Let Down Your Hair? (A Rapunzel Short Story)

I have returned with another Raylinn and Finnigan short story for you guys!

Okay, so you might not know what I’m talking about? Over on my other blog I co-author, Fairy Tale Central, we feature a specific fairy tale each month. As part of that, we thought it’d be super fun to have a writing prompt to go along with that month’s featured fairy tale. Thus, on the 3rd of each month, Arielle posts the prompt over on her writing blog, Intuitive Writing Guide, which you can then take, write a piece inspired by it, and leave a link so others can see. SUPER FUN!

For last month’s prompt I wrote a short story called Deal or No Deal introducing an outlawed prince and wingless fairy. I fell in love with these character so much, I’ve decided to use them for all these fairy tale writing prompts each month.

So here we are!

May’s Fairy Tale Central featured fairy tale is RAPUNZEL! And this go round the prompt is a little different, as it’s a multiple choice prompt!

SO. The opening line is this:

And then we get to choose one of these responses to go with it:

Isn’t that so fun???

If you want to take these prompts and join in, you can find them HERE! And we’d love for you to leave a comment in that post with a link to your prompt so we can all read it!

So, erm, if you read my prompt piece last month you’ll remember it was 4k words and I said I was determined to make the next Raylinn and Finnigan stories down to smaller sizes. Like proper 1k-word flash fiction pieces instead of full on short stories???

*cricket, cricket*


This one may have ended up being nearly 3k words. *FACEPALM* I TRIIIIED. I’m just incapable of writing short things. UGH. But hey! This one is 1k shorter than the last. So if I keep making each one 1k less than the previous one, maybe they will end up as proper flash fiction pieces eventually. Ehehehehehe. One can hope.

I was also writing this one during a  c r a z y  week, and ran out of time to give it the proper editing it most likely needed. I apologize if it’s not as polished as it should be. But it was still SO much fun to write! Hopefully it’ll be fun to read as well. ^_^ And though Deal or No Deal did introduce these characters and gave some backstory, it’s not entirely necessary to read it to understand this prompt. All you really need to know is Raylinn is an outcast from the fairy realm because she was born without wings, and her fiancé, Finnigan, is an outlawed prince because his father really hates fairies and, well, his son decided to marry one so yeah. #daddyissues

But enough babbling! Onward to the story!


“Hey, Rapunzel, let down your hair.”

Raylinn shook her head, even as a wayward giggle tried to slip out. “Really? Don’t you think we should be more, erm, tactful about it? We don’t even know the girl.”

Finnigan turned from the high tower and glanced at her with that scrunched-faced, adorably confused look of his. “Do you think? I mean, we know her name is Rapunzel and we need her to throw down her hair so we can climb up, so…”

Now the giggle did make it through. “True enough. But perhaps we can ask in a less casual way?”

A mischievous twinkle sparked in his eyes. “Ah, I see what you’re getting it. Something like this?” He pressed a hand against his chest, raised the other toward the single window far above, and called out in a dramatic tenor. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” He shot her a gleaming smile. “How’s that?”

She pressed a hand against her forehead, trying (and failing) to hold back a grin. “Perfect.”

“Uuugghh!” The echo of a female’s groan above interrupted their mirth. “I literally just finished brushing it.”

Raylinn shared a confused look with Finn. After spending nearly two entire months searching for the tower hidden deep in the forest, another week spying on the old witch who lived there and discovering how she entered and exited via Rapunzel’s (absurdly) long hair, and enlisting the constable’s help in the nearby village into helping them capture and lock her up, it stood to reason this imprisoned girl would be scared. Desperate? Something.

Finn, clearly thinking the same thing, shrugged. “She doesn’t know what we’ve done yet.”

“Well, that’s true.” Raylinn cleared her throat and looked up at the window. “Rapunzel? We want to help you down. You don’t have to be locked up there anymore.”

Rumors of a girl stolen and trapped in a hidden tower by an evil witch had been floating across the far eastern side of Talgaria for years. The story seemed questionable, but when she and Finn dug deeper into it, they discovered something very interesting: the girl wasn’t just a normal girl. The witch had stolen her because she was some kind of fairy, and the old woman was using her for her powerful magic.

