Goals of 2020

Happy 2020! (It feels so weird typing that.) I have returned! And am so very happy to be back. ‘Tis a new year which means we’ve got a fresh canvas to splatter with all sorts of new hopes and aspirations! And some goals to help actually, ya know, get to those things.

You may have noticed things look a smidgeon different ‘round here. During my break I spruced up ol’ bloggy a bit. Even though, yes, it hasn’t even been a full year yet since I last did a total overhaul of it. BUT I think it was necessary. My previous colors of pink and mint green, though my favorite colors of EVER, dooon’t really match my brand of writing. The other blog header almost looked like I write fluffy romance or something which…I don’t. XD So I’m trying to change up my brand colors to match my books and less frill up this place a bit. (Even though pink and frills are my favorite, they just don’t exactly match my writing style. But hey, I can wear pink and murder characters at the same time! Bwahaha. Ahem.)

A screenshot of the old design. I loved it but, yeah, it may have been a little too frilly.

ANYWAY. I changed up my blog header, some colors and fonts, my post banner designs, and got some new clipart for my posts. I’d love to know what you guys think! I may still tweak things, so any constructive criticism would be delightful (‘cause I’m a perfectionist and never 100% with anything I make *rolls eyes*).

I’ve also updated my Book Reviews page to add all the latest book reviews I’ve done. I haven’t updated that page since, erm, March, so yeah. Lots of reviews to add. I added all the reviews I’ve done over on Fairy Tale Central while I was at it, since I review books over there even more than here.

Lastly, I changed what I’m using for the comments section, ‘cause the default comments wouldn’t put spaces between paragraphs and it was making me lose my mind. Last time I tried to change it, it sent everyone’s comments to spam. I think I fixed the problem this go ‘round, but if it claims you as a bot or something, could you let me know via an email or DM or something? I definitely want to make commenting as easy as possible for you guys. So if something isn’t working for you, do please tell me!

SO YES. I’ve basically just been doing a lot of “housecleaning” around here while on break.

But I am back and am so looking forward to settling into my regular blogging schedule and (hopefully) bringing you guys some fun content!

For the past couple of years, I’ve shared a list of my new year’s goals and, honestly, it helps keep me focused and motived SO MUCH. I’m not sure I would have done half of last year’s goals if I hadn’t, ya know, announced them to the whole world. Gotta love peer pressure! ;D But it’s LOVING peer pressure from you guys. Win-win.

So to keep tradition alive (and my motivation), today I’m bringing yet another list (huzzah for lists!) of all the things I hope to accomplish on this epic year of 2020. (Seriously, is that not the coolest number? Even though it doesn’t feel real. We’re literally living in the future…) 





*cue me shrieking*

Ahem. So. I have two specific big things I want to accomplish this year. But my first and foremost one: QUERYING BURNING THORNS.

Last year I queried for the first time ever and it was terrifying but…not quite as big of a deal as my brain has been making it since…forever??? It’s essentially just writing a couple of paragraphs about your book, one quick one about yourself, and thanking the agent for their time. Then…waiting. Looots of waiting. But it’s just ONE email. IT IS DOABLE. I PROMISE. So this year I AM READY TO GET SERIOUS.

They say to query 3 to 5 agents at a time, so that’s my plan. I’m going to pick 3, send my query to them, and then, once I hear back from them (and if it’s all rejections, which is the likeliest outcome ‘cause that’s how these things work), choose 3 more to send it to. Thus why I’ve chosen 6. It’s not as random a number as it might look. XD Hey, I might even do 9 if I hear back from that second set of 3 in a reasonable amount of time. WE’LL SEE. But lest I overwhelm myself, I’m making an official goal of 6 for now.

And, honestly? I’m feeling much braver about it than I ever have. Having at last taken the time to write a query letter and send it off to one person helped me see it won’t kill me. I can do this. (If you’re wondering, I got a rejection from the one I queried. I may write a post about it sometime, if you guys would like? It was actually an encouraging rejection and helped me not fear the next batch of rejections I’m most likely going to get this year, so it’s not really a sad story. Just part of the writing life!)

Aaaanyways. That’s a lot of babble just to say: I’m querying Burning Thorns this year. And getting’ serious about it. It’s my #1 goal for the year.



