FallFicFrenzy 2022: Week One

Words have been written, caffeine has been consumed, and the first week of FallFicFrenzy has been CONQUERED.

It is absolutely wild that an entire week of writing has gone by. It has simultaneously felt like 3 days and 3 years. But, ya know, when you disconnect from your own life and are basically living and breathing the chaotic lives of your characters, time can get a little wibbly-wobbly.

Also sleeps gets ignored but it’s fiiiiine. *drinks more coffee while making deranged giggling noises*

As I always did with NaNoWriMo, I’m logging each day of writing so you, dear readers, can get a peek into the insanity that is me during these events. Because, hey, I’ve never pretended to be sane. Might as well prove it publicly.

(Also I just like logging my crazy writing ventures, so thank you for putting up with these over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived posts every year.)




First day! First words written of the last novel in the Fragmented Worlds series.

It felt kind of surreal, not going to lie.

For NaNo, I always made it tradition to stay up on October 31st and start writing the second midnight hit. There’s something so thrilling about that countdown and getting in those very first words the second the challenge begins. I 100% planned on doing that with this challenge. And I did stay up. But…instead, I just stayed up super late chatting with one of my dearest friends instead of getting any writing done. XD But we had a blast and, being as how I kind of drop off the planet while writing a book and don’t get nearly enough social interaction, it was good to squeeze in some before, ya know, I vanish. *cough, cough*

And technically I wrote three whole sentences that night.

And then proceeded to totally change my mind how I open things and erased them.


ANYWAY. I officially started writing after lunch Saturday and being as how I went to bed thinking about how I actually wanted to start the story, that made it super easy to dive right in. What’s more, I open with a character who has never had the chance to have the POV. I can’t say much (#spoilerssweetie) but it was super special being able to write a whole scene through this person’s point-of-view.

The day continued well enough. I was kind of tired and beginnings are my mortal enemy when it comes to writing. It usually takes me a few days/chapters to really get immersed in the story and find the flow, so I suspect these first couple of chapters are a chaotic mess (I’ve been too scared to read back over them and see) BUT I knew if I just powered through I’d eventually get that groove.

So then the evening happened which 9 times out of 10 end up being my best writing sessions (writing at night is just so much more immersive, is that just me?) and chapter two, you guys. Chapter two.

I cried.

And not just getting a little misty. Like had-to-stop-typing, grab-a-tissue, sit-there-and-ugly-cry-for-a-minute sort of crying.

CHAPTER TWO. That’s a good sign for this finale, yeah?? *nervous laughter*

I blame Rune because my stabby marshmallow started the waterworks and it just snowballed from there. Rune tears are not okay.

I don’t know what it was really. I think these characters have just become such a part of me, such a comfort through these rough past couple of years, that getting to them to a specific place in this finale undid me. It was healing, almost, crying with them over so many things. I don’t know, maybe I’m just weird.

(But now I feel really, really bad because whew boy. They’ve still got some tough days ahead… Maybe I should start counting now how many times this book will make me cry. I have a feeling it’s going to break records…)

ANYWAY. It was a good start! I felt like a lot of it was a struggle to write as I tried to get into the flow, but then I looked at my wordcount by the end of the day and I was like um??? I guess the flow was there all along???


Yeeeeah. It was a full day of writing. (Much coffee and tea was consumed.)


Today was a peculiar day in which the first 1k words came pretty easy but then everything after was quite the struggle. Usually, it’s the complete opposite for me. I have to fight for those first 1k words before finally getting into the flow. But hey, it was nice to have a day that started out smoothly. And all the rest wasn’t totally bad.

I got to write a pretty great squad scene in which the gang was throwing out so much sass. We stan my sassy squad.


ANYWAY. Words were written and progress was made. And the main thing keeping me going today is that I’m nearing some scenes I am absurdly excited about. *wriggles eyebrows* Definite motivation to keep going.



I finally hit the flow!

THIS this was a good writing day. Though Mondays are usually pretty crazy around here, meaning I wasn’t able to spend as much time writing as I would have liked, the time I did write was purely enjoyable. I think (hope) I’ve at last made it over that beginning hump and now I am purely excited about all that’s to come.

