2017 Wrap-Up: The Life, the Geekery, the Bookishness

So apparently 2017 is almost done with us and I’d like to know who gave it permission to be nearly finished??????
WHERE DO I FILE A COMPLAINT? Because wow yeah. This year zoomed by at record breaking speeds and has left me sitting here in a daze wondering what just happened like the Hare in the Tortoise and the Hare story. (I don’t know either. Just go with it.)

Last year wasn’t my favorite. I wasn’t in the best place mentally, there were a lot of lows, and some tragic things happened. But 2017, 2017 was much, much better. I liked this year quite a lot.

THUS. I thought it’d be fun to do a little yearly wrap-up post to look back at the highlights of 2017. (Except “little” is so inaccurate because when do I ever do small posts???) I’m going to categorize this in sections because I love categorizing things almost as much as I love making lists.


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This year was a whirlwind of changes.

A few things that went down includes:

  • My little sister graduated high school. BRB SOBBING. She’s the youngest in the family, so for the first time in 24 years none of us are homeschooling AND IT’S WEIRD. But I’m so proud of my sis!

  • One of my best friends graduated from college. SO PROUD OF HER TOO.

  • I got to stay with that same friend for a few days three different times this year and it was fabulous.

  • My other bestie and her family moved…11 hours away. Definitely not a highlight, but at the same time I’m excited for them and all the new and exciting turns their life has taken.

  • Turned 25 years old and just WUT??? When did I become an adult? Because, in my head, 24 is still “young adult”. But 25 is just…adult. Is that just me? I DON’T EVEN KNOW. I know I act like suuuuch and adult though, amiright? (You guys probably thought I was 14, didn’t you? #ForeverPeterPan)

  • Got to go see a live ballet showing of The Nutcracker for the first time in yeeeeears and absolutely loved it!

There are many, many, many more things that happened this year. Changes and joys and hardships and growth. But all-in-all it was a fantastic, if not crazy, year.


This was my quietest year of writing since…2009. Not even kidding. Usually I do at least two major writing projects a year, with maybe some smaller things in between. This year I didn’t really do anything until NaNoWriMo.

If you’ll remember, in January I had BIG WRITING PLANS for this year. So many goals of editing Burning Thorns and researching literary agents and working on query letters and all that fun stuff? Did I do any of that?

Erm. No.

But you know what? I’M OKAY WITH THAT. This wasn’t the year for those things, I know that now. There were too many things going on in life. But not just that, I think I needed to reevaluate myself. I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed and questioning everything, especially my writing, at the beginning of this year. But after taking almost a whole year off from doing any major writing and really focusing on learning to balance my time and taking a breath, I’m at a much better place. And I know, without a doubt, that writing is absolutely what I want to do with my life. So though not much actual writing happened this year, there was a lot of necessary growth and revelations within my own self. And it was good. Very good. I don’t regret one bit taking a writing hiatus.

BUT. I can’t entirely take off from writing. There were still writerly 2017 happenings.

  • I wrote a 4,500-word, fairytale-esque short story When Spring Blooms, which was a ton of fun! It’s very rare I write short stories (because apparently “short” things aren’t part of my vocabulary?), but I always enjoy it when I do.

  • I purchased Scrivener and fell. in. love. The levels of organization it allows makes my perfectionist self ridiculously happy. WHY DID I NOT TRY THIS PROGRAM BEFORE??? It is the bessst.

  • Made an entire file of Scrivener for Burning Thorns with all sorts of sections and folders and goodness. So it is ready to be edited on, even if I haven’t done the actual editing yet…

  • Made a map for the Burning Thorns world. Because I literally didn’t even have a name for the continent the world was set in. So that was fun!

  • Fully plotted out The Nether Isle. Which felt great. It was the first time I really got back into writing related things in moooonths. I felt like myself again!

  • WROTE The Nether Isle! (Which you all know about since I haven’t stopped talking about it for like 3 months now… *cough*)

So it wasn’t an extremely productive year, but it wasn’t a fully idle one either. And I did some things to set me all up for my 2018 writing plans. Overall, I’m feeling good about everything. I wrote a short story, set up everything for Burning Thorns edits, wrote an 117k-word book, and got past some mental blocks. Even if it was my slowest year of writing in a long time, I’m happy with what I accomplished and look forward to diving into more writing ventures come the new year!


