“To Live Will Be an Awfully Big Adventure”

Here we are, with fresh and empty calendars in hand, and a new number claiming hold of the year. 2015 I quite like that number. It promises adventure, maybe even hardships, heartbreaks, but with it growth. Newness. Awaiting that first step of the journey. The beginning of a new year almost excites me as much as Christmas morning. It’s like staring at that fresh word document just before starting a new story. The possibilities are endless, and though I know I’ll struggle along the way, it’ll end in an adventure I’ll never regret taking. Right now I can only wonder…

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2014’s Journey

In these last days of 2014, I can’t help but look back and count all the many, many gifts God blessed me with this year. We’ve had quite a few hardships come our way these past few years, but this year has been a much better one. The best one in a while, in fact. If there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that God is ALWAYS with us. No matter what we go through or where we are in life, He’s there. Guiding us, caring for us, loving us. Always and forever. When I’ve struggled to find comfort…

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It’s the Little Things

I’m thankful for. . . Stranger’s smiles. Polka dotted umbrellas. The tapping of leaves falling on the rooftop. Penguin socks. The sound of a book’s pages turning. Babies’ smiles. Pink cell phone cases. Those in between moments of sleep where you’re dreaming but half awake. The smell of overturned earth just after a rain. NaNoWriMo The smooth feeling of ivory under your fingertips when playing the piano. When you find a song so beautiful it clutches your soul and brings tears to your eyes. Open windows. The reflection of fall leaves on water. Goofy selfies with my sister in the…

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That Time October Exploded

We interrupt your peaceful blog reading to announce. . . NANOWRIMO BEGINS IN 10 DAYS. Um. . .excuse me? 10 days? *cue the scrambling around, hastily making plot notes, assuring coffee supplies are sufficiently high, all affairs are in order, laundry is caught up, and farewells to your friends and family are taken care of* Yep. In 10 days those bravely insane writers will be locking themselves up in their writing spaces to pound out 50k or more words in a month, only showing their bleary-eyed faces for more caffeine. Because writers aren’t already mad enough people, right? Of course…

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Naps, Roses, and Hobbitses

I’ve been staring at the screen for several minutes trying to think of a clever way to open up this post, but my brain’s all, “Haha, nope. Go take a nap or something.” I tend to ignore my brain, but a nap sounds awfully nice. So Thursday my throat started feeling like murder, and then as the day progressed I slowly seeped into a state of death. Then over the weekend it all came in full force—fever, a throat that felt like a dragon was lodged inside trying to claw and burn its way out, a headache akin to a…

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“A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. . .”

I like the simple things in life. My favorite time of the day is right before bed when I can curl up and read before drifting off to sleep. Sometimes I like to just sit outside and do absolutely nothing but watch the clouds pass by. My heart did a little trill at the sound of thunder just now, the prospect of a stormy day to write thrilling me. But, despite how nice the simple things in life are, we all need a little excitement. Even the quietest people dream big. Me, I love the idea of adventures and excitement.…

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Returned, Refreshed, Reworked

Well, hello there! How are all my lovelies? I’ve been doing splendidly. I just had a grand ol’ time out of town staying with my bestie for one of the best two weeks I’ve ever had. It was glorious, with much talking and laughter to the point where our throats were sore (literally), complete with a great amount of squealing over books, because we’re kindred spirits like that. But I am officially home and attempting to settle back into things. Though I desperately miss my “second family” as I like to refer to my bestie and her family, being under…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part Two}

And I am back with yet more awards! In last week's post I explained how I’m a bad blogger and take ridiculous lengths of times to get to awards and tags, if I ever do at all. But I love these things and must start doing better! So I’m trying to catch up on them. Back in May (yes, May) one of my favoritest peoples Deborah @ The Road of a Writer awarded me with the Liebster award. Thank you so much, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ 1. Thank and link back the person who nominated you 2. List eleven facts…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part One}

I fail at blogging quite often. It’s true. For example, if some sweet blogger passes an award my way, it may take me months to get to it, if I ever do. Which is silly, because I adore tags and am always so thrilled and honored to have one given to me. Being as how I’ve spent the majority of the year so far writing, I’ve been setting aside all the wonderful awards passed my way for a time. And now, finally, I’m getting to some! There are four (yes four, I told you I’m horrible) so I’ll post two…

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Changes, New Adventures, and Lots of Feels

For a long while now my ol’ blog and myself have needed to undergo some changes. And thus this week I set out on the (not exactly) grand adventure of doing just that. Firstly, you may have noticed I don’t pen under the name Lauriloth anymore. If I have hopes of ever getting published I figured I might need to start looking a smidge more professional. (Although I still have delusions of being an elf. We can just pretend, right?) But don’t you worry, I’ll still always be Lauri, so feel free to address me as such if so desired.…

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