And here we come to my second big project for the year.

Since querying involves a lot of waiting, I figured I should be actually, ya know, doing something during this waiting periods. I knew I wanted to either revise an old draft or write something new this year. But since I always write a new book during NaNo, the more logical thing was to revise an already written draft and get another book ready for querying one day. Once I decided on that, it wasn’t hard to figure out which book to revise.

You guys remember The Nether Isle, my NaNoWriMo ‘17 novel? Yes. IT’S GETTIN’ REWRITTEN.

Guys. This novel. I adore it so much. It involves a creepy island, all sorts of magical artifacts, ruins of a mysterious city, a camera that takes pictures of the past, and the most cinnamon-y cinnamon roll characters to ever cinnamon roll. To this day it’s one of my most favorite concepts and sets of characters I’ve ever written. It is high time I blow the dust off of it and make it readable! And I am SOOOO excited.

It feels kind of weird though. I’ve been consistently working on Burning Thorns edits for 4? 5? years now? I’ve written other books during NaNo, but I haven’t revised another book since that span of time. BT has been my main focus for years. But it’s way past time I get another book into shape. And I am pumped about it! If not a little overwhelmed… This is a NaNo story, guys. It is a MESS. Though I adore the concept and characters, I think the plot needs heeeelp. So it’s going to be quite the undertaking, but a labor of love for sure. ButpleaseprayformeIneedhelp.

I’m hoping to get started on revisions come February! I’d love to have them done by sometime in September. We’ll see how it goes!

So yes, those are my two big focuses for this year: Querying Burning Thorns and rewriting The Nether Isle!

But of course I have other things I want to work on too.



I had this on last year’s list of goals, too, and all I did last year was submit two flash fiction pieces to Havok. But, I mean, they both got published and one was even chosen for their anthology, so at least I did something. Still though, I want to do more. Gotta build up that writer’s “resume”, ya know? So yes, I need to make more of an effort with this. Or like…any effort. Eheheheh.



This is quite the lofty goal that I have no idea if will be possible. But hey, why not try? I’d at least like to up my follower count a good bit this year, even if I can’t reach 1k.

Right now I have 540. So yeah, no clue if I can basically double that in a year. We’ll see though! I love the “bookstagram” community, and right now it seems to be the best platform for authors, so I definitely want to put as much focus on it as a can.

And hey, if you’re not following me, my handle is @TheBookishChristine. #Shameless



I’m so out of shape, guys. It’s just shameful. Last year I did pretty good doing some stretches and exercises most evenings…until the last three months when I got out of the habit completely. It’s high time to get back to it! And this year, my sister is doing it with me, which is already helping a ton because we’re keeping each other accountable and motivated. So maybe with her help I can stick to it! One can hope.



Being as how reading is my favorite activity in the world, you wouldn’t think I’d have to make it a goal to actually do it. But, alas, I so often put other things before reading. I guess since I like to do it, I feel like I have to earn my reading time? BUT. As a writer, it’s soooo important to constantly be reading. It’s how we writers grow. And not just that, but refill our creative tanks. I always feel so dry creatively when I’ve gone a while without reading.

Last year I did much better about making reading time and not feeling guilty about it, and I want to keep that habit up this year. I want to read a chapter of a book instead of scrolling mindlessly on Pinterest. Or to close the laptop at bedtime and just read for a while.

I just want to consume ALL the books and make better habits about reading. I’m learning I can fit in a lot of reading if I’m intentional about it, and I want to keep this up, and maybe even find more reading time.



I mean, this is a given. I’ve done it 10 years in a row, I don’t plan on stopping now! I love NaNo so much. I’m literally already thinking about what I’ll be writing this year. I have a problem.

I might even participate in one of the Camp NaNos this year, something I never do. But since I’ll be knee-deep in Nether Isle rewrites at the time, it could be good motivation. We’ll see when the time comes!



Every year I choose a word to focus on. Last year was BRAVE. The year before was INTENTIONAL. And both of those words really propelled me into better habits and to do hard things. Stuff I used to find overwhelming are now just part of my routine. These past couple of years have really been focused on getting things done and finding healthy habits.

But this year feels different. Yes, I have made strides in my habits and productivity, but there’s a problem with that. The lack of peace in them.

