Yet Another Fandom Tag

I couldn’t let February go without joining in on one more fandom tag in celebration of February is Fantasy Month. Because, really, can there ever be enough fandom fangirling?

So much alliteration.

SO YES. You may notice it is indeed not Monday, and yet I am posting. What is this insanity??? WELL. I ran out of Mondays in February to do all the posts I wanted to. (Silly February, being so short.) Thus, you’re getting my usual Monday post two days early! (But really, who gave February permission to be nearly over???)

If you missed it, the amazing Jenelle is hosting her annual February is Fantasy Month all month long, and this year the theme is FANDOMS. A couple of weeks ago I joined in on some prompts she made talking about fandoms, but this week I have another tag I wanted to do. (And yes, this is the third tag in a row I’m posting. But there’s just SO MUCH going on in the blogosphere this month!)

This tag (of which you can find the original post for HERE) was created by the oh-so fabulous and delightful Madeline. I’ve, uh, been meaning to do this tag since she created it back in February of…2019. Yeah. YEAH. (We’re not gonna talk about the mile long bookmark folder I have of blog tags I mean to do…) But Jenelle had the brilliant idea to do the tag this month as part of her Fantasy Month celebrations, and I couldn’t help but follow suit!


Click here to go to the original post!



• Include the graphic somewhere in your post!
• Answer the questions!
• Tag two fangirls/boys

What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?

WELL. I actually answered that in length in the other fandom tag post I did a couple of weeks ago. So we won’t go over those (overly detailed) answers again.

The short answer is: The Disney animated classics. But if you’re looking for one specific thing, it’s The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh. My actual childhood right there.

What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?

Annnnd I sort of already answered this in the other post too (I promise the rest of this post won’t be a repeat of the last).

Lately I’ve been binge-watching the Studio Ghibli films and absolutely adoring them.


I’m becoming utterly obsessed with The Series of Unfortunate Events books. I had no idea how deep and twisty these books got later on! I thought they were more or less all similar in plot from the first few without getting too much into backstory but WHEW BOY was I wrong! And I’m glad. I am loving all the secrets and mysteries and continuities and akjlkajdlkjfs. THEY’RE SO GOOD. Why did it take me this long to read these???

What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?

BBC’S MERLIN. No question.

I’ve never cried over a TV show more in. my. life. (And I’m an easy crier, so that’s saying something.)

It also happens to be my favorite TV series of all time, so there’s that. BUT THE FEELS. THE FEEEELS. I will never be over this show. Ever.

Doctor Who, more specifically the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor eras, also manage to make me both shriek in excitement and melt into a puddle of sobs with even the slightest mention.

Okay, BBC’s Sherlock does that too.

Let’s just agree BBC is the Master of Feels and Pain and leave it at that.

Me the second you even breathe a mention of Merlin.

What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?

Well, I mean, there’s some shows I watch that aren’t exactly clean, if that’s what we mean? I would say Stranger Things, Psych, Leverage, and Sherlock are the main ones. Which is sad, because those right there are some of my top favorite shows of all time. (Throw in Merlin and Doctor Who and you’ve got my top 6 favorite shows, I do believe.)

But, alas, some of them I wouldn’t recommend to everyone due to content. Stranger Things and Sherlock, especially. I’d say Leverage is the more tamer of them all, but it does have its moments. Psych is a hit or miss content-wise too. But MAN. They’re so good! Why must things have content??? *sobs*

There are a few choice books I ADORED too, but was sooooo disappointed in the content. Namely Strange the Dreamer and Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor and The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert. Did I love those books? Yes. Would I recommend them to people? Not often. Seriously, the amount of stuff in those books was shocking. I mean, these were written for teenagers? REALLY??? *siiigh*


On a more lighthearted note! If we mean guilty pleasure as in something that may surprise everyone: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Yes, I am in my upper 20s. Yes, I absolutely adore that show. IT’S A GOOD SHOW PEOPLE.

It caters to my pink-and-sparkles lovin’ heart.

What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?

As in, the actual story is weird OR the fandom (a.k.a. the people who love it) are weird? If the latter, then the BBC Sherlock fandom for sure. We are all insane, and just spiral down the insanity chute more and more the longer we have to wait for seasons (which is like 283948 years per season). Do we all belong in insane asylums? Yes, yes we do.

