One Sentence Journals

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a writer in possession of a good collection of notebooks must be in want of a way to use them.

I couldn’t help myself.

NOTEBOOKS. I have them, you have them, we all have them. And, thankfully, in this day and age of creativity and Bullet Journaling, there really is an endless way of using these little aesthetically pleasing binded books of blank paper.

When I was little I quite enjoyed journaling. Words have been a special thing to me all my life, and there really is something magical about permanently capturing memories via ink. Now, will I ever read those angsty, cringe-inducing pre-teen/teen diary entries ever again? Maybe never…*shudders* BUT STILL. Journaling is a beautiful thing we humans do, and I love how there is a literal infinite way of saving all our thoughts and memories on the page.

But, alas, as I got older, I began to journal less and less, until I stopped doing it altogether. I eventually came into possession of a laptop, and my days of scribbling via pencil/pen and notebook faded away. A big reason was the HAND CRAMPS. To this day, I can barely write a few sentences without suffering severe hand cramps. Which is a true tragedy. Because there really is something so special and almost…intimate about writing thoughts and memories and stories down on paper. But the typing life became the life for me. (I barely even write letters/cards to friends, which is just shameful…)

The problem though: I wanted to journal. I wanted to have stacks of notebooks of all my silly thoughts and the memories of this one and only life I have been given. But I just kept…not doing it.

Next thing I knew, bullet journal exploded across the internet. And though I was intrigued, and considered giving it a go multiple times, I knew deep down it’d be more a hindrance to me than a help. First of all, my artistic talents are so bad they’re in the negatives. (Seriously, it’s bad.) Secondly, there’s that whole pesky hand cramps business. (And I also eventually discovered Scrivener and now use it as a means to keep up with all my to-do lists and whatnot and I love it with all my heart and soul, buuut that’s a topic for another day.)

Then, one day, my sweet mother, completely unprompted and out of the blue, mentioned an article she had recently read in a magazine. It was about something a lady started called a “one sentence journal”. My mom thought I’d might like to give the article a read. So I did. And it changed everything.

I don’t remember what magazine it was in, what the short little article even said, I just remember the idea of it. It was exactly the type of journaling method that would work for me. And so very soon after reading the article, I took on the same idea.

2021 will be my 10th year keeping it up.

So what even is this little journaling thing?



The purpose is right there in the name. It is, quite literally, writing just a single sentence. Talk about an easy way to journal, am I right?

Okay, you probably want a little more information than that.

What is a one sentence journal?

The idea of this journal is to write a single sentence every single day. Which, in reality, takes up all of 20 seconds of my day. And yet the benefits have been invaluable.

Basically, at the end of each day, I sum up the day, or write something specific that happened that day, in a single sentence, with the date at the top of course.

For example, here’s an entry from last month:

Monday, February 1st, 2021 –
“I officially came off my blogging and Instagram hiatus today and I got such a sweet welcome back from all my precious internet peeps.”

Short and to the point, without much great detail about the whole day, but a great reminder to me of that day when I got so very many dear welcome back comments from all of you! <3

A lot of times it’s just a summary of the day:

– Friday, March 27th, 2020 –
“Finished getting the IG book pics I need for April today and then spent a relaxing evening on the porch with the family.”

I start a new one every single year (or I do now, I don’t think I was quite as organized for the first few years), which has resulted in notebook after notebook of moments to remember from almost every. single. day. going all the way back to February of 2012 when I started my first one. No, they’re not long diary entries expressing everything I did that day and all my thoughts, like I often did when I was much younger. But it is a way to capture quick memories of the day without taking even two whole minutes out of my day.

And more than that, because each entry is so short, it’s so easy to go back to any specific date and see what I wrote about that day. I quite often am trying to remember when something happened and then realize, “Oh wait! I bet I mentioned it in my one sentence journal.” And sure enough I can easily find the exact date of certain events with a quick look-through of a journal.

All my one sentence journals, from my first one (bottom) up to my current one (top).


These aren’t just to log every day of my life, it’s so much more. It’s a challenge. Because since nearly the beginning I made a rule with myself: EVERY ENTRY MUST BE POSITIVE. This may have actually been the original idea I read about in that article. I do believe the article’s author said she uses this method to quickly remember good things that happen to her for each day. And that is definitely something I want to capture as well.

Because here’s the thing, life is hard. The average person lives for 27,375 days, and out of all those days there are going to be difficult ones, possibly more so than happy ones.

