HAPPY DECEMBER AND END OF NANOWRIMO!!!! We did it, guys! We survived November!!!
(Or did we? I may very well be a ghost writing this…)
You may have noticed it is, in fact, not Monday and this post is two days late. I last minute decided to wait to post this today so I could properly log ALL of NaNo and not leave those last two days just dangling there. Gotta keep it organized, ya know.
(I may have also not been aware of what day of the week it was all week as I wandered in a mad NaNo fog, but it was mostly intentional, I promise.)
But I am here now and it’s December and it’s time to share allllll about my final NaNo ’21 days. SO LET’S GET TO IT.


WELL. Week 4 started off with a bang. Chaos, feels, confessions, reconciliations—sooo many THINGS!
Due to it being MONDAY, I had other things going on and didn’t get to write much until the evening. But once I finally settled in ooooh boy. I lost myself wholly and completely in the story and had such a fabulous time. And two characters who have been driving me cRaZy are finally TALKING and I just want to hug them! And shake them for taking so long sheeeesh.
ALSO. We’re reaching climatic stuff, guys! Definitely still far from THE climax, but we’re on the fringes of it and so much is happening right now. SO MUCH.
Things are ’bout to go doooown.


Excuse me while I flail for a moment because THIS WAS A HAPPY WRITING DAY.
CHARACTER REUNIONS, GUYS. Character reunions were happeniiiing, and we all know how utterly delightful those are. I had such a fantabulous time writing today. Squealing and gushing was unashamedly involved. Oh my goodness, I’ve been waiting for this chapter for such a long time, and I was so ecstatic to finally write it.
ALSO. Another thing happened…

100K WORDS!!!
I have officially hit a double NaNo!
Which is the good news. The bad news is…I still have so much to cover in this novel. *collapses* Why oh why must my stories be this way?
But it’s gettin’ there! Bit by bit, I’m seeing that ending draw ever nearer. And it helps that I LOVE writing endings and all the big climatic, emotional stuff. So that should keep me fueled enough to race down this final stretch.
ANYWHO. My monstrous books trying to eat my aside…

Apparently week four is going to bless me with a string of good writing days, because today was yet another one! In fact, I’d say this was one of my BEST writing days this month!
The words were just coming, and I was having a grand ol’ time writing them. I also totally sat in my chair squealing yet some more over a Certain Scene because IT WAS TOO MUCH PRECIOUSNESS.
(Please tell me I’m not the only one who fangirls over their own characters??)
There were feels. And cuteness. And Aelin blowing things up (because what’s new?). And discoveries. And more feels.
Although once more I feel like I wrote a bajillion words and yet only made one inch of progress toward the end of this book because my scenes keep being so. absurdly. long. But hey, I’m having fun and adore these characters, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain about getting to spend lots of time with them.
And seriously, this was such a fun writing day! One of my faves. <3

‘Twas Thanksgiving!!! So I took a bit of a slower day to write. Exceeeept it wasn’t exactly a traditional Thanksgiving in any sense of the word because our oven is currently not working. Yeppp right here during Thanksgiving. XD But that’s all right! We were planning on a small celebration with just the immediate family anyway. So forgoing a big meal today, INSTEAD we chose to spend it decorating the house for Christmasss! Which, gonna be real, I far prefer. *grins* Christmas decorating always brings out the Buddy the Elf in me.

It was a LOVELY afternoon of playing Christmas music and getting the house all cheery. Definitely a different Thanksgiving, but a happy one regardless. And I suppose that’s the point of Thanksgiving, to find the joy in everything, even broken ovens. 😉
It was also nice to step away from my story for a while. Definitely needed. Though, me being me, I couldn’t help but squeeze in some words earlier in the day and before bed. And…somehow every bit of today’s writing was exposition??? Eheheheh yeeeah. Way, way too much info dumpingness today. BUT. I do not regret it one bit because I have learned. SO. MUCH. Just when I thought I had a good handle on the backstory, a character swoops in and is like OKAY BUT THIS IS HOW IT ALL ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And I’m like…ooooh! So even though everything I wrote today will probably have to be changed drastically come revisions so it’s not so ridiculously exposition-y, it was MUCH needed to write it all down because now I KNOW THINGS. I felt less like a writer today and more like a journalist scribbling down notes as a character spilled all beans. (The life of a pantser, guys. XD)
SO. Thanksgiving, Christmas decorating, learning alllll sorts of fascinating things about my story—much delightfulness!

