The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

GUYS. Avengers: Endgame comes out THIS. WEEK. I can’t believe how close we are. I don’t think I’m readyyyyy. *flails* Since “we’re in the endgame now” (lololol sorry, couldn’t help myself), I’ve decided to create a Marvel tag! I’M EXCITED.

I wanted to do something Marvel-y today, and I thought why not make a tag where we can all flail in the Marvel goodness? Dis gonne be fun!


(‘Cause who needs “rules”?)

  • Feel free to include the above graphic somewhere in your post (but it’s definitely not necessary).
  • Take the questions and answer them on your blog (or social media or wherever!).
  • Tag up to 5 other Marvel fans!

That’s it!



1. How were you introduced into the MCU fandom?

2. What’s your favorite Marvel film?

3. Top favorite Marvel character?

4. If you were transported into the MCU and had to trade places with one of the superheroes, who would you choose?

5. What are some of your favorite quotes from the films?

6. Which crew would you want to be part of the most: Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Revengers?

7. Favorite and least favorite ship?

8. Favorite and least favorite villain?

9. Unpopular MCU opinion?

10. What’s your favorite Stan Lee cameo scene?




1.) How were you introduced into the MCU fandom?

My superhero origin story…I mean. Ahem. My introduction to these movies goes alllll the way back to 2002 when the first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie came out. Yeah, remember those? XD These days all I do is make fun of them, BUT back in my day *shakes cane* we weren’t blessed with a gradrillion brilliant MCU movies every year. Instead we had those Spider-Man movies. And in that time they were actually really, really good. I LOVED them. And I loved Spider-Man. If you can believe it, I wasn’t really a fan of he superhero genre back then, with the exception of Spider-Man. He was great. But yeah, I didn’t really give much stock to superhero films otherwise.

Then jump to 2008 when the first Iron Man movie came out. WELL. I was a goner. I’ve been diligently watching nearly every single movie Marvel produces basically the second it’s released ever since.


2.) What’s your favorite Marvel film?

It’s a toss up between:

The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy
Vol. I & II
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Thor: Ragnarok

Don’t make me choose between those because I CAAAAN’T. They all just make me so happy. I never, ever, everrrr get tired of them.


3.) Top favorite Marvel character?


That is all.

Okay, okay. So it’s a bit of a complicated question. I used to love Spider-Man, like I said. Then the Iron Man movies made me totally fall in love with Tony. He’s just so great. I adore that ridiculous man. But then Captain America happened… I loved him so much in his first movie, but by the time Winter Soldier came out, that was it. I couldn’t believe it but…Steve had bumped Tony to #2 in my heart by a teeny tiny fraction.

THEN Spider-Man: Homecoming came out and SKDJFLJ:SLDJF MAH BOY. It had been so long since I had immersed in a Spider-Man movie, I had forgotten my deep love for that superhero. And THIS Spider-man was EVERYTHING. Tobey Maguire just didn’t hold up well as a good portrayal of precious little Peter Parker. And Andrew Garfield didn’t really do it for me either (sorry, guys). But Tom Holland! *clutches heart* He is perfection. He reminded my just why I love Spider-Man so very much. All the other heroes are adults with so much experience under their belt. (Sheesh, Steve is 100 years old!) But for Peter Parker, he’s literally just a kid, an orphan, who received powers and, precious cinnamon roll he is, decided he should use them to help people because it’s the right thing to do. ALKJSLDJFLKJSDF I JUST LOVE HIM.

So allll that to say, Steve, Tony, and Peter are my top three superheroes of ever.

Buuut, truthfully? Bucky is my favorite MCU character. Hands down. No questions ask. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Though honestly I just love them all. Marvel is the master at making loveable characters. There are so, so, sooo few MCU characters (if any???) I just generally dislike. GIMME ALL THE BROKEN SUPERHEROES. <3


4.) If you were transported into the MCU and had to trade places with one of the superheroes, who would you choose?

Oh gracious, they all have such tragic, dangerous, traumatic lives. I’m not sure I’d want to be any of them.

Let’s go with Ant-Man. Scott’s life seems a smidge more chill than everyone else’s? All right, he did go to jail for a while, but he’s got a loving daughter, doesn’t have to constantly go off to war or some dangerous mission, plus turning tiny and communicating with ants would be so cool!


