Avengers: Endgame Review [SPOILERS]

So I saw Endgame. Yep. *ETERNAL SHRIEKING* Annnd that’s basically the extent of my thoughts.

Juuuust kidding. I have thoughts. SO. MANY. THOUGHTS. I wasn’t originally planning to even do a review. Have I ever done a movie review here??? I don’t think I have. I usually stick to book reviews. And everyone and their pet tree has done an Endgame review. Do we really need another one? But. WELL. I’ve been faithfully following the MCU for a decade now. That’s a long time. It didn’t seem right to let this big finale of the MCU as we know it pass without doing a review/tribute/incoherent squealing/whatever-you-want-to-call-this post.

Plus I have THOUGHTS. And I don’t know if I can contain them. I need to scream! Annnd what better place to have a fangirly thought dump than my blog? So here we are! (I gives you guys such quality content. *cough, cough*)

But seriously, I promise zero coherency. I’m gonna tryyy to organize my review in categories. But there was just so much to the movie. This will mostly  be a slapdash braindump with probably a lot of caps. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. (Oh look, caps.)

And while we’re talking about warnings…


Seriously, I will be spoiling errrrrything. So if you haven’t seen the movie yet, LEAVE. FLEE. SAVE YOURSELF. DON’T SCROLL DOWN BECAUSE THERE ARE EVEN SPOILERY IMAGES. Just close this tab and run! This movie is 10000x better seeing it with NO spoilers. So…yeah. I highly advise leaving. (But then you can totally come back once you’ve seen the movie and scream with me.)










First thing’s first. Did I love this movie? WELL. Is the sun bright? Is pizza delicious? Are dragons real? (Shh, they totally are.)


It’s like in my Top Five Favorite Marvel Movies of Ever list now. It may be the best movie they ever created, to be honest. It just…wow. I was so hoping it’d be good, and before I saw it I kept seeing everyone raving about it. But that annoying little skeptic inside me kept thinking, “What if they ruin it? Will it really be as good as The Avengers? Will I have as much fun watching it as I did with the Guardians of the Galaxy movies or Ragnarok?”


For basically every. single. second. of the movie I was all:

Ya know, except for the many times I was like:

So did I love it? Yes, yes I did. I adored it with my entire being.

Now that we have my in general feelings out of the way, let’s talk individual stuff!



First of all, HOW DARE THEY make me cry within the first 30 seconds??? We were all up in arms about the devastation of the first 5 minutes of Infinity War. (LOKIIII! *sobs for eternity*) And I guess the Russo Brothers were like, let’s top that! You know they were. The second Hawkeye came on the screen I knew what was about to happen. We all did. But they didn’t make it any less painful! I literally had tears in my eyes before the movie even really started. At that moment I knew I was in for the wildest emotional roller coaster of my life.

I was not wrong.

Whew boy. That whole opening was quite a ride. Hawkeye losing his family, Tony getting rescued and unable to deal with the grief of losing Peter (ugh, my heart), the team deciding to go seek Thanos out and take care of him for good. And I have to say, watching Thor cut off that stupid grape’s head was SO satisfying. “I went for the head this time.” YEAH YA DID.

It was a little surprising how fast everything was going. I mean…they killed the Big Bad Guy within ten minutes of this 3 hour movie? Um??? But I had faith! In fact, I had seen rumors that Endgame was supposed to take place a few years after Infinity War. So I was just waiting for a big (painful) time jump. AND YEP. But, again, just ‘cause we all knew it was coming DIDN’T MAKE IT LESS PAINFUL.

Realizing all these people had gone through 5 years of this agony was Not Okay. But, as a storyteller myself, I have to give them major points for doing a brilliant job capturing the utter emotional devastation of it. They had me so immersed, for a minute I could almost imagine actually living in a world where half the population got wiped, where every. single. living. thing in the universe lost multiple loved ones in an instant. And ooooohhh my HEART. NOT OKAY. The utter despair was tangible. BUT. That just made that spark of hope all the brighter when it came!

And can I just take a minute to say how much I LOVED it that Scott Lang was the one to come up with the idea of how to save everyone? I adore Scott so, so much, but, the poor guy is a bit of the underdog in this world of great, big, renowned superheroes. But, because of him, they found a way. A hope that seemed utterly impossible surfaced. SO PROUD OF HIM. :’)

Although, am I the only one who realized a rat saved the entire universe? If that rat hadn’t been crawling around and freed Scott, none of this would have happened. THE RAT IS THE TRUE AVENGER.



SO. The plan was underway. And GUUUYYYSSS. TIME TRAVEL. YESSS. I love time travel. LOVE IT. So coupling time travel with one of my all-time favorite movie franchises? MY LIFE IS COMPLETE.

I really, really liked how they handled the time travel in this too, instead of using the same ol’ rules of time travel we’ve all grown up to believe. Although, yes, I will admit, like many others have, a lot of the time travel-y-ness was a bit confusing, and may have left the slightest plot holes? Maybe? BUT. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey and all that. I think, when it comes to time travel, there’s always going to be some questions and potential plot holes. It’s a hard plot to pull off. But regardless, I still really liked how they handled it!

