The Fantasy Month Fandom Tag

February is Fantasy Month! And this year the theme is one of my favorite things of all time…FANDOMS. So today I hope you will indulge me as I release my Ultimate Fangirl Mode! (Not that you’ve never seen that before…)

If you’ve never heard of Fantasy Month, allow me to direct you to its creator, the beautiful, amazing, storytelling genius herself Jenelle Schmidt. All the way back in 2016, in order to knock back the February blues, Jenelle created “February is Fantasy Month” in which we can explode the blogosphere and social media with one of the greatest genres of all time: FANTASY. Each year there is usually a bit of a theme, and this year it’s all about fandoms! Which, ya know, IS MY FAVORITE.

Jenelle is sharing all sorts of fantasy and fandom goodness over on her blog, so definitely check out her posts! (And just give her a follow because her posts are always top-notch and full of fantasy goodness and amazing book recommendations and she’s just an absolutely lovely person in general.)

There’s usually a tag to go along with the celebrations. This year’s tag, of course, focuses on fandoms and is open to answer on Instagram or your blog or wherever! And since I always have way too many fandom thoughts, I decided to answer it on my blog where the wordcount isn’t limited. *cackles*

This year’s tag! Visit Jenelle’s post HERE for more details!

So grab your favorite beverage in your favorite fandom mug (or a unicorn mug works too, I have many if you need to borrow one) and let’s delve into some fangirling!


What was the first fandom you fell into?

I have been a lover of stories since, well, birth, whether it be books, TV, or movies, so that’s a hard one. But I’d have to say my first, first true story loves are the Disney classics. We had a bunch of the classic Disney animated films on VHS (yes, I’m old shhh) when I was a wee thing and I would watch them on repeat…a lot. My main go-tos were Cinderella, Peter Pan, and Winnie-the-Pooh. (Though The Aristocats, 101 Dalmatians, and Aladdin had plenty of turns as well. And Alice in Wonderland…and Lady and the Tramp…and The Lion King. Okay yeah, pretty much all of them.) Beauty and the Beast was also OF COURSE a great love though, alas, I didn’t own that one until a bit later (and by “a bit later” I mean more like…9 years old instead of like 4 lol. But I watched it at my best friend’s house ALL THE TIME. *grins*)

Out of all of those though, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was MY ultimate movie. I remember watching that movie literally as far back as my memory goes. I would always get so sad at the end when Christopher Robin tells Pooh he’s going away for a while and Pooh talks about how he hates endings because I felt the EXACT same way. So, of course, I’d just rewind it and start all over…and over and over and over.

I was also the kid who played with stuffed animals far more than dolls, and loved romping outside and imaging the world like the whimsical world of the Hundred Acre Wood. Christopher Robin was literally me as a child. The setting , the characters, the lighthearted humor, the music—that was my world.

To this day, whenever I put the movie on (because, yes, I have to revisit it quite frequently) I honest to goodness start getting teary-eyed when that precious music begins to play. I know that probably sounds crazy, but it’s true. It just feels like coming back home.

It’s just so PRECIOUS.

Though I claim Tangled is my favorite animated film, and I do hold to that, the old Winnie-the-Pooh film holds a place in my heart and brings me joy that no other movie has ever rivaled.

I also definitely had Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed animals, and a Pooh clock, and a Pooh kite, and watched the TV series and all the other movies and specials and yeah. I think I can safely say Disney’s classic animated Winnie-the-Pooh is my first ever “fandom” to be a part of. But also just Disney stuff in general if we’re being broad. I mean, I still get excited when Disney releases a new film, so. XD I’m definitely a Disney girl.

And OF COURSE I adore the original Winnie-the-Pooh books with all my heart and soul. But somehow I didn’t actually read them until later in life. I KNOW.

What is the most recent fandom you’ve become a part of?

*suddenly can’t remember a single thing I’ve read/watched in the past few months*

OH. Well! My sister and I have been steadily going through the Studio Ghibli films, if that counts? I had seen a few Ghibli movies before now, but not many and have DESPERATELY wanted to see more but they were just never anywhere to watch. BUT we recently got a subscription to HBOMax which has them all and you better believe we’re taking advantage of that!

Every Friday we watch the newest episode of WandaVision (which, I guess is a “new” one too though I’ve been a Marvel fan for years now, but we’re getting to that!), and then watch a Ghibli film since the WandaVision episodes are pretty short. It makes the weeks so much brighter knowing we have our “WandaVision-Ghibli nights”, as we call them, to look forward to on Friday evenings.