We all become Moriarty in the end.

But as far as a story I love that’s just plain weird, I’m totally copying Madeline and Jenelle and going with: GRAVITY FALLS.

This cartoon about twins Dipper and Mabel spending the summer with their uncle at his home in the little town of Gravity falls has such a distinct…feel. I’ve really never watched anything quite like it.


Another one of my top favorite shows (yes, I have many…). There’s mystery, myths, mayhem, and that doesn’t even cover the characters. Pragmatic Dipper, glitters-and-sunshine Mabel, grumpy and stingy “Grunkle” Stan, lovable and oblivious Zeus—EVERYBODY. They’re great. At first it seems like just some weird and random cartoon, but it actually has some deep themes, an ongoing mystery, and fantastic character arcs. Don’t judge it by its weirdness, that’s what makes it GOOD.

Mabel is my idol.

Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?

I mean, Lord of the Rings. OF COURSE. Is anyone surprised? No? No.

Me to LOTR.

And I’m a total Disney girl too, if that counts. I’m prettyyy sure Disney is fairly widely known. 😉

Favorite bookish fandom?

There are so many good ones, but I gotta go with…


Marissa Meyer’s scifi fairy tale retellings are just… *chef’s kiss* Perfection. The CHARACTERS. The character DYNAMICS. The fun plots. Fairy tales IN SPACE. CRESS AND THORNE. So much to love. So much! And it’s got such an enthusiastic fanbase, that makes some utterly jaw dropping fanart. Seriously, look of TLC fanart, you will not be disappointed! Plus Marissa Meyer herself is such a fun person and and and yeah! It’s a fantastic fandom to be in.

I am a proud Lunartic.

(Also, the Tolkienite fanbase goes without saying.)

What do you consider your ‘homebase’, a fandom you can always come back to?

I mean, Lord of the Rings. OF COURSE. Is anyone surprised? No? No.

OKAY, OKAY. I can’t help but kid. Even if that’s…not really a joke. It’s so hard to not answer with LOTR for every single question!

But really, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit is most definitely a homebase fandom for me. In fact, I’ve reread The Hobbit more times than any book I own. (I lost count somewhere after the tenth reread…) Following a humble little hobbit through a great, fantastical world with a band of dwarves and enigmatic wizard to battle a dragon; ah, it is truly my home story. Every time I crack open that little book I feel like I’m right where I supposed to be. It’s the book that started me on writing fantasy in the first place. I’d be a completely different person if not for reading it for the first time as a ten-year-old. Like Bilbo stepping out into the great wide world on an unforgettable journey, it set me on a path of a fantastical journey as well. For that, it will always be my “homebase”.

But AHEM. Before I go off on my Hobbit fangirling rabbit trail here…(Whoops, too late.)

Really, I have so very many fandoms that feel like home. Pretty much every one I’ve listed so far has such a special place in my heart. And sometimes I’m in the mood for one more than another—but they all hold a part of me and shaped me. Stories really do have power, and I’m so grateful for all the stories I’ve gotten to experience and love.

What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?

Well, Star Wars…maybe? *ducks from thrown tomatoes* But I am trying to immerse myself in the Star Wars fandom now, as I mentioned in the previous fandom tag. I’M TRYING.

*feels called out*

Which fandom has the best characters?

How am I supposed to answer such a question???


As fun as the plots and worlds are, I’m in these fandoms FOR the characters. These people have stolen a place in my heart, and I crack open their books or turn on the TV for them.

I literally cannot answer this question. JUST EVERYBODY. <3

Name your all-time favorite ship.

I’m pretty sure you mother’s aunt’s pet ferret could answer this question at this point.

*takes deep breath*


From the book. (Movie Howl and Sophie are great, but they can’t even hold a candle to the OGs.) The amount of squealing I do over these two disaster people is probably unhealthy but I REFUSE TO STOP.

My secondary pair is Cress and Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles because OF COURSE. Suave Thorne and awkward Cress are just too much. TOO MUCH.

