The Language of Worlds – Syram

Language of Worlds is back! *happy dance* If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you can find all the info HERE. But essentially, it’s a linkup created by the ever lovely Liv K. Fisher, catered toward speculative Christian writers (though anyone is welcome to join in!) and asks ten questions about any character of our choosing.

I debated who to answer the questions for, because technically I’m shifting my focus back on Burning Thorns as I gear to do this next edit. Buuuut I talk about those characters a LOT. So I decided, at least for today, to revisit my NaNoWriMo novel, Kings Bleed Gold (yeah, I know I promised I was finally done with NaNo-related posts until next NaNo but…apparently not! bwahahaha).

The main reason for this is because I totally wanted an excuse to do a post on Syram, my child. I already did a Language of Worlds post for Midas and Korinna, and it was totally not fair I never did one for the third part of my trio. My cinnamon roll boi Syram deserves some love so HERE WE ARE.


You can join in on the linkup HERE.




1.) In five words or less, how would you describe your character?

Strange // Quiet // Kind // Loyal // Melancholy


2.) When do they see an opportunity for self-improvement?

This is delving into deep, deep spoilers so we’re gonna be vague here. But let’s just say Syram’s life isn’t all fluff and peaches, and he got to a very low spot where he felt as if his life was empty and pointless. But he decided showing kindness to others was the best way to beat back his depression.

When he first met Korinna, he smuggled a book out of the dragons’ library to give to her when she was scared. Ever since, he found these small acts of kindness gave him purpose. His philosophy is that everyone’s purpose in life is to do good, even if it’s little things.

Which just happened to segue right into the next question…


3.) How do they view themself (good, evil, neutral, etc.)?

Good. Or…striving to reach goodness, more accurately.


4.) Is there a story that inspires them? What is it?

Okay, but these questions are so perfect for him. Not only is Syram a complete bookworm, but a big part of the novel and his arc has to do with a myth he loves.

His favorite story is a myth about a great fairy who faced an enormous sea monster. But instead of choosing to kill the monster with his spear, the fairy bent the spear, hooked it around the sea monster’s neck, and leapt to the stars where they’re trapped forever and now hang in the sky as constellations. Syram loves it because the fairy chose to be trapped in the stars forever instead of taking the beasts’ life. That kind of selfless bravery inspires him.


5.) What proverb or quote do they identify with?

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.
Proverbs 3:27


6.) What does their standard day look like?

Syram pretty much just loiters about the underground world of the dragons. You can often find him in the library, or laboring out in the farm area, or hiding in some secret caverns he found.

He likes to hang out with Korinna, but she’s usually too busy being, well, a slave to talk. The other slaves pretty much ignore him, so he’s very lonely. When Midas comes around, Syram happily finds a friend in him and helps Midas with his laboring as much as he can.


7.) When they picture their ideal day, how does it go?

Heh. An ideal day is a foreign concept to Syram. (I’m so nice.) Going above the underground and gazing freely at the clear sky, feeling the sun on his face, and studying the stars is definitely his greatest wish. But one he knows is impossible.

(Don’t you love how I’m giving you guys no indication as to why Syram lives in this weird underground world and what his purpose is? That’s totally intentional. Spoilers and all that. *grins*)


8.) Do they have a favorite memory? If so, what happened?

The day he gave a book to Korinna when she was first enslaved underground, and he witnessed his little act transform a terrified girl’s fear and despair to hope, changed his life. It is a memory that has stayed with him forever, and one that keeps him on his pursuit of goodness.


9.) Where do they see themself in five years?

Erm. If we’re talking about near the beginning of the book, then exactly where he is. Stuck in the underground and under the cruel reign of the dragons. Fun stuff.


10.) What is their life dream?

To free the slaves and live under the sun and stars.

And that’s my boy! It was so nice to revisit him!

Yes, he is a tragic soft boy. And yes, I’m totally a terrible author to him. Also I know these answers were short and vague, but it was haaard keeping spoilers to a minimum with him. So you’ll all just have to be in the dark about his backstory and such. *smile, smile*



What do you think of Syram? Does he deserve a nicer author? (Answer: Yes.) Have you joined in this edition of Language of Worlds? You can snag the questions and linkup HERE! I think it runs ‘til the end of February!