My top favorite Ghibli film is (surprise, surprise) Howl’s Moving Castle, which of course I HAVE seen before now. But my newest favorite, and second favorite of all time thus far, is Kiki’s Delivery Service. OH MY WORD. IT’S SO CUTE. And my third favorite is Castle in the Sky. Another ADORABLE but also laugh-out-loud funny one. (Also Sheeta and Pazu are a new OTP, just so we’re clear. I would die for them. <333)

Sheeta and Pazu. I literally can’t even. <3

SO YES. I think I can safely call myself an “official” Ghibli fan now. I’m just loving them so much!

ALSO. I’ve been reading The Series of Unfortunate Events (recently finished book #6) and GUYS. THESE BOOKS. I so frequently have to stop reading because I’m laughing SO HARD. But I also adoooore the characters and they’re giving me FEELS. My sister has been super anxious for me to read the books because the Netflix series is one of her favorite TV shows of all time and she wants me to watch it. But me, being the bookdragon I am, refuse to watch the series until I’ve read all the books. At last, I am getting to them and AM LOVING THEM SO VERY MUCH. But I’m also anxious to see the TV series because I’ve heard it’s just as good and so true to the books. So I am excited!

Basically, I’ve actually been consuming quite a few new-to-me things and they’re kind of the highlights of my life right now, gonna be real.

Oh, and there’s one more fandom I’ve sort of recently joined as of last year, which brings us perfectly to the next question…

Star Wars or Star Trek?

The short and easy answer: Star Wars.

CAUTION: The following may cause a hernia, stroke, heart attack, and/or death. If you’re a major fan of Star Wars or Star Trek you may want to skip reading the rest of my answer to this question. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…


So. As far as Star Trek I’ve, um, never seen a single episode of the original or any of the shows. Yeah. YEAH. IT’S TRUE. The only thing Star Trek-y I have seen is the 2009 Star Trek film and it’s sequel Star Trek Into Darkness. (I never even saw the 3rd film whoops.) I’M SORRY, GUYS. It’s just not really my thing. I lean much more toward the fantasy side of speculative fiction than scifi. THOUGH. I do appreciate scifi a lot more these days than I did when I was little. (My really young self would hardly even touch anything scifi, the little stinker. But Doctor Who and Marvel broke me of such nonsense.)

NOW THEN. Star Wars!

Shameful confession #2: I had not seen all the Star Wars films or any of the shows until literally last year. YEP. ‘TIS TRUE. Like I said, my younger self just hardly even touched the stuff.

BUT. I do appreciate the Star Wars fandom. In all honestly, I’ve always had FOMO with it because I wanted to like it, I wanted to be a part of, ya know, the majority of the world and be obsessed with these things. But it just wasn’t my thing…

It’s true, Luke. I’M SORRY.

(At least I always had LOTR and didn’t miss out on all the popular geeky things. XD)

So I had only seen the prequel films a time or two (because watching those things feels like the equivalent of digging a rusty fork into my eyes I’M SORRY) annnd I had only seen A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back ONCE. Super uber shameful confession #3: I’d never watched Return of the Jedi.


Some point in my early teen years my brother convinced me to watch the films, and we got through the Prequels, and the first two Originals, and then….somehow…never watched Return of the Jedi??? And to this day I don’t know why or what happened. But yep. Until 2020 I had never seen the final Original film. Although, I kind of knew everything that happened because one cannot live in this world and not know the plot to the original Star Wars films. XD

ANYWHO. 2020 happened and Disney+ came around, giving access to all the films, and I really did want to see the new ones but kept not getting around to it because I needed to rewatch the Prequels to refresh my memory on things and uggghhh. BUT. In July of last year I finally did it. I had a major marathon and watched them ALL. Prequels, Originals, Sequels, and the extras (a.k.a Solo and Rogue One).

And…I actually rather enjoyed myself??? (Well, suffering through the Prequels still felt like digging a fork in my eye for most of the time, but OTHERWISE.)

I came to really appreciate the Originals because OF COURSE. But I also very, very much enjoyed the new films. In fact, this may be blasphemous to Star Wars fans everywhere, but I think The Force Awakens is my favorite Star Wars film??? It was just so FUN. But I really loved all three of them. Yes, even The Rise of Skywalker. SORRY. Rogue One bored me to tears though. But I liked Solo waaay more than I thought I would. Also, Poe Dameron is everything the end.


So there’s my quick thoughts about Star Wars films. (I really should just write a whole post on this subject lol.)

NOW. I still wouldn’t exactly call myself a full blown Star Wars fan. The movies just…kind of bore me still? They’re just not my “aesthetic” as it were. Space battles and whatnot isn’t my thing. BUT. After consuming all the films in like a week, I have absolutely grown a new appreciation for them and the whole fandom, and feel like I can finally at least talk to Star Wars fans intelligently. A little less FOMO now. XD

ALSO. I watched The Mandalorian and genuinely LOVE IT. I have to say…I think it’s my favorite Star Wars thing there is. It’s such a great show!

