The Fantasy Month Fandom Tag

February is Fantasy Month! And this year the theme is one of my favorite things of all time…FANDOMS. So today I hope you will indulge me as I release my Ultimate Fangirl Mode! (Not that you’ve never seen that before…) If you’ve never heard of Fantasy Month, allow me to direct you to its creator, the beautiful, amazing, storytelling genius herself Jenelle Schmidt. All the way back in 2016, in order to knock back the February blues, Jenelle created “February is Fantasy Month” in which we can explode the blogosphere and social media with one of the greatest genres of…

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Avengers: Endgame Review [SPOILERS]

So I saw Endgame. Yep. *ETERNAL SHRIEKING* Annnd that’s basically the extent of my thoughts. Juuuust kidding. I have thoughts. SO. MANY. THOUGHTS. I wasn’t originally planning to even do a review. Have I ever done a movie review here??? I don’t think I have. I usually stick to book reviews. And everyone and their pet tree has done an Endgame review. Do we really need another one? But. WELL. I’ve been faithfully following the MCU for a decade now. That’s a long time. It didn’t seem right to let this big finale of the MCU as we know it…

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

GUYS. Avengers: Endgame comes out THIS. WEEK. I can’t believe how close we are. I don’t think I’m readyyyyy. *flails* Since “we’re in the endgame now” (lololol sorry, couldn’t help myself), I’ve decided to create a Marvel tag! I’M EXCITED. I wanted to do something Marvel-y today, and I thought why not make a tag where we can all flail in the Marvel goodness? Dis gonne be fun!   GUIDELINES (‘Cause who needs “rules”?) Feel free to include the above graphic somewhere in your post (but it’s definitely not necessary). Take the questions and answer them on your blog (or…

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