The Snow White & Rose Red Fairy Tale Tag

Good day, O’ fairies and fae folk! Today’s blog post theme is…fairy tales! (Lololol when is it not?) I absolutely couldn’t pass up joining in a tag that focuses on not just fairy tales, but one of my favorites!

The beautiful and talented Kirsten Fichter, released book #4 of her Once Upon a Twist Tales novella series last month, The Bear of Rosethorn Ring, and as part of the release, she created a super fun TAG! (Am I joining in on the tag a month and a half late? Yes, yes I am. But wizards are never late.)

The Bear of Rosethorn Ring is a retelling of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red, which is not only one of my favorite fairy tales, but a woefully obscure one that NEEDS more recognition and retellings. So when Kirsten said her next story would be retelling this one, there may have been a lot of squealing on my part. (And by “may” I mean 100% much squealing, much excitement.)

If you’ve never read this fairy tale, then you should absolutely do yourself a favor and do so. You can read the commentary we did of it over on Fairy Tale Central HERE if you’d like. #shamelessadvertising It involves a cursed bear prince, a picturesque life in the woods, SISTERS (who aren’t trying to murder one another, what a rarity for a fairy tale!), a hilariously grumpy dwarf, and is just a delight all the way around.

Annnd if you’ve yet to check out Kirsten’s series, then YOU SHOULD DO THAT TOO. Because these are even more delightful—full of wit and heart and humor and good ol’ clean fun. They give me all the happy feels.


As mentioned, Kirsten created an absolutely delicious tag last month as part of her story’s release, and I’m sweeping in fashionably late, cape billowing dramatically. (Or more like stumbling in woefully late and making everything awkward for myself and everyone around me but I digress.)




  • Copy the tag questions and answer them for yourself in your own blog post. (*points below*)
  • Link back to the original post pleaseandthankyou. (You can find that HERE.)
  • Include the tag graphic somewhere in your post. (*points above*)
  • Share the link to your answers in a comment on the original post so Kirsten can read your answers!

What’s your favorite fairytale? If you can’t whittle it down to one, give us a list!

Miracle of miracles, I can whittle it down to one. And I suspect many of you already know the answer…

*drum rollll*


Ah, this fairy tale. There are dozens of reasons to love this beautiful story, from dear, kindhearted Beauty to the broken beast to the enchanted castle. But I think what strikes me the most is the theme: that love heals all. It is the very Story of the world. We are all ugly things until Jesus’ love redeems us and makes us beautiful. It is a story of redemption, of true beauty, of LOVE—the very source of everything good. It’s a fairy tale that stirs my soul, and one I never go tired of, no matter how many times it is retold.

But even aside from the themes, it’s just a good story. I love the characters and the setting and all the enchantment, and there’s even a bit of a mystery as to why the beast is cursed. It fires up my imagination more than any other.

Me reading any version of this tale. (And watching this movie, let’s be real.)

Annnd, because I gotta be extra, here are a few of my other top faves:

  • The Twelve Dancing Princesses
  • Rapunzel
  • The Wild Swans
  • The Snow Queen
  • Snow White & Rose Red (duh)
  • Cinderella
  • Rumpelstiltskin
  • Jorinde & Joringel

Okay, I’ll stop now or we’ll be on this single question ‘til the end of time…

What’s your favorite fairytale retelling? Or retellings, since most of us have more than one?

OH GRACIOUS. Another question I could just go on and on and on about. Someone save us.

Okay, okay. Tippity top favorite fairy tale retellings? Let’s see if I can keep this down to three…

  • Entwined by Heather Dixon, which is an absolutely gorgeous, creepy, and humorous retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and I love it with all my being.
  • The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer because OF COURSE. Fairy tales IN SPACE with the most endearing characters of ever. So much to love!
  • Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer (apparently if you’re a “Meyer” you’re destined to write epic fairy tale retellings)—a retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon, with a dash of Beauty and the Beast and Tam Lin thrown in for good measure, and one of the most delicious reads I’ve ever had the pleasure of devouring.

