How To Find Your True Love In a Fairy Tale

So you’re a fairy tale character, eh? And Valentine’s Day is just around the corner which, of course, means it’s time to get out there and find your One True Love. But how does one of Fairy Tale Land go about doing such a thing?

There are, of course, many approaches to finding your True Love. But if you’re feeling stumped, never fear, my fine fairy tale friend! Today I come to you with a list of 7 tried and true methods to finding the love of your life and living happily ever after. Here in Fairy Tale Land these techniques have never gone afoul. Many a couple is now living in pure happily ever after bliss by following these steps, and you can too, just in time for Valentine’s!

So settle in, O’ quester of the heart, and let’s find the best method to discovering your One True Love.


One surefire way to find your soul mate is to go out there and get yourself cursed. There are princes, princesses, and peasants alike who would all jump at the chance to break the curse of someone they just met and promptly marry them right after. It’s the natural order of things. And the good news is, being as how you live in Fairy Tale Land, the world is simply brimming with witches who would happily cast you a big ol’ curse. Usually it just takes being more beautiful than them (and they’re all hideous, so no worries on that) or, ya know, just existing in their general vicinity. Or if you have a wicked stepmother who is a sorceress (which is a high probability), you don’t even have to leave home to make it happen! The bad news is, well, you may be cursed for a while. I hear tell of some curses lasting a good hundred years. So perhaps you won’t be with your love in time for this Valentine’s but…eventually. And hey, it’s totally worth it because the person who stumbles upon you and uncurses you will be your One True Love. It’s science.


Now, I know departing with beloved footwear can be a tragedy but DON’T WORRY, you will get it back, and a handsome prince to come with it. Shiny shoes and a prince—it’s a great packaged deal.

This task usually involves attending a ball of some sort and acquiring a fairy godmother OR your dear departed mother sending you gifts magically from the grave. But since you live in Fairy Tale Land, you probably have one or both of these already at hand. Once you attend the ball, just leave your shoe lying around and BOOM! the workings of True Love will begin cranking into place like magic. (Because, of course, True Love is magic.) The prince will scour the whole world to find the person whose foot fits the shoe (because everyone knows no two girls’ feet are alike) and eventually he’ll end up on your doorstep. Just be sure to have some Febreze on hand, because that shoe has been on the foot of pretty much every single girl in the whole kingdom. Not sure how sanitary this quest is, but hey, you do what you got to do.

I hear leaving behind other such items such as rings can work too, though aren’t as popular, so tread carefully in this endeavor.


“Now how can studying riddles help me find my True Love?” you may be asking. WELL. It happens more frequently than you might think. There is a high number of kings out there who will give their child’s hand in marriage to those who can solve some riddles. So get out your book of riddles and start studying, because OF COURSE the second you lay eyes on this royal child you will be madly in love and do anything to gain their hand in marriage. Even if the rules state that if you fail you will be beheaded. But pffft. Who pays attention to the rules anyway?

Side Note: You may also be challenged to accomplish some seemingly impossible tasks to win this person’s hand in marriage. But no fear. Being the kind fairy tale protagonist you are, you’ve befriended all sorts of animals who will help you accomplish these tasks in a snap. Because apparently animals can do anything. Literally…anything.


While we’re on the subject of befriending animals, this is another great way to stumble upon your True Love. Remember, there are a lot (I mean, a lot) of curses floating around Fairy Tale Land. Chances are, your True Love has been cursed themselves, and there is an even higher chance that they’ve been cursed into some sort of animal. Of course, being as how every single animal in the world can just so happen to talk and no one ever actually explains that they’re cursed until the curse is broken, you can’t just go around inquiring to animals if they happen to be a prince/princess cursed as a deer or bull or bear or bird or other such thing. That, of course, goes against all basic social standards. Instead, you’ll have to put a bit of work in and befriend all the animals in the land, even the fish. But don’t worry. There is a high chance that the very first animal you stumble into will be your One True Love in disguise.

Oh, also, if all else fails just go around and kiss every frog you come across. You’d be shocked to know how many of them are actually princes.


Obviously, this doesn’t work for everyone, but if you’re one of the lucky ones in Fairy Tale Land who was born the youngest your path to One True Love is already set in stone. You may have to put up with a wicked stepmother, go off on a dangerous journey to find your fortune, and deal with two jealous, murderous older siblings, but that’s all right. Somewhere along the way you’ll find your True Love and live Happily Ever After. It’s just the way of things.


Perhaps you’re more of an adventurous type and would like a bit of excitement on the quest to find True Love. Well, are you in luck! As we’ve discussed, there is just an absolute plethora of cursed individuals out there who need your help. But ALSO the number of kidnappings (whether it be from a band of thieves, a dragon, a wicked sorceress, a multi-headed troll, or a bloodthirsty king) is skyrocketing in Fairy Tale Land. So grab your sword, perhaps a magical item or two, and a talking animal companion if you’ve got one, and go off a’rescuin’. Never mind if you’re just a peasant who’s never even touched a blade before. When the time comes, you’ll find your strength and be able to behead the fiend(s) who has your True-Love-you-only-just-met in captivity. That’s how True Love works, after all.


