{Hello 2022} Finding Enjoyment in Every Moment

Happy 2022, my friends! A shiny new year has dawned with infinite possibilities and grand adventures ahead.

I have officially returned from my long hiatus recharged, full of ideas, and so very happy to be back in the blogosphere with all of you. Breaks are most fabulous things, but how I miss the world of blogging when I’m gone. It was, indeed, a beneficial break though. After a happy Christmas break spent with family and a January of plotting out the year and digging into some exciting projects, I am feeling so very energized and truly ecstatic to tackle All The Things.

Again I say: breaks are fabulous.

Normally I’d be over here with a long list of goals to shout to the world about in great hopes some good ol’ accountability will help me, you know, achieve them. But last year I chose to not share my goals publicly. After a really hard 2020 in which I kept pushing through some projects I said I’d do and them just…not working, I realized sometimes pushing through isn’t the answer. Sometimes having that pressure of everyone expecting you to work on one thing can be harmful, because what if you realize you need to set aside that project?

Now I am ALL about goals. Without them, I’d never, ever, ever get anything done. They are my life force of achieving my dreams. But I’ve also realized sometimes I get too rigid about them. Sometimes I waste my time on goals instead of allowing myself to shift and change them as the project and/or life needs. It’s a hard balance, and one I’m still practicing. But the Infamous Year of 2020 taught me a lot about when to push myself and when to go with the flow. It was a year of creative dryness, overworking myself, and possibly wasting my time on things that just weren’t working.

But, most importantly, 2020 was a year of growth.

I learned so much about myself. About my projects. About how to manage it all. About when to hold on to things and let them go and what to prioritize.

And 2021 was a year of practice.

After realizing so many of my failings in 2020 and doing a lot of self reflection, I went into 2021 with a new mindset. For 2021 I wasn’t going to be so rigid. I chose to not publicly announce my goals for the year, and I set out a word to focus on…


Because that, right there, was the key to fighting back these failings of mine. I needed to learn to be adaptable with my time.

I talked a lot about this in my end of the year post, so I won’t go into it all again. But to sum up: 2021 proved to be a year of seeking balance, taking more time for fun, realizing rest and fun are GOOD THINGS and don’t hinder my productivity in any sense of the words (in fact, they help), and finding the joy in creating again.

A friend the other day asked me if I experienced any creative burnout during 2021, and as I took a second to respond it hit me…no. I experienced very little in the way of burnout. In fact, I’d say it was one of the most creative years I’ve had in a very, very long time. And I think the reason for that was because I didn’t constantly push myself, and I also found other outlets that helped keep me recharged throughout the year (like roleplaying and more video chatting with writer friends and the like). I allowed myself rest and fun and new things, far more than I have in…years. And, as a result, I felt such a surge of creativity.

Not to say 2021 was a perfect year of creativity. But it was better. So, so much better. I took the seeds I acquired in 2020 and planted them in 2021 and slowly they have taken root.

So for 2022 it’s time to truly water and feed them.

2021 was a year of practicing adaptability. Of learning to go with the flow and embrace life as it comes, instead of constantly pushing myself and missing out on the moments just to get some tasks done on my to-do list. For this year, I want to expand on that practice.

My word for 2022 is…


It’s one thing to learn to go with the flow and not be so rigid, it’s another thing entirely to find the joy in it.

Life is a matter of one’s mindset. Our minds—they’re powerful things. But so are our emotions. It’s so easy to allow things, from big to small, to toss about our emotions. For example, a single mishap in the morning can leave us grumpy for the rest of the day. (They say don’t cry over spilled milk, but sometimes you just want to.) I’m a pretty heavy Feeler and can definitely allow my emotions to tug on the reins of my mood.

But I can also tug back.

It’s all a mental perspective. It’s a choice. I have learned over the years that I can absolutely shift my mindset with some conscious effort. Often when I feel some grumpiness trying to sneak in and ruin my day, I’ll consciously shove it back and embrace cheeriness instead. Have you guys ever tried randomly smiling and laughing? You may feel like an insane person, but it honest to goodness shifts things in your mind! Try it sometime when you’re feeling down. It’s great.

Obviously I’m not saying we can be in a permanent state of happiness. There is sadness in the world. There are hard days and heartaches. Depression and mental health is a very real thing that can’t just be shoved back with a simple smile.

But the day to day? Those are the times we can practice truly finding the enjoyments of life.

It really wasn’t until the end of 2020 that I realized I had lost much of my enjoyment in writing. The enthusiasm Young Christine always had dissipated somewhere along the way, and I didn’t know it really had until I came to that low place and began self reflecting. At some point in time, I had turned all of my hopes and dreams into dreaded chores. I had forgotten myself.

