The Life Pattern vs. God’s Pattern

2017 is HALFWAY OVER, GUYS. HALFWAY. *faints* And next thing you know, August is going to be here. With August, for many, comes Big Life Decisions. Maybe May for you was a flurry of graduation excitement. Some finished high school, others college. While many of you are getting prepped to return to school. I had multiple graduations to attend in May, and I know many people who are stepping out to do many new, exciting, and maybe even scary things. And others are trying to decide what they want to spend the rest of their life doing. With this transition…

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Some Rambles About Life + Shameful Confessions + May Hiatus

Sooo…I’m going on another hiatus. *cough* My perfectionist self is beating me up over this since I already went on one in January. I can’t go another month not posting on my blog. I post every week. THAT’S THE RULE. But, ya know, January was a few months ago. And I don’t think the world will explode if I go another few weeks without posting…? Maybe? Hopefully? Okay, but for reals, this wasn’t an easy decision to make, but I think it’ll be for the best. See, I have a lot going in May. As in THREE graduations three weeks…

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EXTROVERTED WRITER: The Struggle is Real (and so are we)

According to #Society, I’m a unicorn. I mean, I’ve never confirmed nor denied this claim. I could be a majestic, magical creature that rides on rainbows. *smile, smile* But in this particular case, I’m talking about the fact that I DON’T EXIST. (Which, again, could be true. Maaaybe I’m a figment of all your imaginations. *wriggles fingers in the air making scary ghost noises* Whoooo.) Because, you see, I am in fact an… EXTROVERTED WRITER. *collected gasp* But but but. That’s not POSSIBLE. Those don’t exist! Should we sell it to science to be studied? Should we protect it before…

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Life Lessons Learned from Fantasy Tag

I have been tagged! And tagged with the best kind of tag, one that involves STORIES AND FANTASY. Only my favorite things of ever! As I mentioned last week, February is Fantasy Month thanks to our brilliant Jenelle Schmidt. To celebrate this fun month, she created the Life Lessons Learned from Fantasy Tag. And my dearest Deborah O'Carroll has tagged me for this awesome thing! Obviously I couldn’t pass that up. Fantasy is only my breath and blood!   Rules 1.) Link back to Jenelle's Blog 2.) Use the “February is Fantasy Month” image above 3.) Tell us 5-10 lessons…

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Moment by Moment

Some things (many things) in life just can’t be helped—controlled, fixed, understood. Sometimes life smacks you into a daze, and it’s all you can do to just move from one day to the next. And that’s okay. But some days, some times in life, are utterly yours. And it’s up to you whether to mold them into beautiful memories or wasted opportunities. Whether to make the best of the moment or lose it in that void of ever moving Time. Me, I’m an “all or nothing” type of person. It’s either I’m killing myself getting all the things done at…

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Beautiful Books – 2017 Writing Goals

  Visit Sky @ Further Up & Further In or Cait @ Paperfuryto get the questions and join up! *soars down from atop a dragon’s back and does a backflip to the floor* *actually just stumbles in blinking and blurry eyed* I HAVE RETURNED.   I know you did. First of all, HAPPY 2017!!!!! Can you believe it’s the new year? (Well, maybe you can since we’re already a month in but my brain is slow, so humor me.) I am officially back from my hiatus and happy to post my very first post of 2017! Why yes, it is…

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January Hiatus Notice

The title maaaay have given it away. But just in case… I’m going on hiatus. After much hemming and hawing, I finally decided to give in and allow myself a break. (Yes, I have to force myself to rest, it’s a problem.) You see, I’ve been blogging every. single. week. for the past 4 years. My 2013 New Year’s goal was to write a post weekly and…I just stuck with it. I’ve literally never missed a week. So, on the one hand, my OCD self wants to see how long I can keep this up. But my exhausted brain is…

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A Time of Peace

Well, will you look at that, Christmas is just a week away. If you’re like me, it feels like 2016 just started. And yet, here we are at the end of it, about to celebrate Christmas. How did that happen??? Despite the year breaking speed limits, it was, in fact, 365 days (wait, this was a leap year, so 366?). And, well, a lot can happen in 366 days. A lot of heartbreak, a lot of joy, a lot of change. Each year brings something new—good and bad. And, let’s face it, life can be stressful. That’s why I love…

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In Which I Type “The End” {Colors of a Dragon Scale Series}

Yes, I do realize it’s Wednesday and not Monday. But my usual Monday post is late for a very specific reason. You see, I’ve been busy. Doing what, you ask? Oh, nothing important. Just… FINISHING MY NANOWRIMO NOVEL. YES. I FINISHED MORE GOLD THAN SUNLIGHT. WHICH MEANS MY COLORS OF A DRAGON SCALE SERIES IS FINISHED. WHICH MEANS I AM ALL THE HAPPY. WILL I STOP USING CAPSLOCK? NO. OKAY, FINE. Ahem. Let’s try to form some coherent thoughts here. (But no promises.) I finished NaNoWriMo 2016 with a total of 127,040 words—beating my record of most words written in…

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NaNoWriMo Week Four: 100k Words, So Much Turkey, and Benedict Cumberbatch

  Oh, what is that I see? *squints* It looks like a…finish line? It couldn’t be. But maybe it is because….because…IT’S THE LAST DAYS OF NANO. NANO ENDS IN 3 DAYS. 3 DAAAAYS. Just think. Thursday morning you will open your eyes and it will be DECEMBER 1ST. No more NaNoWriMo! Unfortunately…I’ll probably still be pounding at my keyboard like a mad octopus (not sure why octopuses would be mad at keyboards but…?) on December 1st. And the few days thereafter. Because…my novel is not done. In fact, I have 11 chapters to go, and seem to only be writing…

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