills too when she said 'I forgive you'. AWK SO AMAZING. I know *I* could never do that…I'd be so bitter and angry. XD

I'm glad, too, that they fleshed out the Prince's character in the live-action. I remember when I was younger I actually didn't like Prince Charming very much. He didn't interest me at all. But Kit it SO. SWEET. Disney did good. ^_^

Farm Lassie
August 7, 2017 5:22 PM

Amen to everything said above. I too am a rather temperamental warrior-queen, which I guess is why I look towards Cinderella's example of dealing with people.

Honestly, Cinderella is the picture of meekness. A virtue that is sorely lacking in today's society. Since the advent of feminism, the idea of being a meek and humble female is revolting (which is an utter shame, if you ask me). But honestly, I believe that young women are crying for an example of femininity, and Cinderella provides a perfect example of such.


Farm Lassie
August 8, 2017 4:51 PM
Reply to  Farm Lassie

Your details were spot on though! And I like your rambles 🙂

I get you on the hiding. The fact that we have two opposing ideals – one the crafty, homesteading housewife and the career-busting CEO doesn't exactly help either.

You're welcome!

August 7, 2017 5:42 PM

THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! Oh my goodness Christine! You just nailed it!

Actually do you know something?
Cinderella was also my rolemodel, I did a very weak job of living up to her but I remember a snapshot out of my childhood when I was sent to the corner thinking of Cinderella and how graciously and sweetly she accepted her hardships. (aka my chores and my strict wise mother) xD But anyway point is many times the flashes of humility and grace came to mind and I HAD TOTALLY forgotten until I read this post, and I just remembered! Anyway thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out, it was really touching. 🙂

Anna | http://www.worldthroughherheart.blogspot.com

Skye Hoffert
August 7, 2017 6:50 PM

Oh Christine, This post is so beautiful and important. I feel like female femininity has been attacked a lot this year. We forget amidst all the kick butt heroines that strength doesn't have to be physical, or a love for beautiful things a sign of weakness. Cinderella has that quiet strength, one that I would prefer over the latter. I have always thought of her as strong even in the animated one, that I watched over and over when I was six.
Then I found Ever After, which was even better. That one really showed the character in a different light. Then came the live action, and I loved it. There really is a lack of characters like her.

August 7, 2017 7:21 PM

"And hey, I can wear a frilly pink skirt and watch a Marvel movie at the same time. So there." << This…


Oh my word, YES. Not only is that line complete perfection, but also this entire post. I've always heard about how Cinderella is basically one of the most annoying fairytale princesses, or whatever, and I never really thought much about it because I'm rather indifferent to the tale of Cinderella. But this…this really made me think.

I honestly feel like today, every single female character has to be that feisty, hot-tempered, can probably murder you with a butter knife type of girl, and it's sort of annoying? Characters like Cinderella ARE dying out, and it's so sad! I even do this in my own writing without even realizing it.

I've never really thought that much into the Cinderella story, but I think I really needed this post… It was absolutely beautiful and amazing, and eek! I really want to watch that Cinderella movie again now!!!! XD

December 12, 2017 4:14 AM
Reply to  Kenzie

Holy guacamole, I was never notified of this! XD CURSE YOU WORDPRESS NOT GETTING ALONG WITH BLOGGER! (Thankfully a wonderful friend helped me figure out how to get blogger blogs into my WP feed, so I AM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY BE ABLE TO FOLLOW YOUR BLOG EEK!!!)

And YES! Definitely! I'm discovering that while I love being girly, I'm also quite a huge geek on the inside. And also on the outside. And basically I'm a geek who likes to act girly every now and then. XD

Yes! She really is! I think sometimes we lose sight of who the most integral characters are in the realm of stories, and WHY they are so important in the first place. I really hope we're able to bring back more Cinderella-esque characters now, though! I'd love to read about more girls who are actually good.