I’ve also been making my way through the The Clone Wars cartoon and…I’m kind of bored out of my mind? WHOOPS. I was excited to give it a try because I know it’s really popular and well-loved, but man, guys, it’s just not grabbing me. I’m literally on season FIVE and still not super into it. BUT I AM STUBBORN. I’m determined to make it all the way through! Mainly because it seems all the newer Star Wars stuff is tying into The Clone Wars cartoon? And I feel like I’m gonna miss a lot of references and things if I don’t watch it. SO I’M TRYING. I do really like Ahsoka, and OF COURSE Obi Wan is snarky gold, and some episodes and plot threads have definitely captured my attention. In general though I’m just prettyyy bored with it. But I’ve made it this far. I am determined to finish! And then I plan on watching Star Wars: Rebels. I actually did watch season 1 and was getting into it! Buuut then by the end I realized it tied into The Clone Wars so I stopped Rebels to watch that instead. Yeah, I’m slugging through 7 seasons of The Clone Wars just because I don’t want to miss a few references of it in Rebels. I don’t even know, guys…

OKAY. This is literally a blog post in and of itself so we’re moving on! Do feel free to throw tomatoes at me in the comments section. My deep dark secrets have now been revealed.

But I do actually quite like Star Wars now even if it’s not my favorite! So that’s something. I’m trying, guys. I’m trying.

Marvel or DC?

Aha! One I can answer easily without shame.


This answer is Thor Approved.

Although if you’re hoping for more shameful confessions I will say this: I actually didn’t like superhero stuff at all until the Iron Man films. YEP. I told you, little me was so very not a scifi fan. Silly girl.

But then the first Iron Man film came out, I fell in love, and have been avidly consuming all things MCU for alllll these years since.

If you want more of my Marvel thoughts, I made a whole MCU tag a little while back which you can read HERE! And do feel free to take the tag to answer on your own blog. I’d be thrilled, and it’d be perfect to do for this fandom edition of Fantasy Month! *grins*

As far as DC…ehhhh. I like the newer Wonder Woman film quite a lot (though we’re not going to talk about the complete dumpster fire that was the new Wonder Woman 1984 film UGH) and I enjoy some choice Batman things. But in general DC just isn’t for me. Though I have been meaning to try watching The Flash TV series because I have it on good authority (a.k.a friends and family alike screaming at me to “WATCH IT!”) that it’s quite good. So that needs to happen eventually…

But also. GUYS. WANDAVISION. Don’t worry, no spoilers here (and do be courteous and share no spoilers in the comments), but OH MY WORD. I AM IN LOOOVE. Literally my weeks are basically just waiting for Friday when they drop a new episode. (Whyyy can’t they be like Netflix and give us a whole season at once???) I’m particularly loving it because I actually like TV series more than movies. I KNOW. I adore movies, but with TV series there’s so much more room to explore the plot and characters. So receiving TV series with the MCU stories and characters??? WE ARE BLESSED.

What is a fandom you love enough to want to live in that world?

GAH. The age old impossible question: what fantasy world would you live in?

I waver on this constantly. THERE ARE SO MANY PLACES. I mean, the Hundred Acre Wood would clearly be one, if that counts?

My usual go-to answer though is: Narnia. Though I’ve actually always been more of a Lord of the Rings fan than Narnian, I highly doubt I’d survive visiting Middle-earth. O.o But if I stumbled into Narnia during its golden days… *clutches heart* Ah. How glorious that would be. And everyone knows animals are better than people. So living in a world where the population is made up of talking animals and mythical creatures instead of people? Win-win! Seriously, out of all the amazing fantasy worlds out there, few can rival Narnia in its…I don’t know. Enchantment. Its wonder.

We are all Lucy, are we not?

BUT ALSO. Wonderland has been one of my favorite things since like the beginning of time. Sometimes I think I did an opposite-Alice and fell into this world from Wonderland. Me being a citizen of Wonderland would explain so many things… AHEM.

Seriously though! The complete absurdity of Wonderland is my favorite and I would so happily live in a world with mad tea parties and crazy queens and talking animals (I just really want to live in a world where animals talk!) and less-than-helpful cats and just ALL OF IT.

Nothing would bring me more joy than being at this tea party.

Actually, if I can find a wardrobe with a looking glass that goes back and forth from this world to Narnia to Wonderland at will, that’d be the #IdealLife.

If you could hang out with a character from one of your fandoms, who would it be and why?

The other Impossible Question! (Jenelle, you’re killing me!)

WELL. My ultimate favorite characters of all time are Howl and Sophie from the book version of Howl’s Moving Castle. Which, ya know, IS MY FAVORITE BOOK.