5.) What are some of your favorite quotes from the films?

UGH. Who asked these questions? (Oh wait…)

Basically every single quote in every single film is pure gold. But my FAVORITE quote of all time, not just in the MCU but in any fictional story of ever, is:

“I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!” – Yondu, Guardians of the Galaxy 2

It kills me. Every single time. I will never not giggle hysterically every time I think of it.

Some other gems are:

“You’re from earth?
No, I’m from Missouri!”
– Tony and Peter Quill, Avengers: Infinity War

“There’s only one God, ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that.” – Steve Rogers, The Avengers

“You get hurt, hurt ‘em back. You get killed…walk it off.” –Steve Rogers, Avengers: Age of Ultron

“The city is flying and we’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.” – Clint, Avengers: Age of Ultron

“We are Groot.” – Groot, Guardians of the Galaxy

“Why is Gamora?” – Drax, Avengers: Infinity War (And literally everything that comes out of Drax’s mouth ever.)

Also Thor’s entire snake story from Thor: Ragnarok.

THERE’S JUST TOO MANY. I gotta move on, ‘cause “I could do this all day”. (Oh look, there’s another one. *GRIIINS*)


6.) Which crew would you want to be part of the most: Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Revengers?

Definitely a Guardian! They just have way too much fun.

They literally saved the universe with a dance off. So…yeah.

Although doing like Thor and sidling into all three teams would be awesome too.


7.) Favorite and least favorite ship?

FAVORITE: It’s nearly a tie between the Steve & Peggy ship and Tony & Pepper ship. I JUST LOVE THEM.

I thiiiink Steve and Peggy are my favoritest MCU ship over all though. They were just so sweet, and brought out the best in each other and Peggy admired Steve before he became a super soldier and just SDLKJFLJDSLKF THE BBYS. I will ship them forever! And yes, I know Peggy is gone but but but time travel is a thing yeah? DON’T DESTROY MY DREAMS.

But I also think Tony and Pepper are just the sweetest of ever. Pepper is like the only person in this universe who can get Tony to settle down. Plus, she always knew there was a heart somewhere underneath that planet-sized ego of his. She brings out the good in him and can totally handle his nonsense. THEY’RE PERFECT.

OH. Peter Quill and Gomora are pretty great too!

And, okay, this is not even sort of a ship. BUT. That one like…10 second scene in the beginning of the first Captain America movie when Bucky is at the fair with a girl played by Jenna-Louise Coleman IS SO CUTE. I adore Jenna-Louise Coleman, and, of course, you guys know I love Sebastian Stan. So put them TOGETHER and…just…


They made way too cute of a couple! Like…I ship those two actors for reals. JUST LOOK AT THE ADORABLENESS.

Yes, I am weird. I’ll stop. XD

LEAST FAVORITE: Ermm. Probably Steve and Sharon, just like the rest of the world? Okay, look. I don’t dislike Sharon. I thought she was a pretty cool character. She does her job, she stands up for what is right, she helps Steve when he needs it. She’s cool. But they do NOT work as a couple. There’s just nothing…there. And it’s kind of weird that Steve is kissing Peggy’s niece??? I DON’T LIKE IT. It made me dislike Sharon, which I don’t want to do. But UGH. Please no.

I was also not a fan of the whole Natasha and Bruce thing. It kind of came out of nowhere and it feels…awkward. Is that just me? There’s no chemistry there. Like, I get that they feel like the two “monsters” on the team and connected that way. It makes sense. But I just don’t feel it between those two at all. Seriously not a fan.

Marvel does soooo many things right. But I feel like they miss the mark a LOT on the romances. Steve and Sharon is weird and random, Natasha and Bruce have no chemistry. Honestly, I never really felt it between Thor and Jane either. (Sorry, guys! It just wasn’t my favorite.) And I kiiind of like Wanda and Vision, but at the same time he seems so much OLDER than her. It creeps me out a bit.

For years there, one of their best ships was Natasha and Clint. And then that got debunked. Which I’ve actually come to terms with. I rather like the idea of Clint living on a farm and having a sweet family. BUT STILL. There’s just something off with so many Marvel ships. Thankfully, the movies aren’t too, too romance focused. Which is one of those things they’re doing RIGHT.