Thiiings were happenin’ today!
Finally got past that giant wall of exposition and back into the action and WHAT action it was. There were feels. There may have been sacrifices (*cough, cough*). There were explosions (totally Aelin’s fault, anyone surprised? anyone?). There were more feels. I may have squealed and fistpumped and nearly shed a tear a time or two.
Climax-y stuff is going on and it was a most happy day of writing! I think taking off some yesterday to do fun things and getting over a hump in the story that felt like dragged on foreverrr reenergized me and I fell in love with this story all over again.
Except I still feel like there’s so much to cover before wrapping it up. Z_Z But I think we are finally moving along again and getting through some scenes faster now. So…maybe…the end is in sight…?

Today had quite a bit going on with very little time to write, but I had a really good writing session before bed and am pleased I got in as many words as I did.
They were fun words too! And by “fun” I, of course, actually mean drama, pain, FEELS FEELS FEELS.

Please tell me I’m not the only one whose favorite scenes to write are the emotional ones???
I also FIIINALLY got a character to a place I’ve been trying to get them to since the beginning of this entire book. And just. I’m so happy this is at last happening.

Can every writing day be like today???
This day may have bumped up to the top as my favorite writing day for this NaNo so far. ALL THE THINGS, PEOPLE. ALL THE THINGS. Things I…can’t tell you about. *cough, cough* BUT THEY WERE THINGS. AND GAVE ME ALL THE FEELS. AND JUST. MEEP.
I may have nearly shed tears today. I may have done a touch of mad cackling. I most definitely sat there squealing at my computer screen and dying of laughter over a certain line.*
*Which may have been because it was almost midnight and I’m running on a delirium of no sleep and tons of coffee and too many words, but at the time I thought it was hilarious??
We are at the cusp of the climax now, guys, and ooooh boy. THINGS. SO MANY THINGS.


Um. I hit 125k words today??? Meaning I’ve done two and a half words worth of NaNo??

My story is still going. I’ve been singing the theme song of The Neverending Story to myself all week as this thing just goes on and onnnn. *nervous laughter*
I’m writing so many fun things right now! Things I’ve been waiting to write since like…the beginning of BOOK ONE. Endings are always my FAVE to write. So even though, yes, I’m, erm, quite ready to be done and take a breather. I’m also having SUCH a blast with all this explosive climatic stuff I’m currently smackdab in the middle of. And I really should hush now because SPOILERS. ALL THE SPOILERS. SPOILERS EVERYWHERE. But I will say… It is proving to be quite the ending.


Um. Ummm. UM!!!
I may have written today in a feverishly mad state of word-vomits and happiness.
I may have written 8k words today without even realizing it somehow (???).
I may have…
FINISHED. MY. BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!
I DID IT, GUYS. I ACTUALLY FINISHED. And on the last day of NaNo too which was just the most perfect thing and I cannot be more pleased!

Today. Wow. What a day. I dove in today with hope that I could finish, but also knew it may not be possible because there was still quite a bit to cover, and I just wasn’t sure I could possibly write it all in one day. So I set out to write as much as I could and try to accept that if I had to wrap it up on the next day, well, it’d be okay. I’d survive.
But then I just kept writing. And the story kept moving. And the words were coming so smoothly. Like. This was one of the best writing days I’ve ever had in my life?? There were basically zero pauses. The words just kept coming. I literally did not even realize I had pounded out 8k words until I added my wordcount to the NaNo site and saw my stats. I MEAN. This day went far smoother than my 5k days. Sheesh, even my 4k. It was a struggle most of those days to reach those wordcounts. I do not know how I got to 8k with basically zero problems and little exhaustion but I AM SO GRATEFUL. *cries happy tears*
I think just knowing I was so close to the end gave me a huge boost of motivation to plow through to the finish line. Like I mentioned, I LOVE writing endings. And THIS ONE, GUYS. I just can’t with these characters. I can’t. This ending was such a joy to write.
I mean.
I left a thousand loose ends and everyone in, erm, quiiiite the predicament. Eheh. But HEY. This is just book 2 (of either 3 or 4, not quite sure yet). Gotta bring the drama for the finale! *grins*
BUT IT’S OKAY. Book 2 is finished and this was, without a doubt, the best writing day I had the entire month and I’m so happyyyy!