So to piggyback on the former question, another world I would so happily live in is Ingary, in Howl’s castle specifically of course. Can I pleeeease just be part of Howl and Sophie and Calcifer and Michael’s cozy, chaotic little life in the moving castle???

*sigh* Okay, okay, if that’s not an option, and I have to pick one character, I’m going with the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who. My other favorite character of all time after Howl and Sophie. And if I could just become his companion while we’re hanging out and travel through time and space with him for all of time, that’d be great too.

Who wouldn’t want to hang out with this beautiful man?

Ten is MAH BOY and even though I do love the other Doctor reincarnations, and it’s been a good what? 10? 11? years since he reincarnated, I still mourn him. *SOBS*

Honorable mentions go to: The mad hatter, annnd the whole Fellowship of the Ring, annnd the Rampion Crew from The Lunar Chronicles, annnd…okay. I need to stop or we’ll be here ‘til the end of time.

Unknown fandom (something you love but nobody else seems to have heard of).

Oooh! Let me see. I read (and love) a lot of indie books, so I guess those count toward being unknown to the world at large.

BUT, as far as being unknown to my personal circle, I’d say the Kingdom Hearts video game franchise.

I don’t bring it up a whole, whole lot because I don’t want to bore you guys with a game you’ve never played. But if we’re being honest? This franchise has been such a major, major part of my life. Literally since I was 10 years old! That’s 18 years of my LIFE being wholly and completely obsessed and invested in these games and characters and plot threads and and and yeah.

It is truly one of my greatest loves, and even though there’s like a badrillion games, I hope to goodness they don’t stop making them. At this point I can’t even imagine life without waiting in anticipation for the next game. (Yes, I probably need a life hush.)

And hey, if you ever want to experience the story without having to go through the many (rather difficult) games, I can absolutely hook you up with a list of YouTube videos and things that will provide just that. I recently did this with my sister who isn’t wild about RPG video games but did want to see the full story and IT. WAS. A. DELIGHT. I mean…we’re talking hours upon hours of cut scenes here, but IT’S WORTH IT. My sister is now just as obsessed as I am, despite never playing the games.

There are also rumors of Disney+ making a Kingdom Heart series??? And JUST !!! I would explode in hearts and rainbows and glitter if this actually happened. Maybe finally everyone will understand my obsession. I NEED TO BE VALIDATED.

It’s just such a good story, guys. *sobs*

Oh? Also. Sora, the main character, would 100000% go on that above list of characters I would want to hang out with. He is the most fun-loving cinnamon roll to ever grace the fictional world.

My sweet spiky-haired boi.

WELL. That was way more Christine fandom talk than anybody ever needed in their lives. I told you this was my favorite subject. XD I HAVE TOO MANY THOUGHTS.

A huge thank you to Jenelle for putting this together! This was such a fun tag to fill out. (Even if some of you may disown me now after certain confessions… Ahem.)

Definitely check out Jenelle’s original post if you want to join in on the Fantasy Month fun yourself!

What’s better than fangirling? Fangirling with fellow fangirls/boys! SO COME. Spill all your fandom thoughts! Do we share any of the same fandoms? Did I shock you with my confessions? What’s a fandom you wish more people knew about? And someone please make me feel better; am I the only one who’s never been a major Star Wars fan???

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February 15, 2021 11:54 AM

*squawks* THIS POST=PURE GOLD. XD I LOOOVED IT!!!! NOTHING is better than fangirling! 😉

Okay, so first I have to say that when you said you played with stuffed animals as a kid, MY HEART COULDN’T HAVE BEEN PROUDER. XD I LOVED playing with stuffed animals when I was younger and even though I’m now a teenager, the love still hasn’t stopped! XD I obviously don’t play with them anymore ’cause I’m so busy all the time, but 20 of them still decorate my bed (just counted) and probably like 70 more are stuffed in my closet somewhere. So, um, yeah. I’m a slightly avid collector of them (with 100% no shame). XD

I gotta say though, the whole Star Wars thing kinda took me off guard, but I TOTALLY don’t judge you! (As long as you like the Mandalorian we’re on good terms.) XP I actually do agree with you on a bunch of things about it, like, the prequels??? Bleh. However I do actually like the third prequel because we get to see how Anakin becomes Darth Vader and *sobs* it literally rips me up EVERY time. And EVERY time I’m hoping (sometimes yelling at the TV) for him not to do it. He’s SUCH a #BrokenBoy which is one of the reasons why I love him. Don’t judge. XD Also, WHOOOOOO!!! Someone else likes The Rise of Skywalker!!!!! Seriously, I have NO idea why so many people hate it. I thought it was a FANTASTIC wrap-up to the franchise! And YES for The Force Awakens!!!! I think The Rise of Skywalker was my favorite movie with The Force Awakens and The Return of the Jedi tied for a close second. And wow. You get some MAJOR brownie points for watching The Clone Wars. I actually haven’t seen them and nor do I really want to??? It just looks like something that would totally put me to sleep. (No offense to any Clone Wars fans). XD

