Know the Novel – Part Two: Within the WIP // A Writer’s Linkup

A most happy November 1st to you all! November means so many exciting things, two of which include: Writing and Know the Novel Part 2!

For many, today marks the beginning of NaNoWriMo and all the writing frenzy that comes with it! For myself, it’s the halfway point of FallFicFrenzy, my own little writing challenge (which has also included frenzied writing, thus the name *winks*), and it blows my mind two weeks of mad writing have already taken place! What a wild ride it’s been. But worth it every step of the way.

Whether you’re embarking on a new novel today or have already been scribbling wildly, I hope you know I’m cheering you on and cannot wait to hear how it is going. Which is why we are here today!

Read on for all the info!


What is Know the Novel?

Know the Novel is a 3-part linkup series for writers, one for each of these last three months of the year. Each part will feature ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions will be focusing on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.

The linkups go as followed:


  • Part One: Introduction – During October you amazing people gave us a delicious peek into your WIPs, and I loved every second of it. I am blessed to have such imaginative friends. Thank you all for participating and sharing your novel goodness! It brought me such joy reading each post. You can find everyone’s links HERE!

SIDE NOTE: Just because the official linkup is closed, doesn’t mean you can’t still use these questions! They’re free for the taking ANY time. A link back to my blog would be much appreciated, but otherwise use them however you’d like!


  • Part Two: Within the WIP – The reason we are here today! November is all about pulling back the curtains (and maybe blinking blearily in the sunshine as you emerge momentarily from your writing cave) to give us all a glance at how the writing process is going! Words are being written and we would love to see how your WIP is coming along. These questions will be open all month, so feel free to take them to answer on your own blog at any time.


  • Part Three: Words Written – One month from now we will be emerging fully from our writing caves with sleep-deprived minds but many words poured onto the page! This final part of the linkup focuses on how the process went, the ups and downs of writing said novel, and a glimpse at what’s next. (But let’s be real, naps are probably what’s next. Lots of naps.)

In Summary…

For each month I’ll throw ten writing-related questions your way, you can take the questions and answer them on your own blog, and then share your link in the linkup I’ll attach below so others can read about your delicious novel-y goodness. Easy and fun for all!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This linkup is open to any WIPs you have, whether you’re doing NaNo, another writing challenge, or writing within your own time. The point here is to just have fun and share the novel writing process with others. And you definitely do not have to do all three of the linkups. There are basically no rules here but to enjoy thyself!


I’d be honored if you used this graphic for your posts, but it’s certainly not required!


1. How’s the writing going overall?

2. What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

3. What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?

4. Has your novel surprised you in any way?

5. Have you come across any problem areas?

6. What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

7. If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

8. Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!

9. Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)

10. Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!


I’d love it if you linked to your post so we can all read it!

Once your post is published, share the URL in the linkup widget below.

Part 2 of the linkup ends at midnight on November 30th. Part 3 will be up at the beginning of December!

As the harsh light of summer softens, the greenery fades to golden hues, the days shorten and the muggy air turns crisp, there is something magical in the air. The lazy days of summer shift to both a thrill and coziness. And with it a need to create. New colors transform the world, and I feel a great desire to form my own creations.

It is a magical time, and we can create our own magic as we set hands to keyboards, pen to paper. Writing can be grueling and exhausting, yes. But there is also an enchantment to seeing our hard work form into new people, exciting places, themes that mirror the truths of our world. Stories that set our hearts ablaze. It is a satisfying work, and worth all the hard days every time.

Let us create, my friends. May we never lose the magic of our own imaginations.

Who is shocked it’s already NOVEMBER??? I’m EXCITED. Are you starting a new novel today, continuing an old one, or choosing to be sane and merely soaking up these November days with other plans? I’d love to know all!

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November 1, 2022 10:25 AM

Yaaay! I’ll definitely have to do this one!

However; there is a catch. I think I’ll do TWO of these! (After all, I do have two WIPs currently.)

I think I’ll have the first one out by the middle of November, and the next one out by… whenever. (But yes, it will come. Someday.)

Have a great writing week!


November 1, 2022 1:30 PM

I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S NOVEMBER EITHER. Ahhhh!!! I’m excited too and can’t wait to do part two of this!!! 😀

Jenelle Schmidt
November 2, 2022 11:41 AM


H.S. Kylian
H.S. Kylian
November 7, 2022 12:45 PM

Just subbed my link! My WIPs switched on me, lol.

November 8, 2022 6:16 PM

Yay! Another Know The Novel post! Thank you so much for hosting this linkup Christine!

November 23, 2022 12:41 PM

Here’s are my answers since I don’t have a blog:

1. How’s the writing going overall?

Amazing! I’ve gotten about 6k maybe even 10k (I have to count all the words) in 3 weeks! I’m so thrilled!

2. What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

Writing modern technology into it!

3. What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?

Ahh! I can’t choose. If I have to though it would be my girl protagonist.

4. Has your novel surprised you in any way?

Yes! I didn’t think scenes would come so naturally!

5. Have you come across any problem areas?

Not yet but I’m sure I will.

6. What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

Just the flow of writing. Everything has worked together so nicely for me!

7. If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

My girl protagonist of course! She’s basically me except for her natural amazing math brain.
Yeah, I wouldn’t get kidnapped! Lol.

8. Give us the first sentence or paragraph then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets!

Ugh! Making me pull out my notebook, eh? Just kidding! It’s literally right here! 😆 Here we go (totally not stalling because it’s not been edited yet so we’ll see what you think 😅):
1. “Agent 009!” I turned to see a woman with long black hair calling out to me. “Monica wants to meet with you.” Monica. Oh, how I loathed that name.
2. She cuddled up next to me, resting her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.
3. Jasmine bounded out of bed and ran down the stairs. Today was her birthday! She was 12 today.

9. Share an interesting tidbit about the writing process so far! (For example: Have you made any hilarious typos? Derailed from your outline? Killed off a character? Changed projects entirely? Anything you want to share!)

My story is in 1st person and I’m doing 4-8 different POVs! It’s very crazy! It’s also in the present tense which is apparently not a good tense to use with the 1st person POV so I’ll probably change that later.

10. Take us on a tour of what a normal writing day for this novel looks like. Where do you write? What time of day?Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!

I actually listen to audio dramas. Lamplighter theater, Down Gilead Lane and Adventures in Odyssey have amazing music! I wish they made soundtracks. I normally write on the couch in my basement (it’s a finished and very warm basement) between 11 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. (which is when I go to sleep) and listen to an audio drama while I write.

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
November 30, 2022 3:15 PM

Wasn’t sure I was gonna do this this year, but here it is! Hopefully I’ll actually do Part 3 this year too! 🤞