The Bookshelf Tag

So lately (oh, who am I kidding? Since I started blogging) I’ve been the worst about not doing tags. I LOVE being tagged and am always so thrilled and honored when people pass them my way, and yet half the time I forget about them and never do them. I’m a horrible person, I am! It’s not ingratitude, it’s just a bad memory and laziness. Horrid. With that said, there was one tag I promised myself I was absolutely not going to forget and would do. It’s a tag all about my bookshelf and the books thereon. How could I not do such a delicious tag? BOOKS, PEOPLE. A HUGE thank you to my girl Deborah @ The Road of a Writer for telling me to do this thing. (Even though it was way back in June. . .) You knew I couldn’t resist! So here we go, a tag all about meh babies! DSC_0489 1. Describe your bookshelf (or wherever it is you keep your books-it doesn’t actually have to be a shelf!) and where you got it from:
I actually have three because, ya know, books. DSC_0504 This was my first one that my parents got me for Christmas from. . .I don’t know where. But before then I never really had a bookshelf, so I was quite ecstatic. It’s been rearranged about 2389 times since I got it. DSC_0510 These little wall shelves were a rummage sale find. I had to slap a fresh coat of paint on them, but otherwise they were perfect. And yes, that’s Smaug with the TARDIS up there. DSC_0511The dragon has the phone box. DSC_0516 Lastly, we have this big, gorgeous wall shelf that my wonderful dad built for me when my other two shelves ran out of room. Let’s just say he made his book-lover daughter VERY happy. Isn’t it beautiful? (And if you’re wondering, that is a fez on the top left there. My best friend and fellow Whovian got me the TARDIS and fez as a present because she’s the awesomest person in the world. Obviously.) I may or may not spend immense amounts of time just staring (and perhaps drooling. . .) at my shelves. Boooooks. 2. Do you have any special or different way of organizing your books?
This is a funny thing about me. I’m so insanely OCD. Everything in my life has to be precisely organized and straight and even and clean and PERFECT. (And yeah, it’s annoying.) BUT with my bookshelves there’s really no actual order to them. You’d think I’d be obsessed with making them perfectly organized since I’m so OCD and books and rearranging them are my favorite things. Yet I don’t put them alphabetically or anything like that. They are organized in a way, but a Christine way that only makes sense to me and I couldn’t possibly try to explain it. I think the problem is I’m OCD in the way things look. So instead of keeping things alphabetical or the like, I do my best to make it all look good—grouping similar colors, putting books the same size together, etc. Obviously I keep series together and do my best to group them by author. And I do kind of place them by genre. . .ish. Like I have most of my fairytales together and the classics on one shelf and such. But otherwise there’s really no rhyme or reason to it. I just want it to look pretty. Shameful. 3. What’s the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf?
This was tough, I apparently have a lot of thick books. But The Library of Classic Adventures boasted 1152 pages and won for most pages. DSC_0560 It’s a book that has a bunch of different classics together, Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, Gulliver’s Travels, things like that. I’ve never actually read any of them because I can’t seem to get into classics *cough, cough* but it looks nice on my shelves. I like pretty things, I can’t help it! 4. What’s the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf?
That would be The Elements of Style, a necessity for every writer so I’m told. Even though I haven’t actually really looked through my copy. . . But I have no doubt I’ll use it plenty as my years of writing go on. DSC_0522 5. Is there a book you received as a birthday gift?
Wait, I supposed to ask for things other than books for my birthday? o.o That’s absurd! Ahem. Yes, many, many books for birthdays. Seriously, my birthday and Christmas lists (I’m not the only one who still makes Christmas lists, right?) are 90% books. One of my newest ones would be Dragonwitch, the 5th book in the Tales of Goldstone Wood series by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. DSC_0541 Loooove that series! Except I have so many books on my shelves I haven’t read, Dragonwitch has yet to be opened, but it’s on my read-VERY-soon list. 6. What’s the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep by Gail Carson Levine. It’s so wittle and adorbz. DSC_0551 Also it would have worked for the last question because Deborah herself sent it to me for my birthday like the wonderful, fantastic friend she is. <3 7. What’s the biggest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