Let’s just say I get…obsessive when it comes to being productive. If I don’t get all my posts written, all emails answered, all comments replied to on social media, all the things on my unending to-do list done I can’t rest mentally. I’m constantly beating myself up, constantly wondering why I can’t just do more, constantly tired.

All these things we do are good. In order to be published I NEED to write and revise books and keep up a constant internet presence to build my platform. That just comes with the title. But, at the same time, God didn’t put my on this earth to spend all of my years stressing over writing blog posts. If I’m wasting every precious moment of my life worried and stressed and overwhelmed, what’s the POINT? What’s the point in any of this?

Even those moments I do take time to relax, I feel guilty about it, thinking there are emails to reply to, posts to write, books to edit. I shouldn’t be allowed to REST.

*cue uber major eyeroll*

Even GOD HIMSELF took time to rest. But it’s not just about resting. It’s about being AT PEACE. My body may be resting, but most of the time my mind isn’t. THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE.

So this year, that’s what I want to practice.


I want to spend time with my family and not be worrying about that unanswered email. I want to read books and know that is good for my creativity. If I don’t get a blog post written the day I planned to, well, I’ll just write it the next day. Having all these to-do lists and routines are good, fantastic even. They make my life easier. But if they’re constantly enslaving me, then something’s wrong.

I want to just LIVE. To enjoy the precious moments I am given and stop wasting this one and only life I’ve been blessed with stressing over the little stuff.

Again, God didn’t create me just to be a blog post, social media post, book writing machine. There’s nothing wrong with doing any of those things. In fact, I think I should be doing them. But not to the point that I can never enjoy life again.

So this year I want to stress less. I have a lot of unknowns in the horizon. Things may be changing for me some this year, and I could let it scare me, but I don’t want to. I just want to take each day as it comes and be at peace about it. Because, my goodness, the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE literally has it all in His hands. He’s got a plan, and though I don’t know what it is, I know it’s a good one. Because it’s GOD’S plan. Of course it’s a good one!

And that’s why 2020’s word is PEACE. Whatever comes, I just want to rest, enjoy each moment, and let God’s unceasing peace flow over me.

And there we have it, my aspirations for 2020!

I don’t know if this will be the full list. I’ve been taking January a little bit more slowly this year to really reflect on last year and think about how I want to tackle this year, and it’s been wonderful. I’m still letting thoughts percolate, but I do think these are my main goals.

At this moment, 2020 is a big blank expanse of UNKNOWN, more so than the last few years for me. It’s a little scary. But, honestly? I’m more EXCITED. Like I said, God’s got it in His hands. The best I can do is trust Him and look forward to whatever comes.

I think 2020 is going to be a good year, guys. I really do. So let’s do this thing!



Hiii! I’ve seriously missed you guys, so let’s discuss ALL THE THINGS! Can you believe it’s 2020??? How has your year been so far? What’s one big thing you hope to accomplish this year? And what’s something you’re looking forward to? (Also, what do you think of the new blog design? I’d love to hear any and all thoughts!)

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Deborah O'Carroll
Deborah O'Carroll
January 20, 2020 10:10 AM

Aaaahhhh I love the new look! So much prettiness! 😀 Also, THIS POST. I love hearing about your goals and I think they’re awesome! Also PEACE. Yes. Everything you wrote there is… so something I need to work on as well, so… thank you for this! And queryingggg and REWRITING THE NETHER ISLE OH MY GOODNESS. Best wishes on ALL of your goals this year! I know you’re going to do amazing. Yes, let’s do this crazy 2020 thing! (I love the number too. XD) THANKS FOR SHARING!

Nicole Dust
January 20, 2020 11:05 AM

Yay, you’re back!!! LOVE that new header – I think it is much more fitting for the type of books you write too. 🙂

And good luck on all your goals – especially querying, that’s so exciting! <3 <3

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
January 20, 2020 11:20 AM

These are BEAUTIFUL <3 I know you can do all of this

AHHHHHHHHH THE NETHER ISSSSLLLEEEE!!!!!!!! I am so excitement for youuuuuu. And for me! I want that book SO BAD. It's going to be amazing and I cannot /wait/ to read it.

