Halfway There…?

Well, it seems NaNoWriMo has descended upon us! And, you know, it’s a totally good idea to reach the halfway point 4 days within the event. . . Right? Riiight? Because it’s not like I’ve lost hold of reality. Noooo. Hehehe. . .heh. . .heheh. Ahem. So maybe my OCD tendencies kick into hyperdrive during November and I can’t seem to stop making myself write. And yes, I hit the halfway point last night. But my goal for NaNo is not to reach 50k but to finish my book as quickly as possible. And since my books always end somewhere…

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Beautiful Books – Plottery Talk {October 2014}

You all probably know by now Beautiful People is like my favorite blogging thing ever. I get to answer a list of questions about my characters, which happens to be my favorite thing to talk about. Um, yes please! Well, the beautiful Beautiful People (yes, I just said that) hosts Sky and Cait decided to do something awesome for the next three months. Yes, Beautiful BOOKS. In honor of NaNoWriMo (which happens in less than a week? WHAAAT???) they’re doing a linkup revolving around our NaNo books (or any current WIP if you’re not doing NaNo). For this month they’re…

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Magic Storytelling

Have you ever watched a show or seen a movie or read a book and by the end you’re just sitting there stunned, wondering how the writers produced such magic? And, more importantly, how can you incorporate that same magic storytelling into your own novels? I think us writers are always on the search for better storytelling, hoping maybe, someday, somehow we can stun people with our beautiful stories just as much as you were by that one special book or that mind-blowing show. I find myself in this position for, well, the majority of my life. I consume stories…

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That Time October Exploded

We interrupt your peaceful blog reading to announce. . . NANOWRIMO BEGINS IN 10 DAYS. Um. . .excuse me? 10 days? *cue the scrambling around, hastily making plot notes, assuring coffee supplies are sufficiently high, all affairs are in order, laundry is caught up, and farewells to your friends and family are taken care of* Yep. In 10 days those bravely insane writers will be locking themselves up in their writing spaces to pound out 50k or more words in a month, only showing their bleary-eyed faces for more caffeine. Because writers aren’t already mad enough people, right? Of course…

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The NaNo ‘14 Cast

It’s that time of year again, peoples! Where that last smidgeon of sanity us writers have gets flung out the window and locked out for a month. That’s right, NaNoWriMo is coming! Which means October is NaNo-prep month. I’m a wee bit behind on my prepping this year, but I’m starting to get into the swing of things. It hasn’t been easy though, this year’s novel is being stubborn, but I’m starting to discover its secrets and pull a story out of it. As I know I’ve mentioned, every year of NaNo since my first in 2010 I write each…

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Dear Writer

Don’t be scared. If there’s a story in your heart, write it. And write it bravely. Through my journey of writing, I would often come up with some wild ideas and always thought, “Oh, I could never write that.” For my current WIPs, plot points popped in my head on a constant basis and you know what I would do? I’d laugh, think that would be fun to put in the book, but be too scared to actually write it. I always kept it safe. I was scared. “Is that idea too out there?” “That’s too complicated to sort through.”…

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Beautiful People – Visance {September 2014}

Oh, look at that, it’s a new month. Oh, look at that, it’s. . .halfway through an apparently not-so-new month. Well then. That’s right. New month means new Beautiful People, and per the Christine norm I’m late in jumping in the boat. But hey, it doesn’t leave the dock for another half a month, so not too late. Riiight? I believe you’ve got this down pat by now. Beautiful People is a writerly linkup by the oh-so fabulously fabulous Sky and Cait. Each month they give us 10 questions to answer about any character of ours. Useful and fun. What’s…

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Returned, Refreshed, Reworked

Well, hello there! How are all my lovelies? I’ve been doing splendidly. I just had a grand ol’ time out of town staying with my bestie for one of the best two weeks I’ve ever had. It was glorious, with much talking and laughter to the point where our throats were sore (literally), complete with a great amount of squealing over books, because we’re kindred spirits like that. But I am officially home and attempting to settle back into things. Though I desperately miss my “second family” as I like to refer to my bestie and her family, being under…

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Changes, New Adventures, and Lots of Feels

For a long while now my ol’ blog and myself have needed to undergo some changes. And thus this week I set out on the (not exactly) grand adventure of doing just that. Firstly, you may have noticed I don’t pen under the name Lauriloth anymore. If I have hopes of ever getting published I figured I might need to start looking a smidge more professional. (Although I still have delusions of being an elf. We can just pretend, right?) But don’t you worry, I’ll still always be Lauri, so feel free to address me as such if so desired.…

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Christine’s Writing Life – The Writing Process Tour

One of my bestest besties Celti/Deborah from The Road of a Writer passed a tag my way, which I am quite ecstatic about. I’ve seen this tag floating around and thought it looked spectacular. I’m so excited I’ve been given the opportunity to participate. Thank you, Celti dear, you’re the best! <3 Also, everyone go to her blog. Yes, now. She is a delightful human being and basically the best. So go, enjoy her charm. Now then. This tag, as its name suggests, basically focuses on the life of us crazy writers and how we go about *le gasp* writing!…

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