I think I made strides with blogging this year. Though I did take a few hiatuses, breaking my 4-year streak of posting every single week. But, well, it was probably time to allow myself a few little blogging breaks after consistently posting for 4 years, right???

Other than those hiatuses, I really poured myself into the blog. This year I wrote some deeper posts than I usually do, tried to give you guys the best quality content I could, and got better at having nice graphics at the top of each post. I gained quite a lot of new followers this year (hi, guys! I love you all!), so I think it all paid off.

Some favorite posts of mine I did this year are:






You guys should know I’m a total movie and TV show nerd, and this year introduced me to quite a few fabulous ones!

Movies saw in theaters:


Which I…wasn’t wild about and it makes me weep. I HAD SUCH HIGH EXPECTATIONS. B&B is my favorite fairytale! The Disney classic animated movie is my childhood! All the previous live action remakes (Cinderella, Maleficent, etc.) were beyond perfect! I was just positive this one would be spectacular. But…no. It wasn’t a bad movie. It just didn’t capture that B&B magic for me. Emma Watson just wasn’t working as my dear Belle. *ducks from rotten tomatoes* I DON’T KNOW. I didn’t hate it, but it was just kinda…meh. *sobs forever*

OKAY BUT DIS MOVIE. I loved it nearly just as much as the 1st one, which is saying something because the 1st one is one of my favorite Marvel movies. BUT THIS WAS SO FUNNY AND EPIC AND EMOTIONAL AND SJDFJKHSKDJHFKLDSF. Probably my favorite movie of 2017!

This movie rekindled my love for my Spidey baby! See, when I was young, Spider-Man was my FAVORITE superhero. As the years rolled on Iron Man and Captain America took my heart. But seeing this one reminded me of how much I adore Spider-Man. He’s literally a kid trying to protect a whole city and just HE IS PRECIOUS. And Tom Holland is absolutely my favorite Spider-Man thus far. I do feel like the pacing of this movie was a tinge slow sometimes? Maybe too much setup? I don’t know. But I still loved it!

I think I’ve already flailed about this movie 2 or 3 times now but…I LOVED IT. I wish there could have been more emotion and not just comedy, but it was still fantastic!

I…think that’s all I saw in theaters? And all of those are Disney and 3 out of 4 are Marvel. I seem to have a problem??? But come on, MARVEL!

There were others I wanted to see but didn’t get a chance. And still haven’t! Like The LEGO Batman Movie and Wonder Woman. But hopefully I can get to those sometime soon.

I also discovered some TV shows this year. Of which I now wonder whyyyy I had never watched before.


Why why why WHY have I gone this long without watching the magic that is Gravity Falls? WHY??? This show looks like some goofy kiddy cartoon but DON’T BE DECEIVED. I mean, yes, it’s a goofy kiddie cartoon but it’s also DEEP and HILARIOUS and has an epic PLOT and the CHARACTERSSSS. I will now have Gravity Falls feels for the rest of my life. *collapses* JUST WATCH THIS SHOW. Basically every. single. line. in it is quotable and hilarious and the characters are golden and just GO WATCH IT. (Except you probably have because I feel like I’m the only person in the world who has never watched it until now???)
Mabel is a gift to this world.


Another totally hilarious cartoon! This one does start out as a pretty goofy, random cartoon but it gets much deeper as it goes on. And THE CHARACTERS. Star is from another dimension and has a magical wand that she uses to, well, defeat the forces of evil. But she makes spells like a narwhal blast. So yeah. She’s totally bubbly and reckless and fun. (She kind of reminds me of me, TBH.) Then there’s Marco. Sweet, precious, cinnamon roll Marco. The show is worth watching just for those two. And let’s not even talk about how shippable they are.

 (The first non-Disney thing in this whole section!)

Erm. Yeah. I’m reeeeally late on this bandwagon. My brother (and basically everyone else in the universe) has been badgering me to watch it since it came out in the Fall of LAST YEAR. Annnnd I didn’t start watching it until this August or September. I FAIL AT LIFE. But obviously I loved it. It’s not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach but…it’s pretty epic! (Except I still haven’t found time to watch the 2nd season and IT’S KILLING MEEE.)
There were probably many more things I can’t remember (I’m proud I even remembered all of this!), but these were definitely my screen watching highlights of the year.

