NaNoWriMo 2020: Week One

WE DID IT, GUYS. The first week of NaNo is behind us! Words are being written, caffeine is being consumed, sanity is being buried in the backyard. It’s a good time!

Being how it’s NaNo, it is time for one of my oh-so well thought out, perfectly calm and concise, utterly coherent weekly NaNo updates to share how I am faring thus far. In a very mature, professional manner of course.


(If you’ve been here for long, you know that was a complete lie and these posts are sleepless, caffeine induced, NaNo adrenaline disasters and just…I don’t even know. I kind of write them more for myself because I love logging all my NaNos and this is a good way to do it???)


Please don’t unfollow me.




AH. *clutches heart* WELL, GUYS. NaNo started off write right. (I had to.)

Confession time: Often the first two or three days of NaNo are grueling. See, story beginnings are my enemy. Trying to get the feel of the novel, figuring out the world, sinking into the voice of my character(s), it’s HARD. Usually my first draft beginnings are info dumpy and boring, because I’m basically explaining everything to myself so I’ll know what, you know, is actually going on. Plus with NaNo it takes me a few days to get into the groove of writing basically every day all day and ignoring my life and all sleep. So yeah. The first few days tend to not be my favorite.


As per tradition, I stayed up to midnight on October 31st so I could get in those first few words the second the calendar struck November 1st. There’s something so exhilarating about counting down to midnight and, at last, bringing actual words to the story that’s been floating through my head, begging for life. It did start out a tad slow, but once the coffee kicked in (yes, I was drinking coffee at midnight. Don’t judge.), things started going better, and I ended the night with 1,400 words. And I also got a happy surprise. Me being the blonde I am, totally forgot about the time change. So I was about to call it a night since it was nearly 2 when, lo and behold, the clock on my computer didn’t change to 2, but reverted back to 1 am. I mean, that of course just made my irresponsible self stay up even longer, but YA KNOW. It was a nice little NaNoween treat!

I suspected to be somewhat zombified the next day but I declare my body just has accepted sleep doesn’t happen in November, because somehow I always manage to function okay even though normally I really don’t do well without a lot of sleep. But Sunday morning I woke up chipper and ready to write.

Apparently really ready to write.

I settled down with my laptop after lunch and began to write. And write. And write. All the while grinning and giggling to myself at my characters’ antics and the utter fun I was having. Instead of the grueling pushing out each word forcefully that often comes with the first day of NaNo.

I had kind of secretly hoped to end the day with 7k words, because I tend to always write the most words on the first day.

Day 1 of NaNoWriMo 2020 ended with 9,450 words. The most words I’ve ever written in a day.

*cue me squealing*

Also cue my OCD self desperately wishing it had been an even 10k, because I’ve always wanted to do a 10k day but still have not managed it. Buuuut I finished chapter 3 and hit 9,450 words 10 minutes before midnight, and I have a rule about not writing after midnight during NaNo (excluding NaNoween of course) since any words after midnight would count as the next day’s words. (I’m weird, I know.) So, alas, 10k didn’t happen. BUT OVER 9K DID. Which was way more than I thought I’d get.

I wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination shooting for a 9k day. The words just kept…coming. In fact, I was kind of disappointed once it was nearing midnight because I WANTED TO KEEP WRITING??? Instead of collapsing with exhaustion and relief that I survived the first day like usual. Chapters two and three especially just had me typing like a giddy monkey (wut), my fingers barely able to keep up with my characters.

In short: It was one of, if not the best writing days I’ve ever had. What a way to kick off NaNo!

WORDS WRITTEN: 9,450       


Today wasn’t exactly the euphoric, mad typing day of the previous day, but it definitely wasn’t due to the fault of my novel. Mondays just tend to be pretty busy for me and, alas, I couldn’t ignore all things and run away into my storyworld all day.

BUT. I did still get in some good writing and OOOOH BOY. This day was when I got to really see the Squad together. Most of the day’s writing was just introducing them being together and their dynamics and antics so I can later destroy everything and tear out my readers’ hearts, and there may have been much squealing on my part. Have I mentioned yet HOW MUCH I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS???