So yeah, those would probably be my top, top, TOP faves. But you KNOW I’ve got plenty more…

Like A Fair Account of the Traitors Snow White & Rose Red by S.E. Page which just so happens to be a retelling of Snow White & Rose Red so points to me with sticking to a theme here. ;D Also it is a STUNNING, unique read and I can’t recommend it enough.

Kyle Robert Shultz’s hilarious, twisty Afterverse books are also hiiiigh on the list. I never get tired of those!

Ella Enchanted is of course a CLASSIC and must read for all fairy tale lovers.

And then I couldn’t NOT mention Kirsten Fichter’s own Once Upon a Twist Tales books which make my heart happy every single time. <333

(Keep it down to three, she said. Har har.)

(Also all links lead to their GoodReads pages for adding to TBR purposes. You’re welcoooome.)

When were you first introduced to the fairytale Snow White and Rose Red?


I feel like I’ve probably read this one at some point in my life, because I read a lot of Brothers Grimm when I was young. But I really wasn’t aware of it until 2019 when Arielle suggested we feature it on Fairy Tale Central. The second I read it, I wondered hooowwww this darling little tale had gone under my radar all this time??? Because it is seriously the most charming little read, filled to the brim with plot bunnies and a sister story which is my FAVE. I immediately fell in love, and have proudly claimed it as a favorite fairy tale ever since.

Moral of the story: It’s never too late to find a new favorite fairy tale!

If you awoke one day, cursed and lumbering around as a bear, what would be the first thing you’d do? Do you know why you’re cursed?

I mean, I basically just loaf around and eat all day anyway, so would there really be a difference??? I guess the first thing I’d do is…complain that I can’t type with big ol’ bear claws. That’d be quite an inconvenience for a writer, I must say. And I’d also be most put out that I’d be too big to sit in my comfy chair. #priorities

How did I become cursed? Oh, I probably unknowingly sassed a witch, Sophie Hatter style. Truly, it is a blessing I don’t live in a world full of indignant wizards and witches, because my snarky tongue would probably get me cursed on a monthly basis.

Snow White and Rose Red kept a pet lamb. What would your ideal fairytale pet be?

Is this even a question?


But not just any dragon. A kitten-sized dragon who perches on my shoulder and hisses at my enemies. Basically, I want a minor dragon from Donita K. Paul’s The Dragonkeeper Chronicles. Really, that’s all I’ve ever wanted in life. Is it too much to ask???

If you were to have a color-based name like Snow White or Rose Red, what would your name be — and why?

Well, my ultimate favorite color is pink, so maybe like…Pink Blossom or something ridiculously frilly like that? *grins* Although, often these fairy tale names derive from physical appearance. So…HMMM. I have hazel eyes, so I could go by Hazel, perhaps?

I DON’T KNOW. I’m not good at this! If you have suggestions, please share. I love this question, but my brain has failed meee.

Snow White and Rose Red’s mother planted two rosebushes in front of their cottage, one with white roses and one with red roses. Would you plant roses in front of your house, or perhaps another plant? Why?

You better believe I’d be planting rosebushes absolutely everywhere should I live in a fairy tale cottage. Roses just happen to be my ultimate favorite flower. I’d be like the beast in Beauty and the Beast and have roses everywhere. (Preferably lots pink ones OF COURSE.) I mean, I don’t do this in real life because outside work is so very not my thing and I kill all plants. But we’re just gonna pretend I’m a much better gardener in Fairy Tale Land, because, well, it’s a fairy tale. I adore the idea of gardening, but the actual doing it? Eheheheh…I just want to sit in my comfy chair in the air conditioning. #dontjudgeme

To cope with this, I fill my novels to the brim with tons of flowers and tend to have characters who like to garden. I embrace the plant mom obsession through fiction. Which is probably good for all those plants out there I’d undoubtedly murder should they be in my care…

A stranger knocks on your door during a blizzard, begging for shelter. Do you let him in?

I mean, if the stranger is a talking bear like in the fairy tale, I’m not sure I’d be in the position to refuse a talking bear. If it’s just some random stranger, I’d probably point them to the nearest inn for fear of letting some weirdo in my house…and thennn most likely realize it’s a sorcerer and get myself cursed for my inhospitality. You see my problem here??

