FallFicFrenzy 2022: Week Two

Two weeks of FallFic have passed and we are reaching the HALFWAY POINT!!!

I cannot believe we are basically halfway through this challenge of frenzied writing. Words are being written. Stories are being created. Magic is happening. And we are halfway to that glorious summit!

Another week passed alsooo means yet another Christine Writing Update of Not Enough Sleep, Too Many Gifs, and Probably Typos Everywhere.



Week 2 started a little shakier than I would have liked. Due to some tiredness and a bit of a headache, the motivation to write was kind of lacking today and the words felt as if they came sloooow.


Someone got to snuggle a kitty and there was an immense amount of sassy dialogue going on today, so YA KNOW. It still proved to be a good day of writing even if the words were a bit hard to get out of me.

At this point all my characters are just so, so done and they literally have no filters. The sass and snark is strong in this book.

I am here for it.

Also, some very, very subtle The Little Mermaid threads just decided to sneak into my book completely unintentionally and I just ??? I was not expecting this. Though this is me. Of course fairy tale inspiration randomly appears in a book I’m writing. So I really should have been expecting it. I doubt it’ll be anything particularly prominent but it is randomly there now, so we just gonna roll with it.



Whatever weird funk I was in yesterday had completely passed by today. I had such a delightful time with my characters all day. I actually had to force myself to stop writing because I had other things I needed to get done. THIS IS A GOOD SIGN.

I’m sure it didn’t hurt that I started off writing a sweet/heart-wrenching scene between two of them (and I do so love the emotional scenes #sorrynotsorry) and ended with some adorkable Rune-ness.

I can always count on Rune POV scenes going quickly and easily. I don’t know what it is about that boy, but to this day I don’t know if I’ve struggled with a single scene in his POV. He’s my good child. He deserves a cookie.

Instead he has some pain coming. Please someone stop me I’m the worst.

Favorite line from the day:

Having every inch of his body bent and crumpled like a disfigured doll and stuffed in a crate was not particularly how Rune had expected this night to go, but when Tala had a plan he certainly wasn’t going to go against it.

Dawn’s Fractured Light



Day 10 of the challenge somehow feels like hitting a milestone. We’ve officially entered double-digit numbers! :O

And day 10 proved to be a good one! It was a mild, windy day, perfect for some delightful outside writing and the writing itself went pretty smoothly. Even if basically every character that was in a scene today did something unexpected and I’m just over here like

But we rollin’ with it. Despite the fact that their actions have gotten them into deep trouble and er…I’m not entirely sure how they’re going to get out of it but eheheheh I’m sure it’ll be fiiine. Right?




You know those rare and magical days when writing is just fun? They don’t happen nearly enough, but when they do it reminds you exactly why we pursue this crazy life.

Yeah, this was one of those days.

Today was downright fun. The weather probably added to it as it started windy and drizzly and I had a perfectly cozy time sitting on the porch watching the leaves and rain trickle down while writing only for the sun to come full and bright by midafternoon and pull me to my happy little hammock spot. I even set aside my book long enough for a walk and then cozied up in my comfy chair for some evening writing. How I wish every writing day could be so ideal, but I’ll take these days when I can get them.

Though weather aside, the scenes I wrote today themselves were such fun ones. I got to write a conversation between two characters who have had a sad lack of scenes together and I was ridiculously happy it landed where this one happened. Afterward, I slipped into one of my favorite POV characters making for more easy writing.


One scene almost made me sick to my stomach because it was so awful buuuut I think it needed to happen. OTHER THAN THAT it was a good, good writing day. I just—AHEM—am really, really not nice to a certain character…




Well. One particularly significant thing happened today…


Which means I’ve officially done a NaNoWriMo’s worth of writing in 12 days.

Why yes I could use a nap but it’s fiiiine.

I’d love to say I’m at least halfway done with this book buuuut with my monstrous stories who. even. knows. Book #1 of this series was nearly 110k words, book #2 was an insane 133k, so this one? Um. I really, really hope it’s not longer than book #2, we’ll just say that. *nervous laughter*

EITHER WAY. I’m ecstatic to have made it this far. It’s been a journey for sure and I’m looking forward to seeing this story through all the way to the very end. (Okay, now I’m getting all emotional.)

As far as the writing went today, I didn’t get to spend as much time writing as I would have liked because Life happened (which is just rude, doesn’t Life know I don’t have time for it right now? Sheesh.) BUT. I did catch snatches of writing time throughout the crazy day and the main scene I wrote gave me all the fuzzy feels. Let’s just say a particular ship is well on its way annnnddd… *squeals shamelessly over her own characters*


Aaanyway. It was a kind of stressful day but I pushed through, wrote a scene I absolutely adored, and hit 50k, so I’m calling it a success!



Can every day be today? You know how I said Tuesday was one of those rare, magical days where the words just flow and you realize writing can be a wondrous, beautiful pursuit? Somehow I had another one of those days. Which was just the boost I needed after a pretty stressful and tiring Wednesday.

