Beautiful People – Larke {August 2017}

  Visit Sky @ Further Up and Further In or Cait @ Paperfury to join the BP linkup! Guess what I’m doing today? No, really, guess. I now it’s sooo hard to tell. It’s not like the post title and giant banner there gives anything away. You’re stumped, aren’t you? All right, I’ll tell you. I’m doing… BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Aren’t you surprised???? And today I’m excited because I’ve chosen the ever mischievous and snarky fae boy Larke from my Beauty and the Beast retelling, Burning Thorns. (It just hit me…Larke the Snark!!! XD Ahem…sorry.) The last time I did a…

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The Writer’s Brain Disease

There are many different types of writers. Some write on occasion as a hobby, others make it their career, while many write all the time simply because they love it. We all have different goals and dreams and reasons why we write. But whether it’s a hobby or your full-time career, I’m afraid I have terrible news. Once you’ve started on that writing path, your brain forever changes. Writing is like a plague. The moment you begin dabbling into it, it creeps into your brain and spreads and spreads and spreads. Then, next thing you know, it’s happened. You have…

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Why I Believe Cinderella is a Good Heroine

  “Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own, who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world. -Cinderella (Charles Perrault) In this day and age of “strong female characters” and “girl power” and “being one of the boys”, characters like Cinderella get a lot…

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10 (Not as Well Known) Fantasy Books To Add To Your TBR

Yes, it is Saturday and not Monday. BUT DON’T WORRY. I haven’t completely lost my mind. (Though I usually am doing good if I even know what day of the week it is…) I’m purposely posting my weekly post a couple of days early. Becaaaause… Today is the 63rd birthday of the publication of The Fellowship of the Ring! To celebrate and to end The Silmarillion Awards you may have seen sweeping the blogosphere this month, Jenelle Schimdt and many others are throwing a big fantasy celebration today in which we can rave about Tolkien and/or fantasy on our blogs…

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Beautiful People – All About ME!!! *cue scary music* {July 2017}

Well, guys, for once I’m going to do a Beautiful People post not using one of my characters from Burning Thorns. I KNOW, RIGHT??? IT’S BEEN AGES. So who am I going to feature today? *pause for dramatic effect* MEEEEE!!!!!!! Now before you think I’ve turned into a complete narcissist, I’m only doing this because the Beautiful People questions for this month are centered around the author. So see? It’s not even my choice. (But really now, over half this blog is me talking about my writing. Oops?)   Visit Sky @ Further Up and Further In or Cait @…

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7 Book Character Types I Will Never Tire Of

It happens to all of us. We pickup a new book, begin reading, and then BAM! a new character pops up on the pages and you’re just like “WELL HELLOOO THERE.” Normally I’d say instalove is nonsense. Buuut let’s be honest here. With some characters, it takes us rabid readers 0.2 seconds to fall in love with them and call them our baby and send threatening letters to the authors that our Baby must never, ever, ever be harmed even whilst we’re reading about them being tortured and probably dying because the best characters always die. BEING A BOOKWORM IS…

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The Job of “Writer”: There is No Clocking Out

Remember those dreams of grandeur during your first happy days as a writer? Those imaginings that your life would be full of lounging in a quaint coffee shop and clacking contentedly on your keyboard whenever you felt like it? The realization that you’d be paid to merely daydream and create? Talk about a life! After all, the writer’s life is the easiest gig, right? Our job description is quite literally “make stuff up”. The majority of the time our work outfit is our pajamas, and our work space is the comfiest chair in the house. We make our own hours.…

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The Life Pattern vs. God’s Pattern

2017 is HALFWAY OVER, GUYS. HALFWAY. *faints* And next thing you know, August is going to be here. With August, for many, comes Big Life Decisions. Maybe May for you was a flurry of graduation excitement. Some finished high school, others college. While many of you are getting prepped to return to school. I had multiple graduations to attend in May, and I know many people who are stepping out to do many new, exciting, and maybe even scary things. And others are trying to decide what they want to spend the rest of their life doing. With this transition…

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The Steadfast Pen Blog Launch + Interview feat. Josiah Dyck

I’m suuuper excited to share something with you guys today! A good friend of mine and fellow writer/reader/lover-of-all-things-geeky just launched his blog!!! I first got to know Josiah Dyck via Tracey Dyck (because yes, they’re siblings…if it isn’t obvious *grins*) and we clicked via our mutual interests in writing and geeky things. Well, now Josiah has a blog himself, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I have no doubt he’s going to fill the blogosphere with epic and hilarious posts. But enough of my babbling. You probably want to know how to get to said awesome new blog. Ahem. Introducing……

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Beautiful People – Lystraea {June 2017}

  Visit Sky @ Further Up and Further In or Cait @ Paperfury to join the BP linkup! It’s meh favorite time of the month. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE TIIIIME. And I haven’t actually done one since March. *gasp* *shock* *ack* So I’m super excited to be doing one today! It’s only my favorite linkup ever. Today I decided to feature Lystraea from, you guessed it, Burning Thorns. (Really, do I ever do BP posts for any character from my other novels anymore??? I only have like 23849834 characters from my many, many novels. Sheesh.) It occurred to me the other day…

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