After that, Raylinn couldn’t rest until they had either proven this story was mere myth or they found the girl. Because, at last, there was a chance that there was someone else out there like her. An outcast fairy. After all, fairies never lived in this realm. They only dwelt in the fairy realm, accessed by secret fairy magic. If this girl was a fairy, she had to have been either shunned from the fairy realm or stolen away.

Raylinn glanced at Finn and smiled before calling out, “Your captor is locked away and won’t bother you ever again.” She knew too well what it was like to have someone using her for her magic. Freeing this girl from such a terrible life made her heart soar.

“What?!” Finally, a head popped through the window—the head of a woman probably in her lower twenties with golden hair, perfect ivory skin, and eyes so strikingly blue they could easily be seen even from so far below.

The sight sent a thrill of hope through Raylinn’s entire being. Those were not human eyes. Rapunzel was a fairy of some kind. At last, she wasn’t the only fairy in this realm. Maybe this woman could help her learn how to use and control her magic.

“You imprisoned Gothel?” Rapunzel squeaked.

Raylinn grinned. She was probably overcome with emotion. “Yes!” She shared an excited look with Finn, communing in their job well down. “Now if you would just let your hair down we can—”

“She was the best maid I’ve had in decades!”

Raylinn’s smile fell. What now? “Did she just say ‘maid’?” she murmured.

Finn’s scrunched, confused face returned. “That. As well as ‘in decades’.” He cleared his throat and moved his gaze back to Rapunzel, who was, indeed, scolding at them instead of smiling in thankfulness, like they had expected. “Um. So let me get this straight. That woman wasn’t a powerful witch who locked you away in the tower to harness your magic.”

Her derisive laugh echoed through the forest clearing. “You thought she was a powerful sorceress? Oh, that is rich! The most powerful thing she’s capable of doing is clearing away the cobwebs.”

Finn scratched the back of his head and turned to Raylinn, cheeks draining of color. “Whoops. It did seem a little easy capturing her.”

Raylinn could just shake her head, mind spinning.

“Now I don’t have a maid, and getting her back will be sooo much trouble.” Rapunzel slumped against the windowsill. “Then again.” Something sparked in her eyes that made Raylinn’s skin crawl. “You two look healthy enough to carry a broom.”

Finn snagged Raylinn’s arm. “Erm. We’ll just be going now. Sorry for the—”

Two strands of hair shot through the window and wrapped around them like ropes. Raylinn let out a shriek. In a breath, the hair lifted them up into the air, snatched them through the window, and unceremoniously tossed them down. Raylinn’s hand and knees slammed into a hard floor. She winced, pushing up on wobbly arms.

“The broom closet is just behind you.”

The cheeky voice sent a surge of anger through her blood, and she jumped up and spun around. Finn, too, had made it to his feet and pressed close to her.

Before them Rapunzel stood, arms crossed, a triumph gleam in her luminescent blue eyes. Although it was hard to focus on her for the yards and yards of silky gold hair spilling across the spacious, rounded room. Some of the ends slithered around on their own accord.

Magic hair.

Raylinn internally groaned. She and Finn had messed up this time.

“So what makes you think we’re going to be your servants?” She eyed the admittedly rather cozy space filled with plush furniture, an enormous bed, half a dozen bookcases, and even a little kitchen area. Not exactly the lair of an evil enchantress. “You can’t just steal people away.”

“Why ever not?” Rapunzel blinked as if she were genuinely confused. “Only a special few are able to stumble around the hiding spell I have over my tower. So when they do, I give them the honor of serving me.”

Hiding spell? That explained it. The first time they were just outside the tower’s hiding spot, Finn had this great urging to go a different way, as if some unseen force was niggling at his mind to turn around. Raylinn never felt it, but she suspected they were nearing magic. As a result, they found the tower. Her fairy blood probably kept the hiding spell from affecting her.