Would you rather have your hair (or beard) caught in a tree, in a fishing line, or in an eagle’s talons?

Neither of these things sound particularly pleasant, but I especially wouldn’t want to be trapped by an eagle. At least a tree or fishing line wouldn’t attack back. Well…if this is a fairy tale word, one never knows if the trees are alive. So I guess we’ll go with the fishing line. It would probably be the easiest thing to cut out of the tangles.

The dwarf offers his treasures to keep himself from being eaten by a bear. What would you offer the bear to discourage him from eating you?

The entire contents of my fridge? Full access to the pantry? A gift card to Olive Garden? Like, what was the silly dwarf thinking? Real treasure is food, duh.

Okay that was a really fun tag! A huge shout-out to Kirsten for creating this! AND a super major uber congratulations for the release of her FOURTH book!!! I’m still so thrilled about this thing!

Here’s the info of the book if you missed it:


When their father runs away, Marita and Diamond Kadlec realize how different twins can be. Marita’s ready to forget Lucas entirely, but Diamond wants to give him the second chance she’s never been able to give before. That’s before they discover that Lucas is indebted to the ill-tempered D’vard and his traveling circus, the Rosethorn Ring. The Ring’s entertainment lacks a bear, and Lucas must play the part of the savage creature to regain his freedom.

Lorcan D’vard cares only for three things: tending to his beloved beard, promoting his Rosethorn Ring, and eradicating the assassin out to kill him. With time running out, D’vard agrees to cancel Lucas’s debt and let him go free – if Marita and Diamond can apprehend the assassin before the assassin ends the show.

This is Snow White and Rose Red with a twist like you’ve never seen it before.


SISTERS. CIRCUS. MYSTERY. It is delicious! If you want to know more, I posted a review just a few weeks ago.

And if you want to join in on this tag, you can find the original post HERE!

Have you ever read Snow White & Rose Red? What would YOUR color-based fairy tale name be? And have you done this tag yet? Because it’s really fun! Share all your fairy tale-ish thoughts below! (’Cause you guys know I can talk about fairy tales endlessly.)

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May 17, 2021 9:53 AM

I want to read more fairytales now…I should get a fairytale book from the library…

I love fairytale retellings! I think my favorites would have to be The Lunar Chronicles, The Four Kingdoms, and The Stolen Kingdom. This was a very intriguing tag, and I’ll have to read Kirsten Fichter’s work soon.

Joy Caroline
May 17, 2021 12:53 PM

Such a fun post! Your posts always brighten my day, Christine, so thank you.

My favorite fairy tale would have to be The Little Mermaid. I’ve loved that one since I was little. I also loved Cinderella. And Snow White, although the evil queen scared me! I haven’t read Snow White & Rose Red, but now I shall have to.

My English teacher is actually teaching us fairy tales right now! Whoever said that 10th graders can’t still read them? C.S. Lewis said someday we’d be old enough to read fairy tales again, after all. Today she read us the original version of The Princess and the Frog, which made us laugh a lot. Let me just say it’s quite different from the Disney version. She informed us that the Disney movies are actually based off these really creepy and somewhat violent old tales. Like in Cinderella, the stepsisters cut their feet to fit into the glass slipper. *cringes and shudders* I think we all prefer the Disney versions. XD

Hmm… my fairy tale color name. My favorite color is pink, too! High-fives! But I’ve got to admit I’m stumped. Not good at this, either. Hazel sounds like an awesome name for you! Wish I could steal it. I’ve got brown eyes though, so that wouldn’t work for me. Maybe Pink Halo since I wear a lot of pink headbands? That’s the best I could come up with, LOL.

Again, awesome post!

May 17, 2021 1:13 PM

This is SUCH a fun tag! Snow White and Rose Red is such a great fairytale, and it’s SO underrated.
I think Hazel would suit, you, although Pink Blossom suits you better (also, it’s just such a pretty name).
Also, I loooove the GIFs in this post.