On this day I discovered that:

  • Aelin is such an enthusiastic riot, I honestly never know what will come out of her mouth next.
  • Kezrin is totally an emo, wet blanket and it amuses me endlessly.
  • Dayana is there to keep everyone straight and raise a delicate eyebrow when the others are acting up (and apparently it’s a game between them all to initiate her infamous eyebrow raise whenever possible because they are all #children).
  • Rune is the happiest, most adorablest little of puppy dogs, but will also d e s t r o y you in a sparring match so yeah.
  • Tala sits there calmly knitting socks for everyone because she’s gotta make sure her peeps are always WARM AND LOVED AND HAPPY.

Yeah. I love this crew.

Oh! I also discovered today that they call themselves, as a group, the Daystars, which is a play on Dayana’s name and the fact that they come from a city often called the City of Stars. My little Daystars—I’m quite fond of it!

So even though Monday was a bit of a busier day, the chances I did get to write were a pure DELIGHT.

WORDS WRITTEN: 3,505                 


Alternate Title: The Day in Which I Cried

Up to this point, most of the story had been on a fairly upbeat note. Mainly just exploring the characters’ ordinary world, getting to know them, etc., etc. But today I reached the chapter in which I had long since mentally titled The Chapter of Tears. And HOO BOY. What an accurate description.

I cried, guys. Like actual tears, gotta blow my nose, need a minute to compose myself kind of crying.

It was GREAT.

“Are you mentally okay, Christine?” you may be thinking. (Well, no, but that’s not the point.) I kind of love when I make myself cry with my stories ‘cause that means I’m doing something right. If it’s making me that emotional than there’s a high chance my readers will be pretty moved too, which is basically the writer’s Main Goal, SO. I also kind of adore writing emotional scenes??? Even though they HURT. It’s a confusing mix of being in pain while at the same time cackling over the fact that I may eventually cause my readers’ emotional scarring.

We writers are weird.

ANYWHO. Needless to say, day 3 proved to be another fabulous day of writing, tears and all! I also wrote some scenes that made me giggle endlessly, so it was a good mix. I haven’t had this much fun writing in a while and I’m just…really, really happy.

WORDS WRITTEN: 5,019       


I made up for the Chapter of Tears by writing a delightfully fun ball scene today, in which a glitter explosion happened. (Yes, I’m serious.) I don’t know what it is about balls, but I LOVE reading, watching, and writing them. So yeah. I threw in a big grand ball even though this story probably didn’t need it but I did it anyway because #IDOWHATIWANT. And yes, there was indeed a surprise glitter explosion that covered all the guests in glitter at said ball. (I’m not saying it was a prank by the hands of Kezrin and Rune buuuut…)

It was fun for all. I may have grinned endlessly. (Have I mentioned I love these characters???) It was also nice to write one more happy chapter because EHEHEHEHEH. I suspect that’s gonna  be the last one for a while.


(Yeah, I should have written 35 more words to make it an even 5k but I finished a chapter and it was 5 minutes to midnight so here we are.)


This day was a thrilling day, as I finally reached the beginning of The Scene. As in, the big scene that has been in my head since almost the first spark of this story. Well, technically one of my first ideas was actually the very first scene. BUT. Once the story concept began to take shape, THIS scene arrived with it, putting it all together. And, let me tell you, there’s something utterly surreal about finally putting down physical words of a scene that’s been floating through your mind for months on end. Although…technically I only began the scene, barely got into the true painful depths of it (see tomorrow), BUT STILL. ‘Twas an exciting day!

Also, I broke my heart during this day’s writing session. This is the point in the story where things get REAL and errrrything changes and, well, change isn’t always a good thing. (See my notes above about writing the last happy chapter.)

Also, also, this was my first day to write in points-of-view that weren’t Aelin. Thus far, Aelin has been the only POV character (‘cause she’s the main main character???). But today I got a look inside Tala’s AND Dayana’s heads, which was a delight! (That kind of sounded creepy out of context.) I’ve yet to write the POV of mah bois Rune and Kezrin, but I’m sure I’ll get there.