I was so, soooo happy that they made it where time traveling does NOT affect past events. From what I gathered, their rule was if an event happened, it happened. There’s no actual erasing it. Because, in spite of my deep love for time traveling, I often get super annoyed when time travel is used to erase events. Especially if the events were from one of my all time favorite childhood movies and they just acted like it never even HAPPENED. (Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time anyone??? I’msobitter.) Ahem. So yes. I was terrified they were going to erase/change events from any one of the Marvel movies. But they DIDN’T. Instead they enhanced some of the events!

Okay, but The Avengers is one of my favorite Marvel movie. I’ve come to love some others almost just as much since then, but for years that was not only one of my favorite Marvel movies, but one of my favorite movies PERIOD. So the scenes where they were in The Avengers timeline was one of the greatest moments of my life. It was like seeing The Avengers again but with extra (totally epic) scenes! Definitely some of my favorite bits of the whole movie. It was great seeing the events of right after they defeated Loki. Since usually stories have to cut those transition scenes, it was hilarious getting to actually see them do simple tasks like go down the elevator, Thor putting Loki’s mouth piece on, etc.

And Steve was pure gold through all this time travel-y bit as well. His little smirk after pretending to be HYDRA gave me life. He was so proud of himself. XD And then when he FOUGHT himself!

“I can do this all day.”
“I knooow.”

He was so done with himself. XD I loved every single second of it.



I just thoroughly enjoyed all the time traveling. It was a brilliant way to bring ALLLL the years of the MCU together. Getting glimpses of past scenes and having sooo many references from the old films was a delight. ALSO. Their time traveling causing Thanos to come try to destroy everything again brought it all full circle.

It was an A+++ plot! As much as I did like Infinity War, the plot always felt a bit…lacking? It can basically summed up as: Punching Thanos. Let’s punch Thanos’ minions in New York. Now let’s punch Thanos in space. Now let’s do it in Wakanda. I don’t know, I felt like there could have been MORE. I was worried Endgame would be a repeat of that. But I never should have doubted! The plot was EVERYTHING. Absolutely everything.

“Whatever it takes.”



Since this would be the last movie with a lot of these characters I’ve spent a decade falling in love with, I was SO hoping for many great character moments. AND BOY DID IT DELIVER.

Every single character felt so…well IN CHARACTER. I am beyond proud of the Russo Brothers for giving us such a perfect balance with the characters. I know a lot of people (me included) were scared Captain Marvel would take over the whole show. Absolutely nothing against her, I’ve gotten quite fond of Carol. But I’ve only known her for a few months. Where as the others I’ve loved for YEARS. And, again, this will be the last time we see some of them. It just wouldn’t be fair to have Carol or any of the others take away from our main peeps. I was nervous. But aaaahhhhhh! IT WAS PERFECT. Some of the underdogs (like Scott!) had their moments to absolutely shine. But our main six Avengers were able to truly be the heroes and save the world together one last time. IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL THING.

Seeing Steve and Tony (MY TWO FAVORITEST BOIS) call a truce and work together again made my heart SWELL.

Steve was his fabulous, strong, do-whatever-it-takes-to-save people self we all know and love. I mean, the man took time out of his life to form a tiny support group! To just sit and talk and counsel the grieving. All while he, himself, was grieving SO MUCH. He lost everyone, AGAIN, and no doubt blames himself for it because he wasn’t strong enough to defeat Thanos. But still he’ll sit and listen to people and help them move on. UGH THAT MAN.

And then TONY’S ROLE. I pretty much lost it when they revealed he had a little girl. *SOBS* His life dream finally realized! But, at the same time I was excited, I was also TERRIFIED. Because at this point I was still scared they’d do the whole time-travel-erases-the-past thing and NUUUUU. IF ANYONE TAKES LITTLE MORGAN AWAY FROM TONY I WILL PERSONALLY BURN THEIR HOUSE DOWN. WITH THEM IN IT. But phew. No erasing time. SUCH A RELIEF. Of course, they did another unspeakable thing to Tony buuut I’ll talk about that later. AHEM.

Bruce was…something. LOL. His first scene seeing him as Bruce and the Hulk was shocking, to say the least. XD But also totally hilarious. Though I can’t decide if I liked it or not. I was glad to see him finally embrace the Hulk but…wow. It took some getting used to seeing gentle Bruce like that.

I think a lot of people weren’t so sure about Thor but I LOVED IT. I’m sorry, guys. But oooh my word. That was too hilarious! Also rather heartbreaking that he had fallen into such despair that he holed himself up like that. Poor Thor. *SOBS* BUT. In defense of what they did to his character, it’s actually kind of totally in character? ALL RIGHT. Brief controversial time here but, to be honest, I wasn’t a big Thor fan from his first movie. I KNOW. He just kind of bored me? I didn’t get much from him. But by Thor 2 I was really starting to warm up to him. Then Ragnarok happened and I LOVED HIM. Ragnarok was brilliance and Thor MADE Infinity War. I know people claim they changed his character too much. But I think it’s more they made his character what it was always meant to be. Now, I can’t even pretend to know much about the original Marvel comics AT ALL. But I do know Thor was always the comedic one with a drink in his hand. The serious guy we see in his first movie just didn’t…fit. I feel like his character in Ragnarok and Endgame was much more what Stan Lee originally created Thor to be. But I know a LOT of people didn’t like Ragnarok because of Thor’s change in character. SO I’M SORRY. DON’T HATE ME. But, uh, yeah. What they’ve done with Thor since Ragnarok has felt much more like what he always should have been. So I was perfectly okay with his character in Endgame. AHEM. MOVING ON.