8.) Favorite and least favorite villain?

This is a silly question because I suspect everyone’s answers will be the same but I’m askin’ anyway!

FAVORITE: Loki. DUH. (Although Hela from Ragnarok and Ego from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 were pretty awesome as well.)

Our little mischievous ball of destruction. <3

LEAST FAVORITE: Thanos. DUUUUHHHH. Oh my word. I have never been more furious over a fictional villain in. my. life. Which is saying something. But can someone PLEASE stab that man in the face? Like…20 bazillion times? I AM SO ANGRY. And it’s not really a love-to-hate villain situation. NO. I don’t want him to exist. EVER.



9.) Unpopular MCU opinion?

I actually liked Age of Ultron, like a LOT. (Excluded the Natasha-Bruce romance lololol.) I seriously don’t get people’s hate for that movie? I mean, there’s a flying city and a formidable villain and Wanda and Pietro get introduced and there’s so much emotion and humor and yeah. It was cool!

I know a lot of people were complaining about Natasha and upset over her regretting she couldn’t have a baby and stuff??? Oh noooo. How dare she have actual human emotions. I just…don’t get it.

Yes, the first Avengers movies was way better. But I still found Age of Ultron totally awesome!

Quality superhero stuff right here.


10.) What’s your favorite Stan Lee cameo scene?

“Tony Stank” from Captain America: Civil War.


My second favorite is in Thor: Ragnarok when he cuts Thor’s hair.

I also love the  Guardians of the Galaxy 2 one where he’s just casually in outer space regaling some bored watchers with stories. Too great. XD

And there we have it! Way more Christine MCU Opinions than you ever needed in your life. Woot, woot!

Now let’s pass this thing on.



Skye @ Ink Calamities | Savannah @ Inspiring Writes | Victoria @ Wanderer’s Pen | Madeline @ Short and Snappy | Josiah @ The Steadfast Pen | + YOU (because I’m shamefully not sure who all of you are Marvel fans. So if you are, YOU’RE TAGGED.)

Alrighty guys. Just a few days left before Endgame. *muffled shrieking* I’m both ecstatic and in total dread. I just know this movie is going to utterly and completely destroy me. Meep.



ROLL CALL. Who’s all a Marvel fan? Because I need to know! Do you agree with my thoughts on things? Disagree? Let’s discuss it! Fandom discussions are my favorite! So fangirl/boy away! And who’s ready to get their feels smashed by Endgame??? (Meeee!)

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Christine Eyre
April 22, 2019 10:16 AM

Your posts are a highlight of my week and always make me look forward to Monday! Also, this tag is PERFECT and I love your answers!!

Have to admit, I don’t like Steve/Sharon either. No chemistry, like you said, but I also find it just a bit laughable that SHIELD sent a lady to “protect” a 90-year-old WWII veteran super soldier who jumps out of airplanes without a parachute. So I guess I can’t take her introduction/initial role seriously either. (It would have made more sense if she was supposed to keep an eye on him and send word to SHIELD if she noticed anything suspicious lurking around his apartment. I could buy that.)

Hehe, your hatred of Thanos sounds like my sister’s ranting. 🙂

Ooh, I liked Age of Ultron too!! Maybe it’s not the strongest MCU story, but it had a lot of interesting things to say and highlighted key differences in the approaches of the characters to world threats…which leads right into Civil War.

Heh, I’m not sure I’m ready for Endgame either! Goodness, they have so much to deal with and resolve…

Jameson C. Smith
April 22, 2019 12:23 PM

What a fun idea! My sister and I have our tickets for Endgame and while I’m curious to see how this thing ends, I’M NOT READY. *sobs*

“I’m Mary Poppins’ y’all” is cinematic gold and I will never not love it. ^_^

Oooh, Peggy and Steve is such a lovely ship. I also really love Tony and Pepper and that whole break in Civil War got me in the feels.

LOOOOOKIIIIIII. I’m fine. Totally fine. *deep breath* He’s so much fun and such a wild card. LOVE HIM.

I liked Age of Ultron too! Sure, it had its flaws, but it’s also fun and Ultron is an entertaining villain and had so many neat little character details to notice.