And oh man, guys, today I wrote such a delightful scene with the Daystar squad. It was a good moment. And needed.

Especially since I’m about to destroy their lives some more so it was nice giving them a brief and rare moment of happiness.

Absolute favorite scene I’ve written in this book so far.

Actually good stuff happened on a Monday. ‘Tis a miracle!



It seems with each day things become more and more enjoyable. That beginning hump has, indeed, fully been conquered and things are really going now. Not to say there weren’t some moments today I wished I wasn’t writing* but I genuinely had such a blast with all the scenes today. There were amusing ones. There were feisty ones (mostly on Dayana’s part, girl’s bringing the fire in this one). There were tear-jerking ones (though I didn’t actually cry, so the count is still 1)—it was good!


It also proved to be the chapter that never ended. What I thought would be a couple of pretty quick scenes turned into a monstrous chapter that will probably need to be split in two or cut considerably. *siiigh* Why must I be this way?

BUT STILL. I had a good time! It didn’t hurt that it involved a ballroom scene which…I’m addicted to??? Balls are just too fun, guys! Do I try to incorporate them in my stories as much as possible? Yes, yes I do. I make no apologies. Now why there’s a ball being thrown when it’s basically the end of the world right now…well, that is the question. *smirks* I’m just skilled at finding ways to create balls even when there really shouldn’t be any.

I also think I’m finally getting a ship moving along? You know you write reeeeeeally slow slow burn romances when you have to leave story notes to yourself that say “let’s get this romantic tension going already, sheesh”. Yeeeeah. But things did get going on that in this scene so yay?

It’s not my fault my characters are too busy trying to not die to have any romance. Oh wait, it’s totally my fault… #sorrynotsorry


Yeah, I should have written 57 more words but I got to the end of a chapter and wasn’t 100% sure how I wanted to start the next one and it was late and I was tired so yeah. Gotta stuff down my OCDnees sometimes.


Hi yes today was a good day. Thus far my claim that each day becomes more enjoyable is proving true. It didn’t hurt that I got to, for the first time in this book, visit what’s probably my favorite point-of-view character to write in the series. I don’t know what it is about this character that makes it so easy to slip into his head, but I enjoy it every single time.

A lot of you are probably thinking it’s Rune. And while yes, Rune is also one of my top favorite POV characters, the one I’m referring to is, in fact, someone else. Someone I’ve been keeping a little closer to my chest. *smiles secretly and slithers back into the darkness from which I came*

Ball scenes also continued today. There was…a lot to this weird ball at the end of the world, and I enjoyed every minute of it. (Hey, this series is about magical dancing. Thus it’s logical that a lot of dancing is gonna happen.)


I just hit the point where Things go down. It really probably shouldn’t have taken me like 24k words to reach what’s essentially the inciting incident of this book… There was a lot of groundwork to lay out before this particular occurrence takes place, okay? But WE’RE HERE NOW and I am excited about the ~d r a m a~ that’s coming. *cackles*

RIP my characters’ happiness

I’m a little nervous because whew boy, there are so many ways things can go and I’m a bit overwhelmed by all the prospects. But one scene at a time, yeah?

And it’s not like I get to make the decisions around here. My characters do what they want. >.>



Someone got stabbed today so it was a successful writing day!

Of course it’s normal to judge the success of a writing day on whether characters get stabbed. Totally normal.

The stabbed individual wasn’t exactly any of the ones I keep hoping will get stabbed, but it was a start??? (I’m normal, I promise.)

There was also chaos today. So. Much. Chaos. Things have been fairly (??) quiet up to this point but ehehehehehe. That chaos has come and I don’t foresee it ending any time soon. Because if there’s one thing my Daystars are good at it’s bringing the mayhem.

And I ain’t complaining one bit.

I did take today just a smidgen slower because I realized I really needed to sit down and organize my thoughts and sort out some coming scenes. As I said above, there are so many ways things can go and it was making my brain burn on overload today. Sooo this pantser actually did a tad of plotting. Be proud! But now I think I’ve got a good handle on how some stuff is going to go down and feeling much more prepared. Not to mention excited. There is some good stuff comin’.