This is one of my favoritest things I own. It’s a humongous annotated collection of Sherlock Holmes stories that I found at a secondhand bookstore place for just a few bucks. I almost died of sheer joy when I saw it. DSC_0553 Sadly, it’s volume two. I keep hoping I’ll just come across volume one sometime, then I’ll have the whole Sherlock Holmes collection in two amazing, annotated books. But the likelihood of me stumbling upon the first volume is pretty low, I should probably just go to ebay or somewhere and find it there. Buuut it’s also fun being on the hunt for books like this. It’s all about the hunt! 8. Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
Deborah passed along Orphan’s Song by Gillian Bronte Adams (along with a couple other books) my way just because she’s the nicest person in the world. (Seriously, go follow her blog, she’s the best.) DSC_0566 I’ve been following Gillian’s blog for a while, and when her debut novel released I was chomping at the bit to get myself a copy. Then, lo and behold, Deborah surprised me with one. (Have I mentioned she’s the best? Because SHE’S THE BEST.) 9. Most expensive book?
This took me a moment of perusing my shelves. I’m cheap (and broke) and will rarely pay anything above $15 for a book, and even that is only for the ones I really want. But then I remembered our second copy of Lord of the Rings which was nearly $40 I think. DSC_0618 Our first copy is very worn and even has pages falling out. It went through my dad, brother, and me. Much loved. So we eventually had to buy another one. 10. The last book you read on your shelf?
Aquifer by Jonathan Friesen. Sadly, I didn’t like it at all. 11. Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read?
I’m not actually 100% sure, but I think it’d be Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace. DSC_0581 I read this series real early on and it was actually one of the first books that made me realize how much I loved to read. This series has been a huge part of my childhood on up through teenage years. I can’t express how special these books are to me. I still adore them. 12. Do you have more than one copy of a book?
Quite a few. I mean, when you find a pretty copy of a book you love for like a dollar at a secondhand bookstore or something, can you really resist? I’m a book collector, what can I say? Some of my favorites would be my 3 copies of The Hobbit. DSC_0623 13. Do you have the complete series of any book series?
LOTS. I loooove me some series. I have a lot of uncompleted series too though (again I say, I’m broke) but I try my best to complete series. Even if it takes a while. I’m probably most proud of all my Bryan Davis books. DSC_0631 I have all the Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire books. All the Starlight ones, and his Echoes from the Edge trilogy. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten the last two of Children of the Bard, but SOON. I need them! Yeah, I’m obsessed with his books, I won’t deny it. And by won’t deny it I mean I demand every person I meet to GO READ HIS AWESOME BOOKS! 14. What’s the newest addition to your shelf?
Jut last week I found the 4th Percy Jackson book for the outrageous price of. . .50 cents. Secondhand bookstores, people. They’re the wellsprings of a book lover’s life! DSC_0637 I haven’t actually read the Percy Jackson books yet though. . . But I’m trying to collect them and then read them, because I’m almost positive I’ll love ‘em. Annnd my memory is basically non existent so sometimes I like to collect at least the first few books of a series so I can read them all together instead of having huge gaps between reads in which I’ll forget what happens in the last book. (Is that super weird?) Right now I have the first, third, and fourth of the Percy Jackson books. I must find the second one! Then maybe I’ll start reading them. 15. What book has been on your shelf FOREVER?
*points to Betsy-Tacy series* 16. What’s the most recently published book on your shelf?
Rooglewood Press’s Five Enchanted Roses collection which released on July 27th. DSC_0641  And I reviewed it a couple weeks ago. LOVED IT. 17. The oldest book on your shelf (as in, the actual copy is old)?