Love this tag! I may have to steal it for after I watch Endgame… ;D

Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
April 22, 2019 12:33 PM

ACK I’ll have to steal this one for sure. I tend to be a little quieter about my love for the MCU, but yeah, I’m obsessed. xD Just wait, I will take this tag and HULK SMASH it–erm, I mean, politely answer the questions. *smiles cheerily*

Wait, you like Tony AND Steve?! What rare beast are you?! I didn’t know that was a thing, honestly. xD I didn’t like Steve after Civil War, because I liked him the best in the earlier movies where he was kind of an awkward nerd and wasn’t out to be Tough and Callous because…yeah I’m not a fan of that kind of archetype for some reason. *sighs* But oh well. It’s so cool that you love both!!!!!

Pepperony is OTP and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

And you like Age of Ultron toooooo!!!!!! That’s actually one of my favorite MCU movies (along with Iron Man 3) because I adore the study into Tony’s character. He’s so complex (actually one of the most complex characters out there, imo), and I love getting to see inside his head. Even though it hurts like nobody’s business. Anthony Stark, who gave you permission to hurt me like that?!

I’m definitely not ready for Endgame. Nope nope nope we’re all going down. I’m seeing it Friday and ACK so nervous! Plus I have to go by myself *tears*

I didn’t know Jenna Coleman was in The First Avenger! I definitely need to watch that (entire) movie again…I’m shamefully behind on my canon :/

But this post was such a beautiful fangirly thing and I loved it so much and I definitely need to do the tag! *screams*

April 22, 2019 3:45 PM

Thanks for tagging me! This is such a good post. I loved all your answers, and getting to see your views on different characters. I didn’t even realize that the Toby Maguire Spider man movies were probably my introduction as well.
BUCKY! Glad to see him getting some love. I hate Bruce and Natasha with a passion, they were both such good characters on their own. I didn’t realize people didn’t like Age of Ultron I thought it was great, then again I didn’t understand the hate for Thor 2 either so. Of course Loki! 😀 My answer will probably be the same.
I’m so nervous about End Game, but this is a nice distraction. Can’t wait to do this.

Allison Riera
April 22, 2019 4:46 PM

AAHHHH when i saw this post i screamed. and then i promptly went to blogger and even tho i’ve been on hiatus for the past *cringes* 4 ish months, i’m doing this post. bc i can’t help it. <3 <3

YOU LIKE BUCKY TOO <3 <3. Bucky Barnes is without a doubt my favorite MCU character. <3 my best friend and i got each other t-shirts that say "Bucky Barnes Protection Squad" as graduation gifts, and now it's my favorite thing ever. <3 <3

CLINTASHA FOREVER YES. i'm still bitter over the fact that they teased Clint & Natasha in "The Avengers", and then in "Age of Ultron", Clint suddenly has a family and four or so kids. *squints* also Steve & Sharon, nope nope nope.

aw yea, i love "Age of Ultron"! it definitely had some weak moments (Natasha & Bruce, Clint's family, etc.), but i love Wanda and Pietro, and Ultron is such an intriguing villain.

sorry for such a fangirl-y post, but i love this tag and gahh, cannot wait for "Avengers: Endgame"!

Nicole Dust
April 22, 2019 5:08 PM


But seriously I love this SO MUCH. This tag is PERFECTION. I don’t even know where to begin with this comment.


And ugh yes, Seve and Peggy for LIFE.

(If Thanos doesn’t die in Endgame, I will organize a murder plot. Do you want in?)

I LOVE THIS POST TO DEATH. I can’t wait for Endgame – I’m seeing it this Saturday, and I’m not ready for the legacy to end. I suppose we can all cry about it next week together, though!

Jenelle Schmidt
April 22, 2019 5:19 PM

ACK!!! AN AWESOME TAG AND YAY! I am totally going to have to figure out where in the world I have time for this tag before Saturday (because I already have my tickets for End Game and AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!) so I obviously HAVE to make sure I answer all the questions before then because WHO KNOWS how that movie will affect all the things and opinions and…… *hyperventilates*


I mean. Yeah. I’m… a fan. I guess. Whatever.