Unless my characters are like haha nope to all my plans and just do what they want. But it’s fine. It’s fiiiine.



Final day of the first week of FallFic!

Today involved:

  • Some trippy portal travel-y stuff
  • Kez having an Emotion??
  • Aelin having a LOT of emotions (not me bringing some worse fears come to pass nooo)
  • Tala turning all mother and scolding Kez for his attitude some 27 times (it is a fruitless effort)
  • annnd…

I hit 30k words!!!

lol wut is sleep?

So yeah, I’d say the last day of the first week was a success. The weather was also p e r f e c t i o n today and I wrote some in my hammock which was delightful. Work just never really feels like work when doing it on a hammock. 10/10 recommend


In honor of hitting 30k and making it through the first week, have a snippet!

“Wait!” Tala darted toward them. “Don’t kill him!”

Kez flashed her a hesitant glance but turned back to the man and ordered, “On your knees!”

[NAME REDACTED] looked back and forth between Kez holding a charger blade at his head and Rune’s sword raised and ready. Seeming to count the odds against him, he slowly lowered to his knees. He hissed through his teeth, wobbling with the movement, and Tala caught sight of the large patch of dark red across his trousers. His face was deathly pale.

“You’re bleeding out,” she said.

“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when a deranged blonde thrusts a dagger in your leg.”

Aelin. Of course.

Tala sighed and walked over to him. “Come on, I’ll help you to a seat so I can take a better look at it.”

“Surely you’re joking?” Kez said, shooting her an incredulous glance.

“Well, we can’t just let him bleed all over the kitchen floor.”

Aelin was, indeed, the one who did the stabbing on day 6. Because of course it was my stabby sunshine girl.


NOTE: I do realize that is quite a lot for a week. Just know this is not a normal pace for me outside events like this. I purposely set aside a month to just write like mad and get a full first draft done so I can work on things at a more easy (and healthy) pace the rest of the year. I also do not have children or go to school and I lead a fairly quiet life in general. I am in constant awe of all of you who can do events like this with such busy lives. So all this to say, whatever your pace is, it is good and right for you. <3


I’m calling week one a success! I will say, it was often very hard to get myself going each day and get into the mindset of writing for the majority of the day. But every time a day ended and I looked at the progress I made, I felt such happiness and satisfaction that I chose to keep going. And, usually, after week one I’m much more in the practice of writing each day and things begin to feel easier. (Here’s hoping. *crosses fingers*)

And OF COURSE being with my Daystars again always gives me motivation and moments of such joy with each writing day. (Even if I’m rapidly making things worse for them but AHEM. We don’t talk about that.)

But the true highlight of this week? The entire FallFicFrenzy crew!

Having the “F Troop” always hanging out on Discord to chat about our progress and writing (and everything else in between) has brought me an immense amount of joy and motivation. It’s such a magical feeling knowing I’m not writing alone—that so many friends, new and old, are creating stories right alongside me. It’s an amazing group and I feel so blessed. <3

And the doors are absolutely still open! We meet in an exclusive Discord group and the challenge (which is open to any writing project and goal you have) runs up to November 15th. Anyone is welcome to join throughout that time. Just toss me an email at Lauriloth(at)gmail(dot)com to let me know you want to participate and I’ll get you a Discord invite ASAP! (You can find more info at the end of THIS POST.)

It’s been a very good first ever FallFicFrenzy week, and I am excited to dive into week 2!

Alrighty, guys, that’s plenty about my week. Tell me about YOURS. If you’re doing FallFic, how did the first week treat you? How is October going for all of you? And am I the only one who measures writing success by stabby scenes?

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October 22, 2022 12:34 PM

Aw yay! Sounds like a wonderful first week!

Not going to lie, I wrote a total of 0 words this week. :/ I’m currently reading a long book for literature class, and I have to read 2 hours a day to finish it by Monday!