Also, also, also, I may have been madly writing right up to 11:58 PM to try to get in 5k words for the day because who needs sleep and sanity. I do. Someone tell me to go to bed.

Oh yeah, one more thing…


Because you’re supposed to reach the NaNo halfway point on the 5th day, riiiight? WhyamIthisway? Pleasehelpme.

WORDS WRITTEN: 5,001        


Ah yissss. Here we go. In which The Scene really took place. Writing was a little slower this day, not because I wasn’t in the mood, more because writing such a crucial scene took a lot of thought trying to figure out how to actually make it WORK. (I declare the scenes I think I have planned end up being the hardest to write??? And then I just fly through surprise scenes. This is why I’m a panster.) Buuuut the day proved to be gorgeous and I spent every moment outside literally until dark writing, and at last finished The Scene.

And, well, my poor emotions went on a whirlwind that day. I maaaay have completely and utterly d e s t r o y e d my characters’ lives, and it broke me.


I was cackling to myself all the way through.

Me whilst plotting my characters’ demise.

I’m normal, I promise.

Let’s just ignore the fact that I have officially reached the point in the story where I have absolutely no earthly clue what happens from here on out so yaaaaay! I had a a fairly solid(ish???) idea of some events that needed to happen up to this point. But now I got NOTHIN’. Except…I’ve been super anxious to get to this point in the story despite the fact I have no clue what’s going to come of it. I’m honestly so excited to see where this goes.


My story and me hurtling through November. Have fun guessing which one is which.

WORDS WRITTEN: 4,009       


Have I mentioned yet I really do much better pantsing? Yeah? Yeah.

Today went SO smoothly. While I was writing 100% unplanned scenes… Because my brain does so love to be backward.

But oh boy, guys OH BOY. We’ve now reached the true meat of the story (we’re not gonna talk about how it took me some 30k odd words to get here… AHEM) and are exploring other worlds and thiiiings and hehehehehe. It is funnnn. I had a delightful time writing today. Not to mention I got to meet a character on page for the first time that I’ve been anxious to get to and let’s just say he puts Kez’s sarcastic, I Don’t Care™ attitude to shame.

I love him.

WE HAVIN’ A GOOD TIME. (Well my characters aren’t but pfffft details.)

WORDS WRITTEN: 4,051       


In Which I Meet My Villains

Today was a very fascinating day, as I not only got to explore an entirely new (really fun) setting, I met my main baddies for the fist time ever! And, gotta say, they did not disappoint. *smile, smile*

I also discovered that you really shouldn’t kidnap Aelin and Dayana, especially when they’re together. It won’t be fun for you, is all I’m sayin’.

Here, have a random snippet from today to close off:

She has a name, thank you very much, and I do not appreciate being spoken over as if I were some thing in your possession.” Dayana stepped forward, shoulders straight, chin high. Though a few loose strands fell from her bun, dirt smudged her violet Sealer’s uniform, and they stood amongst powerful and strange winged men, she commanded the attention of the room. She set a hard glare on the Captain, looking all the fiercer with her scar, and Aelin smiled. Here it came. Day only used that particular glare on very special occasions.

Malak and Yunix straightened, sidling back from her, and even the Captain’s bored gaze cleared.

“I am Princess Dayana Evaleigh Zahar and this is my Watcher, Aelin Doletta.”

Aelin wiped the smile from her face and tried to mimic Day’s intimidating persona, though the fetters made it difficult. Day, of course, had no trouble, shackled or not.

“I demand you show us respect and explain who you are, where we are, and what you have done to my kingdom.”

“Great, more royalty. Just what I needed to day,” the Captain murmured. He pushed up from the door frame and strode toward Day until he stood toe-to-toe, towering over her by a good foot and a half, his wings filling the space around them like a great cloud. And yet her stance never wavered. “I am Vence Talamott, Captain of the Guardians, you are in the world of Thexion, and as far as your world…” He sighed and rubbed two fingers against his temple, grimacing as if in pain.

Dayana blinked, once, and Aelin’s own heartbeat faltered. Did he say world? His world, their world. As if two separate things. But that was…impossible. Wasn’t it?