YESSSS!! I totally agree! There are definitely those kinds of girls in the real world, so it's awesome that they're being represented in fiction, but SERIOUSLY, THERE ARE OTHER KINDS OF US OUT THERE, PEOPLE. XD And YES. I agree with that 100% too! This world needs a bit more light inside of it, rather than so much anger. 😛

You definitely were not rambling! Your posts are always so much fun to read and are so helpful and unique and the aesthetics are so beautiful and ACK! I am so happy that I can finally follow your blog now! I'm terrible at remembering to come back to blogs if I don't actually have them in my WP feed, so now my smol brain can actually keep up with the blogger blogs I've been dying to follow. XD I MUST FIND THIS MOVIE SOMEWHERE!!! XD

Deborah O'Carroll
August 7, 2017 8:18 PM

"Cinderella remained good. Because that’s what Cinderella is. She’s good." I love this! Excellent post! I've never been quite either side of the debate (I didn't know there WAS a debate… o.o), and I never thought of her as particularly a favorite OR particularly weak, so this is very interesting with some great thoughts. I love that she's good, and you're absolutely right! 😀

Great points on being beautiful inside, and about getting to dress up nice once after so much time. o.o I never thought about a lot of this! With my heroine post I've been thinking about wanting to be those heroic heroines I like, and I love that you look up to Cinderella as an example of goodness. 🙂

I've only seen the new Cinderella movie like… twice? *cough* But now I want to see it again. XD Yes, Kit was great. 😛 And I loved her blue dress! *being slightly shallow* I did love that she's so sweet and good still. 🙂

Hurray for opinions! I enjoyed this post! ^_^ I think it's great when you debunk fairytale things and show an intriguing side to them! And I absolutely agree that heroines who are actually GOOD are totally lacking in this day and age and it's depressing… So we definitely need posts like this! 😀

Arya Lynn
August 7, 2017 8:22 PM

Hi Christine !!!
OH MY GOSHHHH THIS WAS SOO GOOOODDDDD!!! I always enjoy your posts, girl, but this one simply Blew My Mind. First of all, i really liked getting your point of view on the topic, because it's always interesting to acknowledge these things. There were times when i wanted to contradict you hahah, but you really blew my mind here. It was sooo greaaaat <3 I'd never seen this character this way and, although Cinderella is kind of my weak-type-of-character in my mind, you've changed that. Thanks for this post, girl!!!
<3 <3 <3

Kiri Liz
August 7, 2017 9:54 PM

SPOT ON! And yes, please. We need more of Christine's-Thoughts-on-Fairytales. I will order a dozen for now, thankyouverymuch. 😉

Honestly, I feel like you looked at my heart and just beautifully typed out all of my mushed-up thoughts. Cinderella is a heroine! This post is perfection. Just like the Disney remake. (My only complaint — I would have loved to have more musical and people singing the original songs, but that's ok…) Lily James was the best Cinderella. Wow.

But talking about you reading my heart, this is exactly why I wanted to write Hazel Tree. People misunderstand Cinderella, and they give her a hard time, but they don't understand who she really is. I saw soooo much more in her character, and I wanted so badly to bring that out with Celesta's character. SHE IS A HEROINE, PEOPLE! And this world needs more Cinderella heroines. Just sayin'.

By the way, pink skirts and Marvel movies — with ya there, m'dear!! Pink's not my favorite color, but I will take a twirly skirt any day. And carry around my Sting replica letter opener at the same time.

Kendra E. Ardnek
August 8, 2017 12:27 AM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

I need you to publish Hazel Tree. Just, FWI. Like, before I go crazy. I need you to publish it 'cause I want to promote it so badly.

Deborah O'Carroll
August 8, 2017 12:54 AM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

*creeps into conversation* I want to read the Hazel Tree book tooooooooo…!

Kendra E. Ardnek
August 8, 2017 1:48 PM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

Yeah, I go to promote it now, and they just grump at me for talking about a book that hasn't been published yet.

Kiri Liz
August 9, 2017 12:46 AM
Reply to  Kiri Liz

Haha! Thank you all! 🙂 I love that people love my Hazel Tree and Celesta. I'm slowly getting it to the point where I want to publish, but I'm praying about going a more traditional route rather than self-publishing. Or at least, looking into it. You know, once I get this pesky little thing called college out of the way. 😛 I'm really excited to share that story with people because I think it's basically my core, everything I love, and then it also aligns with my passion for a true Cinderella heroine and love of fairytales. One day. Some day. Soon.

August 7, 2017 9:57 PM

I saw this post come up in my feed and literally squealed because I AM ALWAYS HERE FOR CINDERELLA APPRECIATION.

