Through Eyes of Green – A Flash Fiction Piece @

I interrupt our regularly scheduled program to share some happy newssss! I have another flash fiction piece available at today!

Last year I had two pieces published at Havok, At Your Service and Backward, and I have been meaning to submit something again ever since but, well, other projects and Life™ have distracted me a teeny tiny bit. BUT a few months ago I got inspired to write another piece of flash fiction and submit it, and I’m so honored it was accepted!

This little piece, titled Through Eyes of Green, is heavily inspired by The Snow Queen (because I’m apparently incapable of writing non-fairy tale things), and may be my favorite one I’ve written yet.

So if you’re in the mood for something seasonally chilly and fairy tale-ish and a dash feelsy, you can read my piece at today!


IMPORTANT: If you’re not a Havok member my story is available to read TODAY ONLY (Friday, December 4th)!

Also, if it gets good feedback, it’ll be eligible for their bi-annual anthology, so if you enjoy it, leaving a comment would mean the world to me! But take note: the Havok comments can be a bit funky. If you submit your comment it may say it didn’t work, but it did! The comments usually always go through even if they act like they don’t.

Fun fact about this story: I wrote the first draft by hand! Annnd it’s the first story I’ve written by hand in literally over a decade. YEP. Baby Christine used to love writing by hand, but then I got a laptop and the rest is history. XD But during the summer I was feeling inspired to try something fresh with my writing and spontaneously started this little piece with a pen and notebook, and next thing I knew I had a whole story. It was such a relaxing experiment, and I think helped me get out of a bad creative rut. I’d love to write some more flash fiction pieces this way. It’s a great way to destress and just WRITE without the distraction of a screen, but minus the overwhelming-ness of trying to write an entire novel by hand. A perfect compromise! 10/10 recommend.

Alrighty, enough babbling about the story so you can actually read it, if you so desire.

Head on over to to read Through Eyes of Green!

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December 4, 2020 2:14 PM

YAYYY, I was so excited to see your submission when it came in (I work on the subs team). Also, cool fun fact! I write most of my flash fic by hand first haha

December 4, 2020 3:23 PM

Congratulations!! I’ll go read it right now 🙂

December 4, 2020 3:27 PM
Reply to  Becky

I left a comment, but it said it didn’t go through?? Just in case it didn’t, I LOVED your story!

Deborah O'Carroll
December 4, 2020 6:35 PM

Aaahhh I’m so excited you got another story up on Havok! I loved this one so muuuuch! *flails around forever*

December 4, 2020 8:26 PM

I left a comment, but it said it went to spam. 🙁 I’ll probably wait an hour and try again, just in case they’ve got to moderate it or something. But, just wanted to let you know it was just AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, I’m gonna wait and try again, so I’ll put my thoughts there, but if I never can figure it out just know it was THE BEST THING I’VE READ ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 4, 2020 8:54 PM
Reply to  Maggie

YAY!!!!!! It went through the second time, but it’ll be under my real name, Issabelle, just so you know, Issabelle is Maggie. And vice versa. (I know, such a shocker that I have ANOTHER NAME!!!!!) Also, I think I’m gonna be able to do the Know the Novel post tomorrow, in case you might wanna know! CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!

December 4, 2020 9:28 PM

Ah, my comment didn’t show up. Well anyway I loved it.
Gorgeously atmospheric.

December 5, 2020 4:09 PM

Ahhhh, I LOVE your story. The writing is amazing, the characters are amazing, EVERYTHING is amazing, nd just *happy squeals*
The Snow Queen is one of my favorite fairytales, but I haven’t heard of a lot of retellings, so THANK YOU FOR THIS.
Also, congrats on writing a story by hand. I grip my pencil like it’s a sword and end up hurting my hand when trying to write by hand, so my laptop is kinda my lifesaver. But the idea of writing an entire story by hand is just so poetic, and I do want to do it someday.

December 6, 2020 5:09 PM

Um…*cough, cough* *raises hand* I write my first drafts out by hand. I can TOTALLY relate to the hand cramps, and see how helpful typing and laptops are. My second drafts are typed (’cause I’m not going through all of that a second time). But…yeah…one of the few people on earth who will still write by hand. 😂

December 8, 2020 9:47 AM

I just want to say again how much I loved your story! And I am so ecstatic that your piece was accepted!!! I’ve heard that it’s hard to get published on the Fantasy Friday due to the many pieces that get sent in. Wow! You wrote it by hand? So awesome! I am too chicken to attempt that. XD Typing is so much easier. ;p I hope your story gets into the anthology! ^_^ And now I wish I was a Havok member so I could go read your other stories. Heh, maybe I can put a subscription to it on my family’s Christmas list. 😉

Yeah, their comment system is weird. I had to try three times before mine showed up.

December 14, 2020 6:28 PM

Aww, sad, I missed it (I am just now going through my emails and catching up on blog posts), but I bet it was amazing!
(Also I can’t wait to read your Know the Novel post on your story!!! I know I am going to die with happiness when I read it. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)