{Book Review} Five Magic Spindles

Happy June! It is Sleeping Beauty month over on Fairy Tale Central and to celebrate I’m kicking this month off with a review of an utterly delightful Sleeping Beauty anthology. I have been following along with Rooglewood’s fairy tale anthologies ever since the first one came out. I adore these anthologies of five novellas from five different talented authors. It’s so thrilling getting so many different takes on one specific fairy tale. Shamefully, I only just recently read Five Magic Spindles. I’ve read all three other anthologies, but this one got put on the backburner for absolutely no reason at…

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{Book Review} Spindle Dreams by Kirsten Fichter

  Synopsis Marita Kadlec is the only daughter of Rohesia's poorest – and laziest – weaver. Her father prefers to spend his days gambling in the tavern, leaving the spinning up to Marita. She hates the family business because she's constantly pricking her finger on the spindle. She'd much rather be tinkering on an invention that she hasn't had the courage to show anyone yet. A special invention that will rid her of spinning for the rest of her life. Felix is a young nobleman plagued with the same nightmare – a giant machine, twisting and clanking, shrouded in fire,…

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{COVER REVEAL} Spindle Dreams by Kirsten Fichter

Hello, my lovely elflings! Happy August! GUESS WHO HAS RETURNED??? On a random Thursday, I  know, but I have something special to show you today! My goodness, it feels like it’s been an age and a half since I’ve last blogged. July was both insanely fast and yet felt like a lifetime. I DON’T EVEN KNOW. But I am easing (and by that I mean crashing awkwardly) back into blogging and social media and all that goodness. In case you’re wondering, yes I DO have a Realm Makers recap post coming. And yes, it WAS magical and fabulous and I…

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