And also apologies for not being talkative on discord! I really don’t have much time… 😀

Let me guess: Aelin stabbed the POV person? Or at least one of the secrety secret people that you keep hidden in the darkness…

Ah, yes, a normal writer. #stabbingisfun #barelynecessarydramaisfun (#sorrynotsorry #butIhavetosaythat (#alllllthehashtagsarefun)) (We should do an introduction to a book but it’s just hashtags. For example: #Ilovethisbook #bestcharactersever #etc…)

I should be back to writing on Tuesday! So far I have a total of 7.5k words in my manuscript. I’m not even done with the prologue, though… (To be honest, my prologue is only 1k words long so far, the rest of it is my extra, which is going to be a second prologue, I guess.)

Good luck on the next… 3.5 weeks? Just about, I think…


October 25, 2022 6:24 PM

I love it when people give me cookies! *sends cookies also*

(Though I really wish we could send actual cookies without having to use the address…)

Yep, a writer sure has to hide many things in their hidey-hole of supreme shadow. The readers gotta have some plot left, right? (Don’t eat all the cookie dough before it’s baked.)

You should add many cookies and a tea party to your story. Maybe as a celebration at the end… (Oh boy, now I’m hungry for cookies.)

#superexpressive #thebest (#kindahardtoreadbutwedon’tcare)

Also, I’ve decided I’m going to work on my dragon book for October & December, and work on a different book for NaNo. My cousin was feeling miffed that I’d already written 7.5k words before it had even started. 😉

Again, good luck!


Last edited 2 years ago by Faramir
October 22, 2022 7:38 PM

Congrats on 30k! You’re writing so much!
It sounds like you’ve got a lot of exciting scenes. I love that snippet you shared.
also, ballroom scenes are the BEST!
My writing is going a bit slow, but I’ve had a lot going on so oh well. Which reminds me, I should probably try to work on a paper for school…or maybe a blog post…or maybe just write. But anyway, I think I’ve gotten to about 7,000 words for FallFic, and 17k total.
Good luck with your writing!

The Nutmeg
October 22, 2022 9:56 PM

CHRISTINE your day-by-day writing challenge updates always bring me SO MUCH JOY. I’m so so grateful you share them with us! I’m so happy to see your Daystars in action again, even if (or is it “especially since”?) there’s so much chaos of all sorts making things traumatic for them. I hope they’re okay? They sound like they kind of thrive on mortal peril? Maybe? Kinda? *sends hugs and band-aids*

Happy writing! Can’t wait to see next week’s update!

Edna Pellen
October 22, 2022 10:45 PM

Congrats on a solid first week!

Joy C. Woodbury
October 22, 2022 11:41 PM

Can you PULEAAAASE give me your secret to writing so many words per day? Granted, I can’t write 7k because I have to go to school… lol… but I would at least like to write 2k. *dies*

I’m on the third draft of my novel and it’s. The. HARDEST. DRAFT. EVER. Like, I thought the third draft would be easiest since now I actually know how the entire story is supposed to go?!?!? *sighs* It honestly amazes me to compare this draft with my first one. Like… THAT draft… had issues. *gags* Not to mention the plot was totally off – in fact, the first draft didn’t contain the major storyline that structures the entire book. On the bright side, I must say it makes me feel really good to see how far I’ve come. This book has been THROUGH it. I won’t even say how long it took me to finally make the opening chapters perfect.

Anyways. I so enjoyed this peek into your process! So glad the first week of the challenge went scrumptiously for you! <3 (I love that word, scrumptiously. XD) And I think it’s amazing that writing your book made you cry like that. I have never really cried over my own writing before… I think I may have teared up once or twice, but I’ve never actually broken down and sobbed. I’m curious to find out if that’ll happen with this book, because it’s so tragic and emotional and is honestly filled with a lot of my own pain, so I’m sort of surprised I haven’t broken down while writing yet. This book makes me feel all the things, and despite all the hardships it’s put me through, lol, I wouldn’t trade this experience for all the world. I think I haven’t actually cried over it (at least not yet) because it’s pretty rare for me to cry over books in general. I’ll get choked up and extremely emotional a lot of the time, but not exactly cry, you know?

This is turning into a monstrous comment so I’d better stop, but again, I’m SO glad you’re making such incredible progress! And I’m so looking forward to hearing more about it!