“No offense,” Finn said, shifting his weight, “but how is it an honor to serve you?”

Rapunzel’s eyes flashed like lightning. She spread her arms out and dozens of strands of hair rose up around her like snakes ready to strike. “Because I am one of the last vile to dwell in this earthly realm.”

Raylinn’s breath hitched. “A vila? One of the ancient magical beings who steal men’s hearts away with their unearthly beauty?” She glanced at Finn, but he just shrugged.

“Oh that.” Rapunzel’s hair settled back to the ground and she gave a careless flap of her hand. “I got rid of that ability ages ago. It was sooo tiring having men dramatically promise their lives to me, following me around and drooling like puppies, making all sorts of heroic sacrifices in my honor.” She flopped into a chair with a sigh. “I just wanted to be left alone. So I channeled all my magical energy into my hair and moved here. It’s been such a peaceful life.”

Finn snorted. “Peaceful for you, maybe. I’m sure all those people you enslave feel differently.”

“Enslaved?” She raised a delicate eyebrow. “I don’t enslave anyone. All my servants get paid.”

“You…pay them?”

“Well of course.” A strand of hair slithered through the air and she grabbed it and twirled it through her fingers. “What do you think I am?”

“Truthfully, at this point I don’t even know anymore. What about all those stories about the witch locking you away?”

“Is that what people are saying now?” She giggled. “When an ancient vila has resided in a hidden tower for centuries, rumors tend to fly. You humans and your stories. Although…” She leaned forward in her chair and set those unnatural eyes straight on Raylinn, piercing, as if staring into her very soul. Her voice lowered with a dangerous edge. “Perhaps one of you isn’t human after all.”

Raylinn’s heart skipped a beat and she took a step back.

“Oh, look at the time.” Finn grabbed her wrist and moved toward the window. “Unfortunately, we must be going. I’m sorry to tell you neither of us are interested in a servant position. We do appreciate the offer though.”

“I don’t think so.” Rapunzel shot to her feet and half a dozen strands of hair whipped out and snagged Finn. They squeezed his arms against his side and slammed him against the wall, holding him there.

“How dare you!” Raylinn ran for him, but two more strands wrapped around her wrists, jerking her to a halt. “Argh! Let go!”

Rapunzel just chuckled and stood from her chair. She slunk forward and leaned so close her sickly sweet breath assaulted Raylinn’s nostrils. “Ah, so you are a fairy, then. Interesting!” She glanced over Raylinn’s shoulders. “But no wings?”

Raylinn’s muscles tensed, but she refused to break eye contact.

“Ooooh.” Rapunzel’s lips peeled back. “You were kicked out of the fairy realm, weren’t you? Fairies do hate deformities. Such silly little snobs.” She clucked and tapped Raylinn’s chin. “Poor thing. Not wanted, nowhere to go. Well, no worries. I’ll find a use for you. I’m sure someone as rare as you will fetch a mighty high price. After all, I have to have something to pay the servants with.”

“Over my dead body!” Finn cried, wriggling in his binds.

“Oh, hush.” Rapunzel waved a hand at him like he was a pesky fly. “You men are always so dramatic.”

Raylinn smashed her boot down on the woman’s bare foot. Rapunzel shrieked. Her hair tendrils snapped up into the air, writhing as if in pain.

“Don’t you dare talk to my fiancé like that!” Now free, Raylinn rushed for Finn.

He, too, was clear of the hair and reached for the sword hanging from a scabbard on his back. Tendrils of hair shot for them both. He swiped at them. His blade clanged against the strands and he stumbled back.

Rapunzel’s shrill laugh echoed through the room. “Do you really think a mere blade can cut my hair? Did I not tell you I channeled all my magic through it?” Her eyes flashed like flames and a wisp of hair slithered around Finn’s neck and squeezed.

His sword clattered to the floor as he grasped the noose and choked out gasping breaths.

“No!” Raylinn snatched up the blade and hacked against the strand squeezing his life away. The blade bounced off it like stone, sending her bones rattling.