I never disliked Cinderella as a little girl, but I never really thought of her as a favorite- yet, somehow, all of my early stories ended up being variations of the Cinderella story, and as I've gotten older, I've learned to appreciate her more and more. (I've even written defenses of her *in* some of my novels, I feel so strongly about it, haha!)

And Disney's newest movie version was spot-on perfect. They captured the heart of the tale SO WELL and is probably my favorite live action Disney film. Basically, I agree SO MUCH with everything here. Love, love, love it.

(and also thanks for the shout-out!!! 🙂 )

Evangeline Yackel
August 7, 2017 10:09 PM

For so long I've thought of Cinderella as a weak, wimpy lil girl who had to wait for a godmother to fix her problems. Then I watched the 2015 Disney movie and EVERYTHING CHANGED. First of all, that movie is the definition of beauty. Second, Cinderella became one of my heros. She is such an amazing role model, and while there are things that I would have done differently, I do think that she is so emotionally strong. Go Cinderella!!! <3

August 8, 2017 12:11 AM

Cinderella used to be my favorite fairytale EVER. Though, I never watched the movies at all, I loved the story. Now, I still think it's a cool story.

"I forgive you."—OHMYGOODNESS!! That's the best part. She forgave them even after they were so hateful to her.
I don't watch Disney movies or fairytales at all really, but that Cinderella movie was really good. It was kind of strange…but it was good. I LOVE Ever After. I really need to watch it again…have you?
This post was cool and I hope you do more. 😀
God bless!

August 8, 2017 3:11 AM
Reply to  LHE

It is! I love reading the different versions of it that people from other countries have made. It's really cool.

It was the best part, definitely. It's powerful that she forgave them after all they did to try and ruin her life. It's touching…even if it's made up.

I LOVE Ever After so much!! My mom likes it too, so I'll most likely be seeing it with her next time I watch it. I'll have to borrow it soon and then buy it. lol

You're writing a fairytale retelling, right? Burning Thorns, is it? I want to read it so bad. You should enter it in one of those contests once you're done. You know, the ones who pick four or five people to put together different retellings of fairytales in one book? You'd probably be one of them if you did. You've posted snippets, haven't you?

August 8, 2017 5:26 AM
Reply to  LHE

It is, isn't it! I tried to look some up, but they only let you read a few, but they weren't much different from the actual story. They gave you names of really good ones, but they only said the names, they didn't give you the full stories. *sigh*

It really does and even though they're made up, you can really get a good message if you think deep enough from them. 🙂

A lot of my family does, so it's always fun to watch it with others who like it like you do. 😉 It's definitely time for a rewatch.

You like Beauty and the Beast? It wasn't my favorite actually, but I'm sure your retelling would blow it away. You write it, I'll read it. 😀
Seriously? That's the coolest! Sometimes, it's not meant for us to win, and us not winning something can make our work even better than before. Like Burning Thorns for you. Thanks for telling me that, Christine! Maybe when you're done and like it how you've written it, you can enter it again, since it's anew. Just a thought, but I'm sure you could really win.
God Bless! <3

August 8, 2017 5:24 PM
Reply to  LHE

Oh my goodness! Thanks, Christine! *hugs* You know what I'll be doing for a while…lol Thank you so much for that!

They are. Especially when the authors write with a certain message in mind and then keep hinting at it throughout the whole story.

It is, isn't it? Because if they don't, most likely, you'll be watching it alone. Sometimes that's fine with me, but other times, I don't really want to be alone. I guess it just depends on mood swings. lol My sister and i always whisper movie quotes to each other. The others have no idea what we're talking about. xD That's cool that you and your sister do that!

Thank you! I really think you could win if you entered it. Plus, it's new and improved, so it's probably deeper than before. You can change it however you want and you can have a story that you yourself like even more than you did before. 😉
I actually just thought of that before I read it. lol Well, I know you can definitely get it published and even win awards. I mean, I barely even have had a glimpse of it, but your passion for it will drive you. I know it will. I believe in you. <3
94k??? Gracious! You've been busy. lol
Me? Thank you! <3

August 8, 2017 7:05 PM
Reply to  LHE

I've been reading them and they're very interesting. I love reading the ones from different cultures. For some of them, I'm like: "How'd you even come up with this?"—lol Well, I'm glad you're spreading it.

