And They Lived…

On July 13th of last year (2014), I started a Beauty and the Beast novella called Tossing Roses with the intention of entering it in Rooglewood Press's Fairytale Contest. Halfway through writing I retitled it Burning Thorns, deciding it fit better with the theme. Two months after starting it I finished the 20k novella, later jumped into editing, shared it with my critique partners, edited some more, did NaNoWriMo somewhere in between there, yet more editing, and then in December sent it off for the contest. On February 1st I learned Burning Thorns was not one of the winners for…

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Who Am I?

Do you ever have those days where you feel like nothing? Just. . .here, and that’s about it. I sure do. More often than not I examine myself and think, “What’s the point in me? In Christine?” I’m just here, not really making the world worse (hopefully), but not really making it better either. Just here using up empty space for no reason. It’s a hard thing wondering why you’re here, what your purpose is, what you’re supposed to be doing with your life. These are our years that we supposed to be figuring these things out, right? While we’re…

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In Which I Write a Lot of Words Rambling About Writing a Lot of Words

“30 days, 30k words. Yeah, I can do this.”That was my ever optimistic (if not a bit impractical) self at the beginning of June. “I can’t do thisssss.”My much more realistic side kicked in come mid-June. “Maybe I can do this?”Nearing the end of June. Hopeful? Wishful thinking? Anyone’s guess. “Nope, not gonna make— Wait. Did I just hit my word goal?”Last days of June. Too exhausted to even realize that I HIT 30K WORDS. Ahem. So yes. June has been a bit of a hectic whirlwind of words and life and other stuff I probably don’t even remember at…

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The Greatest of These

Not too long ago I was doing my Bible reading and going through the book of Romans when a particular passage jumped out and halted my progress. “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour:therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”Romans 13:10 (KJV) I’ve passed by this verse many times over, seen it numerous times. It’s a rather popular verse after all, obviously not a new concept, but on this day it grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go. In chapter 22 of Matthew, Jesus said the greatest commandment was to “love the Lord thy God with all thy…

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That Time Christine’s Brain Went Missing and Other Odd Tales

This morning I woke up to a note on my pillow— Gone to Hawaii for the week. Have fun without me.                                                                 Signed,                                                                         Your Brain It could have given me a week’s notice or something. Sheesh. So here I am, brainless, trying to write a blog post. It’s obviously not going well. Or I may have contracted a minor cold and am a little out of it today, but I still think my brain went off on vacation without me. Do you know how trying it is for a writer to be left brainless? I have all these character running…

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“While things that are uncomfortable…may make a good tale.”

Writers are notoriously cruel to their characters. Our job description is practically, “Killing and torturing people for a living.” An embarrassing amount of hours in our days are spent thinking about how we can make our characters’ lives worse. And yet we turn around and claim they’re our “precious, adorable babies whom we love ever so much!” Because, ya know, they are. You may walk into a bookstore and pick up the mildest, sweetest looking book out of the thousands, the cover glittered in pink and flowers and a girl with every tooth showing in a wide grin, white ribbons…

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Happy Birthday, Bloggy!

On Saturday, March 14th, this little blog of mine turned 4 years old. It blows my mind to really think I’ve been blogging for 4 years. I remember vividly the day I set out to make a blog, the headache I gave myself figuring out formatting and how to use a template, the realization that I really had no idea what to blog about. Those first couple years were slow. It took some time for me to settle into being a “blogger” and learning what it is I love to post about. My passion and seriousness about writing was just…

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Valentine’s Day Tag

Hello, my dear bloggings, I do hope you had a LOVEly Valentine’s Day weekend (see what I did there?). As for myself, I enjoyed a good dose of family time involving many laughs and a lot of food. Because laughing and eating is what my family does best. My sweet friend Rachel W. over at Secret Scribblings has formed together a fun Valentine’s tag and passed it my way. Thank you, Rachel! I never can pass up a fun tag. And do go check out her blog. Her witty, hilarious posts constantly trigger an explosion of laughter from me. It’s…

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Of Roses, Dreams, and Bubbles

It’s a bit funny (and maybe a tad annoying) how quickly I can change my mind about something. Really, I never make up my mind about anything. I float on a bubble of indecision, being tossed to and fro in the wind. Remember my story Fallen Matter? If you were around here any time last year I’m sure you do. That’s basically the only thing I blogged about all year. Saying it took over my life is a bit of an understatement. It consumed every fiber of my being. As a result, I had every intention of rewriting it this…

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Beautiful People – It’s a Writer’s Life for Me {January 2015}

Greetings and salutations! (Wait, aren’t those the same things?) For a little over a week I’ve been off at lands afar, partaking in grand adventures. And by that I mean I’ve been out of town staying with my bestie, but it is always an adventure when we’re together. But all good things must come to an end; goodbyes were said and I have returned. Though the comfort of home is never unwelcome. But I digress. Now that I am back and settling into things once more, I’m excitedly (or excitedingly like I accidentally first typed up. . .I think I…

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