MARVEL,MARVEL,MARVEL,MARVEL,MARVEL!!!!!! Literally EVERYTHING you said in that section I TOTALLY agree with! I didn’t like any superhero stuff either until watching them, but after the first movie I saw, MY LIFE BE CHANGED FOREVER. XD And WANDAVISION!!!! My family’s Friday night is almost identical to yours! I gotta say, the second episode kinda freaked me out, but now I’m soooooooo hooked to see where it goes!!! If you like WandaVision so much, have you checked out the Agent Carter series on Disney+? My family and I watched it over the summer and IT IS SO GOOD!!! The end of the first season actually got preeettty dark, which is probably why viewership dropped for the second season (and WHY THEY DIDN’T MAKE A THIRD SEASON *glares at Marvel*), but even so, DON’T MISS the second season. I personally think it’s WAY better! (And if you want to see more of Peggy’s response after you-know-who’s death, then it WON’T disappoint!) 😀

*takes deep breath* SO. There was my fangirling!!! XD Again, this was SUCH a fun post to read!!! Thank you SOOO much for sharing it!!!! 😀

February 15, 2021 2:00 PM

This was such a fun post to read!!! I love that you did a whole blog post answering all of my IG challenge questions! I didn’t think to make that the tag… and just used Madeline’s… which was similar. So it works.

I don’t know about those Star Wars confessions, though. *eyes you suspiciously* Eh, I guess I’m glad SOMEone liked the sequel trilogy. But man… it’s just… such bad writing. SO bad. And there’s zero character development for ANYONE. And… seriously… wow. I have to stop, or I’ll begin ranting. LOL 😀

I love Winnie the Pooh so much, too! I think we’ve talked about this before. Oh, the Hundred Acre Woods! I spent a lot of time pretending that the woods behind my house were that, or Narnia. My childhood was spent with stuffed animals or outside pretending I was somewhere magical. So many good memories.

TEN IS MY FAVORITE, TOO!!!!! I love him so much.

I have heard that many video games have great storylines. This Kingdom Hearts one sounds fun! My family didn’t ever have video game consoles when I was a kid, so sadly I never developed any talent or skill for it. (I mean, sure, sometimes I’d play Mario on my friend’s Nintendo-64 or something (shush, yes, I’m old… you are NOT old and don’t get to claim it for another decade, you whippersnapper, you). (Ahem. That might have been a Sophie moment). But when you’re playing that on a friend’s console and they’re already good at it… you never get very many turns, because you play till you die… which I generally did rather swiftly whenever I got a turn with the controller. XD I’m pretty good at Wii bowling though. hahaha

I am trying really hard to come up with a little-known fandom for my last Fantasy Month post… but I tend to hang out in circles of people who already know about all the things. Generally, they are much more passionate and animated than I am about most of the fandoms I can think of… so… that’s a hard question. Sorry… maybe I’ll just go with all the indie authors I love.

February 16, 2021 9:43 AM

What’s really quite funny is that my Star Wars vs Star Trek post later this month may surprise everyone. LOL (It surprised me).

Of course you get points for LOTR. LOTR IS LIFE, PRECIOUS!!!!!

Ahem. Or… anyway… ’tis really, really, really good.


Oh man, the new Christopher Robin movie makes me start bawling every time we watch it. Also, I started watching The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh with my kids (it’s on Disney+ and OH SO MANY MEMORIES) and THAT makes me start tearing up in every, stinkin, episode. So… clearly I have nostalgia.

I love our Wii! We just got it set up again after a couple of years in storage and I have rediscovered that DDR is my favorite thing of ever. (Also, my 3-year old calling it “dance dance level-ution” is the BEST!) 🙂 hahahah

February 15, 2021 2:44 PM


Ahhh Winnie the Pooh! I don’t know that I’ve ever watched the movie (shame! shame!) but I listened to it on tape when I was a wee tiny lass A LOT. Like, ALL THE TIME. And I’m positive that I didn’t get all the humor or anything, but I still loved it with a passion. And wow, I had almost forgotten about that until I read this!

Howl’s Moving Castle, while nowhere near as amazing as the book, was fun. And honestly, I do want to watch more Ghibli movies at some point! (Howl’s and Secret World or Arrietty are the only ones I’ve watched thus far. (I think Secret World is Ghibli? It’s been a while.)

