Merely Passing Through

Saturday I returned from a trip out of town where I spent an entire week with my best friend and her family. Getting to spend every single day with your best friend is a dream, especially for this extrovert. We stopped by multiple bookstores (she’s as wild about books as I am), frequented a particular coffee shop, jammed out to a variety of music during the car rides, had long conversations both deep and ridiculous, ate way too much pizza (just kidding, “too much pizza” is an impossibility), and in general enjoyed life away from life.
But now the week is over. She’s returned to college classes today and I’m back home trying to adjust to the norm, and we both have to accept the fact that we probably won’t see each other again until the summer (living miles away from your best friend is the worst). Regular ol’ life has returned and it’s a bit hard to swallow.
I’m feeling rather scattered; I can’t seem to get my mind to focus on anything. I have about a million and one things I need to catch up on and get done, but all I seem to want to do is disappear in an exciting book or just sit on the porch and stare into space. My mind is refusing to settle back into normality.
I think even the quietest of us longs for adventure. Every day life can sometimes be hard to accept. The drudgery. The sameness. We read books and watch television and wish we could go off to other worlds and have exciting adventures with our best friends. After all, fiction is an escapism. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. As J.R.R. Tolkien says. . .
Fantasy is escapist, and that is its
glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don’t we consider it
his duty to escape? If we value the freedom
of mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty
to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
God loves to create, He created everything. And I think we were given that same love and desire. To create. To make new things. To ask “what if?” As long as we are using our abilities to glorify Him, I believe He encourages us to use our creativity to its fullest potential. Sometimes we need distractions from the drudgery of life. But, eventually, we do have to return to normal life.
For so long I never understood why I was dissatisfied with the life I’ve been given. Was I ungrateful to God? Was I just bratty and hard to please? Then, only a couple years ago, I found a quote by C.S. Lewis that made it all clear.
The fact that our heart yearns
for something Earth can’t supply is proof
that Heaven must be our home.”
There it was, and has been all along. We aren’t supposed to be satisfied with this life.
That yearning in our heart we feel every day, it’s a yearning for something far bigger and greater than our earthly minds can even imagine.
We yearn for Heaven, to spend eternity with the very One Who created us.
After all, we’re not to be a part of this world, to be so consumed in it that we forget our Lord and Savior.
But this is the tricky part. Where do we balance being content and peaceful wherever God puts us, while also still yearning for Heaven? That’s where the journey comes in.
You know all those books and TV shows we watch that we wish we could be a part of? Guess what. We’re already there. We’re Frodo and Sam taking the Ring to Mordor. We’re Alice falling through the rabbit hole. This life that we live every single day is the journey.
As exciting as these stories are to read, they’re not always so fun for the characters. Every day Frodo and Sam yearned to return home. Their journey wasn’t exactly fun and games. It was downright hard. But did they regret it? Of course not. Because as hard and impossible as it seemed, they saved all of Middle Earth, and in the end they returned home. Had they given up, not taken the journey, Middle Earth would have been overrun by evil.
This world we live in, its dark and sad and sometimes just hard. But this is our journey. The drudgery, the heartache. Every day. This is what we’re meant to do. Sometimes it’s a scary plummet into the unknown like poor Alice. Sometimes its just a seemingly endless, dull walk like much of Frodo and Sam’s journey. There are joys and pain and excitement and the same ol’, same ol’. But it’s our journey.
God put us here for a purpose. We are His warriors. And if we put one foot in front of the other, eventually we’ll find our purposes fulfilled and that we’ve made it Home.
And that, I think, is how we find contentment in this life and longing for the next. The heroes in our beloved stories press on to make the world a better place. To make it home knowing they’ve done what they were meant to do.
It’s not easy. But it’s worth it to one day hear those word.
“Well done, My good and faithful servant.”
I want to be His warrior. To press on through the drudgery. To live through the adventure He has given me and to be grateful and content with the big and small things of life. But to always keep my eyes on Home.