Rapunzel continued to laugh. “You two are so much fun to play with. I haven’t been this entertained in over a century.”

More tendrils of hair snagged Raylinn’s wrists once again, halting her arms midair. She kept a tight grip on the sword, but the hair held her arms in place.

Finn wheezed in front of her, eyes bulging, color draining from his face.

“No, no, no!” She writhed against the binds. “Let go! Stop it!”

Rapunzel sauntered up to her. “Promise you’ll stop fighting me, and I’ll free your pretty boy here.”

At the sight of Rapunzel’s triumphant smirk, something sparked inside her. Something hot, powerful. She grasped onto it, let it flow through her, sending her veins on fire. “No!” Purple flames burst from her fists and burned the binds of hair away. She grasped the sword with both hands and the flames spread across the blade, alighting it in blinding purple light. She slashed at the tendril of hair choking Finn. The blade cut through.

Finn dropped to his knees, grasping his free neck and taking wheezing breaths.

“What?” Rapunzel stumbled back, both panic and anger sending her eyes ablaze. She spread out both palms toward Raylinn. Every single strand of hair launched forward. But Raylinn was ready.

With a battle cry, she sliced the blade in a clean line. Dozens of hair tendrils drifted to the floor.

And then all was still.

Until Rapunzel’s shriek nearly shook the walls.

Raylinn winced, and the surging fire within her died out. The purple flames dissipated, and, with a heavy breath, she lowered the sword just as Rapunzel dropped to her knees.

The woman grasped at her now uneven strands of hair that merely reached her waist. She tossed one in the air, but it merely flopped back down. “What have you dooone?”

Raylinn tried to stop it, but a smirk bent her lips. The once ancient and powerful vila now sat on the floor like a wailing toddler. In fact, the woman’s beauty seemed to have faded. Age lines creased her now dull colored eyes, and the gold color of her hair had darkened into a dirty blonde. She looked…human. If anything, she appeared softer. This was a much pleasanter Rapunzel.

Except for all her ear-piercing shrieking.

“I can’t believe you did this to me! It’ll take years, years, to grow my hair back, and even longer to regain my power!”

Raylinn shrugged. “Well, next time don’t anger an outlawed fairy.” A hand pressed against her back and she smiled. “And her prince.” She glanced at her side to find Finn beaming at her.

He held up one of the detached hair strands. “Shall we?”

She reached out and carefully slid his sword back into the scabbard. “Indeed.”

He walked over to the window, wrapped one end of the hair on a hook above, and tossed the other end outside. “Just the right length,” he said, peering down. “After you.”

With Rapunzel still wailing on the floor, they carefully scaled down the tower, though her cries could still be heard from below.

Finn frowned up at the window. “Should we do something about her?”

Raylinn shrugged. “She’s harmless now. We’ll just spread the word about what she really is, to assure no one else comes to her tower. And, well, maybe in a few years we can check on her. You know, make sure she’s not causing anymore trouble.”

“Sounds like a plan. Though for all we know she’ll have drowned herself in her tears by then.”

She giggled, but the mirth was fleeting. “It’s a shame. I seemed to have dragged you on this journey for nothing. I was really hoping she was a fairy like me.”

Finn’s gaze slid over to her, and the twinkle in his eyes faded. “Raylinn, do you feel…lonely?”

Her heart clenched. “No, no, no! It’s not like that.” She grasped one of his callused hands in both of hers and pressed it against her chest. “I have all I need, right here. It’s just…” She bit her lip and glanced at crumpled grass below. “I’m just scared. I have all this power but I have no idea how to use it.” She pulled her eyes back to him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

He pulled his head back in shock. “What? I know you would never.”

“But we don’t know that. I have no control of my magic. I don’t know what will happen. If I could just find a teacher and learn how to use it properly, I wouldn’t have to be scared anymore.”

A soft smile touched his lips, and he stroked his free hand across her cheek. “Then we’ll keep searching. The world is a big place. And”—he glanced up at the window from which came Rapunzel’s incessant wailing—“a strange place. Mark my words, we’ll find you a magic teacher.”