But here’s the other thing: There is something good to be found in every. single. day. No matter how hard life is, no matter the sorrows of the day, the moment, the very life you live, there is always joy to be found.

I don’t want to go back through my journals and dwell on the hard things. I want to look back and remember how faithful God is. All the time.

Back in 2016, the day I got word that my lifelong best friend’s eldest sister passed away, my entry said this:

“As I mourn [her] passing today, I’m so, so grateful to God’s blessed gift of eternal life.”

That was one of the hardest days of my entire life, if not the hardest, but I also found such a new realization of what a gift Jesus gave us through His sacrifice and the promise of Heaven. I know she is there, suffering no more, and we will be reunited again. And I wanted to remember that. Always.

At the beginning of this year, I decided to list out blessings that happened from each month of 2020. So I pulled out my 2020 one sentence journal and flipped through it, reading about that crazy year that was 2020. And you know what happened? By the time I got to the last entry, not only did I have 6 full pages filled to the brim with blessings written out, I also realized that 2020 wasn’t such a bad year after all. Ever since that day, I have begun to look at 2020 fondly. If not for my one sentence journal, I don’t think I would have gained that perspective.

It is such an easy way to narrow in on the simple joys of each day, while also giving a big picture of the years as they pass by.

I’ve made it part of my nightly routine and I’ve gotten so used to it at this point, I barely even have to think about it. And yes, I miss some days, but I try my hardest to get in that sentence every single day. Or, if something happened and I missed multiple days or a week, I’ll write out a sentence (or cheat and do two!) about something good about those past few days/week. I never do anything fancy whatsoever. It is quite simply just the date and one sentence, and usually not a well-thought-out, eloquent sentence at that. Just a random scribble of something positive about the day.

These entries are just for me. To remember the moments, to log the joys. To know each and every day is valuable and has blessings. Even if the entry is something as simple as saying I watched a movie with my siblings or that I feel productive because I wrote a blog post that day. All those little things matter. And it was through these one sentence journals that I have come to understand how special every little moment in life truly is.

As a whole, I thought 2020 was the worst year ever. But when I began looking at the small things, the day by day moments and little joys, it was then that I came to discover it wasn’t a bad year after all.

And that is the joy of the one sentence journal. It’s so simple, and yet it challenges me in such an invaluable way.


If you’re like me and just don’t want to take the time to write out long diary entries, or the bullet journal craze hasn’t grabbed you, or time and/or hand cramps or any other of the infinite Life Things that keeps us from doing all the things we’d like to do is hindering you, I can’t recommend one sentence journals enough. And as we’re still in the beginnings of 2021 and working on things such as new journals and whatnot, this is a great time to give it a try! (And, you know, it’s a great way to actually use those hoards of notebooks we all have…)

Twenty seconds out of your day can lead to a lifetime of permanently captured moments from these some 27,000 days we’re each given.

Have you ever heard of one sentence journals? Do you keep a journal of any kind? I’d love to hear about it! And what do you think of my method? If you ever start one, I’d LOVE to know!

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Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
March 8, 2021 9:18 AM

I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH. Making long journal entries can take SO MUCH TIME – but I love the compromise you’ve created! I try to do something similar in my bullet journal: I have one page dedicated to writing down something that made me smile every day. It’s such a nice way to look back on the years! 😀

Jameson C. Smith
March 8, 2021 11:02 AM

I love this idea! I’ve tried a couple of “one line a day” journaling challenges before, but I’ve never considered an entire journaling method like that! Very cool. And I LOVE how you purposefully work to remember the positive moments in a day. Do you have a favorite kind of journal or type of pen for your journals?

I think the oldest diary/journal attempt I have was from when I was around nine? I always loved the idea of a keeping one but never for more than a few pages in. And then when I was around ten or eleven my parents gave me some LOTR journals for Christmas and I started trying to be more consistent about writing in them, and the habit more or less stuck! There are huge gaps in those older journals, sometimes six months or more, but it’s still fun to look back and see what younger me thought was “worthy” of writing down at the time. (And some of it is soooo cringeworthy, oh my goodness O_O)

These days, I try to write at least three or four times a month, since eventually I would like to have a consistent weekly journaling habit, but I don’t always make that goal. And I do like attempting journaling challenges to write for a week or every day for a month, or answer questions/prompts that maybe I haven’t thought about before. It’s really nice to be able to go back and reread through a memory and see how different life is, or growth, and just to “relive” a moment now and then.