LOL (That was me pretending to be all emo, which is making me laugh now). hahaha

Anyway… I’m a Marvel fan 🙂

I liked Age of Ultron a lot, too. I don’t get why people don’t like it. I mean, yeah, “Age” of Ultron seems like a misnomer. “Day and a half or so” of Ultron is more correct. But still. It’s clearly not an easy thing to create a baddie who we actually think might win AND have the team finish him/her off in under 3 hours. (And they were saving the “dun duh DUN” they LOST! gasp choke fans in an uproar thing for Thanos, as we now know). But I thought Ultron did a good job being clever and also a good job portraying Ultron the way I remembered him from the cartoons. Besides, James Spader = Awesomeness. The end.

I never liked the Natasha/Clint ship, so I was super happy to find out he had a secret family and was even MORE precious than I realized and that she was just like a sister to him. Personally, I ship Nat and Steve… but that seems unlikely to actually happen anywhere but in my own head. The MCU really does a horrible job with the ships, you’re right. *nods*

Aww man. I need to rewatch the Captain America movies. And Iron Man. We recently went through and watched all the movies with Thor in them in order and it was SUPER interesting how his story arc absolutely JUMPED out at me even in the movies where it wasn’t the focus. Gave me a much higher respect for the arc with him and Loki AND redeemed Thor: The Dark World rather a lot (I found it a weird confusing mess the first time I watched it, but in this context I really enjoyed it and it jumped up the ladder of “Jenelle’s Order of MCU Movies from Favorite to Least Favorite” LOL) Now I want to do that with the other characters. It’s not going to happen before End Game, though… I don’t have time!

Okay… off to work on my own answers before I just do the entire tag right here in the comments!!!! Thanks for creating this!

Jenelle Schmidt
April 23, 2019 7:53 AM

I think I liked Steve and Nat because I really didn’t like the idea of Nat and Clint (a lot of that is because in the cartoons there’s not any hint of romance between Nat and Clint, they’re always just partners/good friends), and I found their adorable friendship/banter in Winter Soldier to be, well, adorable. (Today the department of redundancy department said today…) Also, they had way more chemistry than Steve/Sharon, which was just… weird. And I want Cap to find happiness, because his story is tragic, even if he does handle it well. But the Sharon thing… just… no.

Have you watched the Honest Trailers for any of the MCU movies? They are soooo funny. I don’t even mind that they highlight certain plot… strangenesses, because they do it lightheartedly and the creators of Honest Trailers are clearly fans (when they DON’T like something for real it’s obvious). The one they did for Winter Soldier was the best.

April 22, 2019 7:06 PM

*Tramps in with a year’s worth of coffee and cookies because Christine said Marvel*

Ack, so yeah, I’m a marvel fan, too!! ^^ BIG time.

I also have, like…eh heh…basically the same opinion on most of the questions as you.

Also…Endgame! ! ! That’s all I can say. (Except maybe to add…I’m afraid some certain individuals that I adore might be…ick shnayed. Waaaahhhhh!!!! 😭 )

Maybe I can shoot you an email and we can both wail over the possibilities. Because we all need support, right?!?

Anyway, amazing tag idea, Christine!!!

Also, happy late Easter!!!

~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

Savannah Grace
April 22, 2019 8:51 PM


Bucky is the absolute BESTEST and GAH – HIM AND STEVE ARE JUST THE MOST EPIC EVER. But my FAVORITE Marvel character (beating Steve by the teeniest smidgen o ever) is Stark and IF HE DIES IN ENDGAME *SHAKES FIST AT EVERYTHING*. Well, if he dies there actually won’t be much fist-shaking. I will just give a smol meep and turn into a limp noodle of sadness and tip over into a little puddle of tears. R.I.P. Savvy XD. (and Stark and Pepper are MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THING, I ADORE THEM)

I literally laughed out loud reading a couple of your favorite quotes – that Hawkeye is ALWAYS the best XD. And I haven’t seen Guardians 2 yet!! BUT I NEED TO SOMEDAY!!! Though I’ve read multiple plot summaries of it, so I think I got the gist of it minus the load of language that the Guardians always seem to have, ha! XD. (I JUST WANT TO SEE “I’M MARY POPPINS, Y’ALL)

And GIRL – THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME. This is the tastiest tag and it will be wonderful pre-Endgame therapy XD. I CAN’T WAIT TO DO IT!!!! THIS POST WAS THE BEST <3 <3 <3

Sarah Cnossen
April 22, 2019 9:48 PM


This is BEYOND amazing the BEST TAG EVER CREATED. Lauri!!! You are an actual GENIUS!!!!! I loved every one of your answers!

