2017 Wrap-Up: The Life, the Geekery, the Bookishness

So apparently 2017 is almost done with us and I’d like to know who gave it permission to be nearly finished?????? WHERE DO I FILE A COMPLAINT? Because wow yeah. This year zoomed by at record breaking speeds and has left me sitting here in a daze wondering what just happened like the Hare in the Tortoise and the Hare story. (I don’t know either. Just go with it.) Last year wasn’t my favorite. I wasn’t in the best place mentally, there were a lot of lows, and some tragic things happened. But 2017, 2017 was much, much better. I…

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Why I Believe Cinderella is a Good Heroine

  “Once there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former husband, two daughters of her own, who were, indeed, exactly like her in all things. He had likewise, by another wife, a young daughter, but of unparalleled goodness and sweetness of temper, which she took from her mother, who was the best creature in the world. -Cinderella (Charles Perrault) In this day and age of “strong female characters” and “girl power” and “being one of the boys”, characters like Cinderella get a lot…

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What Beauty and the Beast Means to Me

 DISCLAIMER: I’m just going to start out and say this post has nothing to do with the new live action Beauty and the Beast movie. So if you’re groaning thinking, “Another post about that movie?” No fear! This is about the ORIGINAL FAIRYTALE. I’ve actually been meaning to write this post for, honestly, a couple of years now. And I thought since Beauty and the Beast is on everyone’s mind, this would be a great time to finally get around to it. Secondly, I want to make it clear that this is an OPINION post, not a FACTS post. As…

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10 Screen Couples Who Give Me ALL the Heart Eyes

Happy almost Valentine’s Day! Or, as some may call it, Happy Eat as Much Chocolate as Possible Day! Except I don’t like chocolate. *gasp* It’s truuuue. Ahem. SO. In honor of this smushy, heartsy time, I thought I’d do something fun. Today I’m going to list 10 of some of my most favoritest screen couples! Why only screen couples? Because last year I did a list of My Favorite Book Couples via Tracey Dyck's brilliant Valentine’s themed book linkup she had hosted. So since I’ve already shared some of the most adorable bookish couples (though at that time I had…

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Why I Believe in the Power of Happily Ever Afters

Way back in April I wrote a post about why I believe we enjoy dark and gruesome things in our fiction. Today I want to share with you my completely opposing thoughts on that. You should know, I’m a paradox. As in, I somehow manage to be two totally contradictory things at the same time and have utterly contradictory thoughts on basically any subject. Seriously, I could make an argument for both sides for almost anything. It’s ridiculous. And confusing. (But also sometimes useful because I often can serve as a mediator.) Anyway, you might want to read that first…

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Favorite Screen Characters Tag

My very dear internet/writer/blogger buddy Tracey Dyck tagged me! She is one of the most loveliest, talented people I know. Every sentence she writes is like poetry. Seriously. Go follow her blog. Like, now. You won’t regret it, I promise! She’s awe-inspiring. Sooo technically she tagged me like a month ago. *coughity cough* I’m so behind on tags, it’s shameful. But this one I HAVE to do because it’s about screen characters. CHARACTERS, GUYS. If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time I’m sure you’ve gathered that talking about characters, any and every kind, is my favorite thing.…

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“For who could ever learn to love a Beast?”

Ever since I knew what fairytales were I’ve been in love with them. Fairies and mermaids and knights and princesses and castles and magical forests filled my fantasy loving heart before I had even grasped the concept of fantasy, long before Tolkien entered my world, or I stepped through that wardrobe into Narnia. Fairytales awoke the whimsy inside of me and introduced me to the enchanting worlds I know and love today. By the time I really got serious about writing, medieval fantasy had taken its grip on me. But here, some 13 years into my writing journey later, it’s…

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Magic Storytelling

Have you ever watched a show or seen a movie or read a book and by the end you’re just sitting there stunned, wondering how the writers produced such magic? And, more importantly, how can you incorporate that same magic storytelling into your own novels? I think us writers are always on the search for better storytelling, hoping maybe, someday, somehow we can stun people with our beautiful stories just as much as you were by that one special book or that mind-blowing show. I find myself in this position for, well, the majority of my life. I consume stories…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part Two}

And I am back with yet more awards! In last week's post I explained how I’m a bad blogger and take ridiculous lengths of times to get to awards and tags, if I ever do at all. But I love these things and must start doing better! So I’m trying to catch up on them. Back in May (yes, May) one of my favoritest peoples Deborah @ The Road of a Writer awarded me with the Liebster award. Thank you so much, Celti dear! <3 ~Rules~ 1. Thank and link back the person who nominated you 2. List eleven facts…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part One}

I fail at blogging quite often. It’s true. For example, if some sweet blogger passes an award my way, it may take me months to get to it, if I ever do. Which is silly, because I adore tags and am always so thrilled and honored to have one given to me. Being as how I’ve spent the majority of the year so far writing, I’ve been setting aside all the wonderful awards passed my way for a time. And now, finally, I’m getting to some! There are four (yes four, I told you I’m horrible) so I’ll post two…

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