Lovely Books – Villains

Happy Leap Day, everyone! There’s something exciting knowing we have a whole extra day to be productive, have fun, or do whatever we like! Or is that just me? Time is a mischievous thing and likes to speed up or hide or just skip around like a lunatic, so adding a day to the year makes me feel as though, for just a moment, time has slowed and given us a moment to breathe. If you’re at a loss on how to spend your time this extra day (or the rest of it since it’s almost over now, whoops), Katie…

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Lovely Books – Couples

I have returned for the second edition of Lovely Books, a linkup created by one of my favoritest people in the world, Tracey @ Adventure Awaits. If you missed it, each Saturday in February she’s posting a new edition centered all around those glorious things we call books. She’s leaving the linkup open until March 5th, and you can join in all the editions or just a few, or even combine them. So get on over to her blog and check it out! I mean, PEOPLES. It’s about books. What more do you need? Obviously I’m fashionably late, that’s how…

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Merely Passing Through

Saturday I returned from a trip out of town where I spent an entire week with my best friend and her family. Getting to spend every single day with your best friend is a dream, especially for this extrovert. We stopped by multiple bookstores (she’s as wild about books as I am), frequented a particular coffee shop, jammed out to a variety of music during the car rides, had long conversations both deep and ridiculous, ate way too much pizza (just kidding, “too much pizza” is an impossibility), and in general enjoyed life away from life. But now the week…

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Retelling Stories Vs. Changing Stories

A week ago I went to the theaters to see the new Pan movie with a tinge of excitement and a bucket-load of wariness. On the one hand, COOL PETER PAN THINGS; on the other hand, Peter Pan movie that looks nothing like Peter Pan. You see my problem here? You should know, I’m a diehard Peter Pan fan. I loved Peter Pan before I even heard of Tolkien and Lord of the Rings and the like. Peter Pan was one of the first things to introduce me to fairies and fantasy lands. Neverland is like my childhood home. So…

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The Bookshelf Tag

So lately (oh, who am I kidding? Since I started blogging) I’ve been the worst about not doing tags. I LOVE being tagged and am always so thrilled and honored when people pass them my way, and yet half the time I forget about them and never do them. I’m a horrible person, I am! It’s not ingratitude, it’s just a bad memory and laziness. Horrid. With that said, there was one tag I promised myself I was absolutely not going to forget and would do. It’s a tag all about my bookshelf and the books thereon. How could I…

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Favorite Screen Characters Tag

My very dear internet/writer/blogger buddy Tracey Dyck tagged me! She is one of the most loveliest, talented people I know. Every sentence she writes is like poetry. Seriously. Go follow her blog. Like, now. You won’t regret it, I promise! She’s awe-inspiring. Sooo technically she tagged me like a month ago. *coughity cough* I’m so behind on tags, it’s shameful. But this one I HAVE to do because it’s about screen characters. CHARACTERS, GUYS. If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time I’m sure you’ve gathered that talking about characters, any and every kind, is my favorite thing.…

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“Not All Those Who Wander are Lost” {Lord of the Rings/Hobbit Tag}

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” My sweet blogging friend Arwen (whose blog is private, so no links I fear) has put together an absolutely brilliant Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit tag and passed it my way. I may have squeed with excitement a teeny bit. Naturally. Thank you so much, Arwen! Off we go then, to roads unknown and adventures grand! Erm. . .I mean to the tag. Yes. ~Rules~ -Link back to the…

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That Time October Exploded

We interrupt your peaceful blog reading to announce. . . NANOWRIMO BEGINS IN 10 DAYS. Um. . .excuse me? 10 days? *cue the scrambling around, hastily making plot notes, assuring coffee supplies are sufficiently high, all affairs are in order, laundry is caught up, and farewells to your friends and family are taken care of* Yep. In 10 days those bravely insane writers will be locking themselves up in their writing spaces to pound out 50k or more words in a month, only showing their bleary-eyed faces for more caffeine. Because writers aren’t already mad enough people, right? Of course…

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Naps, Roses, and Hobbitses

I’ve been staring at the screen for several minutes trying to think of a clever way to open up this post, but my brain’s all, “Haha, nope. Go take a nap or something.” I tend to ignore my brain, but a nap sounds awfully nice. So Thursday my throat started feeling like murder, and then as the day progressed I slowly seeped into a state of death. Then over the weekend it all came in full force—fever, a throat that felt like a dragon was lodged inside trying to claw and burn its way out, a headache akin to a…

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The Great Big Post of Awards {Part One}

I fail at blogging quite often. It’s true. For example, if some sweet blogger passes an award my way, it may take me months to get to it, if I ever do. Which is silly, because I adore tags and am always so thrilled and honored to have one given to me. Being as how I’ve spent the majority of the year so far writing, I’ve been setting aside all the wonderful awards passed my way for a time. And now, finally, I’m getting to some! There are four (yes four, I told you I’m horrible) so I’ll post two…

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