Not only did I pound out almost 5k words (when the past few days I’ve been struggling to get in 4k), I wrote a scene that has been in my head since the very, very first inklings of this story idea. Before I even had a concept. Barely before I had characters. When it was a teeny tiny spark of a thought still morphing, this random scene came to my head and became the basis of so much of this weird world and plot and how it all works. Said scene has continued to stay with me and became solid and clear once the full idea and characters came into existence. It’s one I knew I was going to make happen. Somehow.

And today it happened.

Really, it’s not even that significant of a scene. Nothing world-changing. Just a strange, whimsical little thing. But it’s important to me because so much of this story wouldn’t be the way it is without that random idea that came to me while I was trying to sleep one night in early 2020. It felt surreal finally bringing it to life.

In addition to that, everything I wrote today proved to be a delight. I had a touch of humor, some trippy scenes which I enjoy writing immensely, AND a tear-filled reunion that almost brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t quite cry but boy did I get close.

It was just…a good day. And I’m so grateful for it.



My stamina was a smidge low today (though after yesterday’s high, I couldn’t really complain) BUT I did write a super sweet scene between a couple of characters that was rather impromptu but ended up being vital for a certain character’s growth. So that was a dose of loveliness.

And it was nice giving them a quiet, sweet moment because eheheheheh some bad stuff is about to go down. Things gettin’ wild over here.

Aaanyway. I’d say week two ended on a good note!

And by “good note” I mean everyone’s doomed but it’s fiiiine.




I really, really hope I’m at least halfway through my book or even farther along but, as we discussed, there’s no telling with me.


Week 2 of these things tends to always prove smoother than the first week. It usually takes my brain some time to get with the program but after a while it’s like, “Oh, we’re writing every single day now? Okay then. Sure.” As I am not a write-every-day sort of person save for during these events, it takes some adjusting. But I think I have, indeed, adjusted and though this week had a few struggling moments it also had some incredible ones that far outweighed the harder days.

I also got a far clearer picture this week of how future events in the book need to go instead of flying entirely blind. I mean, there are still some nebulous scenes but it’s slowly solidifying in my mind. Usually, I have to work on a batch of scenes before the next section of the book becomes clear. #pantserlife So I know if I just keep pushing through it’ll all come together. But almost every time, the second half of my stories end up being far easier and more fun to write SO. I think this second half of FallFic is gonna be good.

And guys! TWO WHOLE WEEKS have been dominated. Wherever you are in your writing goals, I hope you remember that every single word, every moment you spend creating is building up those creative muscles and making progress. One step at a time, my friends. Let’s celebrate each one.

ALSO. To everyone jumping into NaNoWriMo come Tuesday, I’m cheering you on! I hope all of your writing endeavors go absolutely amazingly.

Let’s create some magic!

Can you believe we’re halfway through FallFic? Who is shocked that October is almost over??? (Although in my head it’s been November for the past two weeks since I’m essentially doing a NaNo-ish thing two weeks early. It’s confused my poor brain. XD) How has this last full week of October treated you? Any exciting plans for November? And I’m curious: To all my fellow writers, do you usually enjoy writing the first half or second half of your novels better?

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JHD Paul
October 29, 2022 1:04 PM

*throws confetti everywhere * CONGRATS on a wonderful two weeks so far! I am astounded you have written so much xD I think you stole some of my words – give them back, please; I am struggling.
May the second half (or second third; however long it goes) be just as productive as the first!

JHD Paul
October 30, 2022 11:50 PM

Thank you, friend!! I am super happy to be doing this together with everyone – that is helping me keep going! I appreciate your cheers and enthusiasm ^-^
And if your words go missing in the middle of the night… It definitely wasn’t me 👀

October 29, 2022 8:32 PM

Yay Christine! I’m so glad you’re writing so much…that’s awesome!
My writing on the other hand…well, writing has been a struggle lately. It’s been a crazy week and I feel like I’ve barely written a word. *sighs* Next week hopefully I can get back on track!

Joy C. Woodbury
October 30, 2022 12:31 PM

Wow! You had such a productive week! And may I say that Rune and Tala are just soooo adorable together? *heart eyes* They might just be my favorite characters from your WIP.

I DEFINITELY prefer writing the first half of a novel. Which is funny because the first half of my novel took me SO LONG to finally get right, but now I absolutely love each and every word, so it’s worth it. The second half, which I’m in the thick of right now, is kind of slaying me. XD In fact, just last night I came up with an amazing backstory for two side characters, so now I’m going to have to rewrite some stuff. *facepalms* It’s going to make the story a lot better though, so I shouldn’t complain too much!

I’m kind of in disbelief that October is already almost over, but I’m looking forward to November, which is quite possibly my favorite month of the year. It’s starting to cool down here in SoCal, which means I can go on afternoon walks instead of having to wait till evening. (Aren’t walks the best things ever?) Plus, my school has its annual Fall Festival in November, and that’s always so much fun!

Hope your November goes awesomely! (Not a word but we’ll go with it. I’ve used up all my good words in my novel. XD) Good luck on the rest of NaNo, Christine!!

