The Snow White & Rose Red Fairy Tale Tag

Good day, O’ fairies and fae folk! Today’s blog post theme is…fairy tales! (Lololol when is it not?) I absolutely couldn’t pass up joining in a tag that focuses on not just fairy tales, but one of my favorites! The beautiful and talented Kirsten Fichter, released book #4 of her Once Upon a Twist Tales novella series last month, The Bear of Rosethorn Ring, and as part of the release, she created a super fun TAG! (Am I joining in on the tag a month and a half late? Yes, yes I am. But wizards are never late.) The Bear…

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Book Review // The Bear of Rosethorn Ring by Kirsten Fichter

The fourth book in Kirsten Fichter’s Once Upon a Twist Tales series is almost HERE! And I am thrilled to squeal about review it today. GUYS. This is a Snow White and Rose Red retelling which just— *FLAILS* We need more retellings of this woefully obscure fairy tale. NEED. When Kirsten said the next book in this series was a SW&RR retelling I may have nearly broke my face from too much grinning. I LOVE this novella series and ADORE that fairy tale, so putting them together? YES PLEASE. Oh, it also involves a circus. *cue me flailing eternally* Today…

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Frogs and Bears Make Great Boyfriends {A Short Story}

It is time for the fourth addition of my ongoing “Faylinn” short stories—a series of short stories inspired by Fairy Tale Central's featured fairy tale!  For Newcomers: Each month Arielle posts a prompt on her writing blog that goes along with FTC’s featured fairy tale. I’ve been writing prompts for it of a continuing story about a wingless fairy and banished prince, Raylinn and Finn, or “Faylinn” as is their designated ship name. The Previous Stories: Deal or No Deal (A Rumpelstiltskin-inspired story and the first introduction to these characters) Let Down Your Hair?  (A Rapunzel-inspired story) It Ain't Easy…

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July Hiatus Notice + Fairy Tale-ish Announcements

SO. Apparently it’s JULY. (Hooowwww???) Today I have a couple of exciting fairy tale-related news to share. Buuut also if the title didn’t give it away… I’m going on a hiatus for this month. Why am I going on hiatus when I literally did this already through all of March? Wellll, this just happens to be REALM MAKERS MONTH. As in the writers conference I’m going to later this month (*screeches*). And, frankly, life has been craaaaazy lately. Due to sickness and friends coming out of town to visit and balancing two blogs now, I haven’t had as much time…

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