Yeah, it just depends on how you feel. 🙂 It is! Since I have a twin, it makes things even better. We finish the quotes the other one has started to say. We joke around with each other, or look at each other and know what the other person is thinking about. Though, sadly, I like different styles of movies that she hates. It's hard to pick out movies that we'll both like. lol We do have our own language! That's another amazing thing of having a sibling.

I AM?!?! You've made my day! I hope to be an encouragement and am glad I've been one to you. <333
*hugs* I'm so happy right now. 😀

I have a hard time writing and sticking to the ones I start…*sobs* It's SO HARD. I'm glad you've written all that. Seriously, that's really good. When a book that readers love is long, they get really excited about it. I know I've read some books that I fell in love with, but they were so short. It broke my heart when I finished. lol *The Left Behind series by Jerry B Jenkins—I know, it's 40 books, but that's STILL too short!!! (They're the best EVER.) Plus, they're only like a hundred some pages each, so they aren't' that long.*

August 10, 2017 4:14 PM
Reply to  LHE

Haha, yes it does. I mean, what sparked their ideas? It's so weird! lol

It is fun to have a twin. It's the best. lol I wouldn't want to be an only child. It'd be lonely. ;

Aww, I'm so happy! You're making me smile so big right now. <3 You're the sweetest! *hugs* I'm glad I came across your blog and…met (???) you. ;D You're encouraging to me.

It's the bittersweet thing about writers. You get an idea and start to write it, then the plot bunnies attack ("They come with fire, they come with axes…gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning!…." *I know, extreme, but plot bunnies are horrid creatures unless they come once and only once. The time they give you that ONE idea..*)

I know! You don't want them to ever leave. *sobs*

August 10, 2017 6:50 PM
Reply to  LHE

������ It came to mind and I thought it was perfect. lol

August 10, 2017 6:52 PM
Reply to  LHE

Sorry! I don't think I can use emojis. I was doing the laughcry face, but I guess I can't…

Victoria Grace Howell
August 8, 2017 12:16 AM

Great post! I do believe Cinderella is a great heroine too. 🙂 I personally preferred the Ever After version, but I do definitely like the story and Disney's version was very good. ^ ^


Jane Maree
August 8, 2017 12:50 AM

I loooove this post so so much. Cinderella has always been a model for me too?? I used to have a story book collection of retellings that I adored and I just wanted to be like her so much. It's such a beautiful image. Quiet strength. She's no way weak at all, she's actually a LOT stronger than SO MANY other heroines. The 2015 movie was /amazing/.
And all those gifs have made me want to rewatch it now. XD

Jonathan // Fishing For Ideas
August 8, 2017 2:03 AM

UGH. CHRISTIIIINE. I ENVY YOUR BLOGGING SKILLS. XD Seriously though, your posts are always so insightful and profound and they force me to think of things in new ways. I've never even /thought/ about this before (hello teenage guy here), but it's so true. *nods* I always try to be careful when I write female characters that they're not too overbearing. (<< IDK I TRIED TO THINK OF A BETTER WORD TO PUT THERE BUT I CAN'T WORD APPARENTLY)

But yes. Anyways. Great post! 😀

Brie Donning
August 8, 2017 6:00 AM

I love this. We need more heroines like Cinderella. I'm not feeling so bad about a certain character of mine who is a bit of a pushover. I just need to make her focus more on kindness. Though some people might find a super kind character as annoying as a weak willed one. And now I'm beginning to ramble and better stop this comment and talk to myself.

Tanya Brayer
August 8, 2017 9:33 AM

Thank you so much for this reframe, Christine. I'm so glad it popped up in my Twitter feed.

I've yet to see the live action Disney remake, but I'm so there with everyone else who's been raving about Ever After! While Drew's Danielle does have a bit more sass than what I remember of Disney's animated Cinderella, ultimately she is portrayed as a kind, caring, intelligent woman who does what she needs to do to do to stay alive and keep her family together.

And the dress (and SHOES!!!) she wears to the ball…straight up STUNNING!

Tanya Brayer
August 9, 2017 6:15 AM
Reply to  Tanya Brayer

I'm SO GLAD you decided to turn those thoughts into words!!! Honestly, it's made me almost giddy about the fact that I haven't seen the live action Disney version yet, because now I get to watch it with this new perspective, which I suspect will give me an much greater appreciation for it than I might have had otherwise. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

And wings for everyone!!! WINGS FOR EVERYONE!