I’m sort of with you on Star Wars–haven’t watched much Trek, so that’s the default? But I’m not super into it. And I like the new ones. (I probably have no taste. It’s fine. XD) Although I’m not sure I can say that, precisely, having watched 7, the last 1/2 of 8, and the ending (i.e. last ten minutes) of 9. So. Yeah. (And I’m irritated, because I totally shipped Rey and Finn. I’m sorry. I did. So IDK if I’m ever going to go back and watch 8 and 9 in their entirety. XD)
I do really like the original trilogy, too! I’ve never watched the prequels, and kinda sorta have zero plans to. But I am enjoying The Mandalorian! (I’m not super invested. But it’s fun, for sure!)
ALSO HOW DID YOU NOT WATCH RETURN OF THE JEDI?? Wow. That’s…impressive. Or something.

MARVEL!! Gah. I just. Get excited. Every time. I see that word. I’m so, so looking forward to reading your MCU tag once I’m done with the everything up to Endgame (because I’m avoiding spoilers like the plague, of course)! I have a feeling I will enjoy it immensely. And then I’m going to steal it and fill it out myself. Of course. I hope you don’t mind.
Funny story about WandaVision: last week, my sister and I watched Age of Ultron (I AM LOVE HELP IT WAS AMAZING) and came downstairs to find my parents finishing the first episode of WandaVision, and being So. Very. Confused. Which amused both of us, who knew exactly who Wanda and Vision both are (although I’m not sure that ultimately that makes the first episode less confusing, from what I’ve heard?) So with one thing and another…we watched Age of Ultron again with our parents this weekend. I have no regrets. (Except that my sister is giving up movies for Lent, so I’m going to have to wait until April for Civil War now, since we didn’t watch that this weekend. That’s definitely a regret.)

Narnia. I would honestly rather live in Middle Earth (I am adventurous, apparently?) but Narnia is definitely the obvious second choice, for me! (Talking animals! Moving trees! FAUNS!)

Wow, I have written you a tome here! Sorry? (I mean, I’m not sorry. At all. XD)

Have a lovely day!

February 15, 2021 3:37 PM

Ok, so your love of LOTR totally made up for your lack of Star Wars or Star Trek….😉😂 But SERIOUSLY?!?! 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣

And I’m waiting for one of my siblings (*cough* Jen) to FINALLY earn all the movie tracks for Kingdom Hearts so I can watch any little clips I’ve missed. (Yes, I totally know the story line through watching them play because I just don’t have time to play and have never been a huge videogame player…🙈)

Loved the post!!! 💛

February 15, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Tara

*speaks in sing-song-voice* If some sweet sister of mine would do my chores for me I could get done faster! XP (*coughs louder* Tara)

February 21, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Jen

Christine: You really should give Star Trek a good try! 😜

Lol, well, one sister (*cough* Jen) offered to finish the DLC so I could watch the clips and I have YET to see them…😂

Agreed, it is more relaxing to watch those games than trying to figure it out. For me AND my siblings! Me: “How do I do this again?!” 😂😂😂

Jen: HA!!! You’re hilarious! 😜 Not a chance, sorrynotsorry!

Jorja Ayres
February 15, 2021 8:11 PM

Hello, I am a member of the Kingdom hearts appreciation squad, and I absolutely love that you’re into the games too! I loved reading your answers, your enthusiasm always makes my day brighter 🙂

Jorja Ayres
February 16, 2021 10:22 AM

I haven’t played through all of them, but I watched my brother play the ones I haven’t. Have you read the 365/2 manga? They’re absolutely hilarious.

You’re very welcome! <3

Jorja Ayres
February 16, 2021 9:55 PM

The expansion of the personalities in Organization XIII alone makes it a very worthy read, in my humble opinion.

Jorja Ayres
February 18, 2021 9:57 PM

Oh! And I forgot to mention that I tagged you for The Disney Character Blog tag, here’s the link if you’re interested:

It may or may not be a shameless ploy to hear more about your fantastic characters….

Jorja Ayres
February 19, 2021 2:54 PM

You are so welcome! <3

February 15, 2021 8:22 PM

AHDJKG;ADHSKFL!!!!! I LOVE THIS WHOLE POST!!! Just, awk! FANDOMS!!! There’s so many here I love too!

All the Disney classics, yes!!! Winnie-the-Pooh! My childhood! All those movies you mentioned my siblings and I would watch over and over too! (Except Alice, I am so so sorry to say that Alice in Wonderland scared the bejabbers out of me as a kid. I liked it right up to the point where everyone is chasing after Alice, that part just freaked me out so bad. I like it more now that I’m older though, especially the two live action movies.) I remember the days of VHS tapes too! Rewinding took F O R E V E R but rewatching fav movies was so worth it. XD Oh! There was also Peter Pan 2 Return to Neverland! I loved that movie! ^_^

I need to watch more Studio Ghibli movies! I’m pretty sure my library has some. The Series of Unfortunate Events is sooo good!!! I adored reading that series in my early teens and goodness, I’m due for a reread about now. XD