On the flipside, maybe you’re tired and prefer not to battle a nine-headed troll. That’s perfectly understandable. We all have those days. Don’t worry a thing about it. Because Fairy Tale Land is filled to the brim with single men and ladies. So just…walk out your door and make eye contact with one, especially if they’re royal (there are plenty of those around as well). Chances are you will both fall in love at first sight and live happily ever after the end. Because everyone knows the second you lay eyes on “the most beautiful person in all the land” you will be madly in love and want to marry one another instantly and live in peace and happiness for all of your days. That’s just how it works.

And there we have it. The most tried and true ways to finding your True Love!

OKAY, OKAY. I really couldn’t help myself, guys. I hope you didn’t mind a little tongue-in-cheek fairy tale humor. *grins*

If you missed it, over on Fairy Tale Central we are doing a big fairy tale celebration for the whole month of February! (We’ll also be doing a fun giveaway day on the 23rd. Check out THIS POST for details on our plans for the month.) Being as how Valentine’s Day is this weekend, I thought it’d be fun to do a fairy tale Valentine’s themed post as part of the fairy tale celebrations this month. Because, after all, what’s a fairy tale without finding one’s One True Love (that they only just met) by the end of things? And seriously, if you’ve read any fairy tales collections, you will find these themes in absolutely all of them. It cracks me up. Ah, fairy tale logic. It’s just the best.

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SO. Add to my list here! What other ways can a protagonist of Fairy Tale Land acquire their One True Love?

I totally want to know: If you were a fairy tale protagonist, which of these methods would you prefer to find your soul mate? (I think I’d most enjoy befriending all the talking animals one. But, alas, as a middle child my hope for a happily ever after in Fairy Tale Land is pretty much doomed.) And do add to my list!

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Issabelle P.
February 8, 2021 11:22 AM

Aaaah, girl, this was EPIC!!!! And INCREDIBLY GENIUS!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOVED EVERY SECOND OF THIS POST!!!!!!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃 Look, all the li’l emojis agree with me about how awesome this post was!!!! Anyways, aww, man sadly, I’m not the youngest sib. I wanted the easiest path. 🤣 I think I’m going for the leave your shoe lying around path to help me find my soul mate. And maybe if I’m feeling a bit adventurous, I’ll leave a ring instead. XD Again, this has got to be one of my favorite posts of all time!!!!!!!! 🙂

Katie Hanna
February 8, 2021 11:39 AM

Befriend. All. The. Animals.

I’m WHEEZING! This is great!!!

Joy Caroline
February 8, 2021 12:06 PM

LOL Christine, I LOVE this post! The whole thing was just hysterical. (In a very good way.) I especially enjoyed your speculations about curses. That is true – it’s REALLY easy to get cursed in a fairy world AND a great way to get married.
Looks like I’m in luck because I’m the youngest child in my family! Guess it’ll be easy for me to find a true love. 😂 Though my older brother is certainly not the jealous type.
Ahhh, I just loved all of this! So creative. Great post!

February 8, 2021 12:26 PM

Oh my gosh this post was EVERYTHING!! I loved it so so much. I really appreciated the fairy tale theme.

AND GIRL I HAVEN’T BEEN TO YOUR SITE IN FOREVER IT IS STUNNING!!! Idk how I’ve been missing your posts (narrator: she doesn’t pay attention and forgets to keep up on other blogger’s posts.) BUT I am definitely going to set up email notifs now.


~Brooke | Words In Her Soul

Ally M.J.
Ally M.J.
February 8, 2021 2:13 PM

I died laughing at least 300 times white reading this. It’s absolutely amazing and I want to print it out and hang it over my desk. I might have missed this, but have you mentioned that getting yourself locked in a tower? I heard that that is a very effective technique. But I feel like, in terms of a One True Love, getting cursed/poisoned is the best way to go. Just ask Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Beast, Ariel (not sure if she counts but whatever) Tiana, etc, etc.
PFFT if I was a fairy tale protag, I would get myself kidnapped. Because, obviously, ye olde master of hostages with have a GIGANTIC LIBRARY! What more could I possibly want?
Ha, I’m the second youngest- two older brothers and one younger- but that means I get the benefits of being the only girl.

February 8, 2021 3:13 PM

I ADORE this post. I nearly died laughing so many times, lol. *shakes head* The things you have to do to find a love interest in the fairytale world. Unless you’re the youngest child, of course. But I’m not, so….I guess I’ll have to try one of these other methods. Befriending animals sounds like fun, though. And maybe rescuing someone (can you tell I’m a Gryffindor? Xd). Great post. This was so fun to read.