Grinning, she leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek. “Off to our next adventure, then?”

He spread out a hand and inclined his head. “After you, m’lady. Let’s just hope the next one isn’t so hairrowing”

She dropped her smile. “Oh, Finn. That was terrible.”

“You mean hairibble?”

“No, please stop.”

“What? Feeling hairassed?”

She stepped away from him and made for the forest. “I’m second guessing wanting to marry you.”

“Do you feel harried by me?”


I hope you enjoyed!

Also, this is basically a total repeat from the last prompt. Because last month I announced I had a piece that was going to be featured at GoHavok.com. Wellllll…I have another one coming! I’M SO EXCITED! This one will be up on GoHavok.com on Thursday, June 20th. Unless you’re a Havok member, it will be available to read that day only.  Just wanted to let you guys know in case you want an actual short and polished story from me, instead of whatever this was. Eheheh.



Sooo have you joined in this prompt? Because you totally should, it was so much fun! And would you like me to keep going with Raylinn and Finn’s adventures? What’da think of their excursions? Seriously, this blog would be nothing without you YOU GUYS. It is my goal to produce content you guys genuinely enjoy. So please, share your thoughts! I’d love to hear them!

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Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
May 27, 2019 3:23 PM

AHHHHH I loved this so much! Finn and Raylin are just absolutely precious and asdfhldajflks *flails forever*

ALSO THIS TWIST ON RAPUNZEL!!!!! It was brilliant!!!!!! I love unique twists on fairy tales, especially this one because it’s just so…weird xD, and you delivered 100%. Ahhhh I loved this so much. <3 <3 <3 And vile are not my favorite magical creature by any means xD Except for Fleur Delacour (did I spell that right? *panics*) because she's just one of my favorite characters of all time and I ADORE her xD (even though I can't spell her name. *eye roll* Clearly I'm winning at fangirling.)

And you made Havok AGAIN?!!!! *screams with excitement* Ahhhh I'm so happy for you!!!!! <3 Congrats! Ooh, and you're going up on Thursday? *raises eyebrows* That'll be quite interesting 😉 I can't waaaaaait!!!!!!

May 27, 2019 3:30 PM

For some reason I keep imagining Finn as being Black, I think it’s because of Finn from Star Wars? 🙂

Also, I love Rapunzel and I love the plot twist. She’s sort of like one of those spoiled little kid princesses you find in fiction who are really proper and hate dirt, except Rapunzel is an immortal holy terror.
Poor Gothel, though.

And I feel you about not being able to get something edited on time, I’m like that with a lot of my blog posts. “No, I can get something written in a day! Wait I have no time to edit wut”
Short stories are pretty forgiving, though (obviously, because this was great). I think you can write a short story and have a bigger chance of getting it right in one go. Do you have any plans to expand these characters and this setting into something longer, or are you going to just keep using them for short stories? Just curious.

May 27, 2019 3:33 PM
Reply to  Becky

And I just wanted to make sure you knew that I was making fun of my own planning skills, not yours, I was worried that might be unclear.

May 28, 2019 2:12 PM

Ooh, yes, Rey and Finn! XD And I honestly wasn’t much a Star Wars fan before watching The Force Awakens, I think that was what really made me fall in love with the franchise (I jumped on a bandwagon lol). Nowadays though, I think the Prequel trilogy is actually my favorite? Weirdly enough? Just no one beats Anakin and Padme, even as they’re spouting their awful pickup lines…Okay, maybe then. I still crack up whenever I think of Padme saying ‘hold me like you did by the lake on Naboo.’ Like, the Prequel trilogy is terrible, just somehow it’s a terrible that works for me.
And yes. The twist was amazing.
That’s good! I get low-key paranoid about being misunderstood on the Internet XD Especially since it’s all written and you don’t have things like tone and facial expression.
And yes, so many story ideas, so little time…

Emily G
May 28, 2019 5:36 PM

I know I’m not a part of this conversation, but I thought of the Rey and Finn thing too. xD

Nicole Dust
May 27, 2019 4:56 PM


May 27, 2019 6:23 PM

Omigoodness the hair puns! I love that you decided to continue with these characters, they seem to have a knack for getting in and out of somewhat hairy and magical predicaments. Your twists are always so good! I don’t think I’ve ever read a version where Rapunzel is the evil one. I loved it!
Brilliant as always, I’m glad they always end up being longer than you want them.
More story for us!