Okay. But can we talk about Natasha and Clint???? Their parts were the ones I was most proud of. After not even having Clint in Infinity War, I think we were all so ready for good, classic Natasha-Clint time. We all needed a throwback to The Avengers days with those two. AND WE GOT IT. Now, my many-years-ago self would be like WHAT??? to hear this but…I’m so glad their relationship didn’t turn into anything romantic in this movie. *dodges rotten tomatoes* OKAY BUT GUYS. I used to ship them the MOST out of the MCU characters. And the Big Clint Reveal in Age of Ultron threw me for a loop. But I’ve since come to accept it, and even love it. I think the idea of Clint being a good family man is PRECIOUS. And I’m a total sucker for a close boy-girl friendship that never turns into romance. So I’ve learned to actually LOVE Natasha and Clint as just amazing friends. (I actually feel the exact same way about Natasha’s friendship with Steve as well.) We don’t even know how many times those two have saved one another (what happened in Budapest, guys???). They would do ANYTHING for the other. Their friendship is one of the most beautiful things to exist. And this movie showcased that more than any of the others really have. It was…perfect. Except for the THING that happened. (Am I avoiding talking about the sad parts? Yes, yes I am. But we’re getting there!)

Everyone else was great too. I loved seeing Nebula play a bit of a bigger role, and seeing her character growth. Although the fact that she shot her past self was like WHAT??? That, erm, that’s gonna ‘cause some psychological damage I fear. o.o Poor Nebula! She never gets to just be HAPPY. Ugh.

Rocket was of course his fabulous self. “You better not throw up on my ship!” Scott, as we discussed, was great. Spider-man made me want to leap up from my seat and hug the theater screen because MY SPIDEY BBY. :’D It was great seeing Valkyrie again since we never knew if she survived Thanos’ attack at the beginning of Infinity War OR if she survived the snap. IT WAS JUST GOOD SEEING EVERYONE. I could have used more Bucky buuut I know there wasn’t much time. And I’m consoling myself with the fact that there’s going to be a Falcon-Bucky TELEVISION SERIES AND JUST BE STILL MY HEART MY LIFE IS COMPLETE.


Yeah. It was good seeing everyone. We were seriously blessed with so many great character moments. SO MANY.



ALL RIGHT. I know I’ve been avoiding the ginormous elephants in the room. But I guess it’s time to acknowledge them. Which sob fest shall we discuss first? I guess I’ll just go in order of when they happened.

*deep breaths*



For a year now I had set myself up for heartbreak with this movie. I had suspected Steve and Tony would die, and was bracing myself for that. But it didn’t even occur to me that Natasha would die! It took me by such surprise, I’m still in shock. I just…WHAT. NOOOO! NONONONONONONONOOOO.

That whole scene was so intense. I honestly couldn’t choose between those two. I love Clint and Natasha both, and was freaking out over EITHER of them dying. A teeeeeny tiiiiny part of me was thinking it needed to be Natasha, since Clint had a family to take care of. BUT STILL. The utter Not Okayness of either of them dying is off the charts! I’m not sure I breathed through that whole scene. I just wasn’t expecting to have to lose one of them, and I didn’t know who’d it’d be and ALKJSDLJ:LJDF. NOT OKAY.

I think I’m still trying to process the fact that Natasha is gone. That one just threw me for such a loop. I don’t even know what to do with myself!



Where to start?

Like I said, I had expected Tony’s death. Part of me was trying to deny it, of course, but I felt like it was going to happen. And I didn’t know if I could handle it. Tony has been one of my top favorites from the very beginning. I mean, Tony started it all. I feel like he should be the one called Captain Marvel because he IS the one who captains these movies, in a way. Tony is the heart of the MCU. So the idea of losing him…it was unbearable.

And then it happened.

With so many character deaths, I either get infuriated that they died because it was so pointless and just there for the shock value. Or keep asking “IF ONLY…” If only they had moved half an inch over so they wouldn’t have gotten impaled/crushed/shot/etc. Or if only so-and-so had gotten to them 10 seconds earlier everything would have been okay! I hate those if only’s.

But with Tony… It was possibly THE most perfect way to do a character death I have ever seen in my entire life.

DON’T GET ME WRONG. His death hurt. Ooooh did it hurt. I cried. A lot. But there weren’t really any “if only’s”. I wasn’t mad about what a waste it was, or wondered if there was another way. Because there WASN’T. Doctor Strange saw 14 million different outcomes, but only ONE where they won. Tony had to die. He knew it. And he accepted it.