Obviously I saved the most important one for last. BOOKS!!!

I read a total of…30 books for 2017. Ummm, yeah. Sad, I know. I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that 30 is my average for a year these days. It’s not a bad amount, just not neeeearly as much as I want to read. I’d much rather devour 100 books in a year but I can’t seem to be one of those magical peoples.


It was a bit of a mixed year of reading. The majority of the books I read were a little meh. Buuuut I did find some gems that absolutely made my year.

by Jaye L. Knight

Book #3 of the Ilyon Chronicles and possibly the best one yet! This was my first book to read this year and WAS IT A GOOD ONE. ALL THE FEELS. ALL THE THIIIINGS. Just go read this series! (I deeesperately need to get my hands on Exiles.)

by Gail Carson Levine

Okay but hoooooowwwww have I not read this book until this year??? I should have grown up with this book! I AM ALL THE SHAME. No earthly clue why it took me half an age to read it, but IT WAS SO GOOD.
by Jamie Foley

(Except the 3rd book isn’t out yet BUT I NEED IT PRECIOUSSS.) This is suuuch a fun and different style of novels. People with special abilities in a world much like our own and it’s basically the apocalypse with epic characters and the best bromance and YES. Kudos to my bookfairy Deborah for getting me to read these books. I LOVE THEM.

by Allison Tebo

One of my faaavorite reads of the year! This Cinderella retelling novella was the cutest EVER. I actually reviewed it should you want my full thoughts on it. But basically…GO READ IT! This book was a delight. And it kindled a friendship between my girl Allison and me, which made it doubly awesome! Seriously, go give her a follow and read her story. SHE’S THE BEST.


So I discovered something super weird this year. I kinda like graphic novels??? I’ve never actually read any before. I had no idea if I’d like them or not. But this past August I was staying with my bestie and she talked me into trying a few and I officially got hooked. Unfortunately, it’s reeeally hard to find clean ones. *pouts* But they’re great for some quick reads. My favorite one I’ve read so far is Nimona by Noelle Stevenson.

by Kyle Robert Shultz

Okay. This may win for top favorite of my 2017 bookish discoveries. THESE BOOKS GUYS. 1920s detective style story but in a world where fairytales are real? GIMME GIMME GIMME. These books are hilarious. But don’t let that fool you! They get deep and twisty as they go on. In fact, the 3rd book, The Stroke of Eleven, was my last read for the year and I’m still reeling. I MAY NEVER RECOVER. (I reviewed the 1st book if you’re interested.) These books are golden! Kyle is hilarious and you should absolutely go check out his website and READ HIS BOOKS!
So even though I read a bunch of meh books this year, these totally made up for them! And if you’re still a nosy bookdragon, you can check out my 2017-reads GoodReads shelf for everything I read this year.

As I said at the beginning, this was quite the year of change and growth. And there was one particular lesson that stood out to me this year.

At this time last year, I was drained. I was tired, stressed, overwhelmed. I had Big Plans, but actually tackling them just made me want to curl under the covers and watch Netflix forever.

And it hit me: I was doing too much. I had no balance. I ignored friends and family and even God in favor of trifle things like staying on top of emails. I didn’t really take any breaks in 2016. I was constantly doing something.

I’m obsessive and a bit OCD. When I have goals in mind or things to do, I can’t not do them. I can’t rest until everything is DONE. Except…everything is never done. There will always be things to do. Always emails to answer. Always blog posts to write. Always books to write and edit and research for. But that doesn’t mean we should always be doing those things. They’re good things, but there has to be balance.

So this year, I took a break. I wasn’t as rigid about publishing a blog post every single week, I didn’t force myself to have a major writing project going, I put off things in favor of hanging out with friends and family.

I learned to soak up the moments.

This life is fleeting. Friends and family aren’t always forever. And growing our relationship with God is the very reason we have breath in our lungs.

Yes, I still want to pursue a career in writing. Yes, I want to do more in 2018. Yes, my writing is important to me. But there are also other important things in life. And I don’t want to miss out on them.