Every quote you shared is perfect!! I can’t promise my answers will be all too different… ;D And I certainly agree with you on the shipping thing. Steve/Peggy 1000000% better than Steve/Sharon. <—that just makes no sense to me. (Plus, while Sharon is a lovely name, I kinda thought it too old for her character… but i think that’s just me heheh *shrugs*)

I just—I love this SOOOO MUCH. My bro-in-law’s bday is on the 27th, and so were going to see it that afternoon—and I seriously CANT WAIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT. I second your feelings TT_TT

Chelsea R.H.
April 22, 2019 10:04 PM

I used to be really obsessed with MCU, but recently I’ve got a bit meh about the newer ones. (The old ones though? Brilliance). The Captain America movies are definitely my favourites, with The First Avenger and The Avengers being my two favourite movies of all. Homecoming is also great 😀 Peter Parker is really cool.
My favourite ship is kinda hard, since I’m not really one for shipping, but I do really like Vision and Wanda, though I have no idea why. It makes no logical sense to my mind, and yet I like it. And of course, Peggy and Steve are great (though I personally felt that Peggy had a little more chemistry with that agent fellow who’s name escapes me in Agent Carter).

Jaidyn Elise
Jaidyn Elise
April 23, 2019 6:34 PM

Hi, Christine!
This was such a fun tag! OHMYGOODNESS ENDGAME COMES OUT IN TWO DAYS.. It doesn’t really feel like it’s releasing that soon! But it is! And it’s crazy!!!!!!!!!!
I agreed with your opinion on Bruce and Natasha. They just don’t work together. Marvel was probably just too desperate for both of them to have a love interest.
And YESSSSSS GIRL I loved the Mr. Stank scene!!!!
WHOA WHOA WHOA HOLD UP so I guess I didn’t know that mos people dislike Age of Ultron??? AHEM, PEOPLE? That movie is great!!! Especially the party scene, that was one of my favorite parts……but one of my favorite Marvel movies is probably Avengers, but I also love Iron Man 3 soooosososoooo much.
My favorite “Avengers Ship” is probably Tony and Pepper. It just works. Peggy and Cap weren’t the absolute worst, they were just meh together.

And WHAAAA your favorite character is BUCKY??? I beg to differ. Tony and Cap are WAY ABOVE HIM in that area. Sorrrrryy. xD
And YES I LOVE LOKI SO SO MUCH BUT HE CAN BE SOOOO CONFUSING. Like in Ragnarok? And Dark World? ALL DAH HUGS TO LOKI but in Avengers??? Not so much. But then in the beginning of Infinity War?? “I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again” *smol tear* But I think he’s probably going to come back?? But maybe not?? I DON’T KNOW, ENDGAME STOP KILLING US FOR GOODNESS SAKE. xD
And I think maybe they’re going to kill Nat and Hawkeye…….a lot of people who are getting shows are already gone, and Nat and Hawkeye might be getting shows as well so………….

Thanks so much for such a fun post!!! #AvengersRule

Jaidyn Elise
Jaidyn Elise
April 24, 2019 10:02 AM

Of course I enjoyed it! I’ll need to swing back around here soon to see what else you have up your sleeve! 😉
And yeah, I need to watch Avengers again because Endgame, it's been a while……
Yes, about Loki….it's kind of confusing because you WANT to like him, and then he goes ad does something so very devious and horrible and then your like WHHHYY WHY MAKE ME START TO LIKE YOU AND THEN RUIN IT WHYYY!!!!??? *sobs* Like, Dark World? Probably my favorite character in that movie. Avengers? Not so much.
One of our friends wants Scrapper 142 to be with Loki, and that just wouldn't work out, though I do think Scrapper is coming in Endgame because of a poster we saw.
Loki can't have a relationship, otherwise he would just ruin it. Or, if he was in a relationship, he would only use it to get something he wanted.
Scrapper 142 and Loki pretty much just wouldn't work all around.
And, YESSSSS I WANTED MORE OF HIM IN INFINITY WAR. *sobs harder* At least he's getting his own show……
I'm also kind of jealous it already released in Australia…….BUT OUR TIME WILL COME. xD

Thanks again for an awesome post!