I love that it wasn’t him getting killed by a bad guy, but him choosing to make a sacrifice. Choosing to sacrifice to save Pepper and Peter and little Morgan. Choosing to save the entire universe. Tony’s death was not in vain.

“I am Iron Man.”

He is. He is a hero.

I think what really made me accept his death was Pepper’s last words to him: “We’re going to be okay, Tony. You can rest now.”

OH GOSH. I lost it. It was perfect. Because not only did it put Tony at peace, AT LAST, it put us viewers at peace as well. He’s been fighting and fighting and fighting. And dealing with PTSD and so many things. But he saved everyone. His little girl can live in a safe world, and he can, finally, rest.

THAT is how you do a character death, people! Not for the shock value, not “just because we supposed to kill some people to make it REAL”, not because other characters need a reason to avenge them, blah blah blah. No. It had purpose, there was no other way, and it was, somehow, beautiful.

Am I heartbroken? OF COURSE. But I’m also so proud of Tony. Natasha too. They died to save the universe and everyone they love, and they did it. They can be at peace now.

WHEW. OKAY. Let’s move on from the sad stuff (JK I’ll never be able to move on) and talk about the HAPPY tears scenes!

The Climax:

One of the greatest moments of my life (wow, I need a life), was that moment. YOU KNOW THE ONE.

Steve fought as hard as he could. But he wasn’t going to stop, despite the fact that Thanos and his entire army stood before him and he was all alone. But Steve does what he always does. He stood up, and had every intention of facing these impossible odds to protect the world he loves to his dying breath.

And then. THEN.

“On your left.”


Falcon is there. And Bucky is there. And EVERYONE IS THERE. And Tony is reunited with Cinnamon Roll Peter (MY HEEEEART THAT SCENE) and everyone we have ever known comes and stands by Steve and FIGHTS. And just ALKJSDLFJ:LSJD:LJF:LKJSDF.


Everyone appearing was one of my most favorite cinematic scenes in the entire universe of ever. It goes right up there with that scene in Return of the King where Aragorn turns around with tears in his eyes and says, “For Frodo” before charging to face Sauron’s army. Which, in my opinion, has always been the BEST cinematic scene to exist. BUT THIS ONE GOES ALONG WITH IT NOW. It was that powerful.





I loved how Thor had zero qualms with Steve using his beloved hammer. Thor is seriously the most chill cinnamon roll of ever. It was so great!

I also love how everyone entrusted Peter Parker to run away with the gauntlet. That scene where he’s hanging from Mjolnir from his web while clutching the gauntlet added years to my life.

Pretty much the whole climax was life-giving. Let’s be real. It was everything I ever wanted from this movie and more.



Tony’s funeral was of course one of the most heartbreaking moments to exist. I absolutely lost it when they showed the “Proof Tony Stark has a heart” piece. HE’S COME SO FAR. D’: Also seeing Harley from Iron Man 3 at the funeral made me lose it AGAIN. That was such a nice touch though! Because we had Tony’s 3 “children” there—Harley, Peter, and Morgan. Proof Tony has a heart indeed! He made such an impact on people. *SNIFFLES*

Then I lost if for the 4th? 5th? 87th? time during the precious scene between Morgan and Happy when he’s asking her what she wants to eat. “Cheeseburgers.” JUST THROW MY HEART IN THE LAKE WHY DON’T YA??? I swear, guys, I will never be able to hear the word cheeseburgers again without losing it. Look what you’ve done, Marvel! *shakes fist*

Okay I apologize for using this gif.
Spidey crying scenes should be illegal.

(At the same time, there were SO many little references like that from past movies that I so very, very much appreciated. Seriously, the details put into making this the most satisfying conclusion it could be were awe-inspiring!)

BUT. Even though we lost so, so much. A thing happened that is making it hard for me to even remember the sad bits. Like, I feel like I should be mourning but I’m having a hard time doing it? Because. BECAUSE, GUYS.

STEVE AND PEGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Steve and Peggy are one of my top favorite ships of ever, and DEFINITELY my favorite Marvel ship. But I had accepted yeeeears ago that they’d never get back together. That’s impossible, right? It’s over. Now, I’ve joked about ways for them to get together again. IN FACT. In the MCU blog tag I created a few weeks ago, the tag I wrote and posted BEFORE Endgame had even released, I said this:

“I know Peggy is gone but but but time travel is a thing yeah? DON’T DESTROY MY DREAMS.”

I WAS KIDDING. Like I said, I love time travel, and I make time travel or alternate dimension jokes all the time to explain away things I can’t accept (usually of the fictional sort).

But I didn’t think in a trillion billion million thousand years Steve and Peggy could actually get together again. I had worked myself up for Steve to die in some glorious battle and then possibly reuniting with Peggy in…like…a Heaven type of scene. If we were LUCKY. But the Russo brothers do love to dish out the pain. So I was just SURE Steve’s end would destroy me forever. I didn’t know how I was going to handle it.