SO. YES. My novel ended at over 133k words??? Which just so happens to be the most I’ve EVER written in a month! (My previous record was NaNo 2016 with 127k words.) AND JUST.
No wonder I’m tired eheheheh.
It is also an absurd and unacceptable wordcount but HERE WE ARE. It’s okay! It’s just the first draft. The whole point of this one was telling myself the story and figuring things out. It can be smoothed and cut some other day, but I have to actually, ya know, figure out the story first. Once I get this whole series written I will then start the big ol’ revisions. For now, we’re just seeing where this wild tale takes me. I discovered so many, many things about it with this draft and I am beyond grateful for that.
I will have many more Thoughts on this book and how the writing went come next Monday when I answer the questions for my Know the Novel: Part 3 tag. Whiiich will be live Friday, December 3rd, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
But for now…
*collapses in exhausted and wonderful relief and goes to take a 20+ year nap*

Every single year when I wrap up a NaNo the thing I think about most is how BLESSED I am to have the most encouraging friends of ever. Having you all cheering me on, squealing over my book with me, and just being here for the crazy ride (and putting up with all my sleepless, rambling NaNo posts…), means the absolute WORLD to me.
It wasn’t a perfect NaNo. There was stress and tired days and who even knows if my novel makes sense. But it was a good NaNo, and I owe so much of that to all of you for being here boosting my motivation with your constant encouragement and enthusiasm.
Thank you for making my 12th NaNoWriMo a special one. <3