“You know what, I’m too tired to explain this.” He pulled his hand down. “I’ll just let the king explain.”

“King?” Day’s eyebrows lifted. “Yes, I would very much like to speak with this supposed king of yours. But I insist you unshackle my Watcher and I first.” She held out her bound wrists expectantly.

Aelin nodded firmly and did the same.

The man merely looked back and forth between them. “Are you going to assault my men again and attempt an escape?”

They shared a quick glance.

“That’s what I thought. The fetters stay. I’m far too worn out to be chasing human girls around the city.”

Human. He used the term as if he wasn’t one. Aelin eyed his wings. Well, she supposed he wasn’t.

(Vence is said sarcastic character I was excited to meet for the first time, fyi.) 



Total Words Written: 40,472


PLEASE TAKE NOTE: My goal is never 50k words, but to finish my book which usually ends at 100k+ words (seriously, why can’t my stories be contained??? >.>). Which is why I probably push myself a tad much to reach a high wordcount. I also hardly ever first draft during the rest of the year and instead usually edit and such, so I always allow November to be the crazy first drafting month. BUT ALSO I don’t go to school, am married/have kids, or even have a job currently (thaaanks, 2020), and due to health issues I’m also pretty much still fully staying in (thanks again, 2020), leaving me a fair amount of free time to do this. But that is not for everyone! We ALL have our own pace and life craziness, and that is OKAY. We should 100% cater to that. The point of NaNo is to help us find time to let loose our creativity, in whatever way that works best for us. <3 My goals are a little lofty because pounding out a first draft in one month and taking things slower the rest of the year works best for me. But that is noooot for everyone! 


This is honest to goodness shaping up to be one of the best NaNos ever???

After the year 2020 has been, it’s honestly been such a joy to have a change of pace, to have a storyworld to disappear into for a while and just make a wild, crazy mess inside. I feel like I’m getting a vacation in a fictional world and, whew boy, I’ve needed that.

Week two awaits! Let’s see what adventures it takes us on!



Well, that was A MILLION YEARS LONG. If you made it this far, you all get cookies! Goodness knows we’ve talk enough about me, now I want to hear about YOU. How was your first week of NaNo, fellow wrimos??? I WANT TO HEAR ALL. And how has November treated everyone so far?

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Lemon Duck
November 9, 2020 9:47 AM

I – how – you……..40K? *slowly pushes a throne towards you* I bow to your superiority, Christine….but also, that snippet was amazing and this STORY sounds amazing and WOW!!! I’m SO glad all is going well.

(Also, that are you mentally okay thing….that’s every writer ever.)

Another also that doesn’t have anything at all to do with NaNo….I have tagged you for a Tales of Goldstone Wood Tag (my post is here but the offical site’s one is easier to copy and paste from), which I’m sure you have been tagged of but I couldn’t think of many goldstone wood people….anyway, no obligation to do this (because it looks like you’re on a roll) but…tags.

November 9, 2020 12:30 PM
Reply to  Lemon Duck

Hey, I don’t really know why but I checked out the tag you mentioned. The book seems really interesting. Actually it was like a I REALLY wanna read it interesting Anyway, I was just wondering (because I start wondering a lot of crazy things) have you heard of/read any Chuck Black books? His Kingdom Series is a lot like it, and I just wanted to recommend it if you hadn’t. (Please don’t think I’m crazy for all my randomness.)

Lemon Duck
November 9, 2020 1:16 PM
Reply to  Maggie

*gasps* *screams* YES!! Go and read Goldstone Wood!!!! And YESSSS!! Chuck Black was one of my favorite childhood (and now, too) authors and I want to read his other books so badly. I will gladly rant about him and Andrew Peterson, thank you very much. (And crazy? You? This is what normal people do, right?)

November 9, 2020 1:38 PM
Reply to  Lemon Duck

If you haven’t read the Wars of the Realm Trilogy by him YOU REALLY NEED TO, it’s one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES!!!!!!!!! And I’ve just GOT to read his new sci-fi series. It’s just calling to me. (Haha, if not, they’re really missing out.)