Steve’s ending was the most perfect, wonderful, glorious thing my eyeballs have ever witnessed. Yes, he didn’t get to live the rest of his days with his friends and as an Avenger. But he had served ENOUGH. Instead he got to settle down and just LIVE. WITH PEGGY. I CRIED. I CRIED SO HARD. I think that final scene made my cry more than any other scene in the entire movie. My sister was poking me excitedly and I was just sitting there nodding as a flood of tears rolled down my cheeks. It was just too much for my heart to handle.

I seriously did NOT think that goodness would happen. But it was the BEST scene to end this phase of this beautiful movie franchise on.



There’s not much! Like, seriously, this movie was Mary Poppins level good: Practically perfect in every way.

-I guess they could have explained some of the time travel stuff better. BUT they handled it better than I thought they would. No weird erasing or drastically changing the past or anything like that. So I really barely have any complains there.

-I WAS super upset Loki didn’t come back! D’: It was a treat seeing him when they went in time to the Battle of New York. But it wasn’t the saaaame. Although this complaint more goes to Infinity War. I had expected Loki would die either in Infinity War or Endgame. BUT. I didn’t think he’d die within the first 10 minutes if IW! I wanted one, just one, movie of good Loki working with the Avengers to save the world, and I thought IW would be it. I FELT SO CHEATED. I STILL DO. I mean, come on. We deserved some time with Loki being good! I thought with all the time traveling, maybe we’d get him back somehow. But nooo. MEH. The fact that he actually died by merely being choked by a grape was very dissatisfying. Buuuut we’re getting a Loki TV series it looks like so… THAT WILL CONSOLE ME. BECAUSE LOKI. TV SERIES. *screams for a million years*

-I’m also SO SO SAD Gamora’s death, too, was permanent. I know we got Past Gamora, but it’s not our Gamora. It’s just so tragic for Peter Quill. Even if he finds this Gamora, she won’t be the one he knows. She won’t have the memories of saving the galaxy and becoming a hero instead of a villain. Or finding a family through the other Guardians. She won’t know “We are Groot”. She wasn’t there to comfort Peter after he found out his father was an actual psychopath, or knows of the moment she and Nebula became real sisters. This version of Gamora we have now doesn’t KNOW. She doesn’t have these memories. And I hate that so, so much. I realize some deaths had to be permanent BUT IT’S STILL SAD. *sobs*

-This is a minor thing, but Captain Marvel kinda bugged me in this one? I liked her in her own movie, but in this movie it felt like she was just an agenda and not an actual person. Every time she was on screen it felt like the movie producers were just like, “LOOK LOOK. SEE. A GIRL CAN FIGHT. SEEEEE. SHE’S STRONG. LOOOOOOK!!!” And I’m like, “I GET IT.” Please let characters just be PEOPLE and not agendas! It doesn’t help prove a point, it’s just annoying. Natasha was strong and could fight too, but she was just NATASHA. We could admire her because she was being herself. With Carol in this movie, it was laying it on a little thick. It didn’t make me feel proud of the “Girl Power”. It just made me roll my eyes and worry for future Captain Marvel movies. But, again, that was just a little quibble.

-I DO feel extra cheated that there were no post-credit scenes. SERIOUSLY??? 11 years of credit scenes, and here with this finale we get NOTHING? RUDE. (I wanted a shawarma scene. WE DESERVED ONE.)

I’m literally scraping at the bottom of the barrel thinking of things I didn’t like though. There’s just so little! It was an almost perfect movie!

Like I said.


-Seeing Thanos die TWICE. Right before we went to see it, my dad, sister, and I got in a discussion of how we most want to see Thanos die. (We have such heartwarming family conversations.) But none of our suggestions compared to the genius of his true ending. I mean, we got to see him die TWICE. YES PLEASE. I’ve already mentioned seeing Thor cut off his stupid head was the best. BUT THEN. Thanos had to live through the very thing we was trying to do to other people. He had to watch his people turn to dust, and then disintegrated himself. And just wow wow WOW. SO SATISFYING.

-Tony playing paper football with Nebula. Trying to let this broken space girl have some fun, even as he’s dying. (Forever the fun dad to all the kids in the world. *sniffles*)

-Thor’s conversation with his mom. IT WAS SO SWEET. He needed that. After losing everyone, I’m so glad they at least allowed him that last moment.

-Tony getting to have a conversation with his dad. ALL THE DEAD PARENT CONVOS. But, like Thor, he needed that moment. It was precious.

-STEVE WIELDING MJOLNIR. I know I already mentioned that. BUT GUYS.

-The taco scene. YOU KNOW THE ONE. XD

-Bruce’s encounter with the Ancient One. It was super fun realizing the “wizards” were helping with the Battle of New York. Plus, Tilda Swinton is such an amazing actor. She has a brilliant screen presence and I always enjoy it when she’s around. That little addition with her was great.

-Thor joining back up with the Guardians at the end. I AM EXCITED FOR DISSS. It looks like we’re getting another Guardians movie…with Thor? YES PLEASE. DREAMS DO COME TRUE.

-Hawkeye being a father-figure for Wanda. Their little conversation scene right at the end was so sweet.