August 8, 2017 9:43 AM

I absolutely love Cinderella as well, Christine! Well, to be perfectly honest, I properly fell in love with her character once I watched the 2015 live-action movie. IT WAS SO GOOD!

I love everything you shared about why Cinderella is such a courageous female heroine, and one to be admired. I basically weep every time I watch this movie, and am inspired to be braver and kinder! Ah, so good! Thank you for sharing! ^_^

August 8, 2017 9:50 AM


Olivia Fisher
August 8, 2017 3:52 PM

YYYAAAASSSSSSS! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! THIS POST IS SO AWESOME, CHRISTINE. *agrees to all the things*


P.S. And yes, the 2015 version… *heart-eyes*

August 9, 2017 12:07 AM

This is such a great post!!! I had an English teacher in high school spend an entire class period explaining why Cinderella is a sexist story, and while I could see her point, I also felt like she was being way too critical. Your argument makes a lot more sense to me! I've always enjoyed Cinderella: the original Disney version, the one starring Brandy, the newest one, Ella Enchanted. . . . To me, Cinderella has always seemed like a kind, humble character.

Abi @ if You Give a Girl a Blog
August 9, 2017 1:52 PM

I loved basically everything you said here!!! I've been guilty of thinking Cinderella a bit weak in the past, but I love how you pointed out here that kindness and humility is it's own kind of strength – and how, in fact, it can take more strength to remain kind than to lash out.

I loved the live action Cinderella too! The animated version is something that will always have a place in my heart, but you're right, the prince is so much better in the live action version, and that affected the amazingness of the movie big time, lol.

Great post!!

Kate Marie
August 10, 2017 1:44 AM


I mean, I KNEW I was going to love this post but I haven't even FINISHED it yet and I'm already flailing with all the yessssssss!!!

As I said before, I find really good sweet characters a bit hard to relate to because I'm not that person BUT DUDE THEY ARE SO STRONG and anyone who denies that or calls them weak is just MISSING IT SO BAD.

I love what you said in answer to the first complaint. I would've become so bitter as well. But the amazing thing is that Cinderella DIDN'T and that she CHOSE goodness and forgiveness and to be sweet and charming and just gahhhhh she was amazing.

I also love what you said in answer to number two!! Like WHOA HOW CAN PEOPLE EVEN SAY THAT??? What on earth is wrong with liking pretty things??? AS HUMAN BEINGS, WE WERE PRETTY MUCH DESIGNED TO LOVE BEAUTY. Man! Why is that not okay anymore??? And yessss, she was doing all the work and had no pretty stuff!!! That should make her fascination and happiness over THE ONE PRETTY THING IN HER LIFE so much more acceptable and understandable!!!


and I have one more thing I must say! Thank you for pointing out that the original fairytale is short and is bound to be a bit abrupt. Because it DOES bother me that it's like "she was the prettiest girl at the ball and the prince fell in love with her and started stalking her immediately" but THAT'S THE CONDENSED VERSION??? As I told my little brother, the DESIGN of fairytales is such that the person telling it can ADAPT IT TO THEIR AUDIENCE!! They were originally passed along ORALLY which meant that the storyteller could make it appropriate to age and how much time he had and personal preference and could add or subtract details as he liked. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT. Fairytales are little "skeleton" stories, if you will, and the teller must add in the meat (that was a gross metaphor whoa!!).


Kate Marie
September 3, 2017 8:41 PM
Reply to  Kate Marie


That is so SILLY gahhh!! Like appreciating something that is beautiful DOES NOT mean you are shallow or obsessed with your looks!!

Ha! Maybe I will sometime… I just love how these fairytales started out as ORAL stories that were never told the same way twice. Like EVERY SINGLE TELLING was different and unique — much like fairytale retellings today!!!!

It's like a trope – you fill in the blanks. I love that! FAIRYTALES WERE LITERALLY MADE TO BE RETOLD.

Yes!! Same to you, dear!!