May 17, 2021 4:30 PM

I love Beauty and the Beast, too! I think my favorite might be The Twelve Dancing Princesses, just because of the huge amounts of childhood nostalgia involved, but B&tB is a close second. (What on earth is Jorinde & Joringel? I’ve never even heard of that one!)

Entwined! Yes!
Okay, I need Echo North this moment, if not sooner?? Because YES.

complain that I can’t type with big ol’ bear claws” <<That is an extremely legitimate first thing to do. XD

Roses are the absolute best! My mom has a Thing about roses, and so we have tons, and since she refuses to plant any roses that don’t smell nice (I mean, why do those even exist?) all our roses (except the one bush that was here when we moved in. XD) smell AMAZING and they all smell DIFFERENT. (One of them smells like apricots, and my favorite one smells like lemons.) (In other words, if you need someone to plant your rose garden, my mom would be happy to. XD)

May 17, 2021 5:28 PM

So I’m going to have to steal this tag

I love Snow White and Rose Red so much! It’s one of my favorite fairy tales, too. I’ve been wanting to write a retelling of it for ages. I’ve got ideas, but nothing’s really come together yet.

May 17, 2021 10:49 PM

What would my colour-based fairy tale name be? I’ll have to take a while to decide that one… but I think it’ll end with ‘Berry’.
the story of Snow White and Rose Red is in my old giant anthology of children’s stories (which was also my introduction to The Hobbit, and so many other stories), but I don’t remember when I first read it.

May 18, 2021 3:09 PM

Hi Kristen! Happy Tuesday from the West Coast!
A couple years ago, my sister-in-law gave us (me and my sisters) a beautiful retelling of Snow White and Rose Red, by Emily Winfield Martin. Of course, me being a total fairy tale fan girl *nervous giggle*, ate it up!
I would love to try this tag, I’m kinda new at this, so we’ll see!
Btw, my color-based fairy tale name would be Scarlet!
Well, looooooooove the new post, but I got to go.
(Did you know you CAN’T order a unicorn on Amazon? What’s the world coming to?!)

May 19, 2021 10:29 AM

I could see you accidentally sassing a witch. XD
I have Echo North, I really need to read it.

May 19, 2021 1:39 PM

Oooh, this is such a cool tag, Christine!!! I’ll definitely have to check it out!

I’ve actually never read the original Snow White and Rose Red fairy tale (which is REALLY sad and I obviously NEED to) XD and have only immersed myself in retellings of it such as The Bear of Rosethorn Ring and Emily Winfield Martin’s Snow White and Rose Red (which was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLY SWEET and totally gave me all of those sister feels). ;P

*Gasps* OH MY WORD, Entwined was soooo good!!!! Keeper, though…*shudders* Talk about creepy. XD Also, it’s confession time: I’ve never read The Lunar Chronicles before. *hides* BUT, before the rest of the fairy tale fandom shuns me, let it be known that I did place Cinders on hold at the library yesterday!!! (That’s the first one in the series right? ‘Cause if not…eheh, oops.) XD But anyway, I am BEYOND excited to read it!!! 😀 (Once I do, I’ll let you know what I think of it!) 😉

Oooh, what would my color-based fairy tale name be? Weeell, since my favorite color’s blue then I could do Periwinkle! (Which is more purple-y sometimes, but who cares?) XD

This was such a FABULOUS post, girl!!! Thanks for sharing! <333

May 20, 2021 8:27 PM

Hi Christine!! Long time no see!! How have you been? How’s writing/life in general?

Ooo, I see you’ve officially met my sister, Amy! She loves fairytales (and unicorns!)

This is was quite a fun tag! I love the name ‘Pink Blossom’. I’d probably do ‘Lily White’. Or Sapphire Blue (which is my favorite color!)

May 20, 2021 11:41 PM

That’s awesome! I’ve been finding that revising isn’t so bad (I’m learning to make peace with it!)

Aww, you’re so sweet! I’ve been doing well. Amy and I have started a children’s blog, so we’ve been learning the in’s and out’s of wordpress

Eek! Thanks. I also really like the name Hazel; all three should be fairytale sisters! 🙂

May 21, 2021 1:48 PM

Eek! Thanks for visiting our blog! So glad you like it!