(Also pro tip….those agents are SLOOOOW about getting back? And some of them just…won't haha? So I'd say do increments based on time rather than just responses, because slush piles are nasty business. I've still not heard back on two of my queries xD Which is fine since I'm rewriting the whole book anywaaaaaaaay… *cough cough*)

Stretching and exercising are those things that just…need to happen but YET. WHy does it have to be so HARD. *cries*

I have full faith that you can do all of these things! You're going to rock 2020 😀 Love you, girl!

January 20, 2020 11:55 AM

I love your new blog header so much! The muted colors are amazing, it reminds me of early morning.

I hope querying and revising goes well! Good luck with everything!

Sarah Rodecker
January 20, 2020 12:27 PM

I love your word of the year! Such a great reminder. There has to be balance in our lives, or else we’ll burn out on even the good things. I hope you are able to find peace in your life.

I feel you with the “haven’t revised anything new in years”. Hopefully, this next book will treat you nicely as you clean it up!

All the best on your goals, girl! You’ve got this!

Sarah Seele
January 20, 2020 2:10 PM

I LOVE the new blog design!! Tbh I loved the old one too, it was so pretty and reminded me of fairy-tale gardens or something with the roses, but I can see how it might also seem to betoken fluffy romance haha…but I love this one too. Pretty and woodsy and cool-toned and still fairy-tale-ish.

I wish you all the luck querying! (And rewriting The Nether Isle. Rewriting messy drafts can be a headache. But I feel like with such a beautiful title, you can always stare at it for inspiration. :D)
(Also. Would love a post about the rejection. Querying isn’t in my NEAR future, but I am storing up against that day. And also, I’d just like to hear about it since it wasn’t a painful rejection but a helpful one!)

I’m glad you’re back, Christine! I wish you all the best, and much peace, this year. <3

Verity Buchanan
January 20, 2020 4:17 PM

This blog post is a whole mood. Starting with the perfectionist thing (dang it, why can’t I just be happy with my turnout?? XD) and ending with the obsessive productivity (no, the universe won’t explode if I don’t post regularly on my author pages, just stop stressing ouuuttttt!). I think I’ll take a cue from you and try to cultivate peace this year as well…

(Aren’t we the same MBTI personality type or something? Lol)

Anyway. These are excellent aspirations, and I look forward to seeing where 2020 will take you! Here’s hoping those agents will know good lit when they see it! 😉

Verity Buchanan
January 20, 2020 4:18 PM

Also, I looove your new header 😀 😀 <3

H.S. Kylian
January 20, 2020 5:12 PM

The year has been pretty chill so far for me…I did the #10writingchallenge last Saturday and ALMOST made it.

One of my big goals this year-God willing-is to get something published. Right now, it looks like The Woodsman may end up being it. But we’ll see.

Also, I’m totally checking out what The Nether Isle is about.

H.S. Kylian
January 20, 2020 9:37 PM

Ok, so The Nether Isle looks intriguing and creepy all at once and when will it be published???

Hannah VanGelder
January 20, 2020 5:28 PM

I love the new design! Great job Christine!

I really hope querying goes well! Your stories deserve to be published!

THE NETHER ISLE!!!!!!!!!!! Yes please! And like I said on Instagram, let me know when you need a beta reader! *Raises hand* Pick me! Pick me!

I love that you’ve chosen peace as your word for the year. It’s such a great reminder!

I started my January pretty motivated, though it has ebbed and flowed. But it’s good. 😀 I’m really hoping to make my art more of a business this year! It’s kind of intimidating and a lot of work, but I’ve slowly been working in this direction over the past couple of years, so I’m pretty excited!

The fact that January is already almost over… \0o0/

Hannah VanGelder
February 2, 2020 12:41 AM

You’re so welcome!

Haha, making money doing things we love is truly a great blessing! Thanks!

I know right? People have been complaining that January has been really long, but I’m like, wait, it’s February already!?

Merie E. Shen
January 20, 2020 7:55 PM

Ooh, I love this new bloggy design!! It’s so nice and dusty-golden and warm and pretty!

YES, GO AND GET ‘EM, CHRISTINE. I’m cheering for you! TBH, I’ve never thought of the querying process as particularly terrifying either (or you know, maybe that’s because I’m just a super-chill person and don’t think of a lot of not-actually-physically-dangerous things as terrifying). BUT I’m definitely praying for you and cannot wait to see what comes of it!