Lemon Duck
November 9, 2020 9:44 PM
Reply to  Maggie

AHHH!!! I KNOW! I DO need to!! And I’m really excited that he released a new sci-fi series….(also, we’re cluttering the chat…sorry Christine. XDD…but if you want to keep fangirling me (no complaints here XD), feel free to DM me on instagram (@four_misty…I think?))

November 10, 2020 8:34 AM
Reply to  Lemon Duck

I love fangirling, but I…uh…am going to admit I have no social media. Nope. Notta. None. Just a blog…and that’s about it. Sorry. But don’t tell anyone. 🤫 😉

Lemon Duck
November 10, 2020 8:38 PM
Reply to  Maggie

Good for you, then! (SM is scary)…but then it was lovely meeting you! And I might use your contact form if I get around to reading Wars of the Realm…XD…And my lips are sealed 😉 (once again, sorry Christine…whoops. XD)

November 11, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Lemon Duck

OH, yes, awesome meeting you, too!!!! YES, you should totally do that if you read the book and tell me your thoughts!!! 🙂

Lemon Duck
November 11, 2020 12:36 PM
Reply to  Maggie

WOOHOO! Go Christine! And awesome, Maggie!! *inserts partying emojis here*

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
November 9, 2020 10:29 AM

CHRISTINE. HOW DO YOU DO IT. HOW. *mind-blown* EVERY NaNo you amaze and inspire me with your crazy drafting speed and utter love of your stories.

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
November 9, 2020 10:31 AM
Reply to  Nicole Dust

*didn’t mean to send that comment so soon. whoops. XD*

CONGRATULATIONS on getting so far on your word count already! And congratulations on crying over your story! XD *passes tissues* I hope NaNo continues to go well for you! (Just, please, get some sleep <3)

November 9, 2020 10:40 AM

Hahaha, I LOVED your first week wrap up. And since no one else will probably do it, I’m just gonna be the one to say: you REALLY need to get some sleep, Christine. 😉 YES a vacation in a fictional world!!! I wanna visit your world too. *pouting ’cause I’m still stuck here in the real world* I JUST ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!! You HAVE to publish it when it’s finished, because I JUST WON’T SURVIVE IF I CAN’T READ IT SOON. I was really wanting to get some serious writing done this past week, but I only managed to write half a page yesterday in my WIP. So, this week, I’m forcing myself to make it all up. Actually, seeing how far you’ve come this past week, is giving me some serious motivation. We shall see what happens……..

(Also, did I mention I love your characters, too! 😃🥰)

Deborah O'Carroll
November 9, 2020 11:08 AM

Oh my word, this post is suuuch a fun look at your NaNo so far and makes my day and I’M SO HAPPY YOUR NANO IS GOING WELLLL!!! Dat 9K day, tho’. :O :O :O THE DAYSTARS!! I LOVE! Aaand you made yourself cry. OMGOSH, A BALL. I LOOOOVE BALL SCENES! The glitter bomb sounds amazing. XD Okay, I ALSO have been flailing trying to finish before midnight every night, and honestly my pantsed scenes have been going well. So, twins! DAT SNIPPET. I am living for Vence’s sarcasm (and wingssss). XD AAAHHHH YOU WROTE 40K HOW ARE YOU SO AMAZING THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!! O________O I’m so glad it’s been going so well, I hope the rest of NaNo is even more amazing now that you’re pantsing, and thanks for sharing this delightful updaaaate! (Now get some sleep, girl. XDDD)

November 9, 2020 12:22 PM

This was SO much fun to read! I’m so glad you had a great first week! And I am incredibly impressed at your word count! (It’s kinda making me want to do NaNo for some reason? Too late for that, though. XD)

there to keep everyone straight and raise a delicate eyebrow when the others are acting up” <<IT ME. I think I AM Dayana, at this point. XD

I have never made myself cry while writing (because I am an emotionless INTJ, for pete’s sake), but kudos to you for doing so! I’ve always kind of wanted to. 🙂


I also do way better with surprise scenes than anything I planned…which drives me crazy, because in real life, I am such a planner, you wouldn’t believe. But while writing, I’m a pantser 100% of the way. I guess it’s God’s way of keeping me on my toes occasionally. 🙂


I hope that the rest of your NaNo goes as well as the first week!