Yeah, we’ve been googling a lot of stuff lately XD

May 21, 2021 1:54 PM

please excuse me while I go and die of happiness *explodes in a cloud of glitter*
Okay, I’m back now..
Thank you so much, it’s been such a fun thing to do with Lily! Then again, she is my sister, so anything we do is usually fun if we do it together…except the dishes, there’s just nothing fun about that…
ANYWAY, if you could pass along the word about us to any moms looking for something their kids can be entertained by, that would be AWESOME
(oooh, i think i broke my caps button…uh-oh.)

May 21, 2021 8:16 PM

Aww, thanks Christine! We really appreciate the help! 🙂

May 21, 2021 8:16 PM

Thank you so much! It means so much to us!

May 20, 2021 11:39 PM

Ahh I loved reading this post!!
You like Jorinda and Jorindel? I thought I was the only one who’d even heard of that story but it’s so sad and sweet I like it so much. Haha I have much the same thoughts as you do about gardening. Maybe because nothing I plant ever grows well, or maybe because I’d rather stay in my air conditioned room and be a couch potato writer lol. Kitten sized fierce little dragons are the best thing I’ve heard in a while!!! And…I don’t really know the story of Snow White and Rose Red?? I might have to search it again lol😂

Emily Grant
May 23, 2021 8:00 AM

This fairy tale is so sweet! I’m glad FTC made me more aware of it, because it really is just such a great story. And this retelling sounds delightful, too! *TBR cries*

YES to the Lunar Chronicles!! They’re just so unique and SO much fun! (Now that I own them, maybe I’ll finally read Winter and finish the series. xD)

A kitten-sized dragon who sits on your shoulder and hisses at your enemies? THAT SOUNDS LIKE A DREAM. And a very useful tool for an introvert. xD No unwanted conversations for me, with this here dragon on my shoulder! GENIUS.

I honestly have no clue what my favorite fairy tale is! I’m still getting familiar with the more obscure ones, and they absolutely deserve to have their hat in the ring. It’s also been forever since I read most of the original fairy tales (we all know the Disney versions aren’t accurately representative of them XD), and it only seems fair that I judge by the actual stories, y’know? AND I’m really indecisive, which doesn’t help. xD (I don’t know why I just wrote a whole paragraph on why I don’t have a favorite fairy tale, but here we are. xD)

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
May 24, 2021 12:58 PM

Ooo, my favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel! And yes I totally blame Tangled for getting me into that obsession. 😆 Though I also now totally blame (in the best way possible!) all the fairy godmothers’ work over on Fairy Tale Central for my growing love of fairy tales and ALL the ones I want to retell now, LOL! I’m gonna be 90 before I finish even half the stories I want to write…

I LOVE The Lunar Chronicles!!!!!! I think I got into that series because of you, too! You’re a good influence on book recs. ☺️ Cress and Throne are the best, in case you were wondering. *runs off to go squeal about my precious babies* 😍😍😍 I also really need to reread these along with a thousand other books. *ignores glaring TBR tower*

And being a bear who can’t type because of the claws is a ligament complaint I would have too because you couldn’t hold a pen either and I don’t think dictation apps can understand growls as words because no witch would leave me to keep talking after cursing me…

SAME, girl, I’d sass or insult one too many witches if I lived in Fairy Tale Land, but I’m pretty sure they’d just kill me after about, I dunno, the thousandth thing I said wrong in a single day to them. Oops. 🤣

Pink Blossom or Hazel are great names! My eyes are green-blue hazel, so I don’t think that would make a very good name. My favorite color is red which is not much better as it would most likely be paired with my personality and I’d end up with something like Red Spitfire or worse, haha. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Fairy Tale Land. I think they’d kick me out, LOL!