-Steve passing on his shield to Sam. BRB SOBBING HAPPY TEARS. That was such a powerful moment! Sam totally deserved it, and I am beyond excited to see him take on the Captain America mantle. Even though I’m also mourning the end of Steve as Captain America. But, ya know, Steve’s ending was the most wonderful thing of ever so I can’t mourn TOO much. ALSO. WE’RE GETTING A SAM AND BUCKY TV SERIES AND SLKDJFLJL:KJLKJSLKJF. THAT IS EVERYTHING I EVER NEED IN LIFE. I CAN’T STOP SCREAMING ABOUT THISSS.

LITERALLY EVERY SCENE IN THIS PERFECT MOVIE. I mean seriously, guys. I enjoyed basically every. single. second of this 3 hour movie. I was never bored, I barely have any complains. I laughed a lot, cried even more, and felt full by the end of it.



I had a lot of trepidation for this movie. After wasting spending a decade of my life obsessing over these movies, how could I ever be satisfied with this phase of them ending? How could I possibly be okay saying goodbye to Tony and Steve? How could one movie bring a decade worth of stories together in one, satisfying conclusion? How would anything ever be okay again? I was so scared.

But they did it. They did it better than anything I could have ever dreamed up.

They gave all the characters proper time, without taking away from the main ones. They brought in reference after reference from all the films we love. They defeated Thanos in such a satisfying way. They made Tony’s last moments count for everything he is worth, and created possibly the best character death I have ever witnessed. They left Steve on such a happy note. They promised many great adventures for the newer crew as they take on this next legacy of Marvel films and shows. They LISTENED to what we fans wanted and didn’t want, and delivered. Oh boy did they deliver!

Though, yes, I am sad Marvel will never be the same, and there are many characters to mourn, I also feel…at peace. This movie brought everything to a beautiful and satisfying ending. And I applause the entire MCU team.

Thank you, Avengers.



GOOD GRAVY. This may be my longest post ever. Which is saying something! I TOLD YOU I HAD THOUGHTS. Now it’s YOUR turn. I want to hear alllll your thoughts! Do you agree with mine? Disagree? Did you think it was a good finale? How many times did you cry??? What were your favorite scenes? TELL ME EVERYTHING. Despite spending literally 6k words blabbering about all my thoughts (what is wrong with me?), I still need to fangirl with my peeps! SO LET’S SCREAM ABOUT DISCUSS ALL THE THINGS!

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Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
May 13, 2019 10:05 AM



We totally needed more Bucky and Loki, though! They’re my favorite characters and deserved more screen time! (Although when the scene with Bucky and Cap at the end began, I started sobbing. XD I WAS SO HAPPY OKAY)

Amazing review, Christine! It definitely was the perfect ending to the saga! (Now to prepare for bingeing those TV shows . . . 😉 )

Hannah V
May 13, 2019 10:46 AM

Your review gives me life! You pretty much let me re-watch the entire movie again! 🙂

I agree with everything! Especially about disliking Captain Marvel, she cut her hair and had such an attitude. Blech!

The one thing you forgot to mention was that Corg was back! That scene was totally amazing!

And yes, I think my favorite part was when all the characters came back! BUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was perfect.

Hannah V
May 14, 2019 11:01 AM

You shouldn’t be embarrassed, it was fabulous! Like you said, there was so much that happened in that movie! It was great that someone remembered most of them and was able to remind the rest of us with poor memories. 😀
Yeah, and Captain Marvel didn’t really help anything; aside from saving Tony and Nebula in the beginning. Most of the scenes with her were pretty cringe worthy.
Yes! The fact that they were just couch potatoes was awesome!
Also the scene with Hulk, Scott and the kids with the phone was fantastic! It was so funny! :’D

Allison Riera
May 13, 2019 11:35 AM

this review is amazing, Christine! basically all my thoughts about the movie, xD. except the Thor-thing. it really bugged me, bc it is a legitimate form of grief, and i feel like they used it only as a joke. he lost so much, but it was just used as comedy. idk, just didn’t like that part. 😉

and…i actually didn’t mind Captain Marvel in “Endgame” (and i loved her haircut ;). she was much better in her movie, but idk, it wasn’t awful. i wish that she was more funny, like in her movie. and there should have been a Fury and Carol reunion scene!


k and i started sobbing when all the Snapped heroes returned. basically, i was a puddle of tears the entire movie. AND STEVE WIELDING THE HAMMER <3 <3 it was such a fun throwback to that scene in "Age of Ultron". and KORG IS BACK. and BUCKY <3 <3.

although, i still feel like Bucky should be the next Cap, or at least Steve should have offered it to Bucky first, then Sam. ;/ oh well. IM SO EXCITED FOR THEIR TV SHOW *shrieks*

amazing review, Christine! now i really want to rewatch it. 😉

Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
May 13, 2019 12:07 PM

THIS MOVIE *sobs forever*

But this review…oh, it’s so good. I’ve seen the movie twice now and I think it’s topped my list for favorite Marvel movies. Ahhhhh I just love it so much *flails*

FINALLY, someone else who doesn’t ship Nat with anybody!!!! I just really really really love that she’s single and has all the guys as friends, ya know? She’s such an amazing character and her death…AGH excuse me while I cry.