Hannah V
November 9, 2020 12:47 PM

I love your rambling NaNo posts!!!!! And you’re amazing! This story is amazing! I just love your enthusiasm and excitement! It’s contagious! Good luck on week two! I can’t wait to hear about it!

November 9, 2020 1:18 PM

*gives you a million high fives* Way to go!!! All of this sounds like so much goodness I can’t even. 😀 I actually just find you on the website yesterday the when I saw your word count I knew that there would be a writing update today!

I never (er, hardly ever) write except during NaNoWriMo so I’m having a blast! I do admit that not doing anything else in life right now except writing is pretty FANTASTIC. Let’s keep this up!

Florid Sword
Florid Sword
November 9, 2020 2:11 PM

AHHHHH READING THIS IS MAKING ME REMEMBER LAST YEAR WHEN I DECIDED TO PULL A YOU AND DO 119K IN ONE MONTH *wipes tear away, sniffling* This is AMAZING. I have so much admiration (I’ve written maaaaaaybe 10k on the current WIP so far this month? But that’s OKAY it is still! A WIN!)

The snippet is amazing and these characters sound brilliant and EEEEEP

November 9, 2020 2:31 PM

40k… in just a week??
You really need a crown or a trophy or SOMETHING, because honestly you are the QUEEN of Nano and nobody else can tell me otherwise.
My mind is blown. XD And the snippet was so darn good!! I’m just in awe XD (make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep/taking care of yourself in general though!<3)

November 9, 2020 2:43 PM
Reply to  Sarahkey8

YES Christine is DEFINITELY THE QUEEN of NaNo. LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💕😃

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
November 9, 2020 4:32 PM

WOW, Christine. You are a NaNoWriMo legend. o.o Maybe someday I’ll aim to finish an entire first draft in one month, but… it is not this day. XD If I hadn’t had so much life craziness hit me at the end of the first week, I would have had 20k by the end. As it is, there’s been a lot of- grief- hit me, and I’m still recovering, and my inspiration and will power is recovering with me. So I hope to be back to getting up at 6am every day and pounding out 3 or 2k before breakfast and 2 or 3k in the afternoon tomorrow; which will be so refreshing.
I loved reading your recap, Christine! It was SO. MUCH. FUN. 😀 Congrats on hitting 40k!!!

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
November 16, 2020 12:29 PM

Aw thanks, Christine! Prayers are appreciated. 🙂

Esther Lowery
November 9, 2020 5:10 PM

I truly cannot comprehend how you’ve hit 40k in a week, but hats off to you. Congrats on hitting that number, I’m so glad NaNo’s going so well for you. Ahhhh, your characters sound like so much fun and this whole story sounds incredible and I’m so fascinated by the whole concept. It sounds like it successfully ticks of several of my Favourite Things, so I’m so excited to get to hear more about it later in the month. That snippet was so good, I love these characters already.

I hit 21k today, which I’m pretty happy with. The last couple of days were rough, but we’re back now and I wrote 4k words I love today, so I’m happy and excited again.

November 9, 2020 5:44 PM

First off, your story sounds AMAZING, and as a dancer I really appreciate that you’re putting ballet in it *heart eyes*

I’m also taking forever to reach the “meat” of the story (I’m currently over 20k, which per my last NaNo’s is very good right now) and it’s taking fooooorreverrrr for anything to happen. XD (It’s high fantasy and it going to by a big old chonky boi) While planning I divided the story into four parts and the first part…..was not supposed to be this long *laughs nervously*

November 9, 2020 6:21 PM

Sooo, I’ve never done NaNo before, but I do know enough about it that I think my jaw literally dropped when you said you got 25K words written by day 5 (much less 40K at the end of the week). *dons mom voice* Christine, honey, I think it’s time for a nap! XD

Seriously, though, I’m so glad you had such a successful first week! This post was an absolute hoot to read and that snippet?!?!? I WANT MOOOORE!!! I’m not kidding when I say Day sounds just like my twin. When my other sis and I start squabbling or acting like we just inhaled 500 gallons of sugar, my twin will just give us the “I can’t believe I’m related to you” look. It’s seriously hilarious how different we are! XD

But yes. YOUR CHARACTERS. Can I just be friends with all of them???? XP OH OH. that GLITTER EXPLOSION. It sounds exactly like something Burndee and Colin would do! Ijustloveitall. Anyway, I hope you have another awesome and caffeinated week of NaNo!!! (But get some sleep first) ;).