Peace might be something I need to work on this year too, actually. There have been a lot of… *grimace* changes going on around here, and if I’m being totally honest I’m having trouble finding peace with that. So. This was encouraging 🙂

<3 GOD BLESS <3 and always be a happy camper 😉

Victoria Grace Howell
January 20, 2020 8:27 PM

These are awesome goals! 😀 And your blog looks gorgeous! Best wishes with querying! It’s hard but you can do it!

Emily Grant
January 20, 2020 9:07 PM

WELCOME BACK CHRISTINE! YOUR NEW DESIGN LOOKS SO GOOD!!! The header is just gorgeous and the color scheme and everything AAHHH yes I love it! I totally get the whole thing about trying to establish a brand. I’ve been going back and forth lately on whether I want my blog and my Instagram to have the same aesthetic… I feel like it would be really beneficial for the whole branding purpose, but at the same time I can’t see either one looking like the other. XD

“I can wear pink and murder characters at the same time!” YES YOU CAN. You go girl. xD



Dude, I have a NaNo problem, too. I was thinking about it the other day, and remembering the excitement leading up to midnight on the first day and everything, and I was like… o.o I want NaNo to come back RIGHT NOW. Which is ridiculous because I’m pretty sure I never did catch up on sleep. But I love NaNo so much. xD

Peace is a great word! And I’ve been trying to focus on rest lately too. (see previous comment about lack of sleep) I definitely was NOT letting myself rest and sleep enough last year, and this year I’ve been trying to get into the habit of allowing myself a healthy amount of time to do that. So far it’s going great, and I feel so much better than I do when I get the most minimal amount of sleep that I can.

Good luck with all these goals, Christine! I think it’s going to be a great year, too! <3


Jameson C. Smith
January 20, 2020 10:28 PM

CHRISTINE YOUR BLOG LOOKS AMAZING. The colors are so peaceful and fresh and still fairy tale-ish. (I loved the pink and gold design as well!) The dividers in your post are super cute too.

I love your approach to querying! It sounds like a good way to get stuff out there without it being too overwhelming.

YOU’RE REWRITING THE NETHER ISLE!!!! Also: “most cinnamon-y cinnamon roll characters to ever cinnamon roll” <— here for this

Ooh, that's a cool Instagram goal! I'm also hoping to be more consistent and intentional with social media stuff this year, which so far has mostly looked like trying to streamline everything by planning ahead and trying to schedule in batches. (It's been a pretty good time-saver in the long run, but does take a couple of days to actually *do*, but I'm kind of liking this process so far?)

"And that’s why 2020’s word is PEACE. Whatever comes, I just want to rest, enjoy each moment, and let God’s unceasing peace flow over me." <– YES. I love this, and I hope this new year is exactly that for you! 😀

Your goals are fantastic, Christine! Totally rooting for you! *cheers*

January 21, 2020 9:09 AM

The new header looks so pretty!! I love it!
Nether Isle sounds so cool?!!? (idk why but anything to do with a camera in the plot just sounds cool. XD)
Your whole talk here about peace was beautiful <3
Good luck querying and all your goals!!!

Hanne T
January 21, 2020 3:00 PM

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE the new banner look!! It’s G O R G E O U S!! 😍😍😍 Did you change the font too? I like it a lot!!

Good luck on your 2020 goals!! You’re gonna cRUSH them, I just know it 🙂

January 21, 2020 10:27 PM

OH MY GOODNESS. CHRISTINE!!!!! The new blog look is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!! I am internally squealing so hard right now… Did you design it yourself??? It’s absolutely MAGICAL and looks so fairy-ish and literally screams you and your sparkly, whimsical personality! It’s perfect! So so perfect!!! (Okay, so this might seem a little out of place, but like?? Would you ever consider doing a blog post on how to host your own website??? Because GIRL, YOUR BLOG IS LIKE A HAPPY LITTLE FAIRYTALE WONDERLAND AND I ADORE IT. I’ve been considering self-hosting my site more and more lately, but I just have no clue how to even start… #help XD)