Jameson C. Smith
March 11, 2021 3:26 PM

Oooh, Walgreens sells some really cool ones! My previous journal was from there—it had Tolkien’s “Not all who wander” quote and a soft cover and I could not resist it, hehe.

Yesss, those remain some of my favorite journals ever on the aesthetic alone, hehe! I was so sad when I used the last one from that batch a few years ago, but I found a like-new one at a used bookstore last year that I’m really excited to use one day.

Deborah O'Carroll
March 8, 2021 11:17 AM

This is so beautiful!! You’ve mentioned this before but I didn’t realize how long you’d been doing it, or have a full sense of the perspective-change this must put into effect until now. I love, love, love this idea! I feel like I wouldn’t be able to pick what to say, being limited to one sentence, because what if I pick THE WRONG THING TO SAYYYY (I have indecision issues; it’s bad. 😅) but I still love the idea and it’s probably something I would benefit from. I just love everything about it and that you’ve been doing it so long and GORGEOUS JOURNALS! 😍 Anyway, thank you for sharing such a lovely post!

Deborah O'Carroll
March 8, 2021 11:22 AM

OH. And I wanted to add that there is SO MUCH good therapeutic value for the soul just journaling something out, whether the good or the bad. I don’t do personal (non-writing-related) journaling much anymore but sometimes it’s only by writing something out, for me and no one else, that can help me sort out what I even think about something or make sense of the good things in it, etc.

And my bulletjournaling started with doing a very basic “ugly” journaling style because I don’t feel very artistic and knew I wouldn’t keep up with it if it had to be perfect. I’ve tried some artsy things this year for once but mostly it’s just ugly lists to keep me organized. 😂

March 8, 2021 12:02 PM

This is such an amazing idea, to stay positive every single day! I used to journal daily and now infrequently, and I started a bullet journal as well (although I rarely follow my schedule, beating the point of it😁) This must have been so helpful to get past last year! I loved reading this post!

March 8, 2021 1:29 PM

Aw, this is such a great post.
I may have to try this. Usually I’m pretty consistent with journaling, but I love the idea of only writing down positive things, plus only doing one sentence could help when I don’t have a lot of time that particular day.

Joy Caroline
March 8, 2021 1:29 PM

This is an awesome idea, I will definitely have to try it! I keep a journal but must admit I haven’t written an entry in it in a couple months. I always tell myself I will but then I get busy. This is a great way to keep up with my journal without having to take a ton of time to write a super long entry! Also, keeping your ideas to one sentence is good practice for when you need to nail down a story idea or plot concept in one core statement.
I really love your thought that there is always joy and beauty to be found in every day. This post blessed me! (Also, although I’m not personally a fan of the Pride and Prejudice book, I thought your reference to it at the start of the post was brilliant!)

Lemon Duck
March 8, 2021 1:44 PM

I LOVE this style of journaling. I’m more of a rambler myself, who is definitely *not* consistent about keeping it up. But it works out okay (the rambling). I’m impressed how you’ve managed to keep a sentence up for…almost nine years!!

(Hoping my comment filters through this time…if you’ve been getting duplicates on other posts…sorry!)

Last edited 3 years ago by Lemon Duck
March 8, 2021 4:35 PM

Such a great idea!! (and hand cramps, yes! 🙋‍♀️ ) I love that you challenged yourself to make each entry a positive one. I think that really makes a difference!

And I never would have though about using Scrivener that way! 🤯

March 8, 2021 6:06 PM

Oh yeah. I have no idea how I was able to take all. those. notes. in school and yet now I can’t write for a minute or two before my hand starts cramping! 🤷‍♀️

That’s so awesome about how you use Scrivener like that!

March 8, 2021 6:49 PM

I know, RIGHT?!? I do miss my younger hands sometimes! 😜😂

March 8, 2021 5:00 PM

This…..THIS HAS SAVED MY HOARD OF UNUSED JOURNALS FROM FOREVER STAYING IN THE DUSTY DRAWER OF DOOM!!!!!! XD Seriously though, I have sooooo many journals that I’ve had NO idea what to do with (thus they’ve been stored away in that dusty ol’ drawer) and now I do!!! This sounds so fun and even a bit challenging (mainly ‘cause I have a bad habit of writing dairy entries, like, only twice a year and when I DO write them they end up ten pages long), but nevertheless I’m SO gonna try this out!!!! Thank you so much for the idea! 😀

March 8, 2021 6:45 PM

This is such a great idea! I’m so impressed that you’ve been doing it for so long, and that you made “positive” your requirement for each day!
I actually do 2 things that together are kind of like what you do–I got the idea from Nicole Dust to have a “Reasons to Smile” page in my bullet journal, where I write down a blessing every day, and then my aunt gave me a Jane Austen five-year journal, where I just write a 2-3 sentence summary of my day. And I really enjoy doing both of those things!