Fawnabelle Baggins
May 27, 2019 7:18 PM

Christine *balls eyes out* tHeY aRe WaY tOo CuTe FoR tHiS wOrLd <3 Finnigan and Raylinn are soooo cute together!!! (Those puns were too cute I can’t with this guy) I can’t wait to read more about their adventures!

May 27, 2019 10:36 PM

Eeeee! I was so happy to see Raylinn & Finn back for this one, too! They really are the most adorable things. But this story was so great! I actually laughed when Rapunzel explained Gothel’s true situation! XD Ugh, this was just so much fun to read! Plus, the hair puns. *lol-ing* I am looking forward even more to the next stories because of more F&R–do they have a ship name yet??

May 28, 2019 3:42 PM

Faylinn works for me! 😀

Emily G
May 28, 2019 5:14 PM

CHRISTINE THIS WAS GREAT! I soo did not expect you to make Rapunzel a villain. xD And her magic hair! How epic was that??

And yesss another Havok story?? I’m already excited. 😀


June 3, 2019 12:05 PM

GIRL!!!! Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE LUUUUV your writing! Like I wish this was a full-length novel, because I’d be reading the heck out of this!!
I am SO glad you brought Raylinn and Finnigan back because they are precious and perfect and hilarious! Also this Rapunzel encounter was just absolutely pitch-perfect! Rapunzel is actually the villain? And a Medusa-like vila? UHHH LOVE IT!!! Fabulously done!

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
June 4, 2019 3:15 PM

AGGHH THIS WAS SO CUTE. :DDD Raylinn and Finnigan are the two most precious people on the planet, I’m pretty sure. *nods*

June 7, 2019 6:40 PM

Ahahahaha!!!! I LOVE this two! ( So obviously, yes, keep making stories about them! ^^)

And I’m also super late. I have a legitimate explanation, but I doubt you want excuses…soo

*Clears throat*

Okay, so this was awesome. I think I already made that clear, but still…your unpolished writing is as good as my polished!!! I love it soo much! I love you soo much!! *tackle hugs*

Congrats on your other feature, I can’t wait to read the story!! ^^

Also, totally fine, I prefer your long stories. I get more of your writing that way! 😋

~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

Sarah Cnossen
June 7, 2019 10:00 PM

It’s another Raylinn & Finn story!! Love love LOVE!!! What an interesting twist, dear Lauri xD haha! Definitely wasn’t expecting that. And I gotta say the hairrible puns at the end are probably my favorite part! BAHAHA

CONGRATS on another Havok story!!! I’m most certainly keeping my eyes open for that one. So exciting!

I’m hoping to take part in these prompts at some point in time… So funnnnn! Looking forward to the next adventure!

Deborah O'Carroll
Deborah O'Carroll
July 15, 2019 6:48 PM

Oh my goodness, this was SO MUCH FUN! 😀 I totally did not see that twist about Rapunzel coming. XD And I’m sooo intrigued to read more about these two! They’re so fun! And those puns. XD Awww! This made me happy. ^_^ Thanks for sharing–and sorry it took me a million years to find time to read it! *hides face*


[…] have a short story for this one […]

September 27, 2020 3:47 PM

Adfgkljhds!!! This was SO FUNNY!!! Hair puns! *dies of laughter* Rapunzel wasn’t the captive in the tower? SUCH A COOL TWIST!!! I’ve never heard of a vila before, I need to do more fantasy creatures research. I LOVE THIS!!! I’m actually glad you weren’t able to get it down to a thousand words, THE MORE FAYLINN THE BETTER!!! <3 <3 <3 Plus everything worked so well that I think the length was perfect for good pacing and everything else! ^_^