November 9, 2020 7:20 PM
Reply to  Victoria

I KNOW RIGHT! How are we gonna convince Christine to GIVE US MORE???!!!! 😉

Emily Grant
November 9, 2020 10:55 PM

EEEP YOU’RE DOING SO AMAZING!! It makes me so happy to hear about how well your first day went. That’s fantastic. <3 My first day was such a good one, too. Just being back in the story and writing in general was so wonderful. And I really want to do a 10k day sometime too. xD

I LOVE that snippet! I’m so intrigued by the winged person and the violet uniform and pretty much everything. xD

Good luck with the rest of NaNo! You got this! <3

H. S. Kylian
H. S. Kylian
November 10, 2020 12:21 AM

And here I am still 10k away from my goal…*glares at Mr. Grumpy Hermit because HE WON’T TALK*

Jonathan: I’m not in the mood.


Jonathan: Humph. Write it another time.

Me: *inward screaming*

Other characters: *shrug*

ANYWAY. I’m always fascinated by your ability to crank out that many words in a WEEK!! ALLLLLLLL THE AWARDS TO YOU.

H. S. Kylian
H. S. Kylian
November 13, 2020 5:15 PM

Haha! I was able to reach 21k the other day, so he’s…kind of behaving now? It was a dump of feels though. Hopefully, the Christmas scene I’ll try to write later will end on a lighter note.

(Jonathan: Did someone leave a cookie here?)

November 10, 2020 10:36 AM

Okay, I LOVE the GIFs.
I’m glad NaNo is going so well for you. I’m kind of doing NaNo this year. It’s complicated.
Writing has actually been really good for me lately, which is great.
It looks like you’ve been doing such a good job!!!! I MEAN, 40K?????! THAT’S INCREDIBLE!!!!!

Sarah Cnossen
November 10, 2020 2:19 PM

GURRRRRL. You are a words writing MACHINE. *alltheadmiringhearteyes* You are such an inspiration!!! I love your intentionality & the all-out dedication to your so is why you’ll become one of the bestest ever authors EVERRRRR.

I love this story SO MUCH ALREADY. And way to go on your word counts!!! That’s incredible!!!!! Cheering you on over here, dear Lauri!!! <333

November 10, 2020 5:13 PM

Okay, first off, my sleep deprived, caffeine jacked up brain stared at that gif of the girls in the car for a solid two minutes in a fit of giggles. (Halp me, sanity gone…) I’m going to guess you’re the girl in the front gleefully screaming and your story is the girl in the passenger seat crying like she’s gonna die? XD

40,000 in one week? Woza!!! YOU GO GIRL!!! *waves pom poms then sets them down and ignites awesome firework show*

Eeeeeeeee!!!! I didn’t think it was possible to love those characters even more but now I do? AAAAHHHH! Just everything! ASHDJFKSKJA!!! Glitter bombs! Daystars! Such a cool name for them! Hahaha, they all try to get Dayana to raise her eyebrow! XD I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL THIS IS READY FOR READING!!!!!! ^_^ Vence! I do believe I’m going to love Vence too! Aaahhh, that snippet! I am so incoherent I hope you can decipher this. XD This is what happens when Jen gets sleep deprived and lots of caffeine. XDDD But seriously, I am so, so excited for this book, everything about it is just so awesome!!!