Abbey Stellingwerff
August 10, 2017 5:22 PM

*applauds* Great post! I must say, I have never thought of Cinderella in this way before. I've never been a huge fan of Cinderella—or Disney princess stories in general—but you brought up a lot of good points! And I agree with you about needing more gentle, feminine characters who exhibit qualities such as bravery and kindness. The heroine of the novel I've been working on is more of a Cinderella than a Tauriel (the only female warrior that comes to mind at the moment), and I was worried that people might think of her a weak girl who needs rescuing… But you don't need to be a self-rescuing princess to be brave and strong.

RM Lutz
August 12, 2017 10:42 PM

Wonderful post! I never thought about Cinderella from that angle.

August 18, 2017 2:23 PM


Tracey Dyck
August 27, 2017 4:39 PM

*standing ovation* You nailed it! Cinderella is sooooo underrated and looked down upon, and I LOVE all the great points you made about her!

Cinderella was my top favorite Disney movie as a child (shamefully, I didn't get into the original fairy tales until later), but maybe as I grew older, I did look down on her "passiveness" for a while. Seeing the live action movie reminded me how very strong she really is! I adored the message of kindness and forgiveness that movie brought out. Mannnn, now I need to go watch it again!!! (I keep saying that–I need to actually DO it.)

Tracey Dyck
August 27, 2017 4:39 PM
Reply to  Tracey Dyck

Almost forgot: I would LOVE this fairy tale thing to become a blog series! You're perfect at it! <3

Tracey Dyck
August 28, 2017 1:10 AM
Reply to  Tracey Dyck

I love your rants! Seriously, you manage to be bold in your opinions AND super kind and understanding while presenting them! #goals

I guess we have Disney to thank for introducing us to the fairy tale obsession, yes! XD

Me toooo! I've only seen it ONCE, sadly, but ever since then keep wanting to see it again. >.<

Looking forward to those! <3333

October 3, 2017 4:00 AM

I suppose I am rather late to the party, but I just had to comment on this because…THANK YOU.

Cinderella has been the girl I most looked up to since I was about 2 years old. She is my all time favorite ever. I adore the way Disney centered the live-action remake around courage and kindness. Those are themes which aren't often promoted in movies these days. The truth is, we DO need more heroines like Cinderella. More every day girls like her, too. I think a lot of young girls nowadays think that they cannot be strong and gentle at the same time. Girl power and inner strength have become synonymous with girls who sport weapons and act all tomboyish and vulgar and harsh (in some cases, not all). But strength is really about being good and sweet and making the best of your situation, working hard at the purpose which God has given you.
Cinderella is such a good role model, one who often gets overlooked (along with Briar Rose and Snow White for some of the same reasons). Don't get me wrong, I do love those sassy, daring princesses/other heroines. It's just a bit different and hard to explain — but you did it. Wonderfully.

Cinderella definitely deserves more appreciation. She is the kind of princess I would want my future daughters to admire and imitate, you know?

So that's all. I'll shut up now;) I just…just loved this.


September 19, 2018 9:00 PM

This is majorly late, but I totally agree! Cinderella has always been one of my favorites. As much as I love the stronger characters like Moana, Mulan, and Merida, i’ve Always found such a role model in Cinderella. I tend to be really hot headed, and strong but not in the powerful way, rather in the stubborn way. Cinderella is a perfect example of how kindness really changes everything. Cinderella’s story is more common in today’s world than any other princess. (When’s the last time you saved an island, were kidnapped, or had magic powers?) Abusive people come in all shapes and sizes in today’s world. And there isn’t always a way out. Cinderella is an amazing role model for theses situations. She did what she knew she had to do. She’s the kind of person I want to be and who I want to raise my future kids to be. I wish there were more characters like Cinderella out there.

February 3, 2024 4:54 AM

I’m a little late to the party. Found your blog when I was searching for examples of kind and gentle heroines. I agree with everything you have said. You go girl, this blog is amazing and it is encouraging. I want to see more heroines in books where their true strength lies in being kind and showing love instead of hate and violence. Thank you for writing your post, you inspire me to go and write a kind hearted heroine of my own. God bless you

March 9, 2024 12:53 PM

Beautifully put. My sister loves this Cinderella movie and I wasn’t taken with it at first, but I greatly appreciate your Christian perspective, enlightening those delicate themes that ground the story and character. Thank you 🙂 My favorite Cinderella take is Ever After with Drew Barrymore (so gorgeous and funny).