Jaidyn Elise
Jaidyn Elise
April 25, 2019 3:13 PM

Sooooo……we’re watching Endgame tonight.
*mix of excited squees and terrified sobs*
This is going to be the best worst movie of ever.
HERE I COME, 3 HOURS AND 2 MINUTES OF MARVEL GOODNESS!!! *charges towards the theater*

Victoria Grace Howell
April 23, 2019 7:05 PM

Squee!!! I’m so excited for Endgame!!! I bought my tickets in advance to see it opening night! And I love Age of Ultron. That’s my favorite Avengers movie. I wrote a whole article about because I loved it so much lol. Thanks for tagging me! Totally doing this!

Hanna R.
April 24, 2019 3:27 PM

I LOVE THIS. I might steal it if I have time. . . (Lol, who am I kidding? I never have time. . .)
I enjoy hearing you like Guardians! It might be my all-favorite Marvel movie, but most of my friends didn’t care for it. (And I 100% agree with you about all the ships… Except Bucky and do-we-even-know-her-name because I’ve never thought about it, and maybe Steve and Sharon cause I sorta like them together? But Steve and Peggy are the best. <3)


Fawnabelle Baggins
April 24, 2019 5:11 PM


I’m SO excited to watch Endgame like I honestly can’t believe it’s already here!

And all of your answers were basically mine haha! Bucky, the Guardians, liking Age of Ultron?! *faints*

(also I’m totally doing this tag! Today! XD so thank you!)

J. L. Guyer
April 25, 2019 5:35 PM

I just have to brag a moment and say that the girl cosplaying Captain Marvel in this photo is my cousin Areyna! They saw her cosplay on Instagram and gave her an invite to the premiere!
comment image

Thunderbird Queen
Thunderbird Queen
April 26, 2019 10:55 AM

I was wondering what I was going to do in honor of Endgame! This tag is perfect! Our family already has tickets and we’re seeing it on Saturday!! And thank you for acknowledging the fact that everything that Drax says is gold. OK if I use this tag (although some of it is going to be impossible to answer!)?

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
April 29, 2019 10:26 PM

AGGHHHHH I LOVE THIS TAG SO MUCH. I finally got the time to read through your post and AGH YOUR ANSWERS ARE PERFECT. Loki is clearly the best villain, obviously, and Bucky is my lil cinnamon roll. ^_^ And I really enjoyed Age of Ultron too! I really don’t understand why it gets so much hate… *shrug*

Deborah O'Carroll
April 30, 2019 2:04 PM

I love thiiiis! I’m going to have to do it sometime! 😀


Avengers 1 and Winter Soldier are my top faves too!

Whaaat I totally now ship Bucky and that random girl. o.o Yeah, they do seem hit-or-miss on the romances. Almost like they’re determined that nobody gets to live happily ever after. *rolls eyes*

Tony Stank was a great one. XD

ANYWAY I LOVE THIS. Thanks for sharing/creating it, and I will definitely have to steal it at some point!

April 5, 2020 12:56 PM

Ahhhh! How did I not know you created an MCU tag?! I absolutely loved reading this!!!
THANOS. *growls* His
LOKIIIIII. MY FAVORITE. Our little ball of destruction is just…he’s Loki, and we love him. The end. XD
Steve and Peggy and Pepperony are the cutest couples in the entire MCU, plus Quill and Gamora (and I am SAD about it after Endgame :'( )!
“I’m Mary Poppins, y’all!” I DIED. *laughs for thirty minutes*
Would you mind if I did this for my blog?

April 5, 2020 12:57 PM
Reply to  Amelie

I don’t even know what that “his” is after Thanos. XD Whoops.

October 2, 2020 3:36 PM

Askfkgjdjsksfjdjjsj!!!! You have a Marvel Tag!?!?!? I absolutely loved your questions and your answers!!! <333 ^_^

I, eheh, actually still like the Tobey Maguire Spiderman movies BUT TOM HOLLAND IS THE MOST PERFECT SPIDEY!!! I just LOVE how he brought out the perfect kid Spiderman, because even I think Tobey was a bit too old to correctly pull it off. Spidey, Tony, and Steve are definitely in my top five favorite heroes! But Bucky!!! I am so with you there! He was such a good friend/older brother to Steve and then he gets tortured and used by Hydra, heartwrenching stuff right there.