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Nicole Dust
February 4, 2019 7:08 PM

SYRAAAAAAAMM!!! I love this guy so much!!!!! I just love all your cinnamon roll characters, because GAH. SO LOVABLE. 🙂 I may have started internally squealing when I saw the title. Maybe.

Great post! I may have to do this round of the linkup, because <333 THESE QUESTIONS ARE AMAZING.

Megan Chappie
February 4, 2019 7:09 PM

Aww I love Syram! Bookworms are always the best, especially when they're sweet and sad.

Julian Daventry
February 4, 2019 7:38 PM

Bad, mean author….*cries*

And his favorite story…why don't you write a book about that, because that's cool!!! lol

Julian Daventry
February 7, 2019 6:03 PM

#whoops sorry not sorry we always need more story ideas…

Florid Sword
February 4, 2019 7:41 PM

I saw the title of this post and CLICKED SO FAST XD I love it! I love it SO MUCH! <3

I desperately need to do this linkup for one of my children (preferably one of the soft ones, but like…I don't even know which one I should do this on, because they're all so spoilery xD) These questions were AMAZING.

And that myth! AHHHHHH I LOVE IT <3

Skye Hoffert
February 4, 2019 9:31 PM

I love this tragic, soft boy already!!! I hope nothing happens to him in this story, but he seems like a bit of martyr.

February 4, 2019 9:34 PM

*cries* Aww, buuuudddyyyyy….. What a sweetheart. I luv him already!

Catherine Hawthorn
February 4, 2019 10:26 PM

Auuughh, now I understand why you love Syram so much!!! Now he's my favorite of your characters!


Keturah Lamb
February 4, 2019 11:26 PM

Oh, I really like that myth! This seems like such a fun character 🙂

Christine Eyre
February 5, 2019 2:11 AM

YEEEEEEES I've been looking forward to this!!!

I think you've done a great job balancing details about Syram's life and keeping spoilers off the page. 🙂 And, oh my goodness, he is a SWEETHEART! I love that he's kind and gentle and finds inspiration in stories even though he's basically a prisoner and doesn't see any way of escaping–but he still makes the most of his life. That takes such inner strength and resolve!–especially since he lives in such a harsh world!

Also any myth that involves stars is automatically beautiful. 🙂

Melissa Gravitis
February 5, 2019 11:07 PM

Awwww I want to give him a HUGE hug! It sounds like he needs a lot of them. <3 <3 It's so fun to learn more about your characters!!

Emily G
February 6, 2019 4:55 AM

"I totally wanted an excuse to do a post on Syram, my child." I love how you say that so nonchalantly as if he's your actual child. xD

Syram sounds so sweet and this post made me love him! I love those selfless characters who just choose to be kind to other people.

Sarah Seele
February 6, 2019 4:02 PM

Syram sounds like the MOST PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL and I love him. (And how he looks at life <3) I wish we could know more without spoilers, haha. I want to know so many things!

This is such a fun linkup, and I'd kinda like to do it for one of my characters, but the problem is deciding which one…

Victoria Grace Howell
February 8, 2019 1:08 AM

Aw Syram seems like a sweetheart. I love that myth about the fairy and the monster. That’s so creative. ^ ^ I’ll be joining in the tag but late again. XD Maybe the next one will be out by the time I schedule it and I can combine the two lol.

Sarah // Plain & Average
February 8, 2019 1:21 AM

Oh, the DARLING!! TT_TT *hearteyes* He needs a friend—I'LL BE HIS FRIEND! I love how fleshed out all of your darling characters are. I love how sweet & selfless this guy is, and how he does his best to make the most of his situation & to encourage others. So beautiful *^ – ^* <3 <3 <3

February 18, 2019 6:16 PM

Awww, Syram! he's So Good <3 his interaction with young Korinna especially melted my heart. And I agree with Victoria, I loved that fairytale!

(And good luck with editing Burning Thorns! It seems like you've been at it for a long time. You'll get to the end eventually, I promise, and it'll be great.)

Eleanor | My Language of Worlds

Laura A. Grace
February 25, 2019 8:34 PM

YOUR BOOK SOUNDS SO AMAZING!!!! *cries* You can always gush about this story any time! And yes, I totally think you should be nicer to Syram. LOL! Let him come visit and we can read books all day. 😉