This year, for the first time in a long, long time, I took a breath. I let myself relax and live. And it was like a soothing balm. I no longer feel overwhelmed and tired. I’m excited about things, I’m ready to tackle 2018.

I still fail. I still find myself saying no to spending time with family in favor of getting things done. But I’m working toward doing better.

So as we say goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018, I want to remember. I want to remember that it’s OKAY to take breaks. It’s necessary.
But most importantly, I want to remember to soak up every single moment I’m given on this earth. To stop wasting away the days. To be grateful for every breath I take and use this little life I have as a blessing to others.

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2017 was a pretty crazy year. But it was a good one. Possibly even a great one.

I look forward to seeing what 2018 has in store!

This is my last post for 2017, guys! So let’s chat about ALL the things. Did we watch any of the same movies or read any of the same books? What exciting things happened to you this year? And what are you excited about for the new year? Tell me all about it!

NOTE: Since this post came later in the week, I won’t have a post up Monday. It will be New Year’s after all! I’m going to soak up these last few days of the holidays. But I will be back on January 8th for my first 2018 post!


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Sarah Rodecker
December 29, 2017 5:20 PM

Hey, even if you weren't able to work on 'big' writing projects, what you accomplished is pretty epic! Congrats to a great year! I hope you can tackle your future plans with determination!

Deborah O'Carroll
December 29, 2017 6:49 PM

I LOVE THIS POST! *tackle-hugs it* So much went down this year! :O I don't know what even happened in my OWN life, as I still need to do a wrapup post which I need to get on, but it was so fun to read about what was up with you! 🙂

HURRAY FOR SCRIVENER AND A SHORT STORY AND WRITING ALL OF THE NETHER ISLE! You definitely did a ton of writing this year, *I* think, and I'm so happy you're feeling at a better place! 🙂 (FYI, You wrote over 120K words and I wrote like 85K so even though I was writing all year, you still did more, because TAKING BREAKS IS GOOD! XD) Anyway, so happy for your writing adventures! ^_^ (And I LOVED When Spring Blooms and cannot WAIT for TNI!!! :D)

*huggles all your posts*

I… haven't seen any of those movies except Thor 3. O_O CLEARLY I MUST GET ON THIS. XD

I'm sorry your reading year wasn't as great, BUT you did read 30 which is an accomplishment, and I'm so glad you had some new favorites! 😀 *needs to read Ilyon Chronicles and Nimona*

The Sentinel books and Reluctant Godfather and ESPECIALLY BEAUMONT AND BEASLEY made my top-list of the year too! Which I must post soon. I read so many good books this year, and I'm so happy we share some favorites!! ^_^ (But Stroke of Eleven though!!!! *shrieking*)

Your thoughts are always so inspiring! I'm SO glad you're learning to balance things and live life to the fullest! You inspire me, and all of us, I'm sure! ^_^

HAPPY NEW YEAR, DEAREST LAURI!!! I hope you havE the most amazing one and coming year of all time! <33333333333

Tracey Dyck
December 29, 2017 6:58 PM

CHRISTINE DID A YEARLY WRAP-UP, YAY! I'm so excited to read this! And I'm so, so glad that 2017 was kinder to you than 2016 was. You needed it! <3

Congrats to the graduates in your life! Such milestones. ^_^ And if I neglected to wish you a happy 25th earlier…happy birthday! I'm right behind ya, Miss Adult. 😉 I know what you mean, though–technically 24 and 25 are both adult. But now you're officially in your mid-twenties, and somehow that just sounds different? XD

Even if it was a slower year writing-wise, I still think it was productive in some of the ways it matters most! You took a much-needed break and worked through some things, which is HEALTHY and GOOD and will pay off hugely down the road. We can't just keep pushing ourselves nonstop and expect to produce! (Something I'm learning and relearning. *cough*) So I admire your choice to sit back and breathe and experience life.
And you still got some major writing done! Your short story, prepping Burning Thorns, writing The Nether Isle–that's nothing to sniff at! 😀

Oh, I loved that you brought up blogging! Because I have noticed something's changed here in the past year! I've loved Musings of an Elf ever since discovering it/you (when WAS that, even?? I can't remember…), but everything is just improving and I love it even more! Also your deep posts = <3333 (But also your silly posts, because you never fail to make me laugh!)