I’ve only watched the original Star Trek series and movies and I like them, but I love Star Wars. And awww, I was hoping you would enjoy the Prequels and Clone Wars, but that’s okay, I understand it’s not for everyone (and your love for the Sequel movies makes up for that. 😉 ). Poe Dameron is the BEST! ^_^ I’m so happy you love the Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker!!! I love those movies and it’s so sad seeing all the hate they get. Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are reason enough to watch Clone Wars. XD But Rebels! I love that series so much! I’m curious to know if you like Jar-Jar? Him and Qui-Gon were fun. XD

Marvel!!! YES!!! The only DC I’ve seen is Christian Bale’s Batman trilogy, and as much as I loved it, Marvel totally wins over Batman. XD

*grumbles about still needing to watch Doctor Who* Ten sounds fantastic! I think, whenever I can finally get around to watching the show, he’ll be my favourite too. 🙂

Oh, Narnia!!! But that Wardrobe/Mirror of yours sounds fantastic! ^_^

*squeals to infinity over Kingdom Hearts* A DISNEY+ SERIES!?!? How am I just now hearing of this! Oh I hope this is true!!! (Aaand that they eventually put it out on DVD cause with no home wifi there’s no way I can get Disney+.) And just, all the yes to Sora!!! <333 And you know I am always here to talk Kingdom Hearts with you whenever you want. 😉 I can’t imagine not anticipating a new release in the series either. ^_^

I loved this post sooo much!!! (And I’m stealing your idea and doing this tag all in one post because I’m realizing I just don’t have time for individual posts for each question. XD) Monster comment coming to a close now. 😉 <3

February 15, 2021 10:03 PM

MARRRRVELLLLLL! YASSSS! *clears throat* Ah, yes, WandaVision. I’ve been super-obsessed with it recently. I’ve been a Marvel fan since forever, and Wanda’s my favorite, and I love both the sitcom element and the action/sci-fi/mystery part, so, yeah. There was no doubt that I’d love it, lol.
And YESSS, NARNIA! AND MIDDLE-EARTH! AND DISNEY! Disney was definitely my first fandom. I watched the movies all. The. Time. As in, daily. Since I was four, it wasn’t like there were things I had to do. I was especially obsessed with Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast.
Truth betold, I’m not a huge Star Wars or Star Trek fan either (though I haven’t seen much Star Trek). I mean, I LIKE both of them. I’ve watched the movies multiple times and enjoyed them. But the squealing and shipping and thinking about them 24/7 just didn’t happen with me. *shrugs*
And, ohmygoodness, A Series of Unfortunate Events is just the BEST.
I may have to join this linkup. Everybody’s posts are so fun.
I know this is already a monster of a comment, but I just had to mention how much I love your posts. You’re so sweet and full of enthusiasm, and all of your posts are so fangirl-y and well-written. You and Samantha definitely brighten up my Mondays.

February 15, 2021 11:47 PM

You have such good taste! I get not liking Star Trek and I have a strange relationship with Star Wars. Force Awakens is a fantastic film so I agree with you there.
the 10th doctor and Howl and Sophie are the best choices really.
Love this!

February 16, 2021 3:35 AM

I used to HATE star wars but then I watched the original trilogy and it was so good!! (Maybe a bit cheesy) and I love the Mandalorian!!! And Marvel over DC any day – I’ve only watched Wonder woman from DC. I love LOTR- both the books and the films, they’re just so epic and awesome!! Also, BTW, your blog looks so gorgeous!

Issabelle P.
February 16, 2021 2:40 PM

AAAAHHHH this post was EPIC, girl!!!!!!!!!! <33 I must say, ABSOLUTELY shocked over here about the Star Wars thing. Not that you’re not that in to it (it’s understandable) but that YOU ACTUALLY LIKE NUMBER SEVEN????!!!!!!! 😱 Ahem *cough, cough* Sorry ’bout that. 😄 (But like Victoria said, as long as you like Mandalorian, we’re on good terms, ’cause that’s literally the BEST thing Disney’s done with Star Wars!!!!!!!!!!) It’d be cool if Disney + did a series or something off the Kingdom Hearts thing, ’cause I know some peeps who love and talk about it a lot and I really feel like I’m missing out. XD AWESOME POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 18, 2021 6:58 AM

I really enjoyed Star Wars so far (still watching through all of the things). But I am not a fan. It just hasn’t really captured my heart like it has with a lot of people.
And I was the same with the sci-fi. I didn’t really like it as a child but got more and more into it as I got older.
OH MY GOODNESS WANDAVISION!!!!!!! Man, I adore this show and I’m dying to watch the next one.
Have you watched Aquaman? I think that one is another decent DC film. I liked Wonder Woman, haven’t watched the second one. (But yeah, Marvel is 100% the best and DC probably can’t bet it ever.)
And I tagged you (a while ago, oops, I forgot to mention it before twice I think), but I noticed you got tagged a lot recently, so no pressure on this one!