Also Rapunzel and Flynn/Eugene from Tangled. Like…there aren’t even words. Actually, I could probably write a 30 page essay on why they’re so perfect but, ya know, I’m probably already going over the proper use of capslock in one post already, so…

CAN’T. <3

What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?

Goodness gracious, I’m not even sure! Does the probably near 1k books on my TBR count? Because there are a LOT of books I want to read, and bookish fandoms I’ve always wanted to be a part of. But we’d literally be here all day if I started listing books I need to read.

Shockingly, I can’t think of any TV shows or movie fandoms I’m particularly curious about. There are probably a TON, but I’m already a part of the big ones like Doctor Who and Marvel. I probably need to calm down on joining fandoms, not join more.

But bwahahaha! We all know that’s not happening.

And there we have yet more Christine Fandom Thoughts no one asked for! Thank you all for putting up with my incessant fangirling. It’s gotta come out now and again. 😉

I Tag…

Skye @ Ink Castles | Emily @ The Ones That Really Matter | Katie Hanna @ I’m Charles Baker Harris (and I Can Read) | + ANYONE else who wants to join!

Absolutely no pressure to anyone to join. And if you’ve already done this tag and I forgot, I apologize for my Dori brain. XD

Here’s the questions (for copying and pasting purposes):

  • What’s the first fandom you remember becoming a part of?
  • What’s the newest fandom you’ve come to enjoy?
  • What’s a fandom guaranteed to give you feels?
  • What’s a guilty pleasure fandom of yours?
  • What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve heard of/are a part of?
  • Favorite popular/widely-known fandom?
  • Favorite bookish fandom?
  • What do you consider your ‘homebase’, a fandom you can always come back to?
  • What’s a fandom you know all about…but aren’t actually into it?
  • Which fandom has the best characters?
  • Name your all-time favorite ship.
  • What’s a fandom you’re curious about joining?

Are you part of any of these fandoms? What is your fandom homebase? I’d love to know!

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Issabelle P.
February 27, 2021 10:59 AM

Aaaaahhh, CHRISTINE!!! Your posts are always just sooooo much fun to read!!! I’m always smiling sooo hard at the end!!! LOOOOVE THEM!!!! Annnnyway, A HUNDRED MILLION YESSSES TO LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That whole GIF where Aragorn is like friends, you bow to no one and you said that was what you said to LOTRs….*contented sight* AWESOME!!!!!!! So *cough* I’m obviously a part of LOTRs fandom, and I’m in the Star Wars one too, though I will ALWAYS loooove LOTR/the Hobbit more. Just ‘cause. Though, my fandom homebase will probably ALWAYS be The False Prince one. That was the story that really made me love fantasy and has probably changed my whole writing life. 😉 (I know, I know, I’m always saying this but YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirling mode kicking in*) REALLY enjoyed this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 27, 2021 11:33 AM

WHOOOO!!!!! Awesome post, Christine!!! I will NEVER get bored of fangirling so BRING IT ON! XD I’m starting to get into the LOTR/Hobbit fandom right now (I just recently saw the first LOTR movie and have still yet to see the next), but so far I LOVE IT!!! (Especially Legolas. ‘Nuff said.) 😉
Oh, also, you know how ya mentioned The Flash TV series everyone’s been telling you about??? Well, when you said that, I got super interested so my fam and I started watching it and *SCREAMS* IT IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! It’s actually takes a lot for me to get SUPER obsessed with a show, but MY HEART. I am head over heels with this one! XD *cough* So yeah, DEFINITELY try it out!!! (If/when you do, totally let me know what ya think!!!! I LOVE talking about it!) 😀

Jorja Ayres
February 27, 2021 11:55 AM

Leverage AND Psych AND Sherlock? You are a girl after my own heart when it comes to TV shows. Not to mention I get insanely happy whenever anyone mentions Tangled because it is my most favorite of movies.

LOVED this post, Christine!

February 27, 2021 12:34 PM

CHRISTINE IS POSTING AGAIN THIS WEEK! *hops around in excitement*

Ok, I feel like I’m missing out on all the BBC feels? Because I’ve not watched Merlin or Sherlock. (Although, to be fair, I’m waiting on Sherlock until I’ve…actually read the books. XD)

Seriously, what is with all the content ruining books and movies that are otherwise FANTASTIC? *subdued growl*

Lord of the Rings! The ultimate homebase. Forever. (For real, though, I’m with you in that so MANY worlds feel like home, especially the ones that are nearest and dearest. While LOTR might be the ultimate one…it’s still hard to pick.)