WE MADE IT, GUYS. It’s December! Another insane November down! I do hope, whatever November looked like for you, you remember all the victories and allow yourself a well deserved break and enjoy the holiday season. SO. Tell me everything! How did this last bit of November treat you? How was your November in general? Anything you’re particularly looking forward to for December? Who else is SHOCKED it’s December?? I am absolutely flabbergasted but also ecstatic. ‘Tis definitely the most wonderful time of the year! Happy December to you all! *throws snowflake shaped confetti*
You are a literal 👑!!
I didn’t get either of my projects done but I made some progress. When will the next Know The Novel be up?
*blushes* Thank yooouu! You’re such a support to me. <3
I’m sorry you didn’t get them fully done but progress is truly what matters, especially finding time during such a busy month. That’s so admirable. You did AMAZING!
Know the Novel: Part 3 will be up on Friday! 😀
I’m SO SO behind on blog posts which makes me sad (though I’ll definitely be going back to read all your NaNo updates hehe) but AHHH CHRISTINE I’M SO PROUD OF YOU! You’re amazing!! *all the confetti*
First of all, I CAN’T WAIT TO READ THIS STORY SOMEDAY AND MEET ALL THE CHARACTERS AND JUST. It sounds so amazing and beautiful and I kinda need it yesterday.
And a double NaNo! A double NaNo AND A HALF! XD The writing superpowers are strong with this one! CONGRATS AGAIN!
I definitely didn’t pull a double NaNo (someday though ;)), but I passed 50k yesterday!! That’s a fourth NaNo win under my belt. 😀 I have no jdea how long this story is going to be but I’m planning to keep going and hopefully finish it this month and… I’m like really excited. I haven’t even reached the One Part of the story that I’ve been excited about writing since the beginning, and so much good stuff has already happened. Also emotional stuff. Yesterday I came probably closer to making myself cry with my own story than I ever have.
EEP I’m just so excited for you and to move forward with my own book and AHH. SO MANY EXCITING THINGS!!
Oh, girl, I am woooefully behind on blog posts and…everything else. *hides face* I 1000% understand! BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
And AWWWK. I can’t tell you how encouraging that is you love the idea of this story and want to read it one day. That is SO motivating to keep going with it and get it all ready so it is readable. Haha. Just…THANK YOU! *cries happy tears*
A HUMONGOUS CONGRATS TO YOUR 4TH WIN!!!!! AAAAAHHH!!! *throws all the confetti* And yissss. You know the book is good when the author is crying! I’m just so happy you’re loving this story. It sounds AH-MAY-ZING. I love the concept so very much! I do hope finishing it goes wonderfully! YOU GOT THIS!!!
Thank you again, dearest Emily! I hope you have the BEST December!
I actually can’t believe you managed to finish that monster in a month, like what a legend. Meanwhile, I’m still chugging along with that remaining 15k haha. I’m so glad you’ve had such a good month! This sounds like the best week ever and we love that for you.
8k in one day??? I once managed 10k, but it was a mess, a very intentional and very exhausting challenge, and I’ve never done it since, so I applaud you for just. Casually managing 8k in one day.
You + me = endless novels that we know full well we’re going to have to cut down in revisions.
Also I relate to the exposition day, oof. Look, the amount of times in my stupid treasure hunt where I just had to write a scene that was just ‘blah blah they get the clue, wow how easy to figure out, let’s go’ so I could finally move on was just. Oof. I also just have whole chunks that are just. Me figuring out my own mystery so I can actually make it an interesting and unfolding mystery in revisions. They are…very info-dumpy. And very boring ways of getting the information across. Information that probably shouldn’t even be in that part of the story. Bleh.
I’m super excited for the third part of Know The Novel – not only so I can do it, but also so I can read more about your novel and your NaNo. It’s exciting!
Thank you so much, Esther!!!
Oh goodness, you probably actually, you know, said hi to your family and lived some during November whereas I remember nothing but my laptop screen. *nervous laughter* I don’t really recommend my way of doing NaNo. It’s ridiculous. XD But thank you so, so much!
Normally 8k is nooot a casual thing! X_X I don’t know HOW it happened yesterday. I had a will to finish. XD But GIRL. 10k is amaziiiing!!! I’ve yet to do a 10k day before. I think 9k is my record but it’s only happened like once.
IT’S SO TRUE THO. SO TRUE. I’ve just accepted every novel I write will be over 100k and need cutting. ‘Tis a fact of life. XD
Oh man oh man yesss. My info dumping can get ridiculous. This go round I was basically writing the entire HUMONGOUS backstory of the entire series all in like one chapter and the backstory itself could be a whole series itself. And just. It’s gonna be something trying to weave all this more organically through the story come revision time. (Help meeee.) But sometimes we NEED to dump it all out so we can figure it out and weave it more naturally into the story. There are no rules for first drafts!
Awwww, thanks, Esther! I cannot wait to hear about everyone’s NaNos!!! (Even if I’m woefully behind on all the posts from Know the Novel: Part 2 ACK.)
Thanks again! I do hope finishing your novel goes amazingly and you have the BEST December! <3
Oh my goodness!!! That’s amazing!!! Congratulations!!! I’m so, so happy for you. 🎉❤️
My NaNo was really good. I never finished my WIP, and only got over 6k, but there were character revelations, big dramatic scenes (hehehe), and I finished my second notebook (I write by hand).
I also started beta reading, which has been super rewarding, and I have a couple guest posts lined up.
Life basically got in the way of writing. But I got my learner’s permit, and decided on a college, so there’s that.
Eep! I love Elf!!! And you’re not alone. I fangirl over my characters too. I’m not above squealing over my writing either….
