Happy July, friends! I am a bit (read: a lot) in shock that we are here at the halfway point of the year. But this seems like the perfect time to reflect on the year thus far and share some updates.
2024. Goodness, it is blazing by. So far it’s been both a lovely year and a stressful one, but that’s one thing I’ve been learning through this year: the most beautiful things are found in the hardships.
So what has 2024 looked like thus far?

It’s been a creative one.
After a writing break in December, my two co-writers and I dove straight into getting a full first draft of a novel done, pouring our hearts into it for nearly the first three months of the year. It was magical.
Later in the year, I took on a ridiculously fun (if not a bit nerve-wracking) project of being the game master of a homebrew roleplaying game. It was a huge step out of my comfort zone, but my goodness, it’s been one of the most fun, fulfilling things I’ve ever done and has stretched me in incredible ways.
It’s also been a year of community and rest.
I’ve taken a lot more time this year to spend with friends and family. Visiting friends, lots of video chats, relaxing with the family in the evenings—just soaking in those good things in life.
I have slowed down a lot on some more serious projects and my internet presence to be more present in other areas of my life as well as taking things slower and quieter this year.

It’s been a year of seeking healing.
If you’ve been following along in my latest newsletters, I’ve been sharing some about my physical health issues.
I’ve talked about being chronically ill before, but have never gone too deep into the details. I have a congenital heart defect. When I was a toddler, I had open heart surgery to repair some of it, but my mitral valve continued to be deformed and has been my whole life, causing it to leak and not get all the blood where it needs to be. This, in turn, results in getting tired easily after being active, lots of steady fatigue, and having to be careful to not lift overly heavy things or highly exert myself.
For the past year or so, all that fatigue has taken a turn for the worse. It feels like a single activity wipes me out for the rest of the day, no amount of sleep ever seems to be enough, and there has been this constant sensation of not getting enough air in my lungs.
Earlier this year, I went to see a cardiologist and after two days of tests and talking to the doctor and surgeon, we discovered the damage to my mitral valve has gone from moderate to severe.
As a result, I need valve replacement surgery.
It really didn’t come as a surprise. I had seen a cardiologist a few months ago who also thought it may be time to get my valve repaired and who sent me to these specialists to really get a good look at it. And I’ve known my whole life I may need surgery on it eventually.
And do you know? Being told I needed surgery was not a hard blow, but instead came as almost a relief.
The fatigue has been so severe lately, it is entirely worth it to me to have surgery and heal and enhance my lifestyle. And amidst it all, I have felt God’s indescribable peace. The waiting time to see the cardiologist, going through all the tests, getting the diagnosis—God was in it every single step of the way, filling me with peace, guiding my family and me on what steps to take, being there as we had to step out in faith in so many ways.
God is so good, you guys. That is why I say there is such beauty to be found in the hardships.
It’s been a long road, but I do finally have a surgery date for July 19th.
It really is a relief. It’ll be worth it to start feeling better, and valve replacement surgery is pretty standard. We’ve talked to multiple people who have had it and they all healed well and feel far better. It’s been the waiting that has really been the hardest. I am so ready to get this going and start on the path of healing.
So with that said…

Embracing the Season and a Hiatus
Because I’m about to have surgery and will need recovery time, I am taking a hiatus for an undetermined amount of time.
Over on my newsletter and Instagram, I’ve talked a lot about seasons and rest throughout the year. It’s clearly a lesson God has been trying to press into me. 😅
I like to get things done, I don’t like sitting around doing “nothing”. Living a quiet life is not always the easiest for me. But this year and, truly, the past few years, God has been revealing to me the beauty of a quiet life. How it is in the quiet that we can hear Him more clearly and grow. How the still winter months must come before spring blossoms. There is just as much value in the quiet seasons as the full ones.
For a lot of this year, I was fighting against it. Despite my health declining, I was determined to keep doing what I usually did and press toward big goals. But as the year progressed, I pulled back more and more as it got harder to keep up. Until, finally, I realized I needed to embrace the season I was in. I was trying to make this year one of big goals and busyness, when that’s not the season I’m in right now.
Each season has different priorities, and this season I’m in, the priority is taking care of myself. There will be other seasons to grow my platform, get books written and published, dip my toes in other pursuits. But that’s not this season, and that is okay.
This is a season of rest and healing.
Once I am healthier, I will be able to tackle those big goals. I have many exciting things in the works, lots of projects I am so excited to see come to full fruition. But now is not quite the time. Soon, though, soon.
Until then, I need to step back and simply embrace rest.
I am absolutely not vanishing forever, I promise! I hope to keep up with monthly newsletters as I can and may post some small updates on my Instagram. And as I said, I have so many exciting things coming. But for the next few months, possibly most of the rest of 2024, I’m going to step away from most of social media and take some much-needed rest. My personal winter season of quiet and rest will transform into one of spring. I just need to give it time. And I am excited.
Good things are coming, guys. I can feel it.

I have received such an outpouring of love and support during this season of my life. I feel so blessed and cannot thank you all enough. Continued prayers for the surgery and recovery would mean so much to me.
The community and friends I have made since that day ages ago when I dipped into the blogging world and expanded to other social media and things is one of my greatest blessings. Thank you all for being the dearest friends and most beautiful support system.
Love you all so much! 💛

Talk to me, friends! Before I vanish for a bit, I want to hear how your first half of 2024 has been. And do you have any prayer requests as we step into this second half? I would love to pray for you.
Christine, my darling, me and my WHOLE FAMILY are going to be praying for you. I love you so much, and I’m perpetually in awe of your strength, wisdom, and courage. I know goodness is ahead of you. Love you forever, dear friend.
Praying for your surgery and recovery and sending all of the love, dear friend. You’re the greatest encouragement to my writing life and just in general, and you are such an inspiration in so many ways–as this post shows. You’re amazing! Praying God’s love and healing over you, dear Lauri. LOVE YOU!!
Definitely going to be praying for you!
“There is just as much value in the quiet seasons as the full ones.” Well, I know what I’m tattooing on my forehead. Focus on rest and rejuvenation for this season, and don’t worry about us over here on the internet. Whenever you return, we’ll be here. Heaps and heaps of prayers for your surgery and recovery!
Take all the time you need. Life is always better without pain. Oh, my, yes, God is always where we aren’t sure He’ll show up – and even in the moments when we feel like giving up, He isn’t done yet. Just take this process step by step, and let it travel how it needs to. You’ll get to the next part, and be ready when you do.
LOVE YOU LAURI! Praying rest and health and continued peace for you in the coming days and months. <3
I am praying for your surgery and a quick recovery, Christine! I always love reading your blog and Instagram posts. I’ve been more of a lurker than a commenter on the internet lately, but I really wanted to send love and prayers your way. I pray you enjoy this hiatus and find peace and greater relationship with the Lord through this season! <3
I continue to pray God brings you peace and quick healing through this time. I hope the surgery goes well.
Praying that the surgery goes smoothly and that your healing time is full of blessings! God goes before you! I will especially keep you in prayer tomorrow! <3
The first half of 2024 brought us our darling second boy! Prayers that I would be able to mother well with patience and the light of Christ would be much appreciated!