The part when Nebula and Tony were playing paper football at the beginning killed me xD I loved that scene.

And I adored the way the humor and grief were interwoven! Such relief on my emotions. I was sobbing one minute and laughing the next. The Russos have created a work of art. Art, I tell you!!!!!

And TONY. MY MAN. *gets teary just thinking about it* I agree with you that his death had so much meaning. It was such a beautiful moment. He got such a beautiful sendoff and I LOVED IT. I mean, I cried super hard because HE’S MY TONY BOY and there’s no one else who loves him as much as me…but also. HE SAVED THE UNIVERSE. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it.

Basically I loved this movie! It killed me! But IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!

Megan Chappie
May 13, 2019 12:31 PM

*fangirl screams for approximately ten years* ENDGAME WAS SO GOOD AND THIS REVIEW SAYS IT ALL. The unnecessary fear that Marvel wouldn’t be able to pull off a conclusion, the perfection of Iron Man’s death, Steve and Pegggggyyyyyyyy…..

The only big story issue I had was Thor? Cuz I absolutely LOVED his character arc from Thor I to Ragnarok. He started out wanting to be a king for all the wrong reasons–cuz it sounded fun and involved glory and honor and all that–but then there’s that last scene in Ragnarok where he FINALLY gets his coronation, but it’s without *any* of the fun stuff he wanted at first and only the hard gritty responsibilities of kingship are left. SO IT REALLY REALLY BOTHERED ME WHEN HE HANDED OVER ASGARD TO VALKYRIE. Like dude. You just undid your character arc because being king “isn’t who you are.” Grrr. Buuuut at the same time it *does* make sense that he’d respond that way. Thanos positively broke the poor boy in Infinity War. *sobs*

And LOKI. That too. Does Marvel not understand that ever since the beginning we’ve wanted nothing more than seeing Loki join the Avengers?

BUT CAP PICKED UP MJOLNIR and I’m pretty sure that makes up for any and all of these petty qualms of mine.

Thanks for the glorious review and the fangirl opportunity, Christine!

May 13, 2019 1:11 PM

Yaaaay!!! Now you saw it, so we can go scream about Avengers til the ceiling raises in our back and forth emails!!!! 😉

With all the happy parts…totally agree!!! The humor was not at all at a low, everyone was perfect. EVERYONE. I LOVED it.

And then the sad parts rolled around and AGH!!! I died. NATASHA?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That was NOT okay. She’s been a favorite of mine since I first saw her and I was just like…..ADPSOFAS!!! That is NOT alright to do to Clint (who is also another favorite) or ME!!!!!!!!

And then Tony dying. Oh. My. GOSH. You are totally right, it was SUCH a fitting ending for him….b-b-but…WAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! It was terribly sad!!! I was like oh my gosh. They killed him!!!! O.o

To be honest, I didn’t really like the overweight Thor. They destroyed who he was supposed to be in my eyes. I liked my Thor from the previous movies. Thankfully, his humor was still there, though. xD I also didn’t like the fact that they didn’t allow Steve to live on with the other Avengers. >.> Annnndddd yeah, Captain Marvel just wasn’t the best. I liked her in her previous movie and also….please bring back THAT hairstyle!!!! I didn’t really like how they made her in this when but meh, I just chose to ignore it.

Also, Nebula. I’ve only seen part of GoTG two, because it’s so crude and I didn’t want to watch it because of that, so I was not really acquainted with her. But. She was AWESOME!!! I found myself rooting for her all the way!! She was an amazing addition and sooo…human. I loved her!!!

BRING LOKI BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘Nuff said.

Also, may we address that fact that Steve picked up THE HAMMER??!!?!?!?!?! GAH!!!!!!!! I was always so proud of him in Age of Ultron, but I felt like he SHOULD’VE picked it up. Maaaaan he DID!!! Thank you Marvel!!!! *-*

And then the football scene…YES. And the taco scene. YES again! xD And the parent conversations…priceless!!!!!!! And then Clint and Wanda. Agh. I’ve died. I’m just done for.

*Glances at comment length* I should probably pull this thing to a close…so we can scream in our emails – for however long we want!!! 😉

~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

Sarah Cnossen
May 14, 2019 9:38 AM



I can’t add anything to this. This sums up the movie + my thoughts + laughs + tears PERFECTLY. You made me laugh & cry ALL OVER AGAAAAAAAAINNNNN. LOVE THIS. I JUST—AKDHALHLLSDJF

May 14, 2019 2:26 PM

asdkfhjkghjkhsgjkhjklhjkh ENDGAME. <\3 <\3 <333333333333333333333333333
I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID IN THIS POST. AHHHHH. <3 Almost everyone that I know that has seen Endgame hates on something that was in it and I'm just like "Guys NO iT WaS AMaZiNg." <333 And I was so excited when Steve went back to Peggy. Like AAAHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEE YESSSS. XD
I LOVED this post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!

