July Hiatus Notice + Fairy Tale-ish Announcements

SO. Apparently it’s JULY. (Hooowwww???) Today I have a couple of exciting fairy tale-related news to share. Buuut also if the title didn’t give it away… I’m going on a hiatus for this month.

Why am I going on hiatus when I literally did this already through all of March? Wellll, this just happens to be REALM MAKERS MONTH. As in the writers conference I’m going to later this month (*screeches*). And, frankly, life has been craaaaazy lately. Due to sickness and friends coming out of town to visit and balancing two blogs now, I haven’t had as much time as I’d like to fully prep for the conference. Thus I decided I needed to cut some things so I can properly focus. Unfortunately, ol’ bloggy here is one of those “things”.

But never fear!

I will definitely be back by August. And not only will I be back, but I’ll be back with a whoooole Realm Makers 2019 recap. SO EXCITED.

I also will probably be a bit more absent on Instagram, EXCEPT during Realm Makers. I hope to post plenty of pictures in my stories. So keep an eye out for that if you want to follow along on the adventure.

But before I vanish in the void leave for hiatus, I have a couple of announcements…



Being as how it’s a new month, today over on Fairy Tale Central we’ve announced what fairy tale we’ll be featuring for all of July.

Snow White and Rose Red

This gooorgeous, sweet little tale is sadly rather obscure, BUT WE WANT TO FIX THAT. People need to know about it. Thus we’re utterly ecstatic to spend all of July digging into it with reviews, author interviews, origin stories, and all that deliciousness. I will definitely have some posts up. So see? I’m not vanishing from the blogging world completely.

Alsoooo. MORE NEWS. Arielle, Faith, and I are thrilled (like over-the-moon, glitter-explosion, rainbow-unicorn-party type of thrilled) to welcome two new members to the FTC team.

Kirsten Fichter and Hayden Wand are our newest pair of Fairy Padawans. As in, they will be writing some posts for FTC and BRB SQUEALING. These two girls are some of the biggest fairy tale lovers I know, and just utter gems. I am sooooooo happy to have them on the team! They’re also the masters at epic fairy tale posts. So keep your eye out, because they’ll be doing a couple of posts for FTC in July!



If you’ve been here for all of 0.7 seconds you know I am a HUGE fan of Kyle Robert Shultz’s books. He writes such brilliant and hilarious spins on fairy tales.


Deadwood, book #2 of his Crockett and Crane series, just released YESTERDAY.

The Crockett and Crane series is basically a prequel-ish series to his Beaumont and Beasley books (but you by no means need to read the B&B books to read the C&C ones. You just should anyway because they’re amazing. *cough, cough*)

The Crockett and Crane series is a fantasy western about part-time centaur (yes, you read that right) Todd Crane and his motley friends taking on all sorts of magical monster problems. I’m not even a western fan and I LOVE these.

Click for my review of Horseman Book #1

Oh wait. You probably want to know a few things about the newest book, yes? Read on, my elflings!


It’s not the people in this town you have to watch out for.

It’s the buildings.

Monster hunter and part-time centaur Todd Crane didn’t ask to be sheriff of Deadwood. For one thing, he’s never had an easy time staying on the right side of the law. For another, he’s too busy trying to find a dangerous sorcerer who nearly destroyed the United States of Neverica.

But some men—and centaurs—have greatness thrust upon them. Not only is Todd the reluctant defender of the peace in Deadwood, he’s the only one who can thwart the schemes of a powerful magical entity manipulating the town from the shadows.

And when Todd’s past comes back to haunt him, the stakes get a lot more personal for him and his friends.

Heroes will fall. Secrets will be revealed. Everything is about to change.

Deadwood follows up on the exciting reveals at the end of Horseman to tell a story with big repercussions for the whole fictional universe of Kyle’s Afterverse novels. Together with Kyle’s next book, The Geppetto Codex (Beaumont and Beasley Book #5, coming later this summer), it unpacks a mystery that stretches across time…the true origins of Pinocchio.

Order on Amazon or read for free with Kindle Unlimited!

Follow Kyle: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | and sign up for his newsletter to stay up to date on all the news!


Hopefully those bits of goodness make up for me slipping away for a month.

At least I will see lots of you IN PERSON later this month at Realm Makers. *SCREECHES*

But if you’re not able to attend Realm Makers this year, last year I wrote A POST that will hopefully offer some encouragement. I’m verrrry familiar with that FOMO feeling and wondering if I’ll ever be able to attend these magical events. It’s a miracle I was able to make it last year and again this year. You just never know what awesome things God has up His sleeve for you. Keep holding onto those dreams and pursuing them, because God cares about them and YOU, and He’s got amazing plans for you. You never, ever, ever know what beauties the future holds. <3

I will see you all in August!



Before I go I need to know, what are YOUR summer plans??? Anything exciting happening this month? Are you looking forward to Snow White and Rose Red being featured on Fairy Tale Central? (I AMMM!) And who’s excited about the next Crockett and Crane book coming out? (*waves hand in the air enthusiastically* ME ME ME!)