Haha, it's funny that we're *not* braintwinning in regards to the B&B movie and GotG2… Because I (mostly) loved the former and enjoyed (but didn't adore) the latter? >.< But HOMECOMING MY HEART!

I don't really watch cartoons much, but Gravity Falls sounds interesting for sure! And Stranger Things–I've been soooo curious, but also wary because it looks dark? And yet I do love dark–ish things a lot of the time, so IDEK what I think at this point. XD But you liked it? I'm even more curious now!

Don't feel bad for reading less than the 100s of books others do! I myself am on my 40th book for the year. Also not stellar, compared to some past years–but that was in high school, when life was MUCH less full. XD

Oh, oh, I neeeeed to try the Ilyon Chronicles sometime! And don't mind me, I'm just adding Ella Enchanted to the humongous pile of books I'd like to reread… *ducks falling books* I totally get that feeling of wishing you'd grown up with a certain book! And The Beast of Talesend!!!! <333333 For some reason I didn't 100% click with the first book–I think part of it was my own skepticism of indie books, sowwy–but after the sequel I am so hooked. I NEED THE STROKE OF ELEVEN POSTHASTE. And it looks like there's some short side stories out as well?? Like a Peter Pan one and a Christmas one and one about Cordelia? They've been flooding Goodreads and I am desperate for them all!

Wow. I completely love the lessons you learned on balance this year. Oddly enough, although 2017 was one of my busiest years ever (kind of including the second half of 2016 as well), I learned valuable lessons about the very same thing. I'm still terrible at it half the time. I still overwork myself and then find myself needing to shut everything out in order to recharge. But I'm getting better at LETTING myself recharge, at recognizing what drains me and what fills me and refusing to feel guilty about it. But I won't ramble too much about this just yet, because I have some thoughts to muse over before 2018 begins, and methinks it will work itself into a blog post. 😉

Anyway, I'm so happy that 2017 was a good year! *hugs* It makes my heart glad. Here's to a new year of balance, adventure, and epic writing things! 😀

December 29, 2017 7:46 PM

This was a fun post to read!
I boycotted the second Guardians of the Galaxy because I was terrified of my characters getting ruined. But everything I hear about it is great, so I've been thinking I should try it. And I would recommend Wonder Woman, FYI.
I'm one of those newer readers, and your blog has been super fun. =)

December 29, 2017 7:48 PM

Ah yes-what a great batch of movies! Thor 3 was probably my favorite. I feel the same way that you do about B&B, though. I could write a post on why it didn't win me over, but I think it comes down to the fact that the new Cinderella made me feel like a 5 year old again, whereas during Beauty and the Beast I never quite forget that I was an adult.

And Stranger Things is SO GOOD. I think the second season is even better than the first, although I wish it didn't have so much language in it. I don't mind the creepiness, but swearing bothers me.

annnd I really need to read the Beaumont and Beasley series. It's one of my reading goals for 2018 😀

Speaking of 2018, Happy (early) New Year! Hopefully it will be an even better one than 2017.

Catherine Hawthorn
December 29, 2017 7:59 PM

What a wonderful wrap-up post, Christine!!! So many things happened this year that I don't even think that I could put all of them in as orderly as you did :).

I had a rather slow writing year too….maybe 2018 will be better.

I really want to check out the Ilyon Chronicles and the Beaumont books too – I've been hearing a lot of good things about them!!!

And I so still need to see Spiderman Homecoming….

Happy New Year!!


Brianna Stacyn
December 29, 2017 11:07 PM

First of all, I just wanted to say that I love, love, love your wrap-up posts! I may not have been around here for long, but I can see that your energy really comes through in your writing, and it makes your posts really fun to read. Anyhoo, I read the Ilyon Chronicles this year (Whoohoo!) and watched Gravity Falls. I meant to read/watch at least five of the others, but . . . life. Seriously, it's so in the way. 😀 However, I'm totally checking out Sentinel and the Beaumont series. Thanks for giving me ideas! Hope you have an absolutely wonderful 2018! (Oh, and that gif? PERFECT. That is what New Year's fireworks should be. #goals)

Brianna | noendofbooks.blogspot.com

December 30, 2017 3:02 AM

Happy New Year, Christine! ( I love how you ended this post with some of Gandalf's fireworks!)
I'm pleased to hear 2017 was such a good year for you.
Unfortunately, Nimona is the only book on this list that I've read. I hope to remedy that, someday.