I also would be a plant killer as I’d forget to water them all the time. Which is odd and kinda embarrassing as I’m a part time farmer and my mom and sister are gardeners…

Sarah Ryder
Sarah Ryder
May 24, 2021 4:45 PM

Oh, true I hadn’t thought of Poppy! I blame my fried brain on not thinking of anything good, haha! 🤪 Maybe I should have you name all my characters in the future. 😉

Yes, you and FTC have corrupted me into loving fairy tales now and I’m not complaining one bit. ☺️ I now have murky plans to write a whole series of interconnected/mashed up fairy tale retellings where I’ll put more then one fairytale into a story at a time with bits of plot and items or such of each one will run throughout the rest of the books along with all those fairytales things as well, if any of that made sense, I’m very sorry if it didn’t, haha. It’s still only in the germinating in my head stage, but I’m pretty stoked to write them one of these days!

Also, since I know you like Alice in Wonderland did you know E. E. Rawls (I think that’s her name, haha) is going to release a new MG retelling set in or around Wonderland? I just saw some posts on some blogs showing the very pretty cover yesterday and immediately thought of you! 😍 It sounds really interesting too!

June 4, 2021 1:13 PM

Ooh, I may have to steal this tag eventually… Your answers were awesome, by the way!

I think I read Snow White and Rose Red once upon a time, but I definitely need to reread it. The book looks delicious too. I’ll add it to my very long TBR.

Lunar Chronicles is the best! I adore Winter + Jacin. ❤️. (And Cress, and everyone else).

My favorite fairytale is The True History of Little Golden-Hood. It’s beyond awesome. Have you read it?

My name would be Storm Blue. I may or may not just be picking it because it sounds cool, and because I have blue eyes, but there it is. 😋.
Also, I have a dragon. (Or, to be honest, a dragon has me).

June 5, 2021 1:00 PM

Thank you so much!

And yes, Golden-Hood is delightful and so fun. It’s legitimately a Little Red Riding Hood retelling. Love it.

Eep! Dragon playdates. They can burn villages together (or something less violent).

June 14, 2021 5:18 PM

Howww did I get sooooo far behind on your lovely postssss!?!?! #epicfail #facepalm <.> Oh, man, time has just gotten away from me, the slippery little beasty. XD

Okay, but I just love all of your answers!! I was laughing and giggling and nodding in agreement the whole way through. XD I am SO with you on liking ALLLLL the beautimous retellings I’ve gotten my hands on. ^_^ Especially The Lunar Chronicles, Once Upon A Twist Tales, and Ella Enchanted. I also can’t wait until I can add Burning Thorns to my list. 😉 <333 My latest favorite fairytale retelling is The Firethorn Crown by Lea Doue. I just gobbled that book up!! I loved it so, so much!! ^_^

I want a kitten-sized Dragon toooooo!!! *hearteyes*

Lolz! I am a fictional plant momma too! XD I am so not a gardener. Not the least bit. I commit plant homicide when I try… >.> *puts comfy chair next to yours and cranks up the AC*

Hmmm? What if your color name was Pink Hazel? Hazel Rose? I’m not sure what mine would be…? Maybe something with green or blue in some form?? I don’t know. XD

I just adored this post so much!! ^_^ <333

June 17, 2021 3:53 PM

Ahhh, this is so fun! Fairytale tags are so whimsical and fun to read. 😀

The Lunar Chronicles! I read the series for the first time a couple months ago, and I LOVED them! So brilliant and fun and the SHIPS. <3

THE AFTERVERSE. *screams* I read allll the Afterverse books and stories I could get my hands on in a month, and AHHHHH. I haven’t been so invested in a book series in a long time (which is saying a LOT). 😀 I’ve been subtly slipping quotes into conversation as much as possible (I basically want to quote everything that comes out of Malcolm and Nick and Julio’s mouths. XD Also, Malcolm NEEDS that Silmaril this year. 🙂 )

June 17, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Amelie

(I apologize for commenting so late…somehow I have gotten wayyy behind on commenting on your lovely posts. But I’ve read and loved them all. They’re a ray of sunshine whenever they pop into my inbox. :D)

July 25, 2021 9:03 PM

I have been planning to do this tag for a while… I haven’t done it. So I think you’re all good with lateness, haha.
As always, it was such an adventure to read your answers! Your answer to the stranger one was hilarious, and I am also a plant killer just because I’m too lazy to look after them. XD