February 8, 2021 3:58 PM

I saw the title and the intro to this post and grinned, because I was totally in the mood for some tongue-in-cheek humor at the expense of classic stories. You nailed it. XD

(The best one: “Look at a person.” SO TRUE. I am laughing so hard right now.)

February 8, 2021 4:21 PM

This. Is. Hilarious.
the person who stumbles upon you and uncurses you will be your One True Love. It’s science.” <<XD XD XD But seriously, why is this a thing? XD

And really, also no one has the same shoe size in fairytales? That must be a pain for the cobbler…

“Be The Youngest Child” <<Honestly, this is painfully true in real life, as well as fairytales. Unfortunately, I’m not the youngest. XD

February 8, 2021 7:18 PM

Oh my goodness, I LOVE this post!!!! I would TOTALLY befriend all the animals, ’cause what’s more awesome than getting to carry on a conversation with one of them?!?!? There have been SO many times where I just wish my cat could talk. Maybe then the world would get the chance of understanding the mind of a feline! 😉 Also, I gotta add, I thought it was hilarious how you kept adding ‘your-True-Love-you-only-just-met’! XD It’s seriously SO true, though!!! I don’t think there’s ever been a fairy tale I’ve read where the prince and princess don’t automatically fall in love. (Besides, Beauty and the Beast, of course!) XD

February 8, 2021 11:12 PM

OH MY GOODNESS, CHRISTINE!!! You about made me spew my water on my laptop! XDD This was the absolute best Valentine’s post I have EVER read! XD

*nods in all seriousness* Yup, yup, yup, all of these are legit, sure-fire ways to find your One True Love(TM). XD Hmm… well, I’m the youngest daughter, so I think that counts for something. 😉 And isn’t there some fairytale out there where the girl has a younger brother? Honestly though, I’d rather just step out my door or befriend ALL the animals. ^_^ XD

Now, to add to your list. What about traveling to a body of water? I think I’ve read a fairytale where a water sprite started the quest to the person’s true love. Oh! And there’s trying to free your brothers from their curse only to be found by the king and have him immediately fall in love with you.Oooh, and this is technically a movie, but if you steal the tiara you are destined to meet it’s rightful owner within the day and voila! You are each other’s One True Love. XD (well, more like each other’s new dream. 😉 )

This post was epic and so fun!!!

Emily Grant
February 9, 2021 6:01 PM

Okay, this was fantastic. xD (And spot-on.)

Isn’t it convenient that no girl in the kingdom has the same size foot as you?? Makes things very easy. And seriously, imagine how much more painless things would be if cursed animals would just tell you from the get-go that they’re cursed?? xD

Well, I’m the youngest AND I like befriending animals… so I guess I’ve got a pretty good chance of finding my Prince Charming this Valentine’s Day. ;D Though if it comes to kissing frogs… yikes, let’s hope the first one is the winner because I don’t think I’d make it any farther. XD

February 9, 2021 10:00 PM

Hi Christine! *late* Welcome back from your hiatus! How have you been? I love what you did with the blog; and my sister adores your profile picture. The way you did your hair is adorable!

This post was so much fun; my sister and I couldn’t stop laughing.

Ooo, what about this method of finding true love: Become locked in a tower/Castle basement? You may have to be okay with staying home…. all the time (Hmmm. This sounds strangely familiar…) But soon a dashing prince will hear of your plight and come riding to the rescue (you might have to grow your hair out really long to use as a rope to haul him up. Of course, that’s not gonna hurt!)

Or be lazy and have a magical cat/fairy/ etc spin straw into gold for you. Then a prince will love you forever. (Never mind the fact that you have to give up your firstborn to get said gold.) XD

All in all, we really enjoyed it! Thanks again for writing this! 🙂

February 11, 2021 3:56 PM

Your welcome! 🙂

February 10, 2021 10:45 AM

This was absolutely fantastic XD (I honestly laughed when the I read “become cursed”). I’m not cursed and I haven’t left a shoe anywhere BUT….I am the youngest child. I’m going to take advantage of this somehow.

(also I LOVED the illustrations you included. They. Are. So. Pretty)

February 10, 2021 5:15 PM

Ahh I love this! So funny! I needed the laugh.
I actually did the looking at someone thing, we made eye contact for way to long and then I ran away, didn’t leave a shoe behind though sadly, guess it’s not meant to be. XD

February 10, 2021 11:45 PM

That was hilarious XD *claps*

February 11, 2021 2:59 PM

🤣 🤣 This was so funny!! If only it was that easy right?!?

Loved this post!

Victoria Grace Howell
February 15, 2021 7:08 PM

I want to find a lover with riddles. XD Love this. <3  

February 17, 2021 3:38 AM

Oh man, this is hilarious and just pure amazing!!! I completely enjoyed this. <3
I’m a middle child so no being-the-youngest-in-a-fairy-tale benefits. *sighs* I guess I could go out and talk to strange animals. Maybe they might turn out to be my True Love. Or at least help me find this person. I think they are also known to do that (or I am thinking of Disney fairy tales?)