That which-fandom-has-the-best-characters question is so haaaarddd! I was able to narrow it down to three (LOTR, Marvel, and The Queen’s Thief) when I did the tag, but now I want to add in Howl’s Moving Castle, and Narnia, and…yeah. They’re all fantastic.


I’m probably already going over the proper use of capslock in one post already” << XD XD XD Yes, this is me ALL the time! (Although more in the comments than in my actual posts?

YOU HAVE NEARLY 1k BOOKS ON YOUR READING LIST? *goes into shock* I though 36 was a lot… (And I guess it is a lot for me, because I’m new to having an actual TBR, so I’m feeling a bit of pressure…but wow.)

February 27, 2021 12:44 PM

Lord of the rings is so good, I can’t. I loved reading your post!

Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
February 27, 2021 2:47 PM

Oooooh I think I’ll have to do this. 😀 LOTR is definitely my homebase (and all time favorite) fandom, I’m also a huge member of the Jane Austen fandom (it’s a thing), and I’m looking into joining the Marvel and Doctor Who fandoms. Possibly also the Harry Potter fandom, but ehhh… we’ll see. I’m a part of the Star Wars fandom, but like you, it’s never been that… amazing… to me. I LOVE the prequels, though. So I can totally fangirl over them; especially young Obi-Wan and Padme. *squeals* I’ve only seen the original six. o.o

(made a mistake in commenting… it’s actually Kendra @ Literary Love now, and my link is

Last edited 3 years ago by Kendra @ I'm Bookish, Dear
February 27, 2021 7:41 PM

Lord of the rings❤❤❤ i watched the films recently and fell in love all over again. My newest Fandom would be Star Wars, and Avatar the Last Airbender, which for me is like one of the best. I really need to read the Lunar Chronicles, they’ve been on my TBR for ages.

Joy Caroline
February 27, 2021 9:54 PM

Great post, Christine!
My absolute favorite fandom is definitely the To Kill a Mockingbird fandom. (I talk about that book so much and no regrets, lol.)
Most recently I have become a part of the Les Miserables fandom. I’m reading that book right now and it is soooooo insanely good! With each chapter I grow more convinced that it’s gonna become my second favorite book after Mockingbird. Of course I’m not gonna know for sure until I finish. So crossing my fingers for a good ending. (If you know it, DO NOT tell me! XD) If the ending is awesome, I’m totally gonna have to do a full review for it on my blog.

February 27, 2021 10:21 PM

AAAAHHHHH!!! It’s SO cool and funny we posted the same tag today!!! XD TWINS! ^_^

Winnie-the-Pooh! ^_^ My favorite stuffed animal as a little girl was a tiny Pooh Bear that I carried literally everywhere. (My sister had one too and yet we also could tell them apart. XD)

I’ve only seen a handful of Studio Ghibli films, something I need to remedy STAT! Eeeee! A Series of Unfortunate Events!!!! I read those books maybe 10 years ago? (defff due for a reread) Yet I still vividly remember a LOT of the twists and turns it took once the story got deeper. We have got to talk when you finish the series. I need your thoughts on the ending! Just ahkdlghakdjk!!!!

Okay, but I haven’t even seen Merlin yet and you’ve killed me with that Merlin GIF… *sobs* What happened to poor Merlin!? (I’m actually not an easy crier with books and movies, which is weird cause I definitely feel like crying a LOT with certain ones. But, if a book or movie actually gets me to shed tears, then you know I will 10/10 love it, recommend it to errybody, and reread it again. ^_^)

Leverage!!!!! Oh, man, I love that show!!! (We just squealed about this, but I have to fangirl some more!! XD) Yeah, not a fan of the content, but compared to a lot of what’s out there it’s not that bad? I think I’ve watched the entire series like five times? and it NEVER gets old! <3

I grew up on My Little Pony Gen3. The Princess Promenade was my favorite movie. ^_^ I haven’t watched Friendship is Magic, but you’re making me want to!