But during the last bit of 2020 and all through 2021, I slowly came back.

Is being a writer hard, grueling work? Goodness yes. There will always, always be days of stress and a dry well of words. But it shouldn’t be that way permanently.

I chose to be a writer because I really, truly love it. I love creating brand new characters and discovering other worlds and seeing blank pages fill up with words. With life. I love exploring themes and seeing my characters battle and overcome struggles I have had to battle myself. I love being a co-creator with God—creating with the Ultimate Creator Himself.

Writing is amazing, guys.

But beyond the stories, there are other aspects of writing, like blogging and social media and querying and all those millions of other things writers have to do. It’s so easy for me to look at a brand new week and be so overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to get Instagram posts out and a blog post up and reply to comments on things and, oh yeah, maybe make time for my actual WIP. But I don’t want to do that anymore.

I want to look at each week and be grateful. I want to be excited that I have a list of things to do that are a continuous pursuit of what I love. I adore all my amazing internet peeps and interacting with you guys, I’m so grateful to have a space to be able to share all the many thoughts in my head, and I truly love creating stories. I get to spend much of my time doing what I love, and so many people don’t have that privilege.

So I want to shift my mindset and not think of it all as chores and draining tasks. But tasks to love and enjoy and have fun with. To remember that being a writer really is a privilege, and to always focus on being grateful for it.

It’s not just about writing though. In fact, I think I focus a little too much on writing. Actually, I know I do.

I don’t want to spend every waking hour this year poring over just writing things. Last year, I tried so, so hard to allow myself time for other things too, and it helped a lot. This year, I want to continue that practice of adaptability. Of shoving aside my to-do list to instead watch a movie with a sibling or chat with a friend or even putting away my current WIP to scribble down little nothings simply for the fun of it.

And I want to find enjoyment in every moment.

I don’t want to just do these things, but live them. Embrace them wholly and seek out the joy in every aspect of the day. I’m so focused on the next task and the next and the next, I hardly ever slow down to simply soak in the moments I’m in.

I also want to make enjoyment. I want to work harder in finding activities that really bring me joy and be more adventurous and say yes more and do hard things. Not just settle, but really LIVE.

That is why ENJOY is my word for 2022.

This year I don’t want to forget to enjoy this one life I’ve been given and let the moments pass me by. Life really is a gift, and I don’t want to be a passive character in my story, but one who forever seeks out the brightness.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
– Psalm 16:11

Through Jesus, there is an infinite well of enjoyment to be had!

And that, my friends, is my game plan for 2022. To continue practicing being more adaptable with my time and to enjoy it.

I do have many, many things I hope to accomplish this year and am honestly REALLY excited about them, but again, I think I’ll keep them close to my chest and take them a day at a time, and if they have to change, that’s okay. Life is a journey, and sometimes there are unexpected things that come along with journeying. It’s like Bilbo taking the plunge to aid the dwarves in rescuing their home from a terrible dragon—you know there will be hardships, but the growth and wondrous adventures are worth it all.

Life may be full of dragons, but it’s also abounding with beauty and growth and hope and joy. All we have to do is take that first step. It’s always worth it.

So here’s to venturing across those first steps of 2022! May they lead us down roads of wonder.

A most happy 2022 to you all! It’s SO good to be back. I want to hear everything. How was your Christmas and New Year’s? How has this first month of 2022 treated you? (I can’t believe we’re already a month in!) What are some of your hopes for this year? And do you have a word for 2022? I’d love to hear it!

P.S. Whilst on hiatus I’ve been working on thingsss, and next Monday I will be announcing something super exciting! I think you’re all going to like it. *grins* So stay tuuuuned!

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January 31, 2022 9:34 AM

I do have to say, breaks are amazing. Except the part when you have to get back to the thing you’re dreading to do… Unless you aren’t dreading it anymore.

Gah, yes, how true. You do have to pour a lot of your time, energy, and mind into your projects if you want to be a writer. And then you need to pour a lot more time, energy, and mind into getting them out to the public. It’s a hard (yet fun) life.

I would say that being a writer is probably one of the best jobs you can have. Sure, there are moments when you can feel like crying, but at least you’re cozy in your home and not working somewhere dreary or freezing. Just count the blessings when it gets tough.

(And honestly, goal making is great and all, but frivolous new year parties just seem a little over the top, if you ask me. But if it makes a difference for the better in others, so be it.)


(By the way, why did it feel like you were “gone” for so long?)

February 1, 2022 10:34 AM

For new year’s it’s just like super bowl Sunday; I only come for the snacks 😉

Gosh, it would just take so long to list all of the things that a writer needs to do, but yes, I would choose it for a job if I could. (Writers get a lot of emotional stress and that would be fine with me, I guess. And thank God for good friends because they are 1000% necessary.)