Also, go to bed, Christine, I think you’ve earned at least an extra hour. XD

Oh! I’m finally nearing the first ball in my story! I can’t wait to actually write it! ^_^

November 15, 2020 6:51 PM

LOL XDDD Yes, the things that happen during NaNo! Ooh! Hahaha! I can definetly see how it can change! ;p

^_^ <333

Hehehe, I'll make the coffee, you hide the evidence! XD

^_^ Thanks! It um, turned out nothing like I thought it would, *grins* but that's Charm and Ellar for you. They like doing things their own way and then letting me know. XD

Savannah Grace
Savannah Grace
November 10, 2020 7:50 PM

This post has me in STITCHES, Christine, STITCHES 🤣. And I still have literally no idea how you hit 40k so early on – You are a force of nature!!

Tracey Dyck
November 11, 2020 8:15 PM

40k in one week!!!! Can’t say I’m surprised, because we all know you’re a fairy. 😉 But CONGRATULATIONS.

And ahhhh, the more I hear about Dusk’s Broken Shadows, the more I WANTS IT, PRECIOUS. (That snippet!! *clutches heart* I could picture it all so clearly, and Vence is already fantastic.)

Oh, and I should also mention that I’m pretty sure only in a Christine novel would things move from a tearjerker to a glitter explosion in the space of a chapter. *nods sagely* XD

May alllll the words be in your favor!

November 11, 2020 9:08 PM

*Eyes wide* All I can say is that this /is/ a crazy week. I am amazed.
I enjoyed reading every bit of this update. It was awesome, and I love that snippet! I honestly can’t wait for your next post in the linkup!

November 12, 2020 4:57 PM

Great job, Christine! 40,000 words is really impressive!

Jameson C. Smith
November 15, 2020 7:18 PM


*takes a breath*

I don’t remember if I commented on your intro post about this book, but in case I didn’t: I love this story idea and all the complexities going on and THAT SNIPPET.

I am so, so glad NaNo is going so well for you and is so much fun! The first week went surprisingly well for me, but the second week has been a rough one. *nervous chuckle* Not really because of the stories (I did have a tough chapter that took a couple days, but mostly I like how it turned out!), but from unexpected happenings that ended up cutting into the time I had hoped to have for writing. I am hopeful of catching up in the third week! I’ve had a lot of fun with the projects I’m working on in the meantime, though. 😀

Christine Eyre
November 15, 2020 8:49 PM

Eeeeep, yay!!! I was hoping you’d do a NaNo recap!! 🙂 And your turns of phrases about the craziness of NaNo always amuse me; “sanity is being buried in the backyard” is my current favorite!

Heh, I was *this* close to getting coffee at 10 p.m. on October 31st! (Decided against it, though, and instead watched a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie with my siblings while eating chocolate cupcakes and Halloween candy and finishing my outline. As it turns out, this combination is oddly invigorating! 🙂 )

And wow, girl, that is an AMAZING first day wordcount! Almost 1K!??!–that is AWESOME!! And how wonderful that the beginning was so much fun and wasn’t grueling! That’s such a wonderful, unexpected blessing!

Actually, the no-writing-after-midnight makes perfect sense–midnight is technically the start of the next day, after all!

Oh, my goodness, the gang sounds like they’d have the most epic and hilarious interactions! All those differing but close-knit personalities bouncing off each other? Just perfect!

Oh, that’s funny you love emotional scenes–they’re hard for me because I know exactly what the characters are feeling, often feel what they’re feeling MYSELF–but I can’t express it. #INTJprobs. Words just come out pitiful and awkward compared to what’s going on inside the head and heart. *sigh* Well, that’s what revision is for!

But YES, if you made yourself cry, it’s kind of a win because you accomplished the whole goal of writing–to make people laugh, cry, think, feel. And if I had to describe your writing as a whole (that I’ve seen, anyway) in one word, it would be ALIVE. Your characters have such a spark of life, and your stories examine the wondrous and whimsical but they don’t shy away from heartbreak and sadness and honesty about how broken the world is. But it also doesn’t end there. Your writing comes across with a joy for life in all its aspects–the good, the bad, and the ugly. 🙂

And I’m so glad to hear writing has been fun for you and giving you a much-needed escape!

November 16, 2020 2:55 PM

You’re writing machine and I love it!
These characters sound amazing, and that snippet is marvelous!!

Victoria Grace Howell
November 17, 2020 7:14 PM

I’m so happy you had an awesome first week! It seems like it was an emotional roller coaster!