Not real sure about this one. I had a few that are quite old. One of them is a copy of Little Women. DSC_0655 It didn’t have a date in it, but it looks the oldest out of all my books. Isn’t it a sweet little copy? 18. A book you won?
Resistance by Jaye L. Knight. DSC_0662 I haven’t read it yet, but I hope to VERY soon. I was sooo excited when I won it. I’ve only ever heard good things about this book and it sounds just up my alley. Seriously, it looks amazing. 19. A book you’d hate to let out of your sight (aka a book you never let someone borrow)?
Mmm. . . All of them? *cough, cough* I’m verrry possessive and protective over my books. I’m sorry, but they’re meh children! *huggles them all* Okay, okay. Probably my first copy of The Hobbit. DSC_0670 That little book literally changed my life and shaped who I am and what I love. It opened up a whole new world. Plus I’ve read it over 10 times. . . It’s SO special to me. I don’t mind if family members borrow it, but I couldn’t bear it leaving the house. 20. Most beat up book?
Probably a copy of Eight Cousins. DSC_0675 I want to say it was passed down by one of my mom’s family members, but I’m not entirely sure about that. 21. Most pristine book?
I don’t even know. I treat my books like something sacred (meh babies! <333) so the majority of them (except the used ones I bought in bad condition) are all pretty pristine. 22. A book from your childhood?
Most of the books I read as a child are somewhere else in the house, but the early Betsy-Tacy books would definitely count, as well as The Hobbit. 23. A book that’s not actually your book?
This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti is technically my dad’s but I keep it on my shelves. DSC_0689 Really cool book! 24. A book with a special/different cover (e.g. leather bound, soft fuzzy cover etc.)?
Okay, so last Christmas my parents got me this copy of The Hobbit and it was basically my favorite gift and one of my most favorite books on my shelves. It’s big and gorgeous and the cover is FUZZY. Unfortunately, you can’t really tell in the pic, but it’s literally soft and fuzzy and wonderful. DSC_0697 It’s so gorgeous. And it has beautimous illustrations inside. DSC_0700 I just really love this book, okay? 25. A book that is your favorite color?
Speaking of favorite books I own. . . Not only is it my favorite color, it’s one of my favoritest stories of EVER.
Look at this thing, look at it! DSC_0577 *drools* 26. Book that’s been on your shelf the longest that you STILL haven’t read?
So many. It’s embarrassing. I buy way more books than I have time for. I have a problem, I do. And then books I bought ages ago get left behind for newer, shinier ones. Poor things! The Inheritance by Louisa May Alcott would be one of them. DSC_0703 Classics always get put off for newer books. But I will read you someday, dear little book, I will! 27. Any signed books?
A fair amount, actually. I think the majority of my Bryan Davis books are signed. You can buy them from his website for really good prices and he’ll sign them with no extra charge. It’s awesome! DSC_0706 This one I won so he put my name there which made me happy! I also found this little treasure at a secondhand bookstore (I’m obsessed, okay?!) a few months back. DSC_0710 I was quite excited. (Even though I’ve yet to read any T.A. Barron books, but I will!) ~*~*~*~ If you’ve made it this far, then I applaud you! I hope I didn’t overload you with too many bookish pictures. I may have went a little overboard, but I kind of had the best time photographing my children. It was lovely sharing some of my collection! Obviously I have to pass on this amazing tag. . . ~I tag~ Jack @ However Improbable Skye @ Ink Castles Kiri Liz @ Lianne Taimenlore Sarah @ Sarah, Plain and Average Rachel @ Secret Scribblings and ANYONE else who wants to do this tag because it’s too delicious to not pass on to ALL the peoples, but there is no obligation to anybody to do it. Whether I tagged you specifically or not. Only do it if you want to. And also take note, it is in no way a requirement to take pictures. I think it was originally meant to simply answer questions. I was just having fun pulling out my babies and capturing shots of them. If you do participate, please share the link! I adore seeing people’s book collections. Gimme ALL the books! (Hello, my name is Christine and I’m a bookaholic.) So tell me fellow bookaholics, what’s YOUR most prized book in your collection? And what’s the last book you read? Was it good? Bad? Share with me all your bookish thoughts! Seriously, I could talk about books to the end of time and beyond, so speaketh with me!