I did write a post based off of your Know The Novel Link-up part 1, I’m gonna go drop a link after this.
Congratulations again! I can’t wait to read your book!!!!
I’m so very happy to hear you had a good NaNo! It sounds like your epic story is going amazinglyyyy. Character revelations and drama are my FAVE. 😉 And oh wow, you write by hand?? That is so admirable! I am so awe of you epic people who can write whole stories by hand! I don’t know how you do it!
Awww! Beta reading really is such a delightful experience. I used to do it a lot more but, alas, just can’t seem to find much time for it these days, which is sad. It’s a really special thing getting to read the early stages of a book with others!
OH MY GOODNESS. How thrilling you got your learner’s permit AND decided on a college! :O AAAAHHHH! You’re doing such big, amazing things. Congrats!!!
Elf is the BEST yaaasss!
I am so very glad to hear I’m not alone. And hey, if we love our characters chances are that means our readers will too! ^_^
I am so very glad you joined in!!! I LOVED reading about your story! It just sounds so much fun! Thank you for joining in!
Oh my goodness, you are the SWEETEST. All your cheering on has meant so much to me. Thank you you again! *HUGS*
Blushes. Thank you so much! You are so sweet! *Hugs*
WAhooo!!! FANTASTIC job and congratulations!!! I’m so glad you finished your book….and hist a 2.5 NaNo. That’s amazing and slightly terrifying….!
AWK. Thank you, Lemon!!! It was…a tiring month, but I made a lot of memories and am very glad I was able to get this book written. And all of you constantly cheering me on keeps me so motivated! <3
I am so stinkin impressed! You are my hero!
I’m so glad you had such a great week of writing the last week of NaNo and MASSIVE MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS on finishing the book, too!!!!! That’s so awesome!!!!
Oh goodness. *blushes* YOU’RE the one who got so much editing done AND are constantly juggling tons of projects while, ya know, RAISING CHILDREN. You are my hero! I don’t know how you do it all. You’re amazing, girl!
But thank you SO VERY MUCH!!!! Congrats to you too on reaching your November goal! *throws confetti* Here’s to hopefully finding some rest in December! Haha.
CHRISTINE you are amazing!! You got so much done during NaNoWriMo, and I am so impressed! And so impressed that you finished the story, too! Amazing job!
Character reunions are THE BEST!!
And congrats also on such an excellent last writing week, and last writing day! 8k is SO AMAZING!!!
*HAPPY FLAILING* Thank you so much, dear Samantha!!! You are just the sweetest! All of you cheering me on truly helped keep me going. <3
THEY AAAREEE. They just make me ridiculously happy!
D’awww! Thank you again. This last week really was such a good one, of which I am very grateful. ^_^
I do hope you have a most amazing December! <333
*slide through the door and throws confetti everywhere* *magically produces cake from nowhere ’cause you can do that in the magical interweb world!*
Congratulations Christine!!!!! Girl, I’m so excited for you on finishing your novel (and over 130k words????!! My mind has been utterly blown!)
I also read your Linkup post for part two and I loved the snippets from your story (as well as the typos you shared! Couldn’t stop smiling!)
I didn’t do NaNo, but I did finish the first draft to another MG story over the last month and a half *grins mysteriously*. So, I’m super excited about that (though, somewhere along the way, the characters told me they wanted the story to take a 180 turn towards the end *slams palm onto forehead* So there will be some serious editing on foreshadowing, etc. after the holidays.)
Anywho, I’m super proud of you and hope you get a well deserved rest this December! Are you totally excited for Christmas? I’ve already been dusting off my Christmas playlists!
*twirls through confetti and noms cake* Aaaaahhhhh LILY. You precious soul! Thank you so very much!!! You are seriously just the sweetest and bring me smiles every single time! <333
EEP. Congrats on finishing another story! :O THAT IS SO THRILLING. But oooh dear, I sympathize about the story deciding to take a turn. I don’t know why characters like to wait to the last minute to do this to us. *shakes head* But I do hope all the revisions go wonderfully! YOU GOT THIS.
Thank you again, sweet friend! I am PSYCHED for Christmas yasss! I’ve literally been listening to Christmas music since November 1st because I have NO SHAME. I love it! 😀
Aww, thank you too! Your comments make me smile 🙂
Yay, congratulations you finished!!!!!!! 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳
WHAT a ride! Your book sounds totally awesome and I can’t believe you wrote that much in ONE. MONTH. My books are always huge—my two finished novels are both 200,000 words each and the third one I’m still working on is already 100,000 words and I’m not even NEAR the halfway point yet. *cough cough* * grins sheepishly* So, yeah I know ALL ABOUT huge books that never end, hahaha! (and I totally fangirl over my own characters who are we kidding that’s the best part of writing and having all these crazy people living in our heads rent free 🥰😉)
My NaNo finished with me only writing for two days and then….not for the rest. 🙈 BUT it’s okay because I’m going to be writing this thing for probably the next few months still and I’m still not the heck sure of where we’re going so we’re just going into the unknown until we reach somewhat of an end? (Yeah that made no sense, LOL!) Anyways I’m still writing and will be for a long time. Yay? (still not sure how I feel about this yet…)
And I’m so glad my squealing in the comments is encouraging to you! You have been such an encouragement to me too, and thanks once again for reminding me to tell myself the story first and have fun with it THEN worry about making it pretty and perfect. I forget this SO MUCH, it’s not even funny so thank you!
It was a ride for sure! o.o
