2018 Recap – A Look Back at My Highlights and Goals

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  Am I the only one who’s in shock that Christmas is NEXT WEEK? And thennn we’ll be zooming straight to the end of 2018. THE END OF 2018??? HOW. Since the year has apparently decided to just go and be nearly over without our permission, that means it’s time for a big ol’ 2018 recap! I’m doing this a little early because I’ve decided after today I’m going on a little hiatus until after New Year’s so I can properly enjoy Christmas and New Year’s. After writing a 129k book in 36 days and keeping up with the blog…

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NaNoWriMo ‘18 Week Four: Involving Ballets, a Ton of Turkey, and Crying

Um. So this will be my last post for the month of November. NaNoWriMo will be over by next Monday. We’re less than a week away from the end. WHAT EVEN WHAT???? Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like my novel will be even sort of over by the end of the month. I thiiink I can finish it within the first week or two of December, buuut unless some magical writing fairy takes over my body for the rest of the week (I mean, if you know of one I’m hiring) I’m like 99.9% sure it ain’t gettin’ done by the…

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NaNoWriMo ‘18 Week Two: Involving Being Betrayed by Coffee, Halfway Points, and Making My Characters’ Lives Miserable

WHY YES I AM POSTING TWO DAYS IN A ROW. During NaNo. WILD, I KNOW. Buuut yesterday’s post was already prewritten and didn’t really count sooo here’s my regularly scheduled (but actually a day late) NaNo weekly update! (But if you missed it, yesterday I posted Part #2 of the Know the Novel Linkup! And would love for you to join in!) IT IS WEEK TWO OF NANO. And as much as I enjoyed week one, I think this second week has been even better! I mean, I’m in a fog of no sleep and just see a jumble of…

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Realm Makers 2018 Recap

  I HAVE RETURNED!!! Not only have I returned, but I’ve come back with a gazillion Realm Makers stories to share with you guys. AND I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT! Realm Makers, guys… Wow. How do I even describe it? Before I went, I had heard some people say it’s unlike any writers conference out there. The people aren’t there to step on each other and rise to the top. And they’re not there to be ultra professional and stuffy either. No, Realm Makers is one big family of Jesus lovers with a mutual interest in all things geeky.…

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Brief Hiatus Notice + Some Thoughts

I know what you’re thinking. “Didn’t she just return from a hiatus???” Erm. Yes. Yes I did. I had no intentions of going on another one, buuuuut prep for Realm Makers (the writing conference I’m going to, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about) has sucked up all my time. Like all of it. Even time I don’t have. Which means I’ve had to make time and, unfortunately, that means not making blog posts. Because I’m pathetic and it takes me almost an entire day to write most of my posts. (No joke…) And since I still haven’t found…

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The Get to Know Me Tag {Writer’s Edition}

About half an age ago (a.k.a 3 months) the dear Savannah from Inspiring Writes created the Writer’s Edition of a Get to Know Me Tag. And I loved it so much, I was toootally gonna put on my pirate hat and steal the tag if she didn’t tag me for it. Buuuut she DID tag me, so I shall be doing it all legally and stuff. Yay me! (Except can I still wear a pirate hat and pretend to be nefarious???) ANYWHO. This is one of those super fun get-to-know-me tags so you dear nosy dragons can learn more about…

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Lifely Recap – Finishing Edits, Lots of Painting, Even More Fangirling, and I’m Back!

WELL HELLO THERE. Guess who’s back from her hiatus???? Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone? Do you even remember who I am? Do *I* remember who I am? *has mini existential crisis* Ahem. Anyways! Apparently May is no longer with us (wow, that sounds like May got murdered or something. Then again…that would explain why it just vanished suddenly, hmmmm), and since I did say I would be returning in June, well, HERE I AM. And my goodness, have I missed you guys! I feel like so much has happened since I was last here…

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May Hiatus Notice

Hello, my dears! Happy May to you all! (*pretends I’m not freaking out over the fact that it’s already May when it should still be February or something*) If the post title and big picture above isn’t clear enough… I’m going on hiatus for the course of May. I hate to do it. I always hate going a while without blogging. Buuuut Realm Makers is looming. (Like seriously, we’re less than 3 months away, people!!!) Annnnd I have much RM prep that still needs doing. Including finishing up edits for Burning Thorns. My original plan was to really focus on…

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The Spring Cleaning Writerly Challenge Tag

Can you guys believe we’ve made it to spring? (Probably not judging by the frigid temperatures…) Hoooow is it nearly April? Pretty sure Christmas was yesterday! But since spring is pounding on the door like an uninvited guest (seriously, I want it to still be January!), I suppose I better let it in and offer it cookies and tea or something. (Please don’t waste your precious lives trying to make sense of my analogies.) In honor of spring arriving and the urge to spring clean, my frabjous and brilliant friend Deborah O'Carroll has created a spring cleaning tag. But we’re…

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7th Blogoversary Celebration Day 2: A Thank You Letter and Part Two of the Q&A Vlog

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HELLO AGAIN!!! It is day two of Musings of an Elf’s two-day 7th Blogoversary Celebration (say that 5 times fast) and I couldn’t be more thrilled! (If you  missed it, don’t forget to check out yesterday’s post where I showed you guys my first ever blog post (and hid in a hole from embarrassment afterwards) and shared part 1 of the Q&A vlog.) Today, March 14th, is Musings of an Elf’s official birthday. On this day 7 years ago, I hit publish on that first post and entered the great, wide, crazy, AMAZING world of blogging. And I’ve never looked…

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