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Deborah O'Carroll
September 21, 2015 10:20 PM

AAAAAAAAAAAHHH YOU DID THE BOOKSHELF TAAAAG!!! *flails and huggles it and drools over its beauty* Seriously, I LOVE seeing all these books of yours! *happy flailing* SO MUCH FUN. I love books so much, and I love pictures of them, and seeing peoples' collection. But it's my LAURI's collection, which makes it even wonderfuller AND AAAAAAHHH YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY IS SO GORGEOUS ALSDKJLSKDJFLKDJL <3

I loveth your bookshelves and all the pretty books and familiar faces… er… covers. 😉 It's always so cool to recognize things! 😀 Dragons in our Midst, Goldstone Wood, Jill Williamson books, are those Redwalls? Is that THE SKIN MAP? I LOVED THAT BOOK. Graceling… have you read it yet? I have it but haven't read it… JUST ALL OF THE THIIIINGS. <3

Your way of organizing them sounds cool, actually! As long as it's organized how you want. ^_^

Ivy! *drools* (Srsly, your photography is AWESOME.)


You have The Door in the Hedge? :O Eep, I need to find/read that! 😀 It has a Twelve Dancing Princesses retelling in it, so… 😉

Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep was my smallest too! 😀

HOLMES PIC. *drools* Ooh, I hope you find volume one!

Also you are the sweetest thing EVAR. <3 *huggles you* ^_^


Aaall of the Hobbits and Bryan Davises. 😀

:O I do the SAME thing about series! I like to collect them slowly and then read them but sometimes I don't have some of the middle ones yet so I just don't read them yet… It's hilarious. XD So NO it's not super weird! BRAINTWINS! 😀

*literally dies from beauty if in-person Five Enchanted Roses photo* <33333333333

Resistance with the Legolas knives! 😀 I bet you'll LOVE it!

I… actually do the EXACT same thing with books that I don't have time for and older ones getting forgotten for newer shinier ones. o.o It's kind of bad but… YES. I do that too. SO MUCH AWESOMENESS getting to hear about people's bookish behaviors and seeing that I'm not alone in my weirdness! ^_^

AAAHH to Christine from Bryan Davis! *flails* And finding signed books secondhand is the coolest. 😀

THIS WAS SO FUN TO SEE AND TO READ EEEEP! ^_^ I loveth this post to smithereens and all of your photography is AMAZING and all the BOOOOKS and just AAAAAAHHH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!! *flailing* Sorry for the long comment but I just HAD to flail around about all of the thiiiings! <3

Candice Williams
September 21, 2015 10:28 PM

Oh my, I loved all the book photos in this tag! They are SO creative and pretty! And used bookstores are awesome, I love buying used books. This was an awesome post!!

September 21, 2015 11:40 PM

Haha, it looks like we have similar methods of shelving our books! I'm definitely more concerned about the prettiness of my shelves than an actual system. But then again, I know where each and every book is, so it works for me 🙂

*drools over the annotated Sherlock Holmes*

Sarah Elizabeth
September 22, 2015 1:30 PM

Oh my! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I will definitely get to this tag, I promise. There's no way I can pass this one up.

Your photos are gorgeous and THE BOOKS. Magnifique! I LOVE Bryan Davis' books. And did I see some Nancy Drew on a shelf there, as well?? Hahaha! Have you ever counted your collection to see just how many you own in your personal library? I had to do that simply out of curiousity. :]

Thanks again, dearie!! <3

September 22, 2015 5:16 PM

Ack! I was so happy when I saw you had done the bookshelf tag!
I love the faerie you have decorating your bookshelf, it's so pretty! You have THREE copies of the Hobbit?! Something tells me you seriously like that book :). And my word, do you have a lot of Bryan Davis books! I've read quite a lot of his stuff and I agree, he's an amazing author! Oh, I've read the Percy Jackson series, it was really good! The cover on the Five Enchanted Roses book is GORGEOUS, now I need that book even more :). And have I ever mentioned how much I like your Legolas swords and ring :)? They're awesome!
The most prized book in my collection … well, I don't tend to buy that many books, I borrow them for the library most of the time. But the most prized book that I do own is probably Eragon by Christopher Paolini ( I love that book!). The last book I read was The Fairest Beauty by Melaine Dickerson. I'm don't normally read romance books, but it was quite good :). Right now I'm reading Golden Daughter by Anne Elisabeth Stengl, and I'm loving it so far!
~Savannah P.