Oh wow! That makes me feel so much better! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who never seems to run out of plot. Haha. It can be…overwhelming, but at the same time it’s nice to know we always have so MUCH story inside us, you know? There’s some good things in writing big books too. Besides, I tend to like big books better! There’s so much more depth to them!
(The characters are 1000% the best part of writing and we most definitely have every right to fangirl over them! :D)
That is absolutely okay! Slow and steady progress is sometimes the best way to go. And that did make sense! That sounds like my writing process–just keep going and see where it takes me and hope an ending reveals itself eventually. XD Yep, yep. Sometimes that’s just the way it is. And at this point in our lives when there aren’t deadlines, just taking it steady and enjoying the process and not rushing is a beautiful thing to be able to do. You are totally going to make it, Sarah! <3
D’AWWW! You have absolutely been an encouragement to me, and I’m so glad I’ve been able to for you as well. I feel you so hard. It’s something I have to remind my perfectionist self time and time again when first drafting. ANYTHING can be changed later, but first drafts are just meant for exploring and having fun! I do hope the rest of the writing goes wonderfully. Cheering you on all the way!
Oooooooh my. That’s a lot of words. (Also, how many pages would you calculate?)
No way! I couldn’t stand Christmas decorating on Thanksgiving day! (Give me the day after.) If I don’t get my Thanksgiving dinner (typically at 3:00 or sooner, because you don’t want to go to bed with a full belly, and there’s enough time to digest so that you can fit the pie into your belly) I will be very unhappy. (Come to think of it, if I don’t get TWO Thanksgiving dinners, I will be very unhappy. And I only got one this year 🙁 )
I could never stay up till midnight to write my book. I think at that time I would be overly hyped and start doing mega solitaire until daybreak. Which is not a good thing, ehehehheh? (At least, it would not please my parents the next day, so it must not be a good thing 😉 )
I’m wondering… will you ever get a year where you can’t finish your book because it is such a monstrosity? (This year came close, for sure.)
And is there another sequel? (Pls pls pls…) (It’s a trilogy, right?)
AAAAAAAH Reading this is making me wish it was NaNo season and I’m just like “noooooooo! Writing isn’t the same outside of NaNo season!!”
Also, I feel like it would be super fun to do a fictional character tag-like thing. Such as 1. Favorite character, 2. Character that you’re most like, and 3. What you would be if you were a fictional character (not yourself, but you can be anything)
As for me, I can never decide my favorites. -_- 😉 but I realized I’m really similar to Charmain Baker, actually (red hair included). And I would totally be a peaceful woodland elf if I could get the chance. Oh, and use Pileated woodpeckers as weapons 😉
I have no idea why I’m putting this here, but okay, I guess this works 😉
Lol. I’m not quite sure how many pages in a book it’d be… Probably 500ish? I know The Hunger Games books are all about 100k words each and around 370 pages. So yeah, this would probably be nearing 500 I’d think. Maybe a tad less. My books are too, too long. XD
I honestly LOVE Christmas decorating so I didn’t mind! ‘Twas fun! But I hear you, Thanksgiving dinner is the best. <3 We did end up having a late one, so that was nice!
I definitely stay up far too late during NaNo. ‘Tis a problem. XD
Oh yes! I’ve actually had a LOT of NaNos where I didn’t finish the book in November. On those years I just kept writing until they were done. Most of the time I could get it done within the first week of December. So the wordcount you see on some of my books on the NaNo website is actually not the FULL wordcount of the novel since some of them I was still writing after NaNo ended.
YES INDEED. It’ll be either 3 or 4 books. I’m not sure at this point if it’ll wrap-up in the next book or not. We’ll see! Your enthusiasm makes me smile so much!
NaNo season really is such a special time! I just love it! It absolutely makes writing 1000x more fun! ^_^
OOOOH. That would be a fun tag! Hey, if you make a blog maybe you could create a tag like that! 😀 OH MY GOODNESS. Charmain is such a fun character!!! I love that you relate to her! That’s too fun!
The tag would be such a fun idea! There’s one problem though: I need more friends! XD (Currently I have three friends, Samantha, Megan Chappie, and you. So I definitely need more before I could make a tag. 😉 )
Also I feel like the tag is a little short… maybe I’ll work on that for a project. (Maybe book that has the most characters that you like?)
And I’d also have to decide my favorite character, and aw phooey. ehehehehehhh, that’s one of the several factors that would slow it down. But I’ll get it eventually. AKA a year or two XD
P.S. I reeeeeaally want to rave about birds. But I won’t. Not yet. (And not on your blog, XD)
P.P.S. Just changed my mind. You might want to look up a picture of a giant hummingbird because they’re a serious contender for the cutest bird ever! (And also, they are the only thing that I can think of that is cute because it is so big. Honestly.)
Awww! But that’s the WONDERFUL thing about blogging–it’s such a great way to make friends. I’ve met so many fantastic people through blogging. Including you! ^_^ And yes, you can do the tag ANY time. So plenty of time to think about it!
I have never seen giant hummingbirds before. I didn’t even know that was a thing. But OH MY GOODNESS. You’re right, they’re ADORABLE! <3
I’ve never seen a Giant Hummingbird either! (For one, they live in South America, I think.) But I did stumble across it while exploring in eBird. And I’ve suggested that to several people, as well.
Aw, thanks! I really look up to you (and the fact that you’ve never failed a goal, and, in fact, have overachieved 80% of your goals).
I see! I suspected they must come from a different country. They’re so cool!
Oh goodness, YOU’RE SO SWEET. But trust me, I’m a disaster. Lol. I feel like I get a little too obsessive. *hides face* It’s all in the balance!