I remember seeing commercial for Gravity Falls when it aired, but it didn’t look like something Mom and Dad wanted us watching, lol. But, since both you and Jenelle talked about it, I’m more open to looking into it now that I’m older. 🙂 Another weird show was Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. That was sooo weird, my siblings and I are still bewildered that we watched the whole series… XD

LORD OF THE RINGS!!!! Love it!!!! <333 (Oh, Disney, duh, why didn’t I add that to my answer as well? XD)

Lunar Chronicles! YES!!!! I’m a proud Lunartic too!!! XD (Also! My other sister is currently read them, she just finished Cinder, but she hasn’t told me yet how much she enjoyed it… time to break out pestering-little-sister mode. XD)

And awww, I LOVE how The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit is your homebase fandom! ^_^

Hehe, tell her, Master Yoda! XD (I’m kidding! It is completely fine if Star Wars isn’t for you. But it’s going to be hilarious if it ends up in KH one day because it’s now Disney. XD)

ALL THOSE FANDOMS YOU SAID THAT I’M IN!!!! Such great characters! ^_^ And so much yes to being in the fandoms for the characters! I’m the exact same. Make me love the characters and I will forgive most anything, plot-holes, cheesy dialogue, just, give me all the charries!!

Howl and Sophie! Cress and Thorne! Rapunzel and Flynn! (Funny thing, I just noticed he got her a pink cupcake, cute! ^_^) I would read that essay. Gimme. 😉

I LOVED reading all your Fandom Thoughts!!! ^_^ <333

February 28, 2021 10:15 AM

AHHHH, YES, I LOVE THIS POST. Such a fun tag. I may have to steal it.
YOU’RE A LEVERAGE FAN, TOO? I HAD NO IDEA (I’m sure you’ve mentioned it before, but I haven’t noticed it). Also, yesss, Sherlock and Disney and LOTR, and Lunar Chronicles! *screams because fandoms*
Flynn and Rapunzel are just such a great ship. I love them so much.
You know, I really need to watch Doctor Who. A few of my IRL friends are fans, and hearing you and Skye talk about it just makes me want to see it even more.

Jem Jones
February 28, 2021 4:39 PM

MERLIN. I refuse to watch Season 5, that way no one dies, ahaha- (Also I wrote a fic mainly for the purpose of being salty at Agravaine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) WHAT IS IT WITH THE BBC, HUH. WOULD A HAPPY ENDING KILL THEM.

Ooh, there is certainly some nice TLC fanart! (I bought Kenzie a Thorne bookmark by Laura Hollingsworth for her birthday, because PRETTY xD)

Also HOWL AND SOPHIE YESSS. You were in fact the reason I read Howl’s Moving Castle, so thank you for screaming about it!! (And yes. The movie is pretty but the book is better.)

February 28, 2021 6:19 PM

Thanks so much for the tag! I’ve been wanting to do this one!
Winnie the Pooh was my childhood and Ghibli movies are the perfect comfort watch.
Merlin! *cries* still not over it. I will be holding onto the 10th and 11th doctor until the day I die. The Hazel Wood is so pretty and Stranger Things is so good.
You have fantastic taste. I’ve seen a lot of My Little Pony and it made me laugh which surprised me. It’s really cute.
The Sherlock Fandom is pretty crazy.
I adore Gravity Falls!
Fantastic choices!!

Victoria Grace Howell
February 28, 2021 8:49 PM

BBC seriously is master of feels! And Gravity Falls is such a wacky but great show! I’m also iffy with the Star Wars fandom. I didn’t get really into it until I watched The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian.

Victoria Grace Howell
March 2, 2021 9:16 PM

The Mandalorian is definitely my favorite Star Wars feature in recent years! I was not a fan of the new movies. XD

Jenelle Schmidt
March 2, 2021 3:29 PM

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH so many great fandoms here.




AND the 10th and 11th DOCTORS!!!!!!!


Seriously, what is it with the BBC and their ability to create so many feels? It’s not fair.

Awwww, I love My Little Pony, too. It’s so fun. Also, Phineas and Ferb. Seriously, I need to talk more about fandoms, a lot of my favorites got left out of my post. I keep remembering more. Clearly, I have a problem… too many fandoms.