February 18, 2021 9:58 PM

Aww, thank you! ^_^ I’m glad you enjoyed reading it! *blushes* Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I don’t know how to express my appreciate for your words. They made my day. <3 <3 <3 You’re welcome! It is totally okay! I am the same. You just have to glance at my email and you can see I am so behind it -_-. I think I just caught up to your blog yesterday. Definitely was behind for a while there.

Emily Grant
February 19, 2021 11:56 PM

Okay, this tag is SO much fun. XD

Ahhh Disney VHS tapes! Oh, my. xD *joins you in the old corner* We still have shelves full of VHS movies in our house, and I pull one out from time to time (you know, the ones we don’t have on DVD yet, hehe). But my oh my, are we spoiled now, and I’m reminded of it every time I have to rewind one of those suckers. XD But anyway, YESSS to all those Disney movies! Nowadays my favorite Disney movies are the “big ones” (The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, etc.), but when I was little I would watch ones like The Aristocats and The Rescuers Down Under over and over. I don’t even know why, but I was so obsessed with them. xD

AHH THE MANY ADVENTURES OF WINNIE THE POOH!! I definitely watched that one over and over as a kid, too. (And The Search for Christopher Robin. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but UM HELLO NOSTALGIA.) I had a bunch of Pooh stuff when I was little, too! Multiple stuffed Poohs, a bunch of Pooh clothes… come to think of it, I guess Winnie the Pooh was kind of my “thing” when I was little. (I’m pretty sure my 2nd birthday cake was Winnie the Pooh, hehe!)

It’s TOTALLY OKAY that you’re not a huge Star Wars person, really… *DRAMATIC SIGH* buuuut I’m just gonna walk on by and pretend I didn’t hear you say you prefer the sequels over the prequels… yeahhh… totally didn’t hear that at all. xD Okay, no, The Force Awakens actually IS super fun. And I LOVE Rey, Finn, and Poe! The other movies, though, I just… I just… well… remember what you said about digging a rusty fork into your eye? Ehehe. xD

Don’t feel bad about Star Trek, though, because I haven’t seen any of it either. xD Not even any of the newer movies. I’m sure I would probably enjoy them, it just somehow never happened for me? Maybe someday!

The whole Marvel vs. DC question is honestly so unfair because Marvel has just tooootally outdone DC with their movies. Like… it’s kind of pathetic?? I mean, in all honesty, I haven’t seen any of the recent DC movies, but as much as I like to see things for myself before judging… from what I’ve heard they’re just nooot up to par. (Though my brother said Wonder Woman was good, so I do still want to see that one!) ANYWAY. Basically I’m saying that I feel DC’s superheroes could totally live up to Marvel’s… there just aren’t any movies to do them justice. (No pun intended. ;)) *sigh*

Okay but you REALLY have me wanting to get into Kingdom Hearts??? Not that I have a ton of time to play video games (particularly ones that would probably take years to finish xD). But it just sounds so epic! Maybe someday I’ll give it a try.

WHEW. Apparently fandoms are my favorite topic, too, judging by the way I’ve carried on in this comment. xD It’s just such fun talking about them and revisiting old ones and ahhh. <3 I feel very nostalgic now. xD (And want to rewatch everything that’s been mentioned. Ehehe.)

Victoria Grace Howell
February 28, 2021 8:42 PM

I’m so happy you’ve joined the Studio Ghibli fandom! OMG hanging out with the Doctor would be so amazing. I’m squeeing at the thought of it. XD Also living in the world of Kingdom hearts would be amazing. I mean you could visit so many Disney characters!

Tracey Dyck
March 8, 2021 8:31 PM


Starting with how much you love Winnie the Pooh, because SAME. My grandma had a couple of the old VHSs and my family had a couple more, along with quite a few books, and they were my favorite things. :’) The Tigger Movie and The Piglet Movie, although not quite as classic, are two that are absolutely dear to my heart. And I have soooo many stuffed animals from my childhood too! I can’t bear to get rid of them. XD

Oooh, I got Kiki’s Delivery Service for my birthday last year and still need to watch it! Love that you and your sister watch shows together on Friday nights–that’s exactly what I do with my own sisters, haha! (Right now we’re watching a k-drama rom-com and Stranger Things S3. ;))

‘Twas fun reading your Star Wars thoughts! My brother now owns most of the movies now, and one of these days we’re determined to watch them all. xD

*wants very badly to see WandaVision*

If you find that wardrobe with a looking glass (perhaps with a hole in a tree that leads to the Hundred Acre Wood as well), TAKE ME WITH YOU. *heart eyes*