December 30, 2017 5:07 AM

Congratz to your sister and friend! It's been a wonderful year, for sure! My beautiful little cousin Natane was born, my other cousin Mila turned ONE, and my cousin Noah saved his family from a fire! (Plus a thousand other things happened, but those are some of the best!) I think 2018 is going to be a good year. <3
OH MY GOODNESS! "Spiderman: Homecoming" is one of the BEST movies EVER!!! Everyone I talk to thinks the first spiderman was the best, but Tom Holland is my favorite!

January 1, 2018 9:31 PM
Reply to  GJE

You're welcome!
Yeah! On my birthday. We got a call saying that Noah and his girlfriend Destiny had been driving to a friend's house when Noah suddenly felt like he should go home. So he and Destiny drove home to find that something on the stove had caught fire! Noah managed to put it out, also managing to get his girlfriend's family and his baby (Mila) out of the house, but he got TERRIBLE burns on his arms and legs from the oil. He was in the hospital for quite a while. He's still getting over the burns, but he's doing a WHOLE lot better, and his baby and family are alright.
I'm so proud of him!

I love it! It is definitely the best.

Happy New Year to you, too!

January 2, 2018 11:23 PM
Reply to  GJE

We're all very proud of him. If he hadn't done what he knew God was telling him to do, his daughter and girlfriend's family would be dead. <3 God is good!

January 7, 2018 5:29 AM
Reply to  GJE


Ivie Brooks
December 30, 2017 8:26 PM


Gravity Falls is hilarious! If you like cartoons and have netflix, and if you like Toothless or anything How to Train Your Dragon, I definitely suggest Dragons: Race to the Edge. It's one of my favorites!!

This post is just epic, honestly. And I know what you mean by adulting. I mean, I am halfway through 18, but it seems like its unbelievable. XD


Hanne T
December 30, 2017 8:30 PM

Ella Enchanted is one of my top-ever favorite books! The Beaumont and Beasley series sounds so intriguing! I'll have to check those out! (Also literally everyone has been talking about Stranger Things and I may or may not have to check that out in 2018)

Happy 2018, Christine!

RM Lutz
December 31, 2017 8:41 PM

I also hopped on the Stranger Things bandwagon this year and truly enjoyed it. The second season is so good! Steve turns into an amazing character.

I might have to check out the Sentinel series. It looks intriguing!

Happy new year!

Sarah Elizabeth
January 1, 2018 5:11 PM

Wow! It seems you had a BLAST this year! So happy for you, m'dear! I loved reading this wrap-up. The movies, the lifey things, the bloggy things, and the BOOKS. I LOVE this blog. I JUST. LOVE. *starry eyes*

WHAT?? You hadn't EVER read Ella Enchanted??? Gail Carson Levine's faerietales have always been at the top of my faves! Have you read Fairest yet? If not, you'd probably like that one too — it's a unique take on Snow White. :]

AGH!! I still haven't gotten me hands on Sentinel yet! I remember you mentioning it before (I think?) and I've seen it around. Looks so good!

I COMPLETELY understand about B&tB. I agree with you, I think they could've chosen a better girl for Belle. But in its own way, I still enjoyed the film. The SONGS! And I really liked how they fleshed out her background with her father and mother (tho it was so heartbreaking *cries buckets*). Could've definitely done without the innuendo of Gaston and LeFou… Other than that, the costumes were AMAZE and "Evermore" will forever be (one of) my favorite songs.

Happy New Year, dear Lauri!! Best wishes to you and yours for this year of 2018. Bado go Eru. *^ – ^*

Sarah Elizabeth
January 3, 2018 1:50 PM

Haha! I'm finding more and more lately that I must write EVERYTHING down or I will forget… So I COMPLETELY understand about squeezing brain cells! ;D

YES. And I agree. It's been quite a while since I've read Fairest, and while I don't recall all that much about the characters, I just remember the plot and idea behind the story. It was just so DIFFERENT. What about The Two Princesses of Bamarre?? That's IS a favorite of mine (although again, I haven't read in FOREVER), and I just recently found out she has a sequel to it!

