Hello Spring! // Some Spring Favorites

Happy first day of spring! I truly love this time of year. It's funny, when I was younger I claimed spring as my favorite season without question. But as I grew older my preferences shifted to much colder temperatures and for a good chunk of my life, I've firmly proclaimed winter as my Ultimate Favorite. But in the last couple of years? Spring has been trying to creep back as #1. I'm not sure it's quite stolen that spot back, I really, really love fall and winter and just cold weather in general, BUT my old love for spring, like…

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In Which I Review the Studio Ghibli Films // Part 2

And I am back with reviews for the second half of the Studio Ghibli films! As I mentioned in my last post, I've fairly recently had a chance to devour almost all of the Studio Ghibli films and fell utterly in love with these Japanese animated movies filled to the brim with heart and magic and creating the every day into something enchanting. Truly, these are beloved stories for a reason. In my last post I reviewed the first half of them, and I'm here today to share all my (many) thoughts on the second half! Read Part One Here!…

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In Which I Review the Studio Ghibli Films // Part 1

The Studio Ghibli films have been loved and celebrated for decades now, though it was only recently that I immersed into the world of Ghibli myself. Ever since, I have been hooked. So today I come to you with Thoughts! Lots and lots of thoughts. Have I been teasing doing a Ghibli films review post since, erm, August 2021? Maaaybe. But hey, I'm here now! And what better time than right at the beginnings of spring? Because is it just me or does the windy, lively days of spring encompass the very heart of a Ghibli film? As I type…

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Five Favorite Comfort Films

Comfort films—those movies we turn to again and again in the midst of turmoil. The ones that calm our soul, bring a dose of cheer, that feel like a hot cup of tea on a cold day, filling our insides with goodness and warmth. As much as I adore books, I am also a huge movie fan (and even more so with TV series, but that’s a topic for another blog post). I just like good stories, guys! In all their forms. And though usually I am all for tales of epic quests and exciting adventures and end-of-the-world stakes (*cough*LOTR*cough*),…

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The Fantasy Month Fandom Tag

February is Fantasy Month! And this year the theme is one of my favorite things of all time…FANDOMS. So today I hope you will indulge me as I release my Ultimate Fangirl Mode! (Not that you’ve never seen that before…) If you’ve never heard of Fantasy Month, allow me to direct you to its creator, the beautiful, amazing, storytelling genius herself Jenelle Schmidt. All the way back in 2016, in order to knock back the February blues, Jenelle created “February is Fantasy Month” in which we can explode the blogosphere and social media with one of the greatest genres of…

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