Deborah O'Carroll
October 30, 2022 1:37 PM

58K in two weeks????? HOW ARE YOU SO MAGICALLLL. You’re amazing. That is all. *applause* Cheering you on!!!

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2022 4:33 PM

Hahaha, you could have my book which is already at 100k, 272 pages, annnd I’m not even at the halfway point yet. 😳 Annnnd it’s pretty much the end of the world and my characters are losing all of their allies (*cough* which is totally my fault *cough*) while a huge epic THING looms on the horizon and they’ve only really had two happy moments total in the whole book but, as you keep saying, it’s fiiiine. (they haven’t stopped talking to me yet at least…) AND I’m almost done with my edit/write portion and will be jumping into the greater unknown with my characters soon! Which is great!

I think. *nervous laughter*

And congrats on already gaining 50k!!!!! That’s awesome! You go, girl!

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
October 30, 2022 4:34 PM

Also I stink at beginnings and always have to rewrite those the most. I’m WAAAY better at middles—endings.

October 30, 2022 8:13 PM

*claps* Congrats for getting way over 50K you’re a marvel to me I have no idea how you do it. I can barely get a thousand words out on a good day. XD
So happy that it’s going well!

October 31, 2022 7:28 AM

Wow! Sounds like it’s going really well!

(I want to see those high word counts!!!)

I’ll admit it; I haven’t been writing at all for FallFic. 🙁 I just don’t have the time to. Usually I’d have time to write in the evenings, but things have been coming up, such as events or my mad desire to crochet, so I only had one night of writing in the past week. And I only wrote 500 words-ish… Eh, I’ll find a time. Maybe Christmas break will do me wonders.

(Also yeeesss, I’m doing NaNo and I’m focusing on a different story idea. My cousin/friend was irritated I had already started on one book, so I decided to follow another thought and write that in November, returning to the first story in December. Because technically September isn’t fall, and December isn’t winter. Yet.)

Oh my gosh yes! Those days of writing that are just so glorious and you feel so alive are the absolute best part of being a writer. (Also why is autumn just the perfect ambiance for writing?? It’s a mystery we’ll never solve)

Anyways, good luck on the next HALF OF FALL FIC! WHAT!? (Time sure does fly.) 😉


Kal Tomson
Kal Tomson
October 31, 2022 9:02 AM

good job! I’m so happy everything is going so well for you.
I for one have been dumping small loads of pain on my characters and should probably have given them a break about six or twenty chapters ago, so it’s good yours get some…

Faith @ Florid Sword
Faith @ Florid Sword
November 1, 2022 10:30 AM

Ahh how very exciting! It’s always so so fun to get through stories this fast and I’m so proud of you for flying along like this! And your SNIPPETS. There aren’t many but WOW I love this so much already

November 4, 2022 9:22 AM

Congrats on making it past a normal NaNo word count! You’ve officially earned your “no mere mortal” badge for the year. 😉

Ooh, Little Mermaid threads? I LIKE THIS. From what I know about this project (which is, admittedly, not that much), that seems quite fitting!

It sounds like you had a lot of fun this past week!! I can’t wait to hear about how this current week went! 🙂

Jenelle Schmidt
November 4, 2022 11:33 AM

What an awesome week of writing you had! Yay! *tosses confetti and cupcakes at you*

It definitely always takes a bit for my brain to adjust when I jump into these crazy, “Let’s take a few weeks/month to hammer out lots of words” so I totally get that.

Your story sounds like so much fun!!!! (As one who once wrote a 217k monster book (and edited it down to 175k before publishing) I totally understand the whole some stories are just longer conundrum and I EMPATHIZE). I’ve gotten a wee bit better lately at telling shorter stories… and by shorter, I mean that my next series all stays between 100k and 135k. Ish. LOL But hey, some people love big books. I write for them. 🙂

Hm, that’s an interesting question about which part of the writing goes best for me. I love beginnings and endings. Usually I fly through the first third of my story and then also through the last third. I hit the “trodging” (trudging+slogging) bits in the middle. Middles of stories are the hardest for me.

I’m so glad you’re having such a phenomenal month of writing! Cheering you on from the sidelines and eagerly anticipating the day (hopefully soooon?) when we get to READ one of these delightful sounding Christine stories!!!!!!

November 23, 2022 9:48 AM

So far I’ve only finished 1 book at 15,000 words. It’s very short but I’m just getting started writing. I’m just starting out. I think I liked the 2nd half better. It’s the 1st book in a series so it’ll be shorter since it’s just a set-up for the big plot. I’m doing a Thriller series now and I’ve already gotten probably 6k words into it in 2 weeks. My other book took 2 months to get 6k. 🤦‍♀️😂 I think I like the contemporary and Thriller genres better. That is amazing! Hooray for reaching 50k in a week and 1/2! I’m almost to 15k in 3 weeks which is so exciting for me! I usually write 500 words and on a really good day 1k per day. So far I’ve written almost 5k each week! 🥳