Awesome. Hopefully, that will be one I can read this year. :]

Haha! Yes! Kindred spirits. *^-^* I TOTALLY agree. The backstories definitely added new depth to the original animated film. Didja know Disney is adding a live-action version of Aladdin?? And I've heard rumors about The Lion King as well! O_O

Thanks you, dear Lauri! <3

Victoria Grace Howell
January 2, 2018 8:10 PM

I'm so happy you're watching Stranger Things! I love that show so much. It sounds like 2017 was a great year for you! Here's to 2018!


January 2, 2018 8:50 PM

Happy 2018, Christine!

Btw, I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way about BatB. "Which I…wasn’t wild about and it makes me weep. I HAD SUCH HIGH EXPECTATIONS. B&B is my favorite fairytale! The Disney classic animated movie is my childhood! All the previous live action remakes (Cinderella, Maleficent, etc.) were beyond perfect! I was just positive this one would be spectacular. But…no. It wasn’t a bad movie. It just didn’t capture that B&B magic for me. Emma Watson just wasn’t working as my dear Belle. *ducks from rotten tomatoes* I DON’T KNOW. I didn’t hate it, but it was just kinda…meh." >>MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. 100% agree. So thank you. I felt so alone before! *sobs*

Madeline J. Rose
January 2, 2018 9:21 PM

I NEED SCRIVENER IN MY LIFE. I've heard it's sooooo helpful, and I'm an extreme perfectionist, so it would be perfect! XD

MARVEL IS THE BEST! *high-fives* This was a SUPER AWESOME YEAR for Marvel!! Thor Ragnarok was probably my favorite, but Spiderman and Guardians were both SO GOOD TOO. All the banter makes me so happy. *quietly huddles in a corner, waiting for Infinity War* 😀

ISN'T ELLA ENCHANTED THE BEST?? 😀 And I liked Nimona too! It was a bit strange, I agree, but it was really fun! ^_^

I feel the same way about doing too much this year. I have mild OCD, and I'm really hard on myself. I thought I could do everything, and do it perfectly. But as the year came to a close and I was attempting NaNo, I just knew I needed to stop. I was so stressed out and I was pressuring myself so much. It wasn't good. 😛 You are totally right. It's not bad, it's just finding that balance that's so important. ^_^

I hope you have a fantabulous 2018, Christine!

Skye Hoffert
January 3, 2018 8:08 AM

Yay! You watched Stranger Things, it's one of my favorites! Well basically all the shows you posted are my favorites. Great post, I loved hearing about your year.
I get the OCD thing, I am constantly trying to stay on top of everything and something always suffers. Glad you can let yourself take a break, you deserve it. You do alot, more then you probably realize. You have been a huge blessing in my life this year er last year XD

You are just such a lovely person, and I hope you have your best year yet!

January 5, 2018 3:27 AM


I feel that if I wrote out a summary of my 2017, it would also contain a great deal of Marvel. I got to watch so many Marvel movies for the first time last year… it was awesome!

I'm so happy to find another Sentinel trilogy fan! I actually got to beta-read the second edition of Arbiter, and I've applied to beta-read Sage, also. Jamie Foley is so much fun to interact with! (Btw, who's your favorite character? Mine is Jet.) 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful 2018! 🙂


Allison Tebo
January 6, 2018 5:04 PM

“curls into happy, grinning, wriggling ball” AWWW – Christine – thank you so much… <3 <3 I’m so happy you enjoyed The Reluctant Godfather – and I count the fact that it sparked our friendship one of the very best things about it!

I loved this post! Congratulations to your sister and to you!

I’ve heard so much about Scrivener and have considered getting it but wondered if I would spend so much time fiddling with it I wouldn’t actually, you know, write. 😛

I just read your Extroverted Writer post – and OMW – HILARIOUS AND TRUE. “high fives a fellow extroverted writer” GOSH – it was like you were describing me – how I feel about people, the chameleon mode – EXACTLY what I do and feel.

And I’ve read your Cinderella post and loved it – and AHH – gotta read all these posts because I missed some of them and I love every one of your posts.