October 23, 2022 7:13 AM

Goodness, that is an IMPRESSIVE amount of words! And I’m so glad you had fun with it! I’m so excited about your characters and where you’re taking them! I hope all goes smoothly (in the painfullest sense for the characters, of course)….

Merie Shen
October 23, 2022 10:17 PM

Just–30K in one week? I mean I guess I shouldn’t be amazed anymore but it always amazes me lol. It’s so great that you’re getting this far already though–albeit a bit bittersweet, since it feels like only yesterday that you were introducing this book 1 for the first time! Anyway, I can’t wait to see what the characters are REALLY up to (I know you’re hiding lots from us) and you’d better not hurt them too bad!!

Nicole Dust
Nicole Dust
October 24, 2022 8:24 AM

Christine, you never cease to amaze me with how much you write! 30k in a week! AMAZING! *shoots confetti gun* And THAT SNIPPET! I love these sassy kids already :D.

Best of luck during week two! <3

Faith @ Florid Sword
Faith @ Florid Sword
October 24, 2022 11:30 AM

AHHHH this sounds so cool! October is Heck Month for me so I’m not joining in FallFicFrenzy but like…dude. I am in so much awe of your abilities. Howwwwww.

And this series!!! It’s so COOL!

October 25, 2022 12:27 PM

Someone got stabbed, it was a successful writing day! XD
This is why I love your posts! So entertaining! Glad you had a good writing week. 30K is amazing. Your enthusiasm makes me want to dive back into my own writing.
Also, this story has a deranged blonde. Gimme!!!

October 25, 2022 1:53 PM

I always absolutely love these posts and definitely look forward to them during the fall!! So excited that we’re here again!!

As always, I am in absolute AWE of your progress, but cheering you along! Your stamina is amazing, and you’re doing great!!

Crying during chapter two??? Wow. That’s…dang. Whoa. Your readers don’t stand a chance!

Ballroom scenes, YAY! Also, slow burns are the BEST even if they take forever. 😉

Lily Keith
October 26, 2022 3:18 PM

Wow, what a great start, Christine! I’m so glad to hear it’s going well!

*gasp* Who is this mysterious [Name Redacted] person??? And you’re not telling us who your most favorite character is?? *rushes after you* Wait, Christine!! I have questions!!!

(And Kez, bleeding on the kitchen floor is just rude, so pass Tala the bandages! *tosses him said bandages* And Rune, stop making Christine cry. Be a good character!)

Deborah O'Carroll
October 26, 2022 5:19 PM

31K WORDS IN ONE WEEK? :O YOU ARE OFFICIALLY A UNICORN NINJA. OH MY WORD. Ahem. Cheering you on this week and thanks for sharing all the day-by-day ups and downs and humor. XDDD

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2022 4:18 PM

“Well, we can’t just let him bleed all over the kitchen floor.” <— THIS. This is total gold. 🤣🤣🤣

*whispers* You’re not alone in having stabby characters and measuring the weight of a story by how many times characters stab people. Mine seem to have a LITTLE more restraint the Alein seems to have but they have their moments… *coughcough*

Well, that week you were killing it I was…not, haha. Though I’ve written/edited some stuff since, so it’s going well! Glad to hear you’re having so much fun!

November 22, 2022 12:58 PM

This is a little late but good job! 😜 I think I might have missed the post where you talked about the genre of your book but can you tell me what it is? I have a lot more time to write than I used to because I graduated high school and I’m not currently in college so I’m in a similar boat as you and it’s been nice. Although I am taking a high school writing class but not to get credits just to get better at writing. I’m doing KDWC instead of NANO. After hearing your thoughts on it lately I decided against doing that. KDWC is amazing though! Is this book in a series? I’m starting to branch out in authors and genres I read so I like knowing what other young writers are writing about! Have you ever read Chuck Black? I’m starting to get into him and love his Starelore Sci-fi series! I’m into almost every genre except romance and horror unless it’s courtship type romance. 🙂😉

November 23, 2022 9:51 AM

Ooh! Good to know! I’m thinking of trying fantasy so I may just have to do an allegorical fairytale retelling. I like writing allegories. 😉