May 14, 2019 3:45 PM

That movie was amazing!!!! I don’t usually cry over movies. Or books. But I cried through the whoooole movie!!!! And at the end I just couldn’t stop crying! I went with my sister, and she couldn’t either. We were a couple of ladies bawling in the middle row and trying to hold it together enough to get to the car.
I also don’t usually like battle scenes. But the last battle scene was one of my most favorite scenes ever! Hooray for reunions!!!!
It was a perfect end to Avengers. I would like to give a medal to the Russo brothers.
(yike, that was a lot of exclamations)

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
May 16, 2019 3:19 PM


I just. I can’t really form words for a comment, so…*FLAILS FOREVER AGAIN* XDD

But like actually everything you said is YES. I LOVE YOUR REVIEW. <333

May 16, 2019 4:07 PM

I agree with so much of what you said!! This movie was so incredibly satisfying and they did such a good job balancing everything, I cried as much as I wanted to (which might sound weird but I actually…kind of enjoy crying at movies and was worried it wouldn’t make me cry)…and there were so many of the character moments and little interactions that are literally the entire reason I love Marvel. I’m still struggling a little bit with the time-travel because it bothers me when things don’t make sense, and there are a LOT of things that don’t make sense. But if I can put that aside it’s pretty much a perfect movie. (Although I do agree with you about Captain Marvel…she bothered me.) I DEFINITELY want to go see it again.

Thunderbird Queen
Thunderbird Queen
May 20, 2019 4:10 PM

OK, OK. I hardly cry during movies. If I do, it’s usually just a tear or two, maybe a few. But SOMEHOW, Endgame managed the impossible. As soon as the portal scene happened, and I saw them all coming together, and Steve said “Avengers Assemble,” I sobbed. Loudly. My family on either side of me had to tell me it was OK because I was crying so hard. And I didn’t stop until the credits were rolling.

May 24, 2019 5:34 PM

THIS IS AN ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS REVIEW!!! I love that we had similar thoughts going into it. I thought they were going to ruin it too, but it was perfect. I was satisfied with pretty much every character arc, they did an incredible job.
I was a bit upset about Loki too, but at least they found some way to bring him back.
I was surprisingly happy with how Black Widow and Clint’s relationship was represented, as much as I ship them. The guy has a family, and I knew they were never going to have a romantic relationship.
I am never going to get over those deaths, they gutted me. Such a beautiful film though, and it made the payoff feel earned.

Victoria Grace Howell
May 28, 2019 9:44 PM

I was so happy to go on opening night for the screaming and whooping and cheering at Steve wielding Mjolnir and I was right along with them! 😀 😀 😀

April 5, 2020 12:45 PM

ADJKDJFIASHSL THIS MOVIE IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS EVER TO HAPPEN IN THE MOVIE UNIVERSE THE END. My heart…my heart was shredded and pieced together and shredded and pieced together so many times I can’t even count. Natashaaaaaaa…I cried but I was so proud of her. AND TONNNNYYYY. AND LITTLE MORGAN. I LOVE YOU 3000. I was WEEPING at that ending. AND STEVE IS WORTHY. AND STEVE AND PEGGY’S HAPPY ENDING. The portals scene and pretty much the WHOLE battle scene is one of most epic scenes I have ever seen in my LIFE (I found myself comparing LOTR to it as well…although I still can’t decide which is more epic! :D). This movie…this movie filled me with pride and sorrow and joy and ALLLL THE FEELS. I loved this review so much. It had me squealing and nodding pretty much the entire time. <3 <3 <3

April 5, 2020 12:49 PM

Also….CAN WE PLEASE JUST UNDO THE ENTIRE FIRST TEN MINUTES OF INFINITY WAR AND HAVE LOKI JOIN THE AVENGERS PLEASE?!?!?! I’m excited for the TV show…buuuuut…Loki is going to be our little ball of destruction again…which is…fine…sort of…BUT BUT BUT HE NEEDS TO HAVE CONSIDERABLE SCREEN TIME AS A HERO WITH THE AVENGERS! *steps off soapbox* Ahem. Just had to get out the fangirling. *Deep breath* I’m fiiiiiine. 🙂

January 29, 2021 11:15 AM

You wrote this post eons ago, but just now I came and read it and had to gush. 😁 THIS MOVIE IS ON THE EDGE OF PERFECTION! I’m someone who is late to the Marvel fandom and hadn’t spent years waiting for it (I’d only started watching the movies 7 months before Endgame came out and I hadn’t even seen all of them when I saw it Endgame in the theater) but I LOVED IT THEN AND I LOVE IT NOW. After finally seeing all of the movies my sisters and rewatched it this month. It stood up for the test of time! I still cried and bawled myself to pieces. And the funeral? THE SECOND I SAW HARLEY I LOST IT. I started screaming. Good thing I didn’t know about him while at the theatre because I would’ve caused a ruckus…

I hadn’t seen Captain Marvel when I first saw Endgame and I thought she was. so. Annoying. But, after seeing her own movie I better understood her and thought that she was awesome in Endgame. Her actions made sense.

Anyway, the point I’m getting to here is that you captured my thoughts perfectly. Brilliant, fantastic, and thoroughly marvelous post!!!