And AAAH! Your goals for this year are so amazing!!!! I am so, SO beyond excited for you to query Burning Thorns more!! I, too, am going to be diving into the query trenches this year (hopefully!), so I understand the excitement (and fear) all too well. XD (although, I haven’t sent out a query yet, so the fear is like ten times more prominent than the excitement at this point. XD) BUT ASDFGHJKL, I WOULD ABSOLUTELY ADORE A POST FROM YOU ABOUT QUERYING!!! Rejection is something that I seriously fear (which is stupid, because being a writer means you HAVE to go through rejection), so getting to hear your positive takes on it would help IMMENSELY. That, and I also devour any sort of post on writing and writerly craft and publishing, so. I would love anything you wrote on the topic. XD

AND MY NETHER ISLE BABIES!!! Oh my goodness, I am so excited for this! I think I first started following you–and blogging–in 2017, so The Nether Isle is a story that’s strangely close to my heart. It reminds me of my early days of blogging and of first discovering you and your beautiful blog and just!!!! It makes my heart happy to hear you’re going to start rewriting it! I wish you the bestest of luck and ALL of the cookies to eat while editing! > “I want to just LIVE. To enjoy the precious moments I am given and stop wasting this one and only life I’ve been blessed with stressing over the little stuff.” << hit me SO. HARD. This is something that's been hanging on my mind and heart lately, and though I've struggled to find the words to describe it, you just hit it right on the head. I want to just live. I want to enjoy life. And I want to write and devour good books in the process. XD Thank you for sharing this, Christine. You have no clue how much your words impacted me tonight. <333

AND MEEP! I just seriously hope you crush every single one of these goals this year!!! Your posts never fail to brighten my day, and I am so beyond thrilled to have you back on the blogosphere!!! (I've just returned from a completely unannounced hiatus, so that's fun. I'm hoping to be more present on here, though, and I'm DEFINITELY going to be devouring your blog posts!) Good luck with all of your goals, my wonderful friend!! I shall be here cheering you on!!! *waves pom-poms happily in the air*

Lila Kims
January 25, 2020 1:57 PM

YOU BET I REMEMBER THE NETHER ISLE!!! I distinctly recall internally fangirling as I read every word of your NaNo posts about that! IT’S LIKE MY FAVORITE BOOK AND I HAVEN’T EVEN READ IT LOLOL. So excited for you and all your goals. <3 And I feel you on the lack of peace… Why is it so hard to remember that God holds every piece of our lives in His hands? We don't have any reason to worry and I always forget that. But He's so faithful to welcome us back when we run to Him and He's just so amazingggg. <333

January 25, 2020 8:12 PM

Aww girl your blog looks beautiful! Seriously, it’s always so classy and stylish – and I like the new choice of colors you have. Gold is very elegant, I think. I goes well for an up-and-coming author! 😀 😀

Love all of your goals for the New Year! So exciting! Especially the querying Burning Thorns and rewriting Nether Isle!

And LOVE your word for 2020! I felt like the word HOPE was my 2020 mantra and I’m really excited for this year as well, even with all the change that I can see coming. As you said: “I just want to take each day as it comes and be at peace about it.” That’s exactly what I want for this year as well. Hugs!

January 26, 2020 3:33 AM

I adore the new look! So aesthetic and beautiful!
Fantastic goals! I want to reach 1K on Instagram too.

January 27, 2020 9:45 PM

I really like your new design! It is beautiful. Also, I am so excited you chose to do a Nether Isle rewrite!!!! From the moment I read about it I thought it sounds sooo intriguing. Can’t wait to hear how that goes for you this year! Aaaahhh, so exciting!!!!!
I love your book reviews. I am always looking for more good books, and reading your reviews makes it easier to find good ones.

Lemon Duck
March 13, 2020 4:49 AM

As I haunt you old posts….may I just wish you belated luck on you goals?

And oooooh!! If you ever need a beta reader for your books, I’D LOVE TO BE ONE! Ahem, but I understand you have probably numerous people signing up.

Good luck on it all!!


[…] mentioned back in my Goals of 2020 post that my Big Project for this year was TNI rewrites. And, AT LAST, I have started them! I’m […]


[…] time that was January (seriously, January feels like a different lifetime ago), I shared a list of my goals for this year, because HELLO ACCOUNTABILITY. It always helps me so much to stay on top of things when I’ve […]