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July 1, 2019 10:24 AM

Woohoo! I’m so excited to be doing this with you guys!

Caroline Knightley
July 1, 2019 10:38 AM

That is so exciting that you’re going to Realm Makers again! I unfortunately will not be going; however, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few exciting things up my sleeve for the summer! Along with making headway in Raising a Storm, I have some great books that I want to read and the not so fun stuff of doing homework for summer school (by choice *gasp* I know who would do such a thing?).
You can check out my full July plans at my blog:

Have a great time at Realm Makers! Even though we’ll miss you, you deserve a vacation from the blog world. 😘

Faith/Florid Sword
Faith/Florid Sword
July 1, 2019 10:44 AM

I can’t WAIT to see you my dear!!!!!! AGHHHHHH it’s going to be so great!!!! <33333

July 1, 2019 10:56 AM

I’ll miss youu, but I totally get it and you deserve a break XD I hope you have a lot of fun at Realm Makers!

Nicole Dust
July 1, 2019 2:04 PM

Can’t wait to see you at Realm Makers, Christine!!!!! *excitement* Otherwise, have a great month/hiatus!

Deborah O'Carroll
Deborah O'Carroll
July 1, 2019 2:27 PM

I’ll miss your posts but I hope you have an amazing break and GOOD LUCK PREPPING FOR REALM MAKERS. YOU GOT THIS! I’m so so so excited to see you there, aaahhh!!! 😀

Oh my goodness, that’s so exciting about Hayden and Kirsten! :O YAY! And about Snow White and Rose Red — I totally guessed it because I stalk your Goodreads and you were reading something related. XD YAY again!

Deadwoooood! *shrieking* I love it so much (I mean, I even read it several times as I edited it and still didn’t get tired of it) and I can’t wait for people to read iiiit!

Thanks for sharing all the delightfulness, and happy hiatusing! I’ll see you in a few weeks — EEP!!! 😀

Hannah V
Hannah V
July 1, 2019 3:01 PM

*Sniff* We’ll miss you!

Yes I’m excited for Snow White and Rose Red! But my question is, since you’ll be on a hiatus, will you still write a short story for the prompt??? *Puppy dog eyes*

Jenelle Schmidt
July 1, 2019 4:55 PM

Will miss your posts! But AAAAHHHH! I’m so excited for you to go to Realm Makers! Wish I was going, too!!!

Ooh, Snow White and Rose Red is such a lovely little story. I’m glad y’all are bringing it the love it deserves and spreading the word.

How is it July already?!?!? Our summer has already been pretty packed and July is busy with swim lessons and camp and of course my Self-Publishing Summer School series, which is going splendidly so far and I’m excited about all the posts coming up! And lots of writing, hoping to finish up my WIP and get back to work on Turrim 5. 🙂 🙂 I keep getting derailed by ideas for Havok submissions, though. Which is weird. 😀

Have a lovely hiatus and a great time at RM!

Emily G
July 1, 2019 6:30 PM

Christine… thank you so much for linking to that post from last year. I’ve never read it before because it looks like it was pretty much the last thing you posted before I started following you. But I totally needed it right now and it almost made me tear up. Because CONFESSION TIME: I have been majorly jealous watching everybody getting ready for Realm Makers. Happy for you all, don’t get me wrong! And don’t even think about feeling bad. I was just soo close to being able to go this year, and there are SO many of my blogger friends who are going to be there. The frustrating thing was that St. Louis is the closest it’s ever been to me, so when I found out it was going to be there again this year I was so excited and when it happened that I couldn’t make it it felt like a second chance being thrown away.

UGH I’m not trying to write a woe-is-me rant. Anyway, I reaally needed those words you wrote. And I’ve been praying and trying so hard to remember that if it didn’t work out for me this year, there must be another year that’s going to be even BETTER.

ANYWAY. Have an amazing time at Realm Makers! Can’t wait to see all the photos, and we’ll see you when you get back! 🙂


Emily G
July 2, 2019 8:49 PM

Christine, you are SO sweet. Thank you so much. <3 <3

July 1, 2019 9:37 PM

AHHHHHH HAVE FUN AT REALM MAKERS CHRISTINE!!! I hope you have a fantastic experience!!

– Eleanor

July 4, 2019 12:34 AM

Enjoy your break! You’ve definitely earned it, can’t wait to see you at Realm Makers!!!

July 7, 2019 9:15 PM

Hi, Christine! SO excited for you that you get to go to Realm Makers!! I recently followed your blog, and I love it! You are very talented. I’m Amelie, and I blog over at Swordmaiden of the King. I tagged you for the Imaginary Assistant Tag at my blog here:https://swordmaidenoftheking.home.blog/2019/07/08/the-imaginary-assistant-tagthe-sunshine-blogger-award/. You don’t have to do it, but I wanted to let you know!! 🙂

July 8, 2019 3:49 PM

YES LOTR FOREVER!!!!!! And you are so welcome for the tag! 🙂

Victoria Grace Howell
July 10, 2019 11:19 AM

I hope you have a great hiatus! I SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!