March 8, 2021 9:43 PM

Oh, I love this idea! It’s such a beautiful way to remember your day. I used to journal by hand when I was younger. Mom set me up with stating three things I was grateful for and then a summary of my day. But, that just ended up taking too long and I stopped enjoying it. I haven’t done it in yeeears… eheh.

I do, however, journal sometimes on Scrivener. It’s just so therapeutic to get all my thoughts out of my system, the good, the bad, the ugly, the happy, you name it. But I don’t even digital journal all that much. >.>

Tara has finally won me over to trying bullet journalling, mine is not artsy at all. Like, none. XD Right now I’m just setting it up and all that good stuff, maybe after I’ve gotten it set up I’ll try doodling in it. But yeah, no artsy stuff from me. XD Just lists to keep me organized and not stressed out. 🙂

I do have a lot of journals… I can’t resist a pretty journal even if I’m not going to use it right now. (I may use it someday, so I’m justified in getting it. XD) So, this one sentence journaling sounds like something I could do. ^_^ I love how it helped you see 2020 had some good things and so many blessings amidst the pain. <3

And I am so, so sorry about your friend’s sister. What you wrote is so beautiful. *hugs*

March 9, 2021 2:24 PM

LOVE THIS. I didn’t get into the bullet journal craze either (mostly because I like having lines and the little dots everywhere are an eyesore for me). I tend to journal pages and pages, but I LOVE the idea of narrowing things down to one sentence. It’s so simple and I think such a good challenge too? (though I guess one could just write a really long run on sentence XD)

March 10, 2021 3:02 PM

This is a fantastic idea! I need to try this.

Emily Grant
March 17, 2021 7:28 PM

OOOH JOURNALING- one of my favorite topics!! I bullet journal and keep a good ol’ ordinary write-about-your-life journal. I love it but I ALSO VERY MUCH RELATE TO THE STRUGGLES OF JOURNALING. I like sitting down and writing down what’s happened lately, or my thoughts, or things I’m learning, or whatever… but yes. Hand cramps are a thing. And I’m also impatient. xD At the beginning of my entries my handwriting is always nice and neat… then as I keep going it starts looking like a toddler wrote it. xD

So YES, while I do enjoy journaling and even writing those long entries, I also really want to do it more regularly, and it can be intimidating! So this one-sentence journal thing is BRILLIANT. When I’m trying to make journaling more of a habit, I don’t necessarily write paragraphs every day- sometimes it’s just a few sentences, but it still gets things off my mind and stores away those memories. So yes, writing just a few words is so beneficial, too!

I was actually inspired by another blogger to try something similar to this before- using a calendar to write one thing for each day that made you smile. I liked it but I don’t write small. xD I still do it somewhat, though not every day, in the daily sections of my bullet journal. I just have a spot to the side where I’ll write little things that happened that day. And like you said about your journal, if I’m trying to remember when something happened I can usually go back and find it in there! (except for when I’m slacking off and not keeping up with it. like right now. xD)

ANYWAY. I LOVE this idea and am certainly feeling inspired- either to try it or tweak it a bit to my own journaling! Thanks for sharing! 😀

March 18, 2021 1:51 AM

This sounds like an amazing idea!!! If only paper didn’t uninspired me. I know it is weird *hides* but writing on paper just makes me go ick each time. I guess it has to do with the fact that I’m not confident in spelling and I hate getting words wrong without being able to fix them easily. I always write in pencil for that very reason but still, I dislike writing on paper so much.

March 19, 2021 5:59 PM

Oh, yay. It just seems weird because everyone seems to think that writing on paper is amazing but just doesn’t use it often of the usual problems. I don’t use it mainly because I find I can’t write on it without feeling a little of writer’s block. I have never known anyone who doesn’t find inspiration if they try writing on paper. Yes, I am so thankful for technology. I honestly wouldn’t be a writer without them.

Heather @ The Frozen Library
March 26, 2021 8:23 PM

You know, I’m not much of a journaler, but this sounds like a good and easy idea. 🙂 My friend just gave me a new notebook back in January for my bday so it would be perfect for this! I put it and a pen by my bed today so maybe I’ll try this and see how long I can keep it up. 😛