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Mary Horton
January 25, 2016 10:28 PM

Oh, Christine, you've done it again. Just…YES. I don't even know what to say. You encapsulated the thoughts that have gone through my head a million times. I often get sooo tired of the same thing day after day after day. But all that monotony is part of our journey. Just like Frodo's and Sam's. One day after another, pressing onward to the goal that our Savior has set before us.

Asdklfh this post is every kind of awesome. I really needed it today. Thanks so very much for your continual encouragement <3

Hannah V
January 25, 2016 10:33 PM

Thank you for sharing this, it was very inspiring and eye opening!

Skye Hoffert
January 26, 2016 3:19 AM

Sounds like you had a blast with your friend. I love how you put things into perspective for me. So eloquently too. <3

Deborah O'Carroll
January 26, 2016 5:47 AM

i am once again rendered speechless and utterly wordless by the sheer amazingness of the awesome posts you write lauri
i can't even punctuate or sentence words properly
how even do i word
this is so perfect and so very true and i adore it so much
and the way you tie together several different subjects just effortlessly in this beautiful post in such a lyrical manner
you amaze me
yes yes yes to this whole post
thank you for posting it you wonderful person you
i feel like i have so much to say about this but my brain doesn't function just now so i'll just say yes and leave it at that

January 26, 2016 1:29 PM

Thank you so much for sharing this; I needed to read it today. And I love that last quote by C.S. Lewis. In fact, I love all the quotes you shared. Beautiful.

Sarah Elizabeth
January 26, 2016 5:44 PM

Beautiful post, Lauri! Thank you for sharing. :]

Savannah Perran
January 27, 2016 4:56 PM

Oh my. I can't … can't even … wow. I loved this post so much, Christine! We must be separated sisters or something, because this is EXACTLY how I feel sometimes :). Thank you for posting this!
Any by the way, I agree that there is no thing as too much pizza. *nod*

Victoria Grace Howell
January 28, 2016 5:29 PM

I felt the same way after my best friend visited for eight days earlier in the month. Life just isn't as exciting without her. Contentment is a tough thing for me. I always wanted to look toward something better and it's hard for me to be okay with the now. Thank you for this. 🙂

Tracey Dyck
January 29, 2016 5:50 PM

Oh, it sounds like you had a marvellous week with your friend! It's hard sometimes to come off that high . . . reminds me of coming home from summer camp. You go from busy and excited and on fire to just–normal life.

But GIRL. You basically read my mind. I've pondered this so many times too, and you verbalized it so beautifully! I especially loved this: "Guess what. We’re already there. We’re Frodo and Sam taking the Ring to Mordor. We’re Alice falling through the rabbit hole. This life that we live every single day is the journey." It's really true. We are living the adventure. It doesn't look and feel as glamorous and epic as we might have expected, but this is the nitty-gritty, rubber-meets-the-road adventure we're on. Between those epic moments are long stretches of this journey . . . the trudging, the trekking, the climbs and the struggles. (I often find books to be a wonderful lens through which to view and understand life, don't you?) But in the end, it's all so very worth it. Heaven really is a thrilling thing to think about.

(As an aside, I happened to be listening to Anthem Lights' song "Stranger" while reading this post. It fits perfectly!)

Rachel M.
January 30, 2016 6:16 PM

This makes ALL THE SENSE, OMG! XD Actually, it reminds me of something this teacher (Beth Moore) said in a video series once; how people might long for their childhood home, and want to go back, but when they get there, it falls short of their expectations. It's just not the SAME, and they're left dissatisfied. And it's because our souls long for home; their real, true home. To be in Heaven with Jesus will give us all the fulfillment, joy, and adventure we could ever want or need. ^.^

Shantelle & Books
January 30, 2016 11:30 PM

This is absolutely beautiful, Christine!! <3 <3 In fact, it brought tears to my eyes. You word it so perfectly, and I think each of us understands that feeling you're talking about. Thank you for reminding us that we're just passing through, and one day our hearts and souls will be completely fulfilled in heaven! ^_^

But yes, for now, we just keep on keeping on, like all our favorite characters. And find joy everywhere we can! 🙂 Yay for C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien! Such great quotes! 🙂

