Characters are People Too

There are some people in the world who may claim loving fictional characters like your own children is a bit odd. Ha ha! Silly people. How can I not help but giggle when Lisseria goes off on her rambling tangents? Or snort when old Mortimer does not actually remember his first name? Can I really help smiling as Ethryl calmly strolls across a deck of battling pirates? Is it wrong to want to hug Arthur when he’s having one of his melancholy moments? Or laugh when Nyria’s being. . .Nyria? I mean really. These are people that formed themselves into…

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In Which I Try Not to Be a Perfectionist

I believe I’ve mentioned before that I’m a perfectionist. I’m one of those people that would interrupt an important meeting just to straighten the crooked picture on the wall. When I see a wrinkle in my comforter on my bed I drop everything I’m doing to smooth it out. Just now I reached up to straighten my slightly askew lampshade. Yeah, I’m one of those people. So you can imagine what it’s like for me to try to write a book. Right now I’m well into a story that I’m thoroughly enjoying writing, but there’s still so many things just…

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My Big Adventure in the World of Editing

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I shudder at even the mention of rewriting. Ever since I knew what rewriting even was I ducked my head at the thought. Avoided it at all costs. Wallowed in anguish many an hour realizing I’ll never be a true writer because how could I ever rewrite? I spend so much time and work with first drafts, the idea of having to just scrap most of it and keep rewriting and rewriting and rewriting is enough to send me in depression. The fact that most people do not get published…

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Beautiful People – Arodathan

Lately I’ve been working a great deal on a story entitled The Avriot which is the first book in a steampunk, time travel trilogy called The Traveling Library. It’s farrrr different from anything I’ve ever written (high fantasy is my usual genre), but I’m having an absolute blast with it! I’ve kind of fallen in love with all my characters, but the problem is there are literally 8 main characters plus Moseley. The problem here is the fact that with so many people all together, it’s hard to focus on just a single one, so I’m sometimes having a difficult…

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Story Snippets

Due to a cold I’ve caught this week, I’m going to cheat a little bit and post some snippets from a few choice books of mine, because I don’t think anyone wants to have to read something I write while I have a cold…it’d be very incoherent, trust me. Then again, I don’t know if anyone wants to read anything I’ve written at any time… But I try to post once a week and I just hated to miss a week, cold or not, so snippets it is. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ More Blue than Sky (Colors of a Dragon Scale Series)    …

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I Write Because…

I write because there are countless stories within me wanting to be told. I write because I think words are both beautiful and powerful. I write because fictional people can sometimes make just as much of an impact as real people. I write because the adventurous spirit within me is free to fly when I’m weaving tales. I write because I’m a dreamer. I write because I love to explore new worlds. I write because my Muse tells me to. I write because I enjoy creating chaotic mishaps. I write because it allows my imagination to soar. I write because…

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My Muse Moseley

If you’re a writer or an artist or…just about anything honestly, you’ve probably experienced those moments when it feels like there’s something within you budging your creativity in a certain direction. A writer may suddenly be inspired by a new plot that badgers them into dropping everything and writing down. An artist might unwillingly find themselves sketching a dragon when just moments ago they were painting a vase of lilacs. A photographer may suddenly have this great urge to snap pictures of nature instead of human portraits. There’s something in our brains that gives us this great desire to do…

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All Done!

FINISHED!!!! As of Monday afternoon, at 143,310 words, I am officially finished with writing my NaNo 2012 novel More Purple than Amethysts. I was determined to finish this story up before New Year’s because I have so many other writing projects I want to work on during 2013. I was terrified I wasn’t going to make it though. By December, I looked at my outline and groaned at how much more of the story I had left. The incentive to finish was with me though as I thought of all the other things I wanted to work on, and I…

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NaNo 2012 Highlights

NaNoWriMo 2012 has come to its end. That mad clicking of typewriters has quieted, those overused mugs of coffee have finally found their way to the dishwasher while their users have found their way to bed, the world of the writers his calmed. …Or has it? I think instead, writers are celebrating their great achievements of this fantastic month, basking atop that glorious mountain of satisfaction all us participants have been climbing this month. And what a sight it is from up here! As this month closes, I thought I would give an overview of the goings-on of my 2012…

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Quite a Bit of Ecstasy

It has been a while since I’ve updated on my NaNo progress, hasn’t it? Or written a blog post at all. I guess because I’ve been busy actually doing NaNo. Eheh. But not only that. Lots of awesome things have been going on as of late. Thanksgiving happened and was a very pleasant one. I had a lovely day (and even more lovely food and food…and more food…). There are so many things I’m thankful to God for, it would probably end up being a list adding together longer than the Lord of the Rings book. God is so good!…

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