And HIGH FIVE to corny animated kid shows – I still watch ‘em. 😀

I’m so glad to about what you shared about finding balance – it’s something I’m always struggling with because I’m a ENFJ to and rather OCB myself…and say no to spending time with my family in favor of getting things done, more than once. #shame

Praise God for His grace that He’s still working with us . . . I pray that we both have balance in the New Year – full of accomplishments, but also full of peace and focus on the things that matter! I know MOI needs it…. 🙂

BEAUTIFUL BLOG POST AS ALWAYS!! “eats up all your blog posts”

<3 Alli

Allison Tebo
January 7, 2018 6:00 PM
Reply to  Allison Tebo

“squirms and grins and melts” <3 Thank you, Christine!

Wow – it DOES look amazing – I guess I need to seriously consider setting some time aside to look into that!

If we’re twins – we must be triplets! I have a twin sister – but she’s INTP. 😀

I DID – it was like you were writing me – IT WAS SO ASTUTE AND GOOD and you articulated so much of myself. The Chameleon thing? I do that all the time. Just all of it was sooo good. I’m going to show it to some introverted writers to try to explain what goes on in my head. 😛 As you said…a strange life indeed!

AWW – YOU ARE, Christine – you are the sweetest, most precious thing! <3

High five! All the awesome stuff should not be relegated or hogged by the younger crowd – we want to have fun too! 🙂

I know exactly what you are saying! I love them to pieces and they’re my favorite people but I have a hard time letting go of schedules, work and doing, doing, doing. But I know we can both do better with God’s help!

I KNOW, SERIOUSLY? We must be related somehow… 😛

He is – ALWAYS. I will be praying that you achieve those exact three things!

DAW – THANK YOU, DARLING CHRISTINE. That makes me very happy. 😀

Pssst – no need to respond to this comment – I have a feeling we could just keep going and going and going….

comment image

Sarah Elizabeth
January 6, 2018 5:50 PM

Hey, girlie! I've tagged you over at my blog: #MyFirstPostRevistited. Please don't feel obligated, but if you do it – have fun! 😀

linky: http://sarah-plainandaverage.blogspot.com/2018/01/one-good-thing-blog-tag.html

Jameson C. Smith
January 6, 2018 11:26 PM

Oh my goodness! My sister will be graduating high school in a few months (she's also the baby of the family) and it's SO WEIRD. Like, it was weird when each of my brothers graduated but when it's the youngest sibling it's a whole new level. o_O Congrats to your sister on graduating!

It sounds like 2017 was a good year of rest and recharging for you, and I've enjoyed hearing about your adventures over the last few months. And hurray on all your writing accomplishments! That's so cool that you made a map for your book! The more I hear about Burning Thorns the more I can't wait to see it on my bookshelves one day. ;D

I feel like I'm the only person who hasn't watched Stranger Things yet but I am so tempted because everyone says it's amazing. I may have to put it on my list for this year!

Ella Enchanted is soooooo good! I love that one. I still need to read Sentinel and Nimona though. The only graphic novel I've read was Wires and Nerve. Have you read it yet?

I hope your 2018 is full of more beautiful moments and fun adventures!

January 9, 2018 8:56 PM

I loved reading this wrap-up post! 25 years old. Yep, I would say that's adult. But you don't hafta act like it per se. 🙂

Spider-Man Homecoming! I wrote a whole post on this movie, cause I liked it. I agree it was slow, but I personally enjoyed that, because I think that most Marvel movies are too fast-paced with too much going on, and that's why I don't like most of them. Spider-Man is my fave. 🙂 I think Tom Holland did a splendid job! Can't wait for the next installment.

I agree it's totally weird when your family has been homeschooling for YEARS… and then you're not. Quite different to get used to!


I hope you have a lovely 2018!

Kate Marie
January 18, 2018 2:49 AM

ACK YOUR BLOG IS SO PRETTY EVERY TIME I SEE IT I HAVE A SMALL HEART ATTACK FROM GORGEOUSNESS OVERLOAD SO WOW LIKE CAN YOU TEACH ME (jk I think I'm going to have to hire some techie person to make pretty sites for me because I am no good at it. hopefully I get rich and famous very soon.)

(also… Emma Watson didn't seem like Belle to me either… something was just OFF. So you're not alone there. Some people on Twitter were saying Jenna Coleman would have been better and I kind of agree??)