Quite a Bit of Ecstasy

It has been a while since I’ve updated on my NaNo progress, hasn’t it? Or written a blog post at all. I guess because I’ve been busy actually doing NaNo. Eheh. But not only that. Lots of awesome things have been going on as of late. Thanksgiving happened and was a very pleasant one. I had a lovely day (and even more lovely food and food…and more food…). There are so many things I’m thankful to God for, it would probably end up being a list adding together longer than the Lord of the Rings book. God is so good! Vintage Thanksgiving ImageImage by Little Birdie Blessings Last Sunday, on the 25th, I very much excitedly hit 100k words on my NaNo!! I was super de duper ecstatic about that!! Except for the fact that I think the novel in full is going to be around 160k words or perhaps more and I want to finish it by New Year’s…we’ll see how that goes. Trying… On the same day, my awesome parents bought me one of those nifty NaNo Winner T-shirts. I’ve always wanted one, but never got around to actually acquiring one. This being my 3rd NaNo, I decided this would be the year. Because 3 is just a cool number for some reason. I cannot wait for it to get here! NaNoWriMo 2012 Winner's T-shirt Also on that Sunday, we put the Christmas tree up amidst a bit more Christmas decorating. Decorating for Christmas is one of my most favorite parts of the holiday season. I just love getting the house all prettiful and festive. It’s thrilling to go downstairs and see the tree glimmering in the living room. It just adds to the excitement of the season! Christmas Tree Needless to say, Sunday was a spectacular day. The awesomeness continued on Monday, which happened to be Cyber Monday where most things being sold on the internet are much cheaper. I’ve been wanting a tablet for a while now. And, with Cyber Monday going, we found the one I wanted for quite a good deal. Thus… I got myself an Android tablet. And I absolutely and totally love it!! My ecstasy is bubbling over to finally have one. Lauriloth's New TabletPicture courtesy of my mother over at Sweet Tea and Simplicity As far as NaNo goes, everything is quite well. I really have not had much trouble with my novel at all. I’m kind of in shock with how smooth the writing has gone all month. Trust me when I say, that never happens for me. Most of my novels seem to take pleasure in giving me all sorts of trouble. Not to say this one has been perfect, it will need a whole lot of work, but for now I just want to get to the end. It’s the first draft after all, it isn’t supposed to be perfect. Or so I keep yelling, I mean…ahem, politely reminding my perfectionist side. More Purple than Amethysts Banner I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of NaNo! It feels like the month just started. This has been, by far, the quickest NaNo I’ve ever done. But that’s okay, because that means we’re getting close to… THE HOBBIT MOVIE!!! Hobbit Movie Poster Only two weeks away! *screams in uncontrollable excitement* And then it will be Christmas!! So much awesomeness and excitement going on! Christmas BluebirdImage by Little Birdie Blessings I hope you all are having an excellent holiday season!!

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Little Birdie Blessings
March 4, 2013 2:29 AM

So happy you got a tablet. I'm sure by now you've found many uses for it. Glad you snagged some of my graphics. They look lovely here. Thanks for the link back. – Abby