What If…? Fantasy Tag

I think at this point it’s pretty common knowledge that I fail at keeping up with tags. (You should see the amount of tags I have bookmarked that I’m supposed to do…) Buuuut I love tags, and some come my way that I know I MUST do. Basically if they involve books, fantasy, or characters, I’M IN. Well guess what? This tag features ALL THOSE THINGS. The What if…? Fantasy Tag was originally created by the lovely Jenelle Schmidt for her awesome February is Fantasy Month celebration. And it’s still toootally February right? Right??? (Please leave me in my delusions.)…

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The Spring Cleaning Writerly Challenge Tag

Can you guys believe we’ve made it to spring? (Probably not judging by the frigid temperatures…) Hoooow is it nearly April? Pretty sure Christmas was yesterday! But since spring is pounding on the door like an uninvited guest (seriously, I want it to still be January!), I suppose I better let it in and offer it cookies and tea or something. (Please don’t waste your precious lives trying to make sense of my analogies.) In honor of spring arriving and the urge to spring clean, my frabjous and brilliant friend Deborah O'Carroll has created a spring cleaning tag. But we’re…

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7th Blogoversary Celebration Day 1: #MyFirstPostRevisited Tag and Part One of the Q&A Vlog!

  • Post category:Life
  • Post comments:52 Comments

Happy Tuesday, my friends! Yes, I am posting on a Tuesday instead of Monday. That’s because this is a special week. IT’S THE WEEK OF MUSINGS OF AN ELF’S 7TH BLOGOVERSARY.   Tomorrow (March 14th) is the official blogoversary date, thus I will be posting today and tomorrow! Because why celebrate one day when you can spread the party for TWO days?! Can we just pretend we’re all hanging out in a room full of party decorations and eating cake together? Yes? YES. Today, to celebrate, I have two fun things going. Thing #1: I’m doing the #MyFirstPostRevisited Tag in…

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The Bibliophile Sweater Tag

Look at me, actually doing a tag I was tagged for! Confession: I love tags. They’re fun and clever and wonderful for when you can’t come up with that next blog post (which happens to me…a lot). But do I ever actually do the gazillions of tags I’m nominated for? Erm, no. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA. For some reason I just never get around to them or forget or…WHO EVEN KNOWS? But I do love them, I promise! ANYWAYS. About 187 years ago (a.k.a October), the most sunshiniest bean and my dear friend Mary @ Sunshine and Scribblings created…

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Dual Character Inquisition Tag – Larke and Marigold

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you all had a blessed Easter yesterday! Today I’m doing something fun. About 34543998 years ago (or a few months, but who’s counting?) I was tagged by Kate @ Story and Dark Chocolate for the Dual Character Inquisition Tag. Then, just recently, Tracey @ Adventure Awaits also tagged me for it. I’m sure all of you are aware that I’m the worst about never getting around to tags (which is odd, because I love tags! I am a paradox, guys), but this one I just had to do. Because, hello? IT’S ABOUT CHARACTERS. And you…

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Life Lessons Learned from Fantasy Tag

I have been tagged! And tagged with the best kind of tag, one that involves STORIES AND FANTASY. Only my favorite things of ever! As I mentioned last week, February is Fantasy Month thanks to our brilliant Jenelle Schmidt. To celebrate this fun month, she created the Life Lessons Learned from Fantasy Tag. And my dearest Deborah O'Carroll has tagged me for this awesome thing! Obviously I couldn’t pass that up. Fantasy is only my breath and blood!   Rules 1.) Link back to Jenelle's Blog 2.) Use the “February is Fantasy Month” image above 3.) Tell us 5-10 lessons…

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Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag {2016}

So apparently 2016 is halfway over and EXCUSE ME HOW DID THIS HAPPEN I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS. Shouldn’t it be like February still? Or at least March? Or NOT JULY?? Ahem. Since 2016 is being all rude and halfway over now (actually halfway plus a little over a week over but DETAILS), I’m joining in on the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag. Because BOOKS. And MID-YEAR. AND FREAKING OUT. Humongous thanks to my girl Deborah @ The Page Dreamer for passing this my way. Basically the point of this is to answer questions about the books you’ve read…

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‘Tis a Writer’s Life (Tag)

A while back (and by that I mean. . .in Janury) the amazing Jameson @ Lovely Whatsoevers (doesn’t she have the sweetest blog name?) tagged me for the Writer’s Life Tag. A tag about the writer’s life? Obviously I had to do it! Because, ya know, sometimes I consider myself a writer. *she says as she’s sprawled out alone in her room with her laptop blogging and drinking coffee* Yeah. Only sometimes. . . #thewriterslifeistheonlylife Ahem. Shall we? Questions Write-fuel: What do you eat/drink while writing?Being as how I literally have a cup of coffee in my hand while typing…

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The Bookshelf Tag

So lately (oh, who am I kidding? Since I started blogging) I’ve been the worst about not doing tags. I LOVE being tagged and am always so thrilled and honored when people pass them my way, and yet half the time I forget about them and never do them. I’m a horrible person, I am! It’s not ingratitude, it’s just a bad memory and laziness. Horrid. With that said, there was one tag I promised myself I was absolutely not going to forget and would do. It’s a tag all about my bookshelf and the books thereon. How could I…

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Favorite Screen Characters Tag

My very dear internet/writer/blogger buddy Tracey Dyck tagged me! She is one of the most loveliest, talented people I know. Every sentence she writes is like poetry. Seriously. Go follow her blog. Like, now. You won’t regret it, I promise! She’s awe-inspiring. Sooo technically she tagged me like a month ago. *coughity cough* I’m so behind on tags, it’s shameful. But this one I HAVE to do because it’s about screen characters. CHARACTERS, GUYS. If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time I’m sure you’ve gathered that talking about characters, any and every kind, is my favorite thing.…

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