Joy C. Woodbury
January 31, 2022 1:09 PM

WELCOME BACK, CHRISTINE! I’m so happy to see another of your lovely posts coming through my inbox again!

January feels like it went by so fast, it’s insane. XD It was a really good month, though – a lot of fun school events and WRITING PROGRESS. I was in a really bad writing slump before starting my current historical fiction WIP, and writing this story has just skyrocketed me right out of the slump! It’s been awesome.

I’ve never tried choosing a word for the year, but I really like yours! How do you decide on your word?

Allison Tebo
January 31, 2022 2:41 PM

AHHH, CHRISTINE AND HER BEAUTIFUL BLOG ARE BACK!! *ecstatic hugs* I always miss you SO much when you’re not filling my feed with your bright soul!

Dear me, I feel as if you wrote a page from my journal, sometimes. We struggle with SUCH similar things in the arena of pushing and working to hard and getting rigid about goals. Reading your posts lately gives me hope, Christine, that I can change, that I can learn to relax and be more flexible and enjoy the fluidity, that I can learn to be better about embrace life and not just goals. So THANK YOU for sharing all that you’re learning.

Jenelle Schmidt
January 31, 2022 6:34 PM

I am so glad that your hiatus was so nice! I’m excited to hear about what you’ve been working on. And I love that your word for this year is “ENJOY” that’s a great word for the year.

I used to do the word for the year, thing. But I always pretty much pick a word and then forget about it forever… so yeah… LOL

I might steal your word this year, though. It seems like a solid one, and with ALLLL the things going on this year, I’m gonna probably struggle to just… enjoy… all the moments in between the busy. And enjoying the busy, as well… that’s important, too.

🙂 Welcome back!

Rebekah Stargazer
Rebekah Stargazer
January 31, 2022 6:41 PM

Happy 2022!!!
Love your word!!
Great post. <3 <3 <3

Deborah O'Carroll
January 31, 2022 10:24 PM

This post is amazing and inspiring and I love it so much! I feel like these are all things I need to learn myself, and I’m so proud of you for taking these steps! Your word is a great one and I hope this year is absolutely amazing for you!!

February 1, 2022 6:51 PM

Happy 2022 Christine!!! It’s so good to hear from you! How has your week been?

I’m so glad you had such a creative year!
When you said, “I get to spend much of my time doing what I love, and so many people don’t have that privilege. So I want to… remember that being a writer really is a privilege, and to always focus on being grateful for it.” I was, yes! Writing is a privilege; sometimes we lose sight of that. I’m hoping to approach writing with that mindset! Thank you for that reminder; it left me feeling very encouraged 🙂

Eek! I can’t wait to see what you’ll announce next week!

Lemon Duck
February 2, 2022 3:16 PM

I hope you can enjoy your year, Christine! And welcome back to the blogosphere! I am already excited to hear about Monday’s announcement….wonder what it could be….

RM Sprinkle
RM Sprinkle
February 3, 2022 7:44 PM

This was really inspiring and uplifting. I am happy your break was good, though I am really glad you’re back to blogging. I missed having your posts to read. Happy 2022!!!!!

The Maple Quill
February 3, 2022 10:21 PM

Good to see you posting again, Christine! ^_^ It is so very lovely as always to read your posts.
I love your word! It really fits with the growth you’ve traced from 2020 to now. I pray this year is filled with enjoyable moments! <33

Madeline J. Rose
Madeline J. Rose
February 4, 2022 3:36 PM

This is just… Beautiful. <3 I think we should all make our word 'Enjoy' this year. Thank you for this, Christine!

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
February 14, 2022 2:24 PM

This was just beautiful, Christine. 😭😭😭 And so needed and helpful! I get overwhelmed too easily with life and all the things I have to do that I forget to just LIVE and LOVE living while I’m at it. So thank you for this reminder! Happy 2022! (Never mind we’re already two months in and I’m late in commenting, shhh 👀😂😉)

Mr. Moth Owl
February 22, 2022 7:54 PM

Thanks for this great post, Christine! I am so happy that God has been teaching you these things in last few years! He is so good, and He wants us to enjoy the blessings He gives us! I have been learning something very similar the past few months. God has been teaching me that I am not a human doing, but a human being! God wants me to be who He created me to be, not just do and do and do. It’s hard, because there is a part of me that wants to do and do and do – and find my value in all the doing. God is reminding me, however, that He has more for me than that. I am not a machine; I am His child. I don’t know, I still struggle with it, but I’m learning…. Thanks, again! Keep enjoying every moment!!!!