Cress and Thorne are absolutely adorable. And Rapunzel and Eugene. OOOOH, have you seen the Tangled the Series yet? It’s just…. so… *heart bursts* perfection! I love it so much. It’s sweet and adorable and everything that the movie was and more. That’s another fandom I forgot to mention. It’s probably my actual most recent fandom, now that I think about it. How did I forget it? (hides face in shame)

I need another February to go with my February. Clearly.

Or I just need to keep talking about my favorite things. Which is basically why I have a blog in the first place. LOL

Thanks for doing the tag!!! Fun to read your answers!

Emily Grant
March 4, 2021 2:05 PM

Oh my goodness… that gif of Pooh sitting there in front of his house, just… THE NOSTALGIA. My childhood!!

I’ve been wanting to read A Series of Unfortunate Events, too!! I’ve had the first book for a little while now, and they’re not too long, so I should really dig in sometime soon!

I NEED TO WATCH MERLIN. My brother actually watched it not too long ago so we’ll probably watch it together eventually, but I’ve seen so many people flail about it! (I also know how it ends, though, so… yeah. xD)

YES TO MLP: FIM. I always forget about it (and still need to catch up on it…), but it’s such a good show!! (I think they have them on DVD so I really should get them!)

Lol. PERFECT use of that Yoda gif. xD (also it just hit me that that’s probably his most famous line from the movies and the words are actually said in order?? how deceitful. xD)

Yep, I called that Howl and Sophie would be your top ship. xD (Also… yet another reminder that I need to read this book. Hehe.) Also… I never quite got on the Cress/Thorne wagon??? I KNOW, I KNOW. It’s a disgrace. I love them both and it’s not like I’m AGAINST the ship or anything… it just never stuck out to me the way it seems to with sooo many other people! (I was always more of a Scarlet/Wolf person… which is funny because I think they’re the LEAST popular TLC ship. xD) BUT I still have yet to read Winter, so I really should do that. And then reread the whole series because I’ve read all the books so far apart and I want to experience them properly!! (Also, it was brought to my attention recently that Cress and Thorne are basically Rapunzel and Flynn soo… maybe I should give them another chance. xD)

Thanks for the tag!! I’ll have fun with this. ;D

March 9, 2021 7:49 PM

There are so many fandoms that I haven’t heard of here!!!
I don’t know if I told you this, but I’m not really a fandom girl. There’s a lot of things I love but don’t consider being in its fandom. Those I do consider being part of the fandom would be The Lunar Chronicles, Once Upon a Time, Marvel, Disney and the Grishaverse (slowly fallen in love with this world and its characters <3!)

March 9, 2021 11:02 PM

Shadow and Bone Trilogy is a bit hard to get through, but Six of Crows is just brilliant! I would recommend reading Shadow and Bone Trilogy first, but maybe starting Six of Crows is a better way to go as it is ten times better than Shadow and Bone Trilogy. It is up to you. I just like reading in order and I do love (while also hate) that series. It’s complicated, one that I will explain in detail on my blog this year some day. And, unfortunately, both of the series have content. *sigh* -_- It is mild but still pretty uncomfortable to read. It is such a shame that I can’t just recommend this world to everyone. It deserves to have many readers, but, like, the content is definitely for mature readers.

Katie Hanna
March 12, 2021 8:44 PM

Ahhh thank you so much for the tag!! I’m totally going to fill this out!

LEVERAGE! I love Leverage! Also The Lunar Chronicles, Scarlet + Wolf are my babies.

Eva-Joy Ruth Schonhaar
March 20, 2021 5:56 PM

I found your blog after Katie Hanna tagged me with this tag, and I just wanted to say that if you love BBC’s shows and how feelsy they are, you should probably check out their Robin Hood TV show!! It’s insanely emotional at times and also pretty fun. Not as clever or sophisticated as Sherlock or mature as Doctor Who, but it’s got that medieval vibe going for it.

Also, YASSSSS to the Lunar Chronicles. Jacin and Winter are my fave couple forever and ever, but I see where you’re coming from with Thorne and Cress (they’re my second favorite couple).

Anyway, yeah, I love your blog’s aesthetic and I’m definitely going to sub once I publish this comment. 😀