Rachel M.
September 22, 2015 7:27 PM

#1 Your shelves are so PRETTYYYYYY! I'M SO JEALOUS!! XD seriously tho.

#2 Lol I'm kinda the same way! I love rearranging my books, and I want them to look nice, but my organizational system is…strange. Hehe I like to organize my books by height. XD

#5 Nope, you're not the only one! We make Christmas lists around this house. How else are we supposed to know what the other people want? X)

#7 I may or may not have audibly gasped with delight when I saw that. SHERLOCK HOLMES!!~<3

#12 lol your three copies! XD

#13 WOW that collection! We almost have as much as you, though! Almost, but…not quite. X)


Aaaawwww, this was such a cute tag! I'm excited to do it! And I loved your pictures! I should probably put more effort into my book photography. X) Thanks for tagging me!

Victoria Grace Howell
September 23, 2015 4:39 PM

Lots of good reads here! Right on with the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and all of Mr. Davis's books! Good to find another Davis fan! 😀 I'm actually doing this tag Friday. XD I've noticed several bloggers I know are doing it.

Victoria Grace Howell
September 25, 2015 1:57 AM

*high fives back* They are!

Yes indeed. ^ ^ It's not as pretty with all of the photography, but I hope it's pretty cool. XD It is a great tag.

Tracey Dyck
September 23, 2015 7:59 PM

*le gasp* YOU DID THE BOOKSHELF TAAAAAAAG!!! 😀 I was so excited to see it show up on my dashboard, so even though I didn't have time to actually read it right then, I did peek in and scroll through your pictures. And now I'm here to actually comment. 😛

Firstly, LOVE all the gorgeous pictures of books and the glimpses of your room! So much pretty… I think my method of organization is a mix of your "what looks prettiest" and also "what do I love most." XD Because my favorites are all in the same spots.

Do I see Dragon Slippers there (and the next two books)? 🙂 I need to read the last one yet…

Dragonwitch! Tales of Goldstone Wood! I see you have more of the series than I do. ;D

*drools over fairies, rings, swords, and mini Smaug*

Ooooh, you have a lovely Bryan Davis collection too. ^_^ And it's nearly identical to mine–but I own The Seventh Door and I Know Why the Angels Dance; don't own Tales of Starlight or Reapers (yet!!!); and my Echoes from the Edge series have different covers. But other than that, very much the same!

Aquifer wasn't good? :/ My brother has it sitting on his library stack… We'll see if he likes it.

I have never heard of the Betsy-Tacy books, believe it or not. They look sweet!

Okay. That Alice in Wonderland volume is GORGIBEAUTIMOUS. (Hush, that's a word.) GIMME. XD I love the look of great big classics with beautiful covers. It makes one's bookshelf look that much more elegant and sophisticated.

And all the Hobbity, Lord of the Ringsy stuff too… *sighs dreamily* One day I'll get my hands on LotR for myself.

Anyway, I loved loved loved this post! It was so much fun seeing your wonderfully large collection of wonderfully wonderful books. (Methinks that Alice in Wonderland picture did something to my vocabulary…) I'M SO HAPPY YOU DID IT. ^_______^ Thank you for sharing!

Skye Hoffert
September 25, 2015 12:20 AM

What a marvelous collection, I am so jealous, and you have it all so beautifully arranged. *drools*
Thanks for tagging me, I will get to this as soon as I have all my books unpacked. 🙂

Mary Horton
September 25, 2015 6:06 PM

*squeals with delight* AAAH YOUR BOOKS ARE GORGEOUS!!!