Loki!!! He's definitely my favorite villain, but I neither condone nor excuse the atrocities he commited on New York and New Mexico and Jotunheim, he's done some pretty terrible things, yet he is one of my favorite characters. The way Tom Hiddleston played him was so perfect! I love his snark and witty comebacks. "Well done. You just decapitated your grandfather."

I love this whole post! *shifty eyes* I am a Marvel fan, thus you have tagged me. ;D I think I shall have to do this tag sometime and reopen the wounds Endgame gave me. XD But seriously I agree with you on almost everything you said, except the Thor + Jane thing, I was rather fond of them and hated the way Marvel broke them up after Thor committed treason and risked so much to save her. But that's completely okay you didn't really feel it between them, that's what's so great about movies and books, everyone comes away with their own opinions. If everyone liked the same things, this world would be very boring.

Okay, monster comment coming to a close, I'll save the rest of my fangirling for my post! ^_^

October 4, 2020 7:14 PM

Of COURSE I want to do it! 😀 I just won’t be able to do it tomorrow because Life got in the way and I haven’t been able to even get anything ready for posting yet… (then why am I commenting right now when I should be working on a post? Because I am a professional procrastinator. XD) Thanks for officially tagging me, now I don’t have to commit grand theft tagging! XDDD

I love those boys too!!! <333 (Random thought, but I greatly wish to see Sebastian Stan play young Luke Skywalker if they make any prequels like they did for Han because the resemblance between him and Mark Hamill is uncanny!)

Loki is definitely a villain, a suave and likable villain, but still a villain. YET I STILL LOVE HIM. I love that your answer to why you love him is because it's Loki. There is no other reason, we love Loki because he's Loki. <3 Who needs a logical reason when you have Loki? XD

October 6, 2020 4:43 PM

Yeah, no one could EVER replace Mark Hamill but even he agrees that Sebastian Stan looks like him. I’m afraid I don’t have any links, but you should look up Mark and Sebastian’s joking around about how Mark refuses to say “I’m your father.” And they did other funny stuff but I can’t remember enough to describe it accurately, so if you want just Google Mark Hamill and Sebastian Stan I am your father. (Only if you want, or you may already know, I’m usually pretty late on finding out about things especially concerning actors.) 🙂

January 27, 2021 3:22 PM

I have finally done the tag!!!! 😀 It took me way longer than I thought it would to actually post it. Eheh, I kept forgetting to finish it. *hides* 😉


[…] lovely Christine has made a Marvel tag! And seeing as I’m a huge MCU fan and I’m reeling in the wake of […]

January 13, 2021 11:39 AM

All of your answers are so good I can’t even pick a part to comment on! Knowing that you wrote this because seeing Endgame, it’s crazy that you predicted some things! I always forget about Drax, but he has some killer lines.

I know that you created this tag *looks at watch as if it will tell me anything* liiiiike 21 months ago? But, I just filled it out today here:

I know that you’re currently on hiatus, so feel no pressure to read it. I just wanted to thank you for creating it!


[…] Okay, so first off, I got this tag from Jen @ Living Outside the Lines, and since she opened it up to anyone reading who owned a blog, I thought I’d snag it. 😉 This tag was originally created by Christine Smith. […]

February 18, 2021 1:43 PM

I sincerely hope that you don’t mind, but I totally stole this. 😋. It was just too awesome to pass up. Thank you so much for creating this tag!

Last edited 4 years ago by Rebekkah

[…] I think that because there haven’t been any new Marvel movies coming out recently due to the Black Widow movie being postponed I have sort of become out of touch with my love of Marvel however Wandavision on Disney + has really reignited my love for all things Marvel so I thought I would start writing some Marvel content again starting with a Marvel tag which I believe was created by Christine Smith […]


[…] over at Fairy Dust On My Pen, who created this tag, left it open to all Marvel fans, so I’m doing the tag. (In case anyone […]


[…] found this tag back from 2019 and wanted to do it – it’s been a long time since I wrote a Marvel themed post […]