February 1, 2016 4:03 PM

I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 17, 2016 1:59 AM

It sounds like you had a blast with your friend! Having a best friend like that is most certainly a rare treasure; hold it close to your heart. 😉 (And let's be brutally honest: pizza needs to be its own food group. XD)

But wow. This post… it's so good. Actually, it's more than that. To me, it's a Godsend. There've been days over the last few months or so where, in the quietness and regularity of life, I've wondered if my writing pays off. I think, "Is there worth in what I do?" And it's hard. But these words confirm that when I'm using my gift for God, He takes it, multiplies it, and uses it better me as well as others. Even in the silent moments when it seems like my work isn't paying off, He's moving behind in the scenes, turning the gears. I suppose I need to trust Him in the drudgery of normality.

And then there's also when I have moments where I reflect on the number of real friendships I have. I could count on one hand the number of them. And it hurts. A lot. But the world wasn't made to be in its current condition. We were supposed to walk with God, a friend closer than a brother. Leaning on an invisible friend is no easy task. But He's the best friend I could ever ask for, and I have to believe He knows what it feels like to be alone and that He has people whose paths I'll cross someday. But until then, I have to simply trust.

This post is a timely reminder to keep my gaze on His Kingdom–on my true Home–and keep pressing on. Like you said, the journey is no easy thing. We're merely passing through, and we can feel deep within that this is not our destination. It's the path that brings us there. And even when it feels like parts of my life are a desolate valley of sheer "ordinary life," I have to take one step at a time.

I want to fulfill my God-given destiny. I want to hear from Him that I did well. So I'll keep marching on. Through the pain. Through the sorrow. Through the mess. If I pursue Him and His righteousness, then all the good things will added to me. Through Him, I will be victorious.

I'm really not sure if my thoughts are coherent. Looking over this post brings me close to tears. I don't even know if any of the ways I was touched by these words was what you had intended.

Whatever the case, thank you for allowing God to use you as an instrument of beauty and encouragement. 😉


February 18, 2016 10:45 PM
Reply to  Anonymous

That's awesome to hear. 🙂 It totally is! We need to band together and declare to the world that pizza deserves to be a category of its own! XD

Well, I can definitely say God used it to meet me where I'm at.

At risk of sounding like an echo of what you said to me, I totally agree that this passion you have is from God. You have something special to offer the world; reading the Burning Thorns novella way back when was proof to me of that. I can't wait to see you get published. God is going to take you places you never dreamed possible. To acknowledge you have a gift and never use it for His glory (or never use it at all, period)would be a mistake. But you're writing to advance His Kingdom, so I'd say you're doing the right thing. 😉

Thank you for your kind words. They're something I really needed to hear. It brought to mind something that happened a couple of years back: Sometime after Tracey had first started working on a novel, I was inspired to write one as well (and discovered my talent while at it). I didn't finish it, and it definitely doesn't come close to what my writing is now. But I read the chapters as I wrote them to my best friend, whom I've known all my life. One day, sometime after I had stopped, we were playing "Would You Rather" via texting, and he asked me, "Would you rather give up all your LEGO or your ability to write?" I replied, "That's really hard, but I'd give up my LEGO." He said, "Good, because your writing is a God-given gift."

Wow, that doesn't sound easy. But God's promised that with Him, all things are possible. That includes getting through the lonely seasons of life. Having a Friend who never fails you or leaves you is a beautiful thing. And that's an interesting thought you have there. I've never really looked at it like that before. I think for me, part of the reason that this time of my life feels especially lonely is because I'm graduating this summer, and I honestly don't know how many friends I can invite. I go to a youth group, but I also don't know if there's anything that would go beyond youth (and I feel like my confidence has dropped due to… stuff that happened in the past). So yes, I definitely need to lean on God more.

Aye, that it is. Perseverance has its rewards. 🙂

You have a monster comment? Every time I post on your blog, I leave monster comments (and it's happening again :P). But thank you for the offer; I really appreciate it. 😉

He does indeed. Thanks again, Christine, for letting God use you to encourage others. ^_^