Ahem. I should probably introduce myself. My name's Mary, and I'm the crazy person who's following you on Pinterest and has been obsessing over your wonderful blog for the past several months. I thought it was time to actually, you know, COMMENT and this post was the perfect one for a bibliophile like myself 🙂

I'm seriously in love with your Alice in Wonderland book and Sherlock Holmes collection. It was love at first sight, what can I say? And you have the One Ring! And Legolas's swords! This just makes me so happy ^_^

Also, I had to say that I own that EXACT copy of The Lord of the Rings! It was so gorgeous–I couldn't resist. Plus, it was a steal at $10. (Secondhand bookstores are the best!) I seriously died from pure book-lover joy.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm sooo in love with your blog you just don't know!!! My heartfelt congratulations if you made it all the way through my nonsensical comment 🙂

Mary Horton
September 26, 2015 3:26 AM

Ah, yes. Pinterest is my downfall. XD

It's gorgeous, I tell you! All your books are so beautiful *huggles them all* I could spend days just drooling over your lovely library!

The most beautimous thing ever! Needless to say, I was ecstatic to stumble across such a treasure as this. Secondhand bookstores are WONDERFUL. I never feel like I have enough time to look through them, though. There are just so many books, and I want to look at them all! ^_^ Recently, I found the Complete Fairy Tales collection by the Grimm Brothers for about $3. It's hardcover and thick and soooo gorgeous. And it was only three dollars! What can I say, I can't pass on beautiful books. 🙂

*grins* Seeing your response has made my day! I love your blog so much; it's funny sometimes how identical our thoughts are. XD

Leah B
September 29, 2015 4:03 PM

Soooooo stinkin' jealous!!!!!!! I am pushing forward to owning 100 books and I am (SLOWLY) getting there. I am completely broke so I NEVER pay more than a dollar for them, but I am sure you can imagine what my birthday wish list look like 🙂 THANK GOD FOR LIBRARIES!!!!
I thought I was the only one who stared with pride-filled eyes at my bookshelf, I literally did that this morning while I should have been doing Algebra 😐 😐


February 13, 2017 10:36 PM

Oh my word. It's been nearly two years and I'm STILL finding blog posts from people who did my tag and I never even knew it. (I like to think of this tag as the time I went viral :P. Here's my original post about it. Just so you know I'm telling the truth. 😉

Your method of book "organizing" sounds just like mine. xD

Gaahhh….your books are so pretty. <3 I'm just scrolling through slowly and pausing to type this. 😉

RESISTANCE. *hyperventilates because I just finished reading all of the books in that series that are released and I can't handle them* (SO AMAZING)

Oh my goodness, your copy of The Hobbit. <3 <3 <3

I'm so glad I found this post. 😀 It was such fun to read, even if I am two years late!

February 21, 2017 9:52 PM
Reply to  Natalie

Haha! YES, I am. 😀 Oh my word, REALLY? Wow. I'm so glad you loved it so much. I literally came up with the idea one day while I was doing schoolwork in my bedroom. I had noooo idea it would get so popular. I still live in shock. 😛

No, you most certainly are not. I think my organizing would make no sense to anyone but myself, too. 🙂

Ooh, that's fantastic. NEW BOOKS ARE THE BEST.

YUSSSS. I just finished SP on *checks goodreads* the 10th of February. You loved them, too?? *hugs* That makes you an instant kindred spirit, in my opinion. 😀 Don't you love Jace? And the dragons? And Kyrin and Kaden and….just everything?
(Some other readers of the books have told me they've been waiting for a year for Exiles and I'm just like….how. How do you do it. xD)

Thank you!!!!

March 6, 2017 7:35 PM
Reply to  Natalie

Ahhhh, I'm SO glad you think so! Jace is honestly at the top of my favorite fictional heroes right now…..he'll always be so special to me. Lately I've become quite a fan of dragons, too (How to Train Your Dragon started it, not going to lie) so YES. The dragons were just the best. (And when Jace had to face his fears and ride Gem, the